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6/24: #81, Being Hard On Editorials/ACLU

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KKK's Top 103 Posters


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Number 81: Agent of Oblivion

Last I heard, Agent still ships out cancer sticks at a warehouse and drives big trucks. He was one of the more entertaining mods during his tenure in that position of power, especially with that post count vortex thing. And although he considered me the worst poster of 2004, can anyone really blame him for that? I haven’t seen him around much; I'm guessing he's still off making Aryan babies. Happy drilling.


And now a word or three from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From Porter:

He is a fellow Bears fan which is a plus. I always thought he was a pretty cool poster but he seems to have vanished from the board.


From SFA Jack:

I mostly enjoy Agent’s posts, even though he’s definitely not a guy I’d ever hang out with in the real world. But that’s cool, because he wouldn’t hang out with me either.


From EricMM:

I hope he sold that fucking truck already. He's been proud of having more years in his life than MPG's from his truck for entirely too long. Seriously I can remember expecting quality posts from this guy, but lately, I haven't seen too many posts at all... But a good egg, nonetheless.


• Remember a while back when I was torn between which local publication to get my weekly coupons from -- the Shittsburgh Post-Gazette, which is a liberal rag; or the Shittsburgh Tribune-Review, who pissed me off regarding my subscription. Well, a recent editorial by the Post-Gazette has once again given the Trib a few more points in the "keep and re-subscribe" category. For those that don't know, there's this guy in Philadelphia that has a cheese steak shop which has the sign: ""This is America. When ordering, 'Speak English.' " Apparently, the Post-Gazette, with a headline titled "On immigrants, Santorum sends a worrisome sign," sides with the chairman of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, who said, "Even though this may not have been the intent of Geno's, the presence of the sign harkens back to a time when signs stating, 'no colored allowed,' 'Whites only,' 'no Jews,' or 'no Italians or Irish need apply,' often greeted patrons of public places." Whatever, you fucking dipshit. What also made me laugh was the Gazette's comment of "Mr. Vento remains defiant, while conservative commentators and others upset about the presence of illegal immigrants rally to his cause." Yeah, those wacky extremists that think people coming across the U.S. border is a bad thing.


• It's nice to know that the ACLU, the supposed defenders of the freedom of speech, sue school boards when they remove books about the happy life of Commie Cubans, stating that "the school board should add materials with alternate viewpoints rather than remove books that could be offensive." But yet the ACLU wants to impose a speech code forbidding its individual directors from publicly stating their disagreement with an ACLU decision or policy.


• I can't opine on this article, because every time I start reading it I cringe. Sorry.


A former handyman has won more than $400,000 in a lawsuit over a penile implant that gave him a 10-year erection.


Charles "Chick" Lennon, 68, received the steel and plastic implant in about two years before Viagra went on the market. The Dura-II is designed to allow impotent men to position the penis upward for sex, then lower it.


But Lennon could not position his penis downward. He said he could no longer hug people, ride a bike, swim or wear bathing trunks because of the pain and embarrassment. He has become a recluse and is uncomfortable being around his grandchildren, his lawyer said.




The implant consists of a series of plastic plates strung together with steel surgical wire, almost like a roll of wrapped coins. Springs press against the plates, creating enough surface tension to simulate an erection, D'Alessandro said.

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I don't know. I've had the same thoughts regarding that "english Only" sign. The problem is that there are many, many Spanish speaking people here legally, especially via Puerto Rico which is both American territory, and primarily Spanish. Can we inhibit travel to our own territory, or go down and force the whole island to learn English. Then you have the tourist trade, where you have many people who come to Philadelphia from Europe, and the plethera of languages there.


I don't think it's the government's job to get involved here. If it causes problems, people should simply not patronize the establishment. But I've noticed a lot of commonality between people saying "kick the immigrants out," and people saying "speak English." I'm not comfortable with making English the official language. In fighting illegal immigration, we should not make life a burden on legal immigrants, many of whom ARE trying to learn our language (and let's face it, it's difficult).

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For me the problem isn't necessarily to "speak English," but rather the unwillingness to assimilate. And if you don't think the government should get involved, do you think it warrants "civil rights" action?

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