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Everything posted by muda345

  1. muda345

    This site blows now

    This site blows now..enough said
  2. Interesting tidbit on this for those who don't know....the snake actually died the next day b/c of some sort of infection. Oh the irony
  3. muda345

    Hulkamania 6

    how could they leave the legendary Zeus off this tape?
  4. muda345

    Survivor series 1989 rant

    This for me personally is by far and away my fav Survivor Series....no reason in particular..just is. This is remembered most for Vince giving Warrior a shot at the main event in what was obviously a test run to see if he was on Hogans level, or at least close to it. I'm guessing it was right after this show where they made the decision to put the belt on Warrior at WMVI
  5. muda345

    WWF Wrestlemania III

    Mr Fuji is alive and Dino Bravo is dead
  6. muda345

    Let's Talk About...

    I say two years and he's dead
  7. No I knew what Brody meant lol.... I guess the reason I was confused is b/c I have no links to any of the music..i just see "next" and "next one." Oh well
  8. does anyone have a clue as to what he's trying to get at with this?
  9. muda345

    Hogan/Andre bodyslam

    I had always wondered about the spot where Hogan tries to slam Andre early in the bout and Andre falls on him and the whole "was it a 3 count or not" was brought up. My question is was that spot planned, or did it happen by accident and the WWF figured why not just run with it and use it as a storyline to further the Hogan/Andre feud into WMIV?
  10. Who in your opinion was the best and worst at giving promos in wrestling history Best: Ric Flair Worst: Ken Patera, with Tugboat coming in a close second
  11. muda345

    The imitation thread

    Some think Hercules Hernandez was a rip off of Bruiser Brody
  12. muda345

    Rick Rude

    On this the 10th anniversary of Rick Rude's death, I'd like to get anyone's thoughts on where he ranks as far as the all time greats go.
  13. muda345

    Fact or a myth?

    Was Dino Bravo really murdered over his involvement in black market ciggarette smuggling or was it something else? And also why did the WWF never really give any tribute to him or VonErich, at least that I know of, right after their deaths (which were 3 weeks apart)
  14. muda345

    Tugboat vs Steamboat

    As far as I know the match was always supposed to be Taker vs Snuka. Taker squashed Tugboat on the WM preview show "Superstars and Stripes Forever" a week before the PPV. The strange part is I could have sworn I remembered Taker being able to tombstone Tugboat then when I watched the match again for the first time a few years ago on video Taker finished him off with an elbow from the top rope. Not to make too big a deal out of it because it is Tugboat here we're talking about, but check out the video below. Gorilla is talking about the WMVII matches that had just been signed and does indeed mention Tugboat taking on Undertaker. Plus I'm almost 100% positive WWF magazine listed this as one of the matches. I actually read that they had changed the match to Snuka b/c the WWF was afraid Taker wouldn't be able to get Tugboat up in the Tombstone, which they really wanted to put over at WM. Oh well like I said it's Tugboat, and no matter who is opponent was going to be they were losing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHJCdHQXxbY...PL&index=31
  15. muda345

    The Hall of JTTS

    Even though he wasn't in the WWF long, Big Bully Busick was nothing more then a JTTS
  16. muda345

    Tugboat vs Steamboat

    It may be a wierd topic, but he has gotten 33 replies thus far which is more then alot of recent topics. Speaking of Tugboat out of curiosity myself why was his WM7 match with the Undertaker scrapped at the last minute? It was promoted for weeks leading up to the event then all of a sudden they threw Snuka in there
  17. Does anyone know the real reason Tugboat was replaced by the Big Boss Man to be in Hogans corner at SS 90? There must have been some behind the scenes reason b/c it wouldn't have made sense for them to build up his apperance the whole summer and then a week before the show just take him off
  18. I believe she was always scheduled. I recall on a edition of Superstars when they had the WM5 report, they did announce Rockin Robin would be singing America the Beautiful. I always fund it amusing when Jesse totally ripped on her performace right after she was done
  19. muda345

    Is Barry Windham an all-time great?

    His late 89 WWF Widowmaker gimmick might have hurt him a little bit, but not counting that, I'd say he is right up there. Some of the matches he had with Flair in the NWA were some of the best ever.
  20. muda345

    AWA Backstage Gossip

    Too bad he didn't go into any detail about the rumor of how Gagne offered the Iron Shiek $100k to break Hogan's leg during their title match. I would love to find out once and for all whether or not that was true.
  21. Windham jumped back to the NWA. His dad and brother were going to jail for money counter fitting. Barry asked to be released to keep wwf out of trouble. Does anyone remember if they had any major plans for the Widowmaker gimmick? I remember he cut a promo once and talked about how he was going to be gunning for Hogan's belt in the near future. This would lead one to think he was in line for a big push, which obviously never materialized. Anyone know for sure?
  22. Why wasn't Barry Windham at Survivor Series 1989? I know he was booked on Macho Man's team but instead they had Earthquake take his place. Was this just a case of wanting to get Earthquake on the card to begin his push or was there a reason real life reason Windham wasn't there?
  23. muda345

    Warrior's title reign

    I know this has been discussed many times, but I'd like to get everyone's opinion here on it. Why do you think the Ultimate Warrior's title reign bombed as bad as it did? The consensus view tends to be that it was simply because Hogan never left the scene and was thrown into all the money feuds that should have gone to Warrior (Perfect, Earthquake), leaving him with matches against Rick Rude, whom he had already defeated before over a year ago and then stuck in limbo teaming with LOD against Demolition for the rest of the year