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7/1: #78, Observations From A Fast-Food Vet

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KKK’s Top 103 Posters


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Number 78: Kahran Ramsus


Whenever a bunch of immature dolts get together to wax politic on a message board, things can sometimes get out of hand. Thank goodness we have mods like Kahran Ramsus to keep us hoes in line. I haven’t talked much to him during my time here, but he’s one of the people that make this place go ‘round. And when he signed up in my football contest last year, I got the pleasure of interacting with him more than when he just closes threads I help queer up.


And now a word or two from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed. (And yes, this really is her.)


From Cancer Marney:

Too sensible to warrant an opinion, though occasionally he'll take some delight in watching teachers' unions and creationists get slapped down. Not a bad guy.


From EricMM:

Speaking of legendary avatars. This conservative gets my respect for being a fan of good videogames, despite being a seeming mouthpiece for the AEI, to my recollection. A good egg nonetheless.


Chazz1998 recently asked me a question regarding my 6/25 entry about how some cashiers get the “deer in headlights” look when thrown a curveball by a customer. He asked, “I was just wondering whenever you handled register duties at a previous job and had a "deer in the headlights" moment, did any customer's ever give you shit about it?” Well, I was a teen-ager, and I was a male, so the answer to this is: Oh hell yes. I spent my formative years working on the front lines of entry-job hell: fast food. While in high school, I gained much wisdom from the many adventures I encountered along the way. My first pearl of insight is: Never piss off fast-food workers when it’s 15 minutes until closing time and you can’t see what they are doing with your food. Another observation is if you don’t want to have your customers throw a tantrum, put a reasonably good-looking chick at register instead of a dopey guy. Believe me, this works. Whenever the slightest thing went wrong with an order I was responsible for, even if I had nothing to do with the snafu, the customer usually acted like I had just wiped my crack with the Shroud of Turin and asked him if he would like to super-size his order.


Here's a trip down memory lane regarding this subject. I was working register for McDonald’s with another cashier when suddenly we got hit with one of the most chaotic dinner rushes I have witnessed anywhere. Not only were we at least 10 orders deep, but drive-thru was getting swamped as well. Now I’m know I have been a part of busier shifts, but what made this suck was that we were so under-staffed for this. My "deer in headlights" moment came when this family ordered something like 10 cheeseburgers that had to be made a special way, without the onions I think. Well, when my special order came up, it was grouped with a bunch of other burgers. When I went to put bag my order, I realized that a drive-thru chick who got to this pile before me didn’t notice the special order slip for my order and just took a handful of cheeseburgers, swiping several of mine. Of course this was my fault and the head of this household blurted out to me, “Well you better find which ones are our; WE PAY YOUR WAGES!”


The reason I bring this story up is because had I been in the back making these beef discs and an attractive female co-worker been dealing with the customers, she probably wouldn’t have had much, if any, criticism directed toward her. How do I know this? I’ve witnessed enough times this magic happen, especially if the person who’s doing the ordering is a man. I guess these guys think that if they act kind and cordial that somehow an attractive cashier will ask to suck his dick in the restroom or something. Now there are exceptions to this; homely looking girls manning a register are just the same as if a guy was standing there. Also, if the male customer is with a date, then this false chivalry might not happen. However, more times than not, greeting a customer who walks through the doors, or pulls up to a drive-thru window, with a pretty face will lessen the chance of them getting pissed off should their order be made wrong up or delayed.

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We do this at work. It's not limited to fast food services. Even a conveyor manufactoring plant like us, knows the value of a good looking good as the main representive.


The FIRST thing our customers and potential buyers see when they walk into our building is our insanely beautiful sales rep assistant (she is married but they don't know this). She leads them on a brief tour and warms them up for me and the others in charge.


Yes; she gets paid a good amount of money because she's beautiful as hell. I can assure you if we put some dope who might actually know more about our products out there(like me? gasp!), we wouldn't get 1/2 the jobs we get.


Pussy sells.

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When that asshole gave you the "we pay your wages line", did you go off on him or were you able to remain professional?

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I did neither. Hence the "deer in headlights." I was just a young buck back then; this was part of my learning process regarding stupid customers. We all have to learn somehow.

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I think that a huge part of the learning experiance for all young people should be a stint in the food service industry. Talk about learning a small dose of humility and compassion.


Fuckers who give $.50 tips on $29.50 checks, people who yell at cashiers new at their job, these people are the worst. If your life is so shitty that you can only get some sort of self worth by ordering your waiter around at Applebees with inane requests and rerequests, you need some self improvement.


I don't act like a dick because I got sick of dicks working in short order cooking, Baskin Robbins, and Subway.


Oh and of course pretty young things are the first line of defense. They're good at it, and by that age they know it. Duh.

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