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4/23: Stinky Houses, Drivers

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• I’m not a hunter, but generally I don’t make fun of people that like to do this sort of thing. Personally, getting up at 4 a.m., going out to the wilderness, sitting around in the cold, damp morning air and waiting for a defenseless animal to walk into your sights is not my idea of a good time. However, if it floats your boat, then good for you. Then again, I have to ask what is so impressive about shooting a deer or turkey with a gun or arrow? Go kill a bear or mountain lion with just a knife and your wits; then you can really hang that animal's head up on your wall with pride. Oh, and when the animals fight back, I’ll be rooting for them. Not because I hate hunters, mind you, but rather I’m a sucker for the underdog, or in this case, underbear.


• Well the baptism thingy I talked about in yesterday’s entry went off without a hitch, for the most part. The mother-in-law decided to take over and pass the kid around, but that’s the worst which happened so all-in-all it wasn’t a bad day. We then went to the restaurant, where we were supposed to eat at 4 p.m. – we didn’t actually start eating until 5 p.m., and by the time we got out of that place it was past 7 p.m., so that was a nice chunk of 5+ hours on my day off. Oh well, it’s not like this chick is going to pop out another kid anytime soon, or at least for nine months.


• I’m sure many of you would agree with me that the winter months produce more automobile accidents and delays, but goddamn whenever spring really starts to get in effect the carnage seems just as bad. My commute from work been at least 10-15 minutes longer each day because of more traffic, accidents, broken-down vehicles and road construction projects which have the orange barrels/cones up with nobody actually working at the scene. And on top of that, there seemingly has been at least one car accident per day on the highway I drive on. At least when there’s snow falling down, the only people you have to worry about are the idiots with four-wheel drive going 60+ mph; when the weather’s nice it seems everyone thinks they’re a NASCAR driver.


• I was watching SportsCenter this morning, and they brought up a stat that talked about the NHL referees actually calling penalties in this year’s Stanley Cup Playoffs. It’s about goddamn time. I like hard-hitting hockey as much as the next person, but not at the expense of illegally clutching and grabbing a team’s star skill players and hampering the on-ice product. I never understood why officials allowed teams around this time of year to get away with play that would have netted them a penalty in the regular season. Hopefully, enforcing the rules will continue on into the later rounds and make the NHL as a whole better.


• I don’t know what would stink more: Your house getting blasted with 3,000 gallons worth of sewage, or hearing your local government promise they will clean up and repair the damage to your residence. In the article it says the house has a tax value of $101k while estimates for cleanup range from $75-150k – if I were this poor family, I’d rather pack up and move than to rely on the government to clean my, literal, shithole up.

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I'll go on record and say I hate hunters. Not hunters who actually eat what they kill, but the sport fucks can all burn in hell. And they will.

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Hunters, are strange creatures. (In a less respectable blog, I would have made the easy Triple H slam). I used to date this girl and her father was a huge avid hunter. Think of every stereotype you can about hunters and multiply it by 10, that was him.


He dragged me to this deer hunt, where him and about 8 of his work buddies went to some woods in upper Indiana. I should have checked to see if it was even legal to hunt there but 8 semi-drunk hunters with guns? I wasn't going to insist.


We sat there and no one said a word for about 4 hours and nothing ever appeared. Not even a fucking rabbit or anything. Another four hours passed and still not a word or any action. Next thing I knew, they were getting up and started to load up the vans and my gf's father motioned for me to drive (since I hadn't drank). We left. 8 hours of "hunting", 4 hours in the car...one of the strangest days of my life.


I broke up with that girl a few weeks later (not because of that)


It's a shame too, because I believe that father was the only one who ever really "liked" me of all the girlfriends I've had.

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I can understand "hunters" who spend more time in the cabin getting drunk than actually hunting; after all, it's like a "guys weekend out." The really scary ones are those that use deer pee, or whatever that stuff is, and take it way too seriously.

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