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Everything posted by BruteSquad_BRODY

  1. BruteSquad_BRODY

    TSM Presidental Election Voting Thread

    Who earns your vote
  2. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    My fatass roomate refuses to clean the house. Me and my other roomate were prepared to bitch him out, and it JUST DIDN"T HAPPEN tonight. Fuck. I got hammered w/ my buddy tonight and tried to masterbate at a bar but my cock refused to harden as i tried to think of the busty bartender. FAIL.
  3. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Former American Gladiator Host Mike Adamle Joins WWE

    300 g a year. Vince is a genius.
  4. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    MVP has lots of inspiration lately based on his Profile dealy.
  5. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    I have been seeing that on a bunch of message boards and never bothered to look up what it meant. Now i did. Bob Barron made me a better boarder.
  6. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Andrew Lutzke to jerry show details 11:01 AM (6 hours ago) Reply Your last 30 minutes of programming today was great parody. Thanks for the laugh. ----- Jerry Bader to me show details 11:16 AM (6 hours ago) Reply Those who are happy Obama won should use any reason they can to laugh now, the joy won't last long... ------ Andrew Lutzke to Jerry show details 5:12 PM (29 minutes ago) Reply How many more civil liberties can really be taken away? Bush's "Patriot Act" and other security measures raped us of alot of privacy and free will. Complaining or worrying that our gun rights will be restricted or removed or whatever the fear tactic is, seems to me to be about as equal a issue as anyone who would've voted McCain strictly for the Pro-Life issue. I don't feel the guns or abortion issues will change drastically regardless who we vote into office. I very well may be wrong as I am 26 and part of the lost generation that you spoke of today. As far as war budget cuts, I can't fathom exactly how Obama intends to reach finality in the Iraq conflict, and fund expanded efforts in Pakistan and Afghanistan. So you have me with that point. -------- Jerry Bader to me show details 5:16 PM (26 minutes ago) Reply Well, After his security briefing today, let's see what Obama thinks of the security measures taken. You feel raped. Tell me specifically how these measures affected you. ------ Andrew Lutzke to Jerry show details 5:26 PM (16 minutes ago) Reply I can't say for certain whether or not I was earmarked as a potential homeland terrorist or not. I assume that those in control of wire tapping and surveillance of persons of interest would be discreet enough that I wouldn't know. It was the abusing of these security measures that bothered me greatly. If Obama is leaning Socialist, What was Bush aiming toward? Totalitarianism? -
  7. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The official rape thread

  8. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WEC 36: Faber vs. Brown

    Faber seemed to get the star treatment as the ref let him eat a ton of shots before ending the fight.
  9. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Halloween 2008

    :lol: Lissen ass, I dont'w anna say too much, but Beth IS NOT my gf. She is a few years older than ME. and my parents pay her to live with me to help me make suure cetain things happen, like bills pay, apartment clean and stuff. She is a nurising student and a ssweetheart, I love SWARAH, not Beth, don't bring her into this doucherag
  10. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

  11. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    The local Repub. talk show host was crying today saying the voters 18-25 are to blame for McCain's loss to this socialist Pretty Boy. Then he blamed American Idol for teaching the youth the wrong way to judge people. I emailed him and thanked him for the laugh.
  12. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    MSNBC has interviewed a stream of black people as expert talking heads. And a major story has Obama picking a man with a very ethnic sounding name as a member of his staff. I don't see this ending anyone's uneasiness about Obama's background. I am not one of those people BTW.
  13. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Smart Marks Greatest Song of the 60s Tournament

    *Holds out til the herd thins*
  14. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Let's Talk About... The Apter Mags

    Eddie Ellner gave me great satisfaction in 1993 by conducting an interview (Yeah fake I know) with Missy Hyatt and repeatively finding excuses for Missy to bend over in what he wrote was a ultra low top. It didn't take much to excite me as a 12 year old.
  15. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Holy crap board's dead. Anyway.... Barack sent me an email thanking me for helping him win. And then asked for $$$.
  16. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Coast to Coast AM home of Bigfoot, UFO's , 911 truther's and many other wacky theories had the worst theory ever from an "expert" tonight. He said "I fore-see a downfall for the republican party and by 2012 we will have 3 equal major political parties". Wrong.
  17. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The official rape thread

    I raped my Uncle twice but that's old news.
  18. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...-kurasawa_sport I would've like to have seen Inoki watching this finish.
  19. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Its not bullshit if the people vote for it. What do you want? Its a sin anyway. Adds the fuel to America's Highway to Hell in the eye of the creator.
  20. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    I had a co-worker come up and say "I can't believe that black ass won!" I asked what his reasons were and he said "Republicians have the balls to attack those who hate us" I said "So attacking people will make them like us?" He muttered and walked away.
  21. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Yes~! Fox news is finally bitching a bit. "Obama's an hour into being elected, and he's already setting up his re-election moves"
  22. BruteSquad_BRODY

    TSM Presidental Election Voting Thread

    *Gets bottle of Tequila and Spanish to English dictionary ready for afterparty*
  23. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Why isn't Hannity out on Fox New?
  24. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Racheal Maddow just ranted about Califonia re-banning gay marriage (Racheal's gay FYI) the dude next to her scratched his head, and then Keith Olbermann went back to talking about the Presidential race. I was amused.
  25. BruteSquad_BRODY

    TSM Presidental Election Voting Thread

    Tied. Shit.