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I love the world

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Hawk 34


It might stand, right now as the best weekend of the year for me. In fact, it was. Without any doubt in my mind, I'll remember the weekend of May 20/21 for quite some time.


How often does a childhood crush come to fruition when you least expected it(observe the thread in LSD regarding my ex and her boyfriend)? I hadn't expected it to occur but I'm glad I did. How often do you find the girl that everyone always said was the one for you, and you knew it all along but it never could happen and you let it go by and you moved on.


I spent all day with her saturday, embracing the sun with her friends and her family. I don't know what led to this, it just happened with a kiss that sent a pop bang shot through my heart.


There are different kinds of kisses, that kiss was the kind of kiss that blows you away. The kind of kiss that is 100x better then some worthless fuck, the type of kiss that lingers physically and emotionally for awhile.


She is away on vacation right now and I'm already counting the days til I see her again and start something, that will probably define not only myself, her but my childhood and my future to come.


I spent the last few months feeling down because of two girls that made me down. One girl cheated on me (something that has been covered well enough here) and the other girl, who was my best friend and I guess in some ways, still is but losing her questioned my will to give "love" another try.


Things have a way of working out for you, if you let it happen.


You can be a worthless loser like WP's gimmick and always think about it, but never actually do anything. He'll never know moments like this weekend, he'll never realize that a stripper is paid to flirt and smile at him. He can try to play Freud and analyze my relationships but he can't talk about something he never been through. WP, might be able to analyze a wrestling match to intricate details but he can't speak on love or anything remotely similar to it.


I'd rather actually do the real thing, feel the realness with the chill down her spine sending her into shivers.




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You can be a worthless loser like WP's gimmick and always think about it, but never actually do anything. He'll never know moments like this weekend, he'll never realize that a stripper is paid to flirt and smile at him. He can try to play Freud and analyze my relationships but he can't talk about something he never been through. WP, might be able to analyze a wrestling match to intricate details but he can't speak on love or anything remotely similar to it.


I'd rather actually do the real thing, feel the realness with the chill down her spine sending her into shivers.




Wrestling is love my friend.


I am working on myself. Right now I'm not in an ideal situation to be chasing girls but hopefully I will be in the future.


One of the things that hit me hard and helped to give me some more confidence (Yes, I used to be way worse than I was) was when I realised that my highschool crush who was incredibly nice and attractive (and I've never had a crush that was even close to this one before) seemed from all accounts to actually like me. So I can relate to crushes somewhat. I still have a crush on her to this day and respect her tremendously as well because of her kindness and work ethic. Too bad for me she's married now.

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Get out of my blog, WP.


Fair enough, I'll leave but I don't understand how you would not expect me to respond when you wrote the whole last paragraph about me after using me as an example of what not to do in life.


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I can relate to a lot of the feelings and situations you're describing and it sounds like you've got something really special about to come into your life, I hope it works out for you :)

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