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Coffin Surfer

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Everything posted by Coffin Surfer

  1. Coffin Surfer

    Clusterfuck Card!

    I'm late for work, and I cannot turn my match in, forwhatever reason the board won't let me send a pm. I won't be off work for midnight, so hopefully I can get my match in by than. Sorry for the inconvience.
  2. Coffin Surfer

    NWA Great American Bash

    Tully/Magnum comes to mind as an I Quit match that didn't have a screwy ending, it certaintly kicks the ass of the Funk/Flair ending. And no the Bash match was better. In the Bash match, Flair did a much better job of putting over Funk's offense, and his "neck" injury. Meanwhile in the I Quit match you get nonsense like Flair brushing off a Piledriver on a floor, which was treated as potential career ending threat in the Bash match. The I Quit match also has dull my turn your turn formatting, and transitions that leave much to be desired. Not a bad match, but not as good as the Bash match.
  3. Coffin Surfer

    Harley Race

    His finisher was the Top Rope Flying Heabutt, like Beniot. He also toned things down in his later years, and settled for a middle rope headbutt. He also used the Indian Deathlock(Finisher), Cradles, and a variety of Suplexes(Gut Wrench, Double Arm, Vertical, Backdrop). He also used the Neckbreaker, Piledriver, tons of Knee Drops and Headbutts, and he liked to post people alot.
  4. Coffin Surfer

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    Well, the ***1/2 matches are really in the ***3/4 range, though I really don't think their as good as the ***3/4 matches I had listed. Still, I'm sure if I was to include more matches, I would have to bump them up. It's not really tough, I just rate them all on the same scale as I do every match in the World, which really isn't fair, but oh well, I can't keep up with two scales of standards. Most WWF MOTYC really isn't in the same league as an excellent All Japan match. Just compare Taue/Williams 96 Canrival Finals to Micheals/Foley Mindgames 96. Here is one of the best performances of Micheals career, and one of the best WWF matches of that year, and yet Taue dragged an equally good match out of a rapidly detoriating crack head. Still, there are U.S. matches like Hart/Austin SS 96 that can hold it's own with the top World Wide matches, so I don't feel the need to curve the scale. I haven't seen alot of lucha, but I would consider Santo/Casas 9/19/97 to be an all time classic in the ****1/2 range.
  5. Coffin Surfer

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    For the hell of it, here's how I would rank the top U.S. matches that I've seen(some stuff I haven't seen in ages such as Rey/Ultimo, so I left them off). I'm still revamping my system, so it's very much subject to change. Other than star ratings, none of them are in any real order. Santo/Octagon vs. Barr/Guerrero 11/94 ****1/4 Bret vs Austin SS 96 ****1/4 Guerrero vs. Rey Havoc 97 ****1/4 Flair vs. Steamboat Chi Town Rumble 89 **** Vader vs. Sting Superbrawl 93 **** Midnight Express vs. Southern Boys GAB 90 **** Vader vs. Sting GAB 92 **** Flair vs. Steamboat Clash 89 **** Flair vs. Windham 2/14/86 **** Danielson vs. London 4/12/03 **** Micheals vs. Ramon Wrestlemania X ***3/4 Rock vs. Austin Wreslemania 17 ***3/4 Micheals vs. Foley Mindgames 96 ***3/4 Austin vs. Hart Wrestlemania 13 ***3/4 Wargames 92 ***3/4 Sting vs. Vader Starcade 92 ***3/4 Flair vs. Steamboat Wrestlewar 89 ***3/4 Windham/Rhodes vs. Zbysko/Austin Superbrawl 92 ***1/2 Douglas/Steamboat vs. Windham/Pillman ***1/2 Bret vs. Owen Wrestlemania X ***1/2 Flair vs. Funk GAB 89 ***1/2 Magnum vs. Tully Starcade 85 ***1/2
  6. Coffin Surfer

    PROMO: Who walks the King's Road?

    Sure, but if it's gonna be about King's Road, you should chose matches worked in the King's Road style. There's not alot of good Taue matches in the early 90s outside of tags, since it took him a while to develop into a great singles worker. There's still alot of good stuff with him being carried from Misawa, Kawada, and even Kobashi. But by the 95 Champions Carnival he developed into one of the elite, surpassing pretty much every pro style heavyweight worker in the world with the exception of Misawa and Kawada(yes, he was even better than Kobashi), and started working some of the most advanced singles matches of all time. And Taue's won lots of matches, afterall he was the first native from his generation to pin Misawa for the Triple Crown.
  7. Coffin Surfer

    PROMO: Who walks the King's Road?

