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Coffin Surfer

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Everything posted by Coffin Surfer

  1. Coffin Surfer

    From the Fire Losing Matches

    Is the sub-heading too subtle? Justice, some sort of comments would be nice. Thank you.
  2. Coffin Surfer

    Favorite MSG Matches

    "Can't believe I missed this, my apologies for the late reply. Harts young lion style he adopted after going singles meshes really well with Teds veteran heel tactics. " Hart playing a young lion? Eh.... I disagree, they came off as terrible opponents for each other. Ted needs someone that can beat the crap out of him and let him bump and stooge to be effective (see Duggan or Warrior/Hogan types), Bret plays to his style for the one sequence you described(though not very convincingly) before grounding one of the fed's best bumpers and personalities with his match. Bret needs someone that can work out of his holds and stooge to keep his holds interesting(see Henning, Owen, and even Piper), Ted just lays around until it's time to hit the ropes. They just don't compliment each other as workers here, nor do they look interested in doing so; just two workers taking turns doing their thing. "Hart then wears him down and the build up to Dibiase's big counters that turn the matches strides are excellent, such as the big guillotine drop on the ropes. After Brets next comeback when he smashes Ted into the turnbuckle but endes up doing a HUGE front turnbuckle and Sherri rings the bell, the pace is relentless." Like I said things are pretty decent when Bret works in a few of his bumps. Relentless pace? Eh.....not sure how to respond to that one. Oddly enough, Sherri is the MVP of the match. The most effective worker by far. "I can't see much wrong with it at all besides the ending. " The Huge Plancha countout!? That's about the only thing worthwhile to come from the match. "I understand there may be a bit too much ground work and slower action for some tastes" Change to lazy ground work and you'll have a point. Baba/Race (far slower and less capable workers) have made very slow ground sequences beyond interesting by you know....actually doing something aside from laying around until it's rope running time.
  3. Coffin Surfer

    SWF Storm Card for April 4, 2007

    I call Tully Blanchard...I mean Tolland Blankhardt.
  4. Coffin Surfer

    From the Fire Word Count ThreadHow much ya got?

    8,000 as of now. It looked short in blue print form...
  5. Coffin Surfer

    Greatest WCW Matches of the 90's

    Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero, 10/26/97, Halloween Havoc, Mask vs. Title Juventud Guerrera vs. Blitzkrieg, 4/11/99, Spring Stampede Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs. Raven/Perry Saturn, 4/11/99, Spring Stampede Midnight Express vs. Southern Boys, 7/7/90, Great American Bash Sting's Squadron vs. Dangerous Alliance, 5/17/92, WrestleWar, Wargames Horsemen vs. Sting/Pillman/Steiners, 2/24/91, WrestleWar, Wargames Sting vs. Vader, 2/21/93, SuperBrawl, Strap Match Sting vs. Vader, 7/12/92, Great American Bash Chris Benoit/Beef Wellington vs. Jushin Liger/Brian Pillman, 6/16/92, COC XIX Ric Flair vs. Vader, 12/27/93, Starrcade Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon, 11/24/96, World War III Sting/Lex Luger vs. Steiner Brothers, 5/19/91, SuperBrawl Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger, 2/25/90, WrestleWar Cactus Jack/Kevin Sullivan vs. Nasty Boys, 5/23/94, Falls Count Anywhere Sting vs. Vader, 12/28/92, Starrcade, King of Cable Final Cactus Jack/Maxx Payne vs. Nasty Boys, 4/17/94, Spring Stampede, Falls Count Anywhere
  6. Coffin Surfer

    Albums Listened to Today

    Nellie McKaye-Get Away From Me Peeping Tom-Peeping Tom Coltrane-Love Supreme Talk Talk-Laughing Stock Stiff Little Fingers-Go For It
  7. Coffin Surfer

    WrestleMania Tourney- Round 3 to determine Sweet 16

    1 3 (Slaugher bumping for a stiff>Savage bumping for a stiff.) Atlantic City Region 1 2 (HBK's definitive one man show) Toronto Region 1 2 New York City Region 1 6 Houston Region 1 6 Seattle Region 1 6 Chicago Region 4 6 (Great theatrical performance from HBK, nice that Benoit won and all but HBK/HHH were wanking too much) Anaheim Region 1 3
  8. Coffin Surfer

