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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    SD Spoilers for the 8/31 Airing

    Didn't Khali squash Rey like a bug when Rey was the champ?
  2. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Not sure but it was during WCW's peak time. They could put on the worst shows imaginable and still manage to get a 4.0+ in the ratings and crush Raw.
  3. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - September 2007

    The Collision in Korea show should be interesting only for the fact that it was done in North Korea and pretty much everyone in the stadium (It was an insanely huge crowd) was chanting on cue. (If you've ever seen footage of a big spectacle event in North Korea, you know what I'm talking about).
  4. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania 24

    The purist in me would love to see Flair's retirement match be against Steamboat, but I doubt that'll happen.
  5. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - September 2007

    I can't wait for the Sid/Hart cage match that has Hart going on a rampage directed at Vince McMahon after the match. Talk about some foreshadowing... We'll also be getting Dennis Rodman on the Monday Night Wars to set up his appearence at Uncensored... joy. Mod note: snipped the quotes, since it's the entire post above it's not really necessary.
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Gotcha. Yeah, I was meaning the '85 one since the WCW shows have been building to that heavily. You are right though... it will take forever to get to Starrcade 97 on the MNW. We have some really dull Nitros ahead of us on that show.
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Really? It should be the next couple of episodes. Starrcade 85 took place on 11/28/85. Taking into account the fact the 11/30 episode might not feature the fallout from the event, the episode after that should... meaning we'll get it sometime next month.
  8. Diamonddust

    Your favorite Great American Bash

    Gotcha... I guess that does strike 89 and 90 out of the discussion then. With that in mind, I'd put 87 on my list due to it being the debut of WarGames.
  9. Diamonddust

    Your favorite Great American Bash

    Good point. I'd consider the 1989 one more NWA than 90, but you are right... Turner was in control. Still, it was technically the NWA until the official change over in 1991.
  10. Diamonddust

    Your favorite Great American Bash

    I know a lot of people will say it, but 1989. The more I go back and watch it, the more I enjoy it. It's also considered one of the great wrestling PPV's ever. You got Flair vs. Funk, Muta vs. Sting, Luger vs. Steamboat, plus a Wargames match as well. Runner up would be Bash '90, only for Sting's title win. Granted, everyone and their brother knew in advance Flair had no chance of winning that one.
  11. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Agreed. I'm just glad my cable company has been able to get all the content up on time as opposed to last month where they really dropped the ball. I can't wait for the post Starcade WCW show along with the build to Wrestlemania 13 (Specifically the Austin/Hart buildup) in the upcoming MNW's.
  12. Diamonddust

    UFC 74

    Huerta using the monitors was one of the best things since Arlovski was warned and then sucker punched Cruz at UFC 66. Agreed. I was going nuts when he did that. Cool on so many levels.
  13. Diamonddust

    UFC 74

    I got to hand it to Gonzaga... he was trying his best not to quit even though Couture was pummeling his face. The crowd at the restaurant I was watching it at was going absolutely nuts for Couture.
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    I'd DEFINITELY buy that one. I can imagine it being like "The World's Greatest Managers" - It could highlight the following (Just throwing them off the top of my head): The Rock and Roll Express The Midnight Express The Road Warriors (Probably not since they already have a DVD) The Fabulous Freebirds (Depends on how much they are on the World Class DVD) Demolition The Rockers The Hart Foundation The Wild Samoans Harlem Heat The Dudleys The Andersons/Minnesota Wrecking Crew The Steiner Brothers The Hardys Doom The Horsemen (Tully and Arn) Who am I leaving out? What old school teams? Would a team like Steamboat and Youngblood make it? The Brisco Brothers?
  15. Diamonddust

    UFC 74

    Damn... Gonzaga was about to rank on the Muta Scale with the blood he was dripping on Couture.
  16. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Thankfully, the next Monday Night War episode will be the one where Raw becomes "Raw is War". They'll be doing the hard sell to Wrestlemania, and the Bret Hart/Sid cage match will be coming up soon (The one where Bret absolutely goes nuts on McMahon after the match in the biggest bit of unintentional foreshadowing), and we'll be getting the formation of the Hart Foundation in the next couple of months.
  17. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Yeah, I remember watching it as it happened. The general consensus was about what you said.
  18. Diamonddust

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    It really needs repeating...he's a major reason why TNA is bad right now. Good point.
  19. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    It was definitely sometime in March of '97 as it was during the hard sell for Barely Legal. We should be coming up on the episode where Heyman and Lawler have the debate in the ring, and The Sandman threatens to cane the King, which would spill over to Lawler's appearences with ECW in the summer of that year.
  20. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Nitro's ratings were all about momentum. It didn't matter what either show featured at that point: WCW was hot, and the WWE was not. It took months of building Austin and letting him run wild before Raw took over the ratings. I can remember several Raws during that period, especially during the Hart Foundation vs. USA angle, that were definitely better than Nitro but got destroyed in the ratings. Speaking of that angle, I can't wait until we get to those shows. Talk about some white hot heat.
  21. Diamonddust

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    Chris Jericho - Would be a much need shot in the arm to the main event scene. I think a Jericho/Kennedy feud would be highly entertaining. Tajiri - I'm a sucker for any Japanese wrestler that spews the mist. Rhyno - Before he got injured during the initial Invasion angle, he was on pace for some big things. Kurt Angle - He's not doing himself any good languishing in TNA. Jim Cornette - It'll never happen due to his hatred of Kevin Dunn, but I'd love to see him return as a manger. He'd be a great deal of help to a team like Cade and Murdoch or even a heel Kendrick/London team with a Midnight Express style gimmick.
  22. Diamonddust

    The What If Topic...

    If anything, it would help RAW cause it could play up "The Too Hot for USA" angle. Don't know which network they'd go to. Wasn't their talk of them going to FX at one point? Don't think that many people FX back then though. Agreed. By late 98/Early 99, their ratings would have allowed them to switch to basically whatever cable channel they wanted.
  23. Diamonddust

    The What If Topic...

    Some to ponder: What is Smoky Mountain Wrestling stayed open longer than it did and was around during the Monday Night wars? What would have been the relationship between it and the WWF/E, especially since McMahon was funding ECW? What if Ole Anderson never became booker of WCW in 1990? What if K. Allen Fry remained in charge of WCW instead of Bill Watts coming on board? What if Flair jumped to the WWF in 1988 with Arn and Tully? I read recently he was considering it and being booked to win the title at the first Summerslam.
  24. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    Wasn't Goldberg one of those "jobbers" that Piper fought? I'm assuming you're talking about the time he was "trying out" members for his Uncensored team.
  25. Diamonddust

    That Was Stupid!

    Yokozuna "agreeing" to fight Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania IX after beating Bret Hart.