    To show the evolution of King's Road, I would do this: Everyone in the building rises to their feet as a bloodly Giant Baba gets all fire up in the corner, swinging his left arm around like a windmill to signal his brutal finisher. Once the blood soaked Harley Race staggers to his feet, Baba explodes out of the corner! Hooking Race around his neck, Baba drives him forward with a decapting Neckbreaker Drop! Moving at warp speed, Yatsu suspends Jumbo upside down for the Piledriver, while his partner Ricky Choysu leaps up on to the top rope. Palming Jumbo's large boots, Choysu jumps to the mat, helping Yatsu crudely spike his head into the canvas! There isn't a soul in the Buddoken sitting as Tenyru hastily shoves Jumbo down into a standing head scissors. The pop is deafening as Tenyru somehow summons enough power to peel his former tag partner off the mat, and flip him up on his shoulders. Popping his ass out, Tenyru deeply doubles over, driving The Man into the mat with the Powerbomb Pin! Seated helplessly on the top turnbuckle, a black eyed Kobashi desperately tries to fend the monstrous Stan Hansen off with some elbows. Fighting back with some headbutts, Hansen draws back his left arm, and plows it directly into Kenta's face, knocking him back into the ring with his infamous Western Lariat! (Use your 6/3/94 Tiger Driver 91 clip) Grabbing Kobashi by the throat, Taue hooks Mr. Orange Crush up for the Nodowa, while Kawada positions Misawa for the Powerbomb. As if they share one brain, Kawada and Taue simantanouesly lift their victims off the mat, and slam them back down with authority! Summoning up all his power, Misawa unleashes a primal scream as he charges across the ring at his rising foe! Showing no mercy Misawa slams his forearm into Kobash's jaw, dropping his former tag partner with his lethal Running Elbow! There you go, it takes you all the way from the 70s(the birth of King's Road) to 1/97(which in many ways signaled the end of King's Road). Plus it opens with Baba, and closes with Misawa, symbolism eh.
  8. Coffin Surfer

    PROMO: Who walks the King's Road?

    Vader vs. Kawada wasn't a King's Road style match, or even a good match. The last real great King's Road match was Kobashi vs. Kawada 6/98, a little before Vader came around in All Japan. Tenyru vs. Mutoh also isn't King's Road, it was Shit Style. Akiyama vs. Misawa's late 90s matches weren't King's Road, and were actually more like New Japan matches in how they were built. "Misawa again, this time eyeing up Hansen in their rematch! Hansen walks over, ooking to grab hold of the former Tiger Mask II. Misawa reaches into his reserves and finds something simple, smashing Hansen with an elbow… then a second.. then the famous ROOOOOLING ELBOOOOOW" One of my all time favorite moments ever. Hansen's selling is so realistic it's scary, starting from the head up, his body gradually grows limp, until it works it's way down to his legs, and he just lifelssly crumbles to the mat. The match where Kobashi gives Akiyama the Burning Hammer is from NOAH, and it wasn't King's Road. I would have put some Jumbo in there, as well as some Taue(who seems to be unfairly left out, considering he played a huge role in advancing King's Road Style to the peak of it's complexity with his 95 Carnie matches). While Kobashi for the most part, played a huge role in destorying the style.
  9. Coffin Surfer

    Why so many German suplexes?

    Benoit's done a pretty good job of devaluing the German's himself. Still, it wouldn't have hurt if Angle used one of his 8000 German Suplexes on Brock in that Iron Man match as a finish.
  10. Coffin Surfer

    Why so many German suplexes?

    No, there the same move. If they let go than they botched it, and couldn't hold the Full Nelson.
  11. Coffin Surfer

    Why so many German suplexes?

