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Everything posted by BruteSquad_BRODY

  1. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    More closeted Homo memories: When I was in 5-6th grade I convinced my best (only?) friend to have a "roleplay" date with me so he could practice how to feel up a girl. I offered to be the girl and demanded he fondle my breasts. He complied. He later told a kid at school and I had to do damage control. --- In addition to raping my uncle I've also felt up my busty cousin in her sleep (I was 22ish , she 18ish), and used to pinch the nipples of my 9 year old male cousin when I was like 12ish Help me.
  2. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

  3. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Who here is racist?

    Sure Richards
  4. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Random Thoughts

    Why does F4wonline have a Fucking Hockey radio show up? They are tossing a bit of wrestling talk but Hockey is the main topic WHAT THE FUCK?
  5. BruteSquad_BRODY

    TSM Missing Persons Bulletin

    With all the name changes I don't know who anyone is so I miss no one
  6. BruteSquad_BRODY

    News You Can (barely) Use

    From WON today "There reportedly was an exchange after the show when Ross turned down the invitation to fly on the corporate plane from San Antonio to Houston for Smackdown, which he was suddenly broadcasting, and where McMahon told him that he (Vince) risked his life on the show and how he ruined his son-in-laws life (a line that everyone was laughing about because it took people all of five minutes to figure out how the move greatly benefitted HHH’s personal life) for the company." Between this and the 5 or 6 WWE Long term high ranking employees leaving....
  7. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

  8. BruteSquad_BRODY

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    Am I reading this right? Your saying Carlin's obscure?
  9. BruteSquad_BRODY

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    Toss in Super Heavyweights for amusement
  10. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwxxFDZ3_9o...feature=related Flair vs The Rock RAW 02
  11. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Who here is racist?

    Spoken like a true Firewood --------- http://gyral.blackshell.com/names.html This site's awesome
  12. BruteSquad_BRODY

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    Kennedy is one of the few guys I can actually tell is off the juice
  13. BruteSquad_BRODY

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    Vince = Fritz Von Erich World Class Championship RAW
  14. BruteSquad_BRODY

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    Rey = Eddy Gurrero in 3 years right?
  15. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KebKOAE04tk...feature=related 8 mins in... Letterman talk of his love of Dick the Bruiser and Heenan
  16. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwj9s6SdO8Q Finlay's 1st appearence in WCW
  17. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Who here is racist?

    [sarcasm]I used to be quite the attention whore [/sarcasm]
  18. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The YouTube comments thread.

    SBarsinister (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam WBF World Bodybuilding Association. I never watched it, I thought it was too gay. ------------ WBF.....WBA? Idiot
  19. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Find pictures of Amy Winehouse that aren't disgusting.

    Amy Winehouse Has Emphysema, Dad Calls On Dealers To Stop Selling Her Crack Posted by Ashish on 06.22.2008 Doctors warn her that she will die if she keeps smoking drugs... According to her father, Amy Winehouse has developed emphysema and doctors have warned her that she will die if she continues to smoke drugs. Mitch Winehouse said the incurable illness, which leaves sufferers struggling for breath, was diagnosed when his daughter had series of health checks in hospital. "The doctors have told her if she goes back to smoking drugs it won't just ruin her voice, it will kill her. The doctors have said that if she had continued the way she was going she could have ended up an invalid -- she wouldn't have been able to breathe." "With smoking the crack cocaine and the cigarettes, her lungs are all gunked up. There are nodules around the chest and dark marks. She's got 70 percent lung capacity." Winehouse's dad is also calling on Amy's drug dealers to stop supplying her.
  20. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

  21. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    I don't even smoke
  22. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Drunken Munchies

    Last night I had a 8 inch pizza covered in refried beans, cheese and leatice (fuck spelling that right) topped with 2 corn dogs Tonight was a bacon chalupa from Taco bell and a chili cheeese burrito w/ 4 corn dogs In the past I have been known to down a 10 burrito grande meal or similar grandous mass calorite intake What say you?
  23. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    So as I was walking through lawn and garden today I noticed a tinfoil package shining in the sun. I picked it up and it read "Nicoderm Nicotine Gum" So since the foil was still sealed I placed it in my pocket and decided I shall try it later. Later came an hour or 2 later, as I peeled off the foil and placed this small white gum drop in my mouth I was expecting a minty burst, or a mediciney taste. What I got instead was actually something that tasted something akin to what I assume Joe Camel's Anus tastes like. I spit this foul concoction to the floor and desperately guzzled juice to try and wash this horrid flavor from my mouth. After the putrid taste left my toungue I asked myself why would the company make such a foul tasting gum to try and help people. I have 2 theories: 1} The cigerette company is paying nicoret to produce this nasty nugget of hell to make sure smokers can't stand to use it and retreat back to the world of smoking 2} The nicoret company is making it bitter to make sure that no one grows addicted to the addiction breaking gum. For if one were to become addicted to addiction breaking gum it may very well be way to ironic for my little mind to comprehend.
  24. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WrestleMania IX

    I'm sure Hogan had already fallen into his "my opponents need to be big to make me beating them look good" phase. Hogan was pissed in 2005 when the WWE had him feud with Diavari (he wanted a bigger partner for Hassan) Plus Yoko was the unbeatable monster heel at that point so beating him made Hogan's ego happy