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Everything posted by BruteSquad_BRODY

  1. BruteSquad_BRODY


    I want to be able to say "Remember Steamer came back for 2 shots and was STILL AWESOME~!"
  2. BruteSquad_BRODY


    Vickie's SHOOTING~!
  3. BruteSquad_BRODY


    I love Steamboat, For the record
  4. BruteSquad_BRODY


    He would only get over for a few weeks, then he'd stop being a novelty and he'd start having to do some jobs
  5. BruteSquad_BRODY


    WTF? Steamboat's comeback will end as well as Paul Orndorff's if they aren't careful Steamboat doesn't have an atrophied right arm like Orndorff does. Awkward back bump, or a top rope jump on 56 year old knees.
  6. BruteSquad_BRODY


    WTF? Steamboat's comeback will end as well as Paul Orndorff's if they aren't careful
  7. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    You suffer from impulsive neurotic ambivalence . Bow down before me you bovine reeking creature who loves the moronic hemorrhoid and the imperialist chicken molester. You suffer from cathected genital processes
  8. BruteSquad_BRODY


  9. BruteSquad_BRODY


    "we want Steamboat!" chant Ricky must love this
  10. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    I'll help: Battlenuts Thine sister is a mutilated whimpering frog molester who gripes about the rotting bird brain and the scaly pervert. The residents of Maine find you to be a whimpering racist cannibal who devours the stingy rectum and the toilet-bowl licking booger. The residents of Maine find you to be a oozing ugly dickwad who is jealous of the loud Dinosaur named Barney and the raving gang banger. Your father was a worthless rotting aboriginal abortionist who loves the loud peach cobbler and the pathetic horny toad. Your best quality is that you are a wastrel apish fanatic who dines alongside the smelly scary-ass-texan and the three-toed frog molester.
  11. BruteSquad_BRODY


    Jeff's ass has to be bruised from the ladder bump last night
  12. BruteSquad_BRODY


    Never saw Nattie's Hart Foundation jacket befre, I like it.
  13. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    EHME your losing, step up your Game
  14. BruteSquad_BRODY


    I liked the idea of Shane becoming the leader of Legacy, since he is the Ultimate 3rd generation WWE employee
  15. BruteSquad_BRODY

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Pirate Liddell Chief Right Hook Captain Liddell Chuck-E-Cheese Liddell Astro Chuck Liddellvis Graduating Chuck Gameshow host Liddell Taliban Liddell 20,000 leagues under the sea Chuck Back Catcher Liddell
  16. BruteSquad_BRODY

    What if? Topics

    Heyman would've rubbed someone the wrong way and been canned in 5-12 months.
  17. BruteSquad_BRODY

    2009 Hall of Fame

  18. BruteSquad_BRODY

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Honky got "what'd" Terry Funk cut the promo of the year
  19. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Oh boy, the Angle marks will love this!

    I remember this thread from 7 years ago. Scary.
  20. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Crazy Colored Folk

  21. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE General Discussion - April 2009

    Big Dave said today that Rey jr wasn't going to be offered a WWE contract ever, but so many young guys went to Vince and said "Hire Rey!" Finally Vince just went with it
  22. BruteSquad_BRODY

    TSM Moments that made you laugh and smile.

    FanofCoils "No sold" thread
  23. BruteSquad_BRODY

    AWA Backstage Gossip

    Yes. Wally Karbo was the greatest AWA personality ever. How's the old age home Verne?