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Backlash thoughts

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Hunter's Torn Quad


Interesting to see that Vince's match gets the first video package of the opening.


Carlito vs. Masters was better than a lot of people probably thought it would be. Masters messing up a two-count appeared to be down to him thinking it was the finish, as Carlito's cover for the actual pin was the same, but for the finish he used the ropes, and it looked like Masters got confused.


Umaga vs. Flair was a virtual squash match. Funny line from Ross asking how often Flair has been beaten this decisively. If the idea is for Flair to headline Vengeance, he needs a lot of rebuilding, because novelty stuff doesn't draw well if it lacks any kind of value in the first place, and Flair losing like this can only damage whatever novelty value his 'last run' at the WWE title has.


James vs. Stratus was short and nowhere as good as their match last month. The finish was strange, but it probably had a purpose.


Shelton vs. RVD was very good and I'd like to see a PPV rematch down the line. With RVD getting the IC Title, I can see him winning the WWE Title at One Night Stand, something being done to take the WWE Title away, but then RVD keeping the IC Title and somehow that becomes part of the ECW Title.


Kane vs. Big Show wasn't very good, and the angle with the lights and the voice was terrible. This is a storyline, due to the movie tie-in, that is meant to draw money, but angles where you cannot suspend your disbelief, even in the slightest, never draw. And this was an angle that you couldn't even begin to lose yourself in. Just terrible overall.


Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels and 'GOD'. The pre-match was terrible comedy that only someone living in their own little world could come up with and think would mean anything. Making the match No Holds Barred was a great way to steal heat from the main event, the match that IS meant to draw, because it allowed this match to do crazy shit to make the crazy shit in the main event less special. Then again, this company is now solely the vehicle for the ego of two people, one of whom owns it, and the other person being someone who will own it. The match itself, when not hampered by the terrible 'God' comedy, was decent garbage fare until the nonsensical ending, and, unfortunately, it looks like this crap has still got a way to go before it ends.


The main event was a classic example of the guy getting put over the most not the guy winning the match. Cena may have won the match but it was, as usual, Hunter getting put over strong, both with the blade job and by leaving everyone, including the referee, laying. As is standard for Cena matches, the reactions were mixed and very strong, and the idea that some people have that Cena is only getting 'X-Pac heat' was proven to be laughable.


Overall, Backlash was a decent PPV, but not worth the $34.95 that some would have paid for it, and with how the main event got devalued as the event drew closer, I don't see Backlash getting anywhere near the buy rate that you know WWE will expect it to get.

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Mr. HTQ, I do have a brief question for you as a seeker or truth and justice...


Why is it that your post PPV analysis often contains questions or comments which are outdated based on the listed time of posting? The best example would be the WrestleMania 22 thoughts, posted on April 7th - 4 days after the post-PPV Raw - making reference to a "possible" break up of Carlito and Masters and "whoever ends up" taking the belts from Kane and Big Show. By this date, there was both an official break up and tag title switch.


This PPV, questions about the "odd finish" to Trish vs. Mickie are being raised, long after the world has been informed of Trish receiving a legit injury.


The reason I ask this is that overall these are very good, well thought out pieces of writing, but reading lines that make you appear oblivious to events that have happened or been reported strike me as odd. The post-WM thing, I can assume you just didn't watch the show (even though I would assume you have read results or been aware of conversation of the forum) but the ignoring of Trish's injury seems odd (you seem like someone who is very up to date on his news).


Are these just written way and advance and posted later?


I'm just rambling about nothing, really... keep up the good work.



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Why is it that your post PPV analysis often contains questions or comments which are outdated based on the listed time of posting?

Because I stay away from all wrestling sites until I am able to watch the PPV in question so I can avoid spoilers of any kind.

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