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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    I find it HILARIOUS they can get the Honky Tonk Man to induct someone in the Hall of Fame, but they can't get him to accept an offer into the Hall of Fame.
  2. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Welcome to the Hall of Fame... Koko B. Ware Ehhh... got to say... a bit of a drop-off in terms of the previously announced members of this class. I'm guessing they announce the Von Erichs next week in San Antonio.
  3. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Isn't the thought of Henry not being able to climb the ladder a good thing in that he won't be a threat in the match, other than to toss the cruisers around like lawn-darts?
  4. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    He won't be wrestling.
  5. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

  6. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Thank goodness...
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Cena better turn this into a joke very soon here...
  8. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Shawn will play the subtle heel.
  9. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Stu himself or the Harts as a whole would definitely be discussed as would Trish.
  10. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    High Energy! Plus Koko B. Ware was really really over. Who's going to induct Koko B. Ware? Big Bird? Lawler was my first guess.
  11. Diamonddust

    Moments So Contrived

    The most overdone sequence in wrestling is the cradle reversal series first seen in the Guerrero/Malenko. It was a unique at the time and was great, but since then you see it in every other Indy match out there and it comes off like an exercise in self-congratulatory masturbation over the fact you can choreograph a sequence first seen almost 15 years ago. The most contrived sequence is another one you see a lot of in Indy matches, usually between spot monkeys, where one guy will sweep the legs of the other guy and go for the cover but then roll himself off, get up, and then the other guy will do the sweep/roll off part, and then they'll both kip up and stare at each other while the fans clap like obedient Pavlovian dogs. The same goes for the early mat-wrestling/reversal seequence at the start of the match that will end with the audience clapping. This might be the same as what you're talking about, but it instantly came to mind in terms of being contrived.
  12. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Well, Koko was the first person to take the tombstone from the Undertaker... Still, of the mid-card guys they have to consider... Koko wouldn't immediately come to mind. I'm guessing he's one of the few that accepted the deal this year (And The Honkytonk Man turned them down again).
  13. Diamonddust

    Unauthorized Tattoos!

    Wasn't the issue that they were prison tattoos?
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    I look forward to it in the 'I know it's going to be bad" way. Is this the PPV where Hogan really no-sells Vader's powerbomb, which at that point was a back-breaking instrument of destruction?
  15. Diamonddust

    Unauthorized Tattoos!

    Honestly, that's higher than what I would have expected.
  16. Diamonddust

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Did Stacy ever branch out beyond Test and David Flair?
  17. Diamonddust

    Moments So Contrived

    -Eric Bischoff giving the Heavyweight Title to Triple H -Fingerpoke -X-Pac getting his own stable -Shane McMahon running wild on Legacy And speaking of sponsors, I always got a kick out of the faux-excitement J.R. would show when having to shill for something.
  18. Diamonddust

    YO! TSM raps: John Cena in 2009

    Agreed 100% I'm not the biggest Cena fan in the world, but even I can see he generates more revenue than anyone on the roster right now. It is idiotic to think they'd change that anytime soon.
  19. Diamonddust

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    As for the sink picture... wow... way to keep things classy, Kelly.
  20. Diamonddust

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Yeah... I think the real problem here is someone convinced Kelly the hat was a good idea.
  21. Diamonddust

    UFC 96: Jackson vs. Jardine

    Pretty entertaining event tonight, although I came in with some low expectations to be honest... -The head-kick was all sorts of awesome -Carwin looked mighty impressive, and you could almost see Dana and the rest of the brass breathing a sigh of relief when he came back after the initial Gonzaga offense -The stoppage then non-stoppage was confusing as hell.
  22. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    I wish the Freebirds would go in, but I doubt that's going to happen this year. I'm also kind of surprised they haven't inducted the Road Warriors yet, but they might be waiting on them for next year.
  23. Diamonddust

    Heel Characters That You Agreed With?

    I still love hearing Jesse rant on Hogan whenever he'd break the rules. Another one that I agree with more and more after the fact... Vince McMahon and the "Bret screwed Bret" speech. I'm also on board with pretty much any heel that brings up how big a screw-up Jeff Hardy is.
  24. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    I don't know if they asked him at that point, but his beef with them is that they inducted Pete Rose before him. He saw the induction of Rose as a joke.
  25. Diamonddust

    Heel Characters That You Agreed With?

    Yeah, because apparantly in the WWE universe, you're the bad guy if you try to have good morals. Also see: Bret Hart and Right To Censor. And Kurt Angle