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6/23: #82, The Magic Of Real And Virtual Baseball

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KKK’s Top 103 Posters


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Number 82: Special K.

I don’t really have much to say about Special K. I see him around; he seems OK enough, case closed. However, what puts him at number 82 on my list is the phenomenon that was his “Hey everybody, I finally got laid" thread. At first everyone was happy for Mr. K and his newfound poon, but as the posts went on, and we all got to learn that he enjoys eating pussy, people began to turn on him.


And now a word or four from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From EricMM:

Goggles! Goggles! Whatever else he does, this guy will always be defined by his torrid love affair with an older woman. A woman who took his heart and dashed it to pieces, against the rocks of the casual hook-up. Oh, you were in love? Whoops.


From Carnival:

Spiecial K - Too much Acid and Alcohol, this man has gotta be legally insane. I suggest talking to him on Yahoo, if you like to be repeatedly asked your age. I'm 24, K! God Dam


From Lovecraft:

Special K is one of my favorite posters. A real funny, who's quoted Kids in the Hall (a major plus). Basically, he kicks ass.


From Black Lushus:

Special K is good people...I lovingly refer to him as Sped K sometimes because he can certainly have his moments...I have to take a post he makes in the wee hours of the morning with a grain of salt usually because he appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or a lack of sleep or a combination of the 3. That being said, he is really one of the better posters here, we have similar interests. He's a swell guy in my book!


• Once again ESPN is showing its bias toward the heartland of this country. This network pops wood every time the Yankees and Red Sox meet up, and I’ve had it with this preferential treatment. I mean, the Pirates and Royals just wrapped up their inter-league series and I didn’t see a blip of coverage on this clash of the Titans. Ohhhh, Roger Clemens is pitching in Houston again. Fuck that. You can have your “Rocket Returns,” storyline; give me Freddy Sanchez fielding a ball and throwing it to first base. Give me Paul Maholm pitching 4.3 innings while only giving up seven runs. Damn you East-Coast bias.


• Speaking of baseball, here’s the neat thing about the sport. The Chicago White Sox just swept the St. Louis Cardinals. The first two games they won 20-6 and 13-5. The third they won 1-0. You never know what you’ll get with each game. UPDATE: Just heard the Cards accused the Sox of stealing signs for the first two games, lol.


• So I’ve gotten to the last week of April for my MVP 2005 franchise, and I’m really digging playing every game in my organization, from the A-Lynchburg Hillcats to the Shittsburgh Pirates. When I play Madden or NHL’06 I wait until the end of the season to tweak sliders, although with MVP I’ll be doing this every month of the season. The games are realistic for me except for the fact I can’t hit a home run if my life depended on it. For instance, the “slugger” on my Pirates team with one (maybe even two!) dingers is Benito Santiago. However, last night’s win with the AAA-Indianapolis Indians showed me who my newest slugger could be: Pitcher Joe Roa, who last night belted a three-run homer. Oh well, I’ll take any round-tripper I can get. I’m also going to have to tweak the pitching and base stealing sliders a bit, but the lack of home runs are really what’s killing me. Although my games are tilted toward 3-1/5-2 contests, I’ve always been partial to pitching duels rather than home-run derbys anyway.


• One radio commercial that has been annoying me lately are these ads for the Home Depot. The people in these ads talk about how great it’s going to be to get a new BBQ set or some refurbished room. When they list the reasons why this is going to be great, the last, and “most important,” thing they say is, “Best of all, I won’t have to pay a thing for it until 2007.” Yeah, and then when 2007 comes around you still won’t have the money for pay for whatever you purchased and fall even deeper in debt. Just because spending money you don't have works in the public sector doesn't mean you'll be able to get away with it in the real world.

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Remember last summer when The Cardinals accused our Pirates of stealing signs? I think we can safetly assume they were wrong there.

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