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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

computers and technology that make you think of

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

I know this might be in the wrong forum, and you can feel free to move it, if you want. But, since this forum is about technology, I figured, why not make a topic like this to remember Eddie?



For me, it's the amd fx-57 processor, because it's high workrate will always remind me of Eddie and his passion and desire to be the best.

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I would go with my external hard drive I use at work which stores a bunch of old files from 5-10 years ago. It has almost as much information in it as Eddie had about wrestling.


I don't know the name of this drive, but it has www.acomdata.com on it.


In a way this kinda sucks, because now whenever I go to use it to print out a file my boss wants which I've never heard of because it was last revised in 1997, I'll be thinking of Eddie. And I get woozy enough when I look at my computer screen for eight hours a day, I don't need Eddie's memory clouding my vision any more... :(

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I would agree with the Floppy Drive, man I miss those suckers. They were always reliable, maybe not the fastest or shiniest, but never failed.

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Guest Leelee

Mine was only $30. They're much better than floppies.


I used to save all my porn on them at school, when I didn't have broadband at home.

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There was a time when CD-RWs weren't that available and Zips were the way to go, at least back in my day.


Please note that this time lasted about ... oh ... five minutes.


At least it was better than etching my data into stone, which was the other alternative...

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