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My antisocial ways are disturbing. I go to with friend to a bar tonight. But, I'm tired. This is my main problem with weekends. I hate going out on Friday night, because after work, the last thing I want to do is go in pressure-filled social situation. Then, Saturdays, I just want to relax all day... plus, I work quite a few Saturdays. Then, Sunday, I feel like doing stuff, but there's work the next day. I always have excuses. Anyway, my pal is probably getting her brains fucked out right now, while I went home like a loser at 10pm. Oh well. I'm just really, really not a crowd type person.


I'll reply to more stuff. Since I don't know what to talk about. Well, there's random sports things and other stuff... but, I'm not Bored enough for that currently.


GTFO Moulds. Bills will probably get a 4th round pick in exchange for him. Which is fine by me. What is the use of having recievers when you don't have anyone to get them the ball.


Somewhat true, I guess. But, I'm not ready to give up on Losman yet. I see there's talent there. He's quite mobile. He's got the arm strength. And he's definitely got the self-belief. Give him at least another year.


You know, I've always liked watching a team that's down by... like 30 points, and someone gets a sack, and then this whole big celebration starts with 2 or 3 linemen... like they just won their division and have home field advantage.


Indeed. The sack in one of those stats we'd probably be better off not having. It's really not a very significant play. Infact, I think it would be better for QB's if it didn't exist. They're always so worried about getting sacked... it's hardly the end of the world. INT's, can be.


People ask me how I can sit through an entire baseball game.


I think baseball is one of those things where you can only watch it intently and without boredom if you've played it.


That doesn't really work though.


For example, soccer is quite fun to play. But, there's no way in hell I'll ever watch an entire game. Even if it's the World Cup final.


I can watch an entire baseball game, but it HAS to be a playoff game. Then I can really get into it. I just don't put as much focus on game #whateverthefuck in the long ass season that is baseball.


Playoffs, I've come close to watching all of. I recall watching lots of the D-Backs/Yanks series. The Sox/Yanks shit turned me off again, though. Also, the Playoffs are hurt by the announcing. Listening to McCarver's incoherent non-stop babble cannot be tolerated for long. And ESPN has Berman in the early rounds. Ugh.


When I was 13 or so I was a big baseball and hockey fan. I would watch every game I could and be completely enthralled by it. However, today I don't watch too much sports at all.


Yeah, I'm kinda the same. Although, I'm not sure if it's me growing up... or growing restless with how sports has turned into big business, with so many spoiled athletes who obviously don't give a shit.


The only sport I can truly watch all the time is football. Mostly college football.


I love college football. But, only the very few games that mean anything. But, I shouldn't get into another rant about that. College bball, I usually can watch entire games. Mostly because they're shorter than 2 hours. However, with so many games going on, it's more enjoyable to hop around and watch bits of every game.


That's not nessecary true Ms. Leena. Not everyone is out to get you. There are some good people left on this planet. Have faith.


I know. But, sometimes, it's hard to get me to believe that. When you have TWO sets of parents that basically disowned you, one of which who enjoyed making me feel miserable... it's hard to believe in people. If your own family hates you, why should anyone else be better? But, whatevz. Family talk gets me so fucking pissed.


Like when you took a stab at me for managing a pizza place.


I was just being heelish then. Any job, is a good job. I truly mean that.


You tore your achilles ? How long ago did that happen ?


I've seen a few Marines go down with that before, some were because of stupid antics, and others were because they were working out, or being worked out, and they were pushed far beyond their normal maxium physical capabilities.


How does it affect you today ? I've rolled my ankles a few dozen times, and broken it once, and it still bothers me today.


About 6 years ago. Right before my senior year of tennis, which really fucking sucked. Gave me some hard lessons about life, and who your true friends are, though... so, I consider it worth it.


It doesn't bother me much, anymore. Although, the flexibility of my foot isn't the same. Mostly, the problems were mental. I was afraid to put all my weight on it for a couple years. And sprained ankles... I think I've sprained my right one at least 10 times. It got to the point where it barely bothered me when it happened. I wish I wasn't so damn clumsy and uncoordinated.


