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So, when is the media going to let it go?

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Of course, by it, I mean the Lakers-Suns series.


First of all, why is ESPN reporting this, "One story circulating among the Suns is that Bryant strongly encouraged teammates not to linger on the floor after the final buzzer for post-series handshakes"? Kobe can't "force" anyone to do anything. Unless you believe that woman from Eagle, CO, in which case you can freely believe she's correct. Not my problem.


Secondly, why the fuck are the Suns still thinking about this? Focus on your next series, don't worry about the Lakers anymore. They're going to get smoked tonight if they're still thinking about #8..er..#24.


I expect them to demolish the Clippers, thanks for asking.


Lakers offseason. Oh man, Mitch Kupchak is going to fuck this up. He always does. Let's spend our Full MLE on Vlade Divac. OOPS, we'll buy him out at the tune of 2 million. Let's try Aaron Mckie. OOPS. Those two didn't even play a full 6 games combined. Oh well, that's Mitchell.


Wants, I'm going to be very realistic and stick within possibilities.


Melvin Ely

Al Harrington (Sign and trade. More feasible than it sounds, very need based from ATL's perspective. They know they aren't keeping him. If the Lakers do this, the 07-08 plan goes right into the shitter. That's what I want, I'm sick of fucking plans. First with my hockey team, now this? Fuck that shit.)

Marcus Banks

Reggie Evans (I'm serious.)

Brevin Knight


Do not wants.


Carlos Boozer

Bobby Jackson. (Would almost be worth it just to keep him from killing LA again.)

Sam Cassell (Iffy on this one.)




Iverson. I don't know why, I just love this guy's passion for the game.

I'd rather they didn't trade for Garnett unless they get presented with something that doesn't involve Bynum. It won't happen.




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