    TSM TV Badass Tournment Round 2

    1) Jack Bauer - 24 (8) Jayne Cobb - Firefly Jayne still rules though. (12) The Incredible Hulk Vern got beat by a raging Beecher, a raging Hulk will tear him apart. (4) Vern Schilinger- Oz (6) Faith - Buffy (11) Escobar- Nip/Tuck (3) Joe Rogan - Inside the UFC/Fear Factor -I'll pass on this one. 7) Roland "Wee-Bay" Brice - The Wire (2) T-Bag - Prison Break SOUTHERN DIVISION (1) Vic Mackie - The Sheild (8) Al Bundy-Married with Children (5) Lucius Vorenus - Rome (4) B.A. Baracus - A-Team (11) Commander Worf - Star Trek TNG (3) Sawyer- Lost (7) The Beast - Angel (2) Simon Adebisi-Oz EASTERN DIVISION (1) Angelus - Buffy/Angel vs (8) Aaron Pierce - 24 (5) Andy Sipowicz-NYPD Blue vs (4) Titus Pullo - Rome (11) Big Dan Dority- Deadwood vs (3) Omar Little - The Wire (10) Dr. Gregory House - House M.D. vs (2) Al Swearengen - Deadwood Al has wit and a big fucking knife. WESTERN DIVISION (1) Tony Sorpano-The Sopranos vs (9) Hank Scorpio - The Simpsons (5) James T Kirk - Star Trek vs (4) Spike - Buffy/Angel (11) Duncan MacCloud-Highlander vs (3) Shane Vendrell - The Shield (10) Macgyver - Macgyver If anybody can out think Ryan, it's him. vs (2) Ryan O'Reily - Oz
  9. Coffin Surfer

    The Worst Band On The Planet

    U2- simply because Bono's nutty ego tripping makes it impossible to even enjoy the occassional decent song they spit out from time to time. I recall that recent HBO special where he gave like a flowery five minute explantation for raising his arms in the air when he sings. WTF? Has anybody heard the annoying Evanescene/Korn Unplugged single? Amy Lee melodramatically belting "Freak on a Leash" is so absurd sounding it's hilarious, Davis actually sounds like a fun goofy vocalist by comparision.
  10. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    "It looked like it was very easy to move him." He back paddled out of trouble a few times, that's it. The object of good defense is to avoid being hit directly. He took a few clean hits but nothing looked to hurt him. Does that make him Jake LaMotta or something..no, but I certainly didn't see anything to suggest he has a weak chin either. "Kessler's chin has never been tested to begin with, so I can't possibly have the opinion that his chin is good." "but there's no results or any video out there where I've seen the guy get hit with a clean shot on the chin and walk through it. Whether or not his movement is deliberate, I can't tell yet." Uh......which is why I'm saying there's nothing to suggest he has a bad chin. Show me the footage that shows him getting dropped and staggered from guys with weak ko records, and we can come to that conclusion. People are way too quick to throw out the "glass chin" label these days.
  11. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    Uh no. There's nothing in that match to suggest that Kessler has no chin. The nose bleeding is just one those fluke things that happens. He nevery looked hurt by any of the few shots that landed. Yeah, he backed or turned away to lessen the impact of shots...it's not like he was getting blasted backwards, it was deliberate movement. Andrade's chin looked to be made of Iron however. Kessler(already proven to have power) was obviously hitting him very hard. Calzaghe/Kessler would be interesting and I doubt either one would all out kill the other. I would give Calzaghe the edge by decision, possibly outclassing him, but certainly not dominating him.
  12. Coffin Surfer

    SWF From The Fire Card

    Maybe if he was really tall it would work better.
  13. Coffin Surfer

    This week in the NBA

    "But part of being a great shooter is finding a good opportunity to get off a shot. " I would say great shot creator, not great shooter. Kobe is a great shot creator, Jordan might have been the best. Dirk is good, great for his size. Nash creates for other people. "The way Reggie Miller could shoot, I wish he would have got a 37 shot game. " Reggie couldn't take 37 because he was mostly a catch and shoot guy who had to move without the ball and find an opening before he could take a shot.
  14. Coffin Surfer

    This week in the NBA

    I'm sure Dirk would do fine but I can't see him getting enough good openings or touches to take that many shots at the present. That's one of the things that troubles me about the Mavs, there are times where they look really efficent as a team and others where it looks like everyone has to create their own shot from a bad position. Dirk is a scoring machine but he's not the type that can create off the dribble play after play like a Kobe Brynat; too big for that. Dirk would be unstoppable if he had someone that could get him the ball in his spots time and time again, he's good when has to put it on the floor, but not nearly as good as when he's catching and shooting on the post. I don't doubt Nash would and probably could get that much if he wanted but that's not his game.
  15. Coffin Surfer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That's the one, I also believe he does a great deal of the vocals on "Bleak."
  16. Coffin Surfer