More tomorrow. I think I'll do a lookback at my most miserable sports viewing moments.


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Speaking of sprained ankles, I've sprained both my ankles over quite a bit from basketball. My left one moreso than my right. My left ankle now makes a snapping noise when I go up steps or if I rotate it in certain ways. If I go up too many steps, it starts to flare up and get sore. Sometimes the soreness doesn't go away for a day or two. A doctor told me that one of my many sprains tore a ligament which didn't heal properly and the snapping noise (sounds like a stick breaking) is part of my ligament snapping over the bone.


So yeah, sprained ankles suck ass.

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I know. But, sometimes, it's hard to get me to believe that. When you have TWO sets of parents that basically disowned you, one of which who enjoyed making me feel miserable... it's hard to believe in people. If your own family hates you, why should anyone else be better? But, whatevz. Family talk gets me so fucking pissed.


I can't particularally say that I know where you are coming from, or even understand the pain you've experienced.


The world is full of suffering, but it's also filled with overcoming it.


That's one of my favorite quotes.


I've been through a lot of hardships in my short existence. Many have been personality altering events, and some were close to making me call it quits for good. But, through it all, I overcame it. It's human nature to adapt to hard ships, and carry on living. Sure, things may have been painful then, but that's then, this is now. I always look towards what the future brings me, and it's nothing but opportunities awaiting. Yes, I amgetting medically discharged from the Marine Corps. Yes, that sucks, but, it means I get to go out and explore the world with a new outlook on life, and go to college, which is something I've wanted, but never had the guts to do, until now. Another example, my ex-girlfriends and I failed relationship. Yes, it hurt, and yes, it sucked her having a mis-carriage after six months of pregnancy. Yes, it especially was hurtful when she and her entire family blamed me. It rocked my world. Losing the girl I considered my first, and only love AND having her accuse me of murdering our unborn child crippled my every emotion. I'm not going to try and feed you a crock of shit here, it still bothers me today. But, I remain focused, and pay attention to my future, because apparently I wasn't supposed to have a child yet, or be married yet. I am a firm believer in fate.


Don't let some horrible influences in your life cripple you. You're young, smart, attractive, and has a lot to offer to someone, and especially to yourself. Everyone is capable of doing great things, and being happy, don't fight yourself, just let it happen.


About 6 years ago. Right before my senior year of tennis, which really fucking sucked. Gave me some hard lessons about life, and who your true friends are, though... so, I consider it worth it.


It doesn't bother me much, anymore. Although, the flexibility of my foot isn't the same. Mostly, the problems were mental. I was afraid to put all my weight on it for a couple years. And sprained ankles... I think I've sprained my right one at least 10 times. It got to the point where it barely bothered me when it happened. I wish I wasn't so damn clumsy and uncoordinated.


Injuries suck. If you've happend to read my blog, you'll see what I am talking about. I just gotta be careful, you know ?


As for your ankle, that really blows. There's other ways to know your true friends than extreme pain, or at least, I think so.


I've always thought the same thing about injuries. It's all mental. The human mind is a very, very powerful thing. People often underestimate it. Like for example, I have a rather large, and noticible scar on my left forearm. I used to be a cook for six years, and the man who trained me had been through some horrific accidents, and injuries. It's a miracle he is still able to walk. Anyway, he flat out told me "Sean, you are going to get burnt when you are working in this kitchen. It's going to hurt, but you don't have time to worry about that, your focus should be clearing the ticket wheel, making the customers happy, and helping your mother keep the restaurant open." Sure enough, I got burnt. It was tremendously painful. A 100 pound grill scrapper fell on my arm, and it burnt through about an inch and a half of my arm. It was quite gruesome. But, I remembered what he had said to me, I focused, not on the pain, but something else, I cant remember what right now, but it was something that puts me in a euphoric type feeling, like a nice warm shower. I turned off the pain switch. And ever since that time, I've been able to do it, like breaking my arm and leg since joining the Corps, slipping a disc in my back, having a slight heartattack a month ago, etcetera.


Whew. Sorry for such the long reply, and personal stories and such.

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