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7/6: #76, Encompassing My Opinions (Part II)

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KKK's Top 103 Posters


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Number 76: Your Paragon of Virtue


He's harmless enough when talking about current events, back when I used to do that sort of thing. He seems to be interested in the wrestling/fighting topics of this place, which I generally stay away from (although he's not a Raw fan anymore). He tried his hand (and voice) at TSM "radio," and didn't do that bad a job. While a commie, we do share some common ground. We both think Britney Spears is a "slut" for having kids after marriage. We also agree Marshall Faulk was a better running back than Emmitt Smith. But most importantly, we two prudes don't find this all that appealing.


And now a word or two from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From Black Lushus:

I like this kid...of all the MMA dorks on the board, he's actually cool to interact with when talking about wrestling.


From Cancer Marney:

Too PC, and too high and mighty about his ethnicity, but might have decent instincts. Hard to tell given how much of a pussy he is, though.


Below is Part II of my journey with the Political Compass just to find out where in that broad spectrum I land -- am I just a notch below Hitler or to the right of George W. Bush? Place your bets now.




People are ultimately divided more by class than by nationality.




Sure America’s poverty levels aren’t quite the same as the rest of the world’s, but I fear the tax rate that will befall me should the white, ghetto and burro trash ever unite for one common cause. Better to keep them angry at each other than focused on evil suburbanites like myself.


Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment.




Yeah, it’s nice to have a job. But it’s even nicer not to have to spend a day’s paycheck on a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread.


Because corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment, they require regulation.




As much as I like libertarians, I don’t buy their notion of “End regulation because when a factory dumps sewage into the local river, they’re dumping it into THEIR river, too!” Now we can debate as to how much regulation should be conducted on said factory, but that's not the question at hand.


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a fundamentally good idea.




The only reason I don’t add the “Strongly” before this answer is because the question includes the word “fundamentally,” which tells me the questioner is trying to say that this idea would work in Happy World, where everything is pure and good. This ain’t happy world. Every idea looks good on paper. Having it work in the real world is a different matter altogether. For some reason I'm taken back to that South Park "hippie" episode where a doper says something like, "Yeah man, we ought to live together in one big community. There could be one person just make the bread for us all," to which Stan replies, "You mean a baker?"


It's a sad reflection on our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product.




Years ago I may have tended to agree with this one, but hey, if you don’t like the taste of your water, then let the free market be your guide. Besides, we’re always bitching about how fat our kids are. Maybe instead of buying them a can of Pepsi at the Quickie Mart, a bottle of water might be a better purchase. And what about if there’s a water main break in your neighborhood? Thanks to this thing called capitalism, you can go out and buy a gallon or two of H2O at a decent price to tide you over until your drinking water becomes sanitary again.


Land shouldn't be a commodity to be bought and sold.




Not only should land be bought and sold, it should be fought over, too. However, one thing land shouldn’t be is taken by your government thanks to five red diaper doper babies from one private owner to be given to another private owner just because that person claims he can generate more tax revenue from this land, thus contributing to the “greater good” of the community. Come on Ginsburg and Stevens, retire those old asses of yours before 2008.


It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society.




It’s too bad that this is how George Soros got his wealth and power, but hey, such is life. More power to him for manipulating the system; too bad I didn't think of it first. If so, I could have made some really cool Group 527 political ads during the 2004 election.


Protectionism is sometimes necessary in trade.




This is a tough one for me. I’m a peon of the free market, but because the word “sometimes” is used I’ll gingerly go to the “agree” side of this issue. Sometimes you might need to fight fire with fire, although both sides usually end up getting burnt.



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I took this test once when I was younger and found myself scored as a libertarian or some sort. But when I really looked at the test, I found the answers were often determined by the phrasing of the question. You can reword these questions and bring out a different political identity from a lot of people.

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Emmitt Smith is a greater running back than Marshall Faulk simply because Faulk had no interest in blocking anyone, ever. Emmitt would knock you on your ass.


And just as an extra side note, any time anyone questions Emmitt's greatness (yes, I know you're not, but there are idiots out there who think he sucked), I refer them to January 2, 1994 when the Cowboys beat the Giants on the road to win the division. Emmitt rushed 32 times for 168 yards and caught 10 balls for 61 yards , all with a separated shoulder.

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Just the mention of those two backs makes me want the season to start tomorrow.

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And just as an extra side note, any time anyone questions Emmitt's greatness (yes, I know you're not, but there are idiots out there who think he sucked), I refer them to January 2, 1994 when the Cowboys beat the Giants on the road to win the division.


I'm not one who says Smith "sucked," but if I had that offensive line and offensive support, I would have gained 1,000 yards.


OK, maybe 500. But still.


And I remember that '94 game. Man was I pissed that the Giants weren't doing everything possible to knock him out of that game. A Cowboys fan back then I wasn't. (I'm indifferent to them now.)

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