    TSM TV Badass Tournament, Round 1

    (1) Jack Bauer - 24 vs (16) Robert McCall - The Equalizer (8) Jayne Cobb - Firefly vs (9) Brother Mouzone - The Wire (5) Sylar - Heroes vs (12) The Incredible Hulk (4) Vern Schilinger- Oz vs (13) Lincoln Burrows - Prison Break Vern would make this guy his bitch in no time. (6) Faith - Buffy vs (11) Escobar- Nip/Tuck Faith is a crybaby. (3) Malcolm Rynolds - Firefly vs (14) Joe Rogan - Fear Factor/Inside the UFC Malcom can take anything this guy could throw at him. (7) Not familiar with either one. T-Bag - Prison Break vs ( 15) Admiral William Adama, BSG SOUTHERN DIVISION (1) Vic Mackie - The Sheild vs (16) Keith Mars - Veronica Mars (8) Al Bundy-Married with Children vs (9) Cordell Walker - Walker Texas Ranger Wow. Tough call but let's see Chuck survive marriage. (5) Lucius Vorenus - Rome vs (12) Michael Knight - Knight Rider If he has the damn car. (4) B.A. Baracus - A-Team vs (13) Bob Fucking Barker - The Price is Right As long as it's not in a helicopter, T will be alright. (6) Dexter Morganr-Dexter vs (11) Commander Worf - Star Trek TNG Shit. Tough call. (3) Sawyer- Lost vs (14) Jack Malone - Without a Trace (7) The Beast - Angel vs (10) Holtz - Angel (2) Simon Adebisi-Oz vs (15) Jethro Gibbs - NCIS More man rape from the Oz cast. EASTERN DIVISION (1) Angelus - Buffy/Angel Maybe Ziggy could figure something out, I doubt it. vs (16) Sam Beckett - Quantem Leap (8) Aaron Pierce - 24 vs (9) George Hearst- Deadwood Hearst was a pussy. (5) Pass. (4) Titus Pullo - Rome vs (13) Margos Dezerian - The Shield (6) John Locke - LOST vs (11) Big Dan Dority- Deadwood If this was just Season 1 Locke, he'd gut Dan. But as of now, Dan tricks him on top of a cliff and casually throws him off. (3) Omar Little - The Wire vs (14) Nikita - La Femme Nikita Nikta is too tough and too smart for most anybody. (7) Antwan Mitchell - The Shield vs (10) Dr. Gregory House - House M.D. How kills him with his razor sharp wit. (2) Al Swearengen - Deadwood Al stomps his balls off. vs (15) Richie Apreal - The Soprano' WESTERN DIVISION (1) Tony Sorpano-The Sopranos vs (16) Ryan Atwood - The OC (8) Buffy Summers - Buffy vs (9) Hank Scorpio - The Simpsons (5) James T Kirk - Star Trek vs (12) Curtis "Lemonhead" Lemanski - The Shield (4) Spike - Buffy/Angel vs (13) Rupert Giles-Buffy Bad match up, Giles would advance against most anybody else. (6) Illyria - Angel vs (11) Duncan MacCloud-Highlander Duncan would seduce her or something. (3) Shane Vendrell - The Shield vs (14) Johnny Drama - Entourage/Viking Quest I hate Entourage. (7) Marlo Stansfield - The Wire vs (10) Macgyver - Macgyver (2) Ryan O'Reily - Oz vs (15) Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: DS9
  17. Coffin Surfer

    This week in the NBA

    Kobe's scoring streak is no doubt impressive but yeah, it would be nice if it was against contenders in more important games.
  18. Coffin Surfer

    Storm Comments for 3/21

    "They did leave it one time, though; I totally marked." Evidently, the one match of yours I've read. Seriously, only once? Wow. It must have just stuck with me.
  19. Coffin Surfer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm more of a fan of Steven Wilson, the producer. His work with Opeth is incredible and he was a big part of those album's success, even co-writing at least one of the songs if I'm not mistaken.
  20. Coffin Surfer


    I keep wandering how the cool, seemingly all knowing guy from Season 1 turned into such a damn sucker. I'm hoping this goes somewhere and leads to some sort of redemption for Locke, but eh....
  21. Coffin Surfer

    Storm Comments for 3/21

    No, I just recall all of your matches being in puke green font. At any event, great match.
  22. Coffin Surfer

    Storm Comments for 3/21

    Not sure who wrote it(Stephens/Landon) but the finish of the tag match suddenly turned pretty epic. It brings to mind Misawa/Akiyama(or Kobashi) vs. Kawada/Taue reversed with the faces isolating and destroying the super heel. By the time Stephens eventually falls it feels like the faces conquered a mountain. Plenty of story progression with some face payback and possible team split.
  23. Coffin Surfer

    Sophomore Slumps

  24. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    Tuesday Night Fights was great. Plenty of fun matches with journeymen and "up and comers" trying to catch a break. It dropped off in quality during the final years though.
  25. Coffin Surfer

    TSM TV Badass Tournament nominations thread

    Brock Sampson from the Venture Brothers should be the only animated exception, he must be added. From Buffy drop Glory: Mind sucking is fucking lame. Plus all you need to do is kill Ben, which unlike Buffy wouldn't be a problem for most of the people on this list. From Oz drop Said: Too much of a nice guy.