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Everything posted by BruteSquad_BRODY

  1. BruteSquad_BRODY

    William Regal Suspended for 60 Days

    He and Hardy are both fired the next time they are caught right?
  2. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Let's Talk About...Vince Russo's first stint booking WCW

    I was probably just too markish yet, but I really enjoyed the Flair/David match that ended in Russo shaving Flair's head. When did the Hell in the Cell-esque cage match between Russo and Flair take place? Russo climbed through the top of the cage amid a bunch of other craziness. I'd like a youtube of that crap again.
  3. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Let's Talk About...Vince Russo's first stint booking WCW

    Russo and David Flair skit....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9srjJjXT5AU
  4. BruteSquad_BRODY

    1997 WWF Magazine Predictions

    Well Shawn did cause most of those moves as he basically refused to work unless he got his way and once Vionce told him in Aug that he'd get the belt from Bret suddenly HBK was on RAW every week again.
  5. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Meltz said WWE sees Edge as a better Champ and Taker as a better chaser
  6. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHzxqF83Q9o Bobby Eaton solves the OJ Simpson murders...
  7. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    When did they start doing all that goofy stuff after TV Tapings anyway? Had to be late 90's. RAW in 96 had 3 dark matches totalling 10 mins tops and then they sent us home.....
  8. BruteSquad_BRODY

    BruiserBrody: Lost in Cleveland

    No problems with the gays, actually spent Saturday night getting kissed on the hand and cheeks by a beligerently drunk old man who kept buying me beer. I don't think he was gay though....
  9. BruteSquad_BRODY

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Couture aiming for the Sloth role in Goonies Pt 2?
  10. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The WCW Hummer Mystery

    I am confused that bumping this thread actually ceased talk on the subject, especially since people were willing to wait til Friday to make a new thread to talk about the subject
  11. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Let's Talk About...Vince Russo's first stint booking WCW

    I bumped a Hummer thread for y'all
  12. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The WCW Hummer Mystery

    yup Hummer thread Version 2.0 is no more
  13. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

  14. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The WCW Hummer Mystery

  15. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    he called him "BOY" *slaps head*
  16. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Plus why give free Publicity?
  17. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Vacant titles decided by DQ or countout

    Greg Gagne beat Adonis via CO to win the AWA TV Title tour IIRC Actually he beat Ronnie Garvin via CO in 88 for the held up TV title as well
  18. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

  19. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLl_4hqMk4A This has one of the best workers ever and is one of the worst matches I've ever seen. Style clash!
  20. BruteSquad_BRODY

    1997 WWF Magazine Predictions

    1996's version was not so great..... hard hitting stuff like Henry Godwin: Will not bathe in 96 Russo wrote this I surmise and you can see some of his booking ideas ahead of time (Kane etc)
  21. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Let's Talk About...Vince Russo's first stint booking WCW

    How was Carmen Electra supposed to fit as the driver (or was that a false rumor)?
  22. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    So tonight I drank heavily, took vicodin which I was not prescribed (stole it from a friend) and generaly set myself up for failure, but I was redeemed by one crazy old man... I went to the bar after 10 beers, a shot of lime vodka and a dose of tequila. Once at the bar a 50-60 year old man laid claim to me and told me what a great guy I was. He took my hand and kissed it roughly 30 times in the 45-60 min period I spent with him. My friends were down elsewhere laughing at my situation as this bat shit crazy drunk guy bought me drinks and kissed my hand and 1 or 2 times my cheeks. It was rather frightingning. He eventually got mad and told me to get away and he stormed off to a new bar, which it appeared he was refused service due to his bombed up state, Truly a unique evening.......
  23. BruteSquad_BRODY

    I Should Be Dead

    *unzips pants*
  24. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Piper was on Kimmel, anyone watch?
  25. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Office: Season 4

    1st watching it now....... the Kevin is special part has me in stitches