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I Hate Keisha Cole

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Gary Floyd


Ok, I don't really hate Keisha Cole. I just hate the fact that I have to hear the song "Love" every Goddamn day. For Christ sake, It's not even a good song.


Anyways, here's some other stuff


I can't believe that I forgot to add this to my worst things on tv right now: MadTV. This show is the second worse thing on TV right now. Have I ever mentioned that I want to see Alex Borstein, Michael McDonald, and Will Sasso slowly tortured in the most excrutiating ways possible for their work on that show?


As I promised, here's my guilty pleasures of TV, past and present.


Jerry Springer I think that ever since they got rid of the sleezy sounding announcer and put in pool dancers and came up with lame catchphrases ("Jerry Berries" anyone?), it's become less entertaining. Anyways, I will admit though, that back in the day, I loved to watch Jerry Springer. Trash TV at it's best. One of the most underrated moments of the show: A white man proposes to his black girlfriend on national TV-in front of the Klan-and she says yes. Sappy, but for some reason, I thought it was kinda sweet.


Kim Possible Yea, there's some lame jokes on the show, but the jokes that hit really hit. Plus, it's had both Brian Posehn and Patton Oswald on it. I'm just mentioning that because I think those two are hilarious.


Super Milk Chan Fact: I got a dirty look from an Anime geek yesterday for admitting I like that show. Yes, because God forbid I have guilty pleasures. This show is incredibly stupid, but I still love it. Also, I love the references to Japanese Wrestlers, and the President. Oh, and the fact that it's essentially a satire of modern day Japanese Pop Culture (notice how the main character essentially stands against everything Japanese Society accepts). I've always called the Japanese zombie movie "Stacy" the "Super Milk Chan of Zombie Movies" for the fact that it gets a lot of detractors, but I still love it, and it's more cleaver than it appears.


Knightrider Come on, who hates "Knightrider?" I loved this show as a kid, and I still watch it whenever I have the chance to now. Plus, Kit is better than all of you.


Teen Titans Well, the first three seasons at least. Season four was disappointing (and overrated) with the exception of Ron Perlman returning as the voice of Slade, and Season five outright sucked, and ended (along with the series) with a weak conclusion. Also, Slade is probably the creepiest villain right now in American Animation.


Hamtaro I don't care what anyone says: Little Hamsters going on adventures= greatness.







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