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6/30: #79, Pumped Up About Commie Judges

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KKK's Top 103 Posters


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Number 79: Treble

He crashed my 10,000 post celebration and he didn’t like my use of "..." after posts back when I used to do this. However, he has known me before Mumia, and if you’re going to make fun of me take a note from him because he does is good. Also, you can't really blame the Office Glen for crashing my threads, considering I have derailed a few of his on occasion.


And now a word from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From Kingofthe909:

Good guy. Really needs to change that avatar and ban wildpegasus. Whoa, did I say that last part? I believe I did. Please, for the love of God, do it.


• So I watched O’Reilly the other day for the first time in a while, so I figured what the hell and turned on Hannity & Colmes last night. The topic they were bitching about for this particular segment was some hick school putting up a picture of Jesus. This of course brings the Separation of Church/State Nazis and my buddy the Fascist Barry Lynn. I swear to Christ (no pun intended) if I ever see this guy in real life I might take a shovel to his noggin. Anyway, what got my attention was when Alan Colmes said, when defending the Fascist Barry Lynn, the usual talking point of “what if other religions did this?” Alan then posed the question of whether or not Christians would be so accommodating if a picture of Mohammad was posted instead. Actually, I think that would be great if this...


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...got posted in our government schools. And if any offended Muslims are reading this (and I doubt you are because one of the worst things you can do to a Muslim male is present him with any technology that was created after 400 A.D.), remember, this isn't your sacred prophet. It's Larry. So save your jihad for something else, like those people that molest produce in the grocery store for 20 minutes before putting the shit back down and leaving.


• Well, Andrea Yates is getting a new trial (and is no longer seeing Satanic ducks and teddy bears on her cell walls) but hey, look at this. A man charged with kidnapping, raping and killing 9- year-old Jessica Lunsford just had a judge say that his confession isn’t admissible in court because the cops didn't grant him a lawyer. Although this guy will still "probably" (you never know with juries nowadays) be found guilty, shit like this only re-affirms my stance that if someone harms your family in any way you kill the fucker before some robed pinko decides that a "life" in "life sentence" means the lifespan of a fruit fly. And while I'm on the subject of judges, what the fuck?


A Creek County jury late Thursday convicted a former judge who was accused of exposing himself by using a sexual device while he presided over court cases.


Although it's nice to know that WASPy professionals aren't the only ones in trouble for whipping it out (allegedly, of course).


On March 30, Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin was drunk and masturbating when he crashed his luxury SUV into a parked Suburban outside a store in Minneapolis, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday by the man whose Suburban was hit in the crash.
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