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6/28: Being A Dick About Gerrymandering

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• I think I said a while ago about how if I had my choice to take a workday off it would be Monday. This is because it’s nice to have the three-day weekend and arrive to work with only four more days until the next break. However, I think my second choice of days would be Wednesday. This is because it nicely breaks the workweek up into a couple of two-day parts. Why do I mention this? Take a guess.


• I mentioned this at the other place, but I feel it needs repeating to all my soon-to-be-married TSM brethren. If your better half wants to take a portion of your wedding cake, stick it in the freezer and consume it on your one-year anniversary, do yourself a favor and don’t swallow. Trust me on this one.


• I haven’t watched O’Reilly’s show in a while, and last night I tuned into a segment where he was talking with two defense lawyers about Rush’s latest, err, run-in with the law. While it’s the typical formula for a cable news program to have guests with differing points of view, I found it funny that one of the defense lawyers was basically saying Rush was totally at fault and how he was responsible for the whole predicament, tossing away any idea that the local Palm Beach powers-that-be might be on a witch hunt of sorts. Now I don’t care about this story; I don’t even care what your opinion is of this incident. What I found hilarious was that a DEFENSE LAWYER was putting the blame on the DEFENDANT in this situation; it was odd hearing from one of these bottom-feeders to say that a "law-breaker" got what he deserved.


• So politicians in a state’s majority party might redistrict some seats around so their political party might reap even greater election gains? Get the hell out of here. And what is with these whiny bitches in Texas complaining about new congressional districts? Gerrymandering is an American tradition as sweet as apple pie. Democrats do it. Republicans do it. Hell, the Green Party would do it if they every got enough of their moonbats elected to office.


• The new Superman movie is now playing, and the film’s actors and actresses are making their rounds on the talk-show circuit pimping it like any good spokesperson does. I must admit I’m not a big fan of Superman, or of comic book characters in general. I’m not going to diss comic books, but they’re just not my thing. I bought some as a kid, but found video games to be more of a priority with my limited resources. I must say though that I have always been partial to Batman, and I used to own a few of his comic books as a kid. Another character I liked was the Punisher. I read somewhere that Frank Castle was the only Marvel “superhero” who was a normal human being; no superpowers – just lots of guns. Whether or not that’s true, I don’t know. There was another comic book character I read some of when I was a kid, and that was Sgt. Rock. Basically, this was a WWII character and he killed lots of Krauts and had some pseudo-fling with a French chick. The reason I remember this guy is because the one time I went to a comic book fair/convention as a kid I was able to buy a dozen or so of his older editions for just a few dollars. Oh, and if you haven’t seen this Web site before, I recommend it wholeheartedly; be warned, you won’t see Superman the same way ever again.

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