    Instead of using more moves, why don't they give the moves they have more meaning. The German Suplex might as well be snapmare in the modern WWE.
  12. Coffin Surfer

    Terminator vs Predator vs Terminator II

    How I see it: 1. Terminator-Arnold was never better as an emotionless badass one line spewing robot. Plus, I like Reese's character, and Sarah as more of an everyday woman who finds herself in extreme circumstances is more intersting than her Rambo take on the character in the second movie. And you gotta love the Police Station Massacre, which I would take over an action sequence in T2. 2. Predator-Total masculine badassery. Not much more really needs to be said. 3. Commando-Super cheesy, and dare I say almost clever self parody of 80s action movies(though I don't think that was the film makers intention). Everything about this move is hilarious, it's funnier than most comedies. 100's of great one liners, while Arnold does stuff like landing unharmed in two feet of water after jumping from a flying plane. Than you got the great ambigously gay super villian, Bennet, shamlessly spouting lines like,"You know what today is............pay day." 4. Conan the Barbarian-This was actually a very well made movie with a great score, and some awesome visuals. 5. Total Recall-The best Arnold movie from a narrative stand point, but that's not really why I watch Arnold movies. Still a good action move. 6. T2-Just doesn't hold up very well for me, I really have no desire to ever watch the movie again.
  13. Coffin Surfer

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    Yes, but Beniot/Eddy 96 also plays off their previous matches in addition to featuring one of the smartest builds I've ever seen. Beniot's timing and crowd control is flawless, Eddy's selling ranks among some of the best performances of all time, which is something I can't say for the more basic Bret/Beniot.
  14. Coffin Surfer

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    I would actually put Beniot/Eddy 96 as his best match. It's the best performance of Eddy Guerrero's career, and some of the smartest work Beniot's ever done, for reasons I've stated several times. I really don't see how anyone could mention Bret/Beniot in the same breath as this match. Than I would go with Beniot/Sasuke and Beniot/Ohtani to round out his three best matches. While it isn't his best match, Benoit/Angle Rumble does feature one of the best performances of Beniot's career with him sneaking what appears to be a King's Road influence into a WWE match. I remember being unimpressed by Beniot/Hart, they just didn't seem to mesh together very well. It struck me as Bret doing his thing, while he never really gave Beniot the ball much. Compared to Beniot's work with even guys like Sammy, the match felt dumbed down. I haven't seen this match in ages, but one of these days I wouldn't mind tracking it down, and giving it another look.
  15. Coffin Surfer

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    But ***** doesn't mean a match is perfect, it just means it's the best. Benoit and Hart have both had way better matches than that.
  16. Coffin Surfer

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    Hokuto vs. Kandori 4/2/93 -This is my pick for greatest pro style match of all time, so it's defiantly *****. Misawa/Akiyama vs. Kawada/Taue 12/6/96 -The apex of All Japan, it all goes down hill from here. All the seeds they had been planting the whole year, and even further back, finally blossom. The greatest match from the greatest promotion from some of the greatest wrestlers. Misawa vs. Kawada 6/3/94 -This match has been rightfully praised enough for it's depth, and drama, which is better than most movies. In fact the last time I watched the match, I nearly cried during the post match part where the crowd chant changes from "Misawa" to "Kawada". But look at how well constructed it is, I don't think I've ever seen a match as well built as this. They start off hot, go through the slow build with heat spots like the leg work. Than they perfectly warm the crowd up with increasingly more threatening moves, yet they still hold back until the 20 minute mark. They know the crowd is conditioned to not buy anything as a threat until that point, so it's than that they start connecting with their big bombs. Kawada's build to the first Powerbomb is one of the best perfectly crafted near falls in history. Not only because it comes after the 25 minute mark when most Main Events end, but also because Misawa had done hit or at least teased all of his signature moves, making it a pefectly acceptable finish. Rather than just kick out of Kawada's finishers like he would any matches, Misawa smartly bails, and fills time between the Powerbombs, making the kick out more plausible, while at the same time there's still the possibility of him losing right than and there. Sorry for the ramble, but yeah it's *****, and there are only a handful of singles matches in the same universe as this. Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 6/9/95 -I actually have a hard time given this *****, because if one compares it to 12/6/96 it's obvious that it's inferior, but not by that much. Stan Hansen vs. Kenta Kobashi 7/29/93 -One of the handful of singles matches that can be argued as being better than 6/3/94, mostly because Hansen is so fantastic in this. Hansen's cumilative selling is so incredible as everything Kobashi does, makes it appear as he's getting closer and closer to putting him away. Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 12/3/93 -Obviously below the more complex 6/9/95 and 12/6/96, but Kawada's other wordly performance is enough to cement it as an all time classic that is capable of holding it's own with the big two. Funk vs. Jumbo 6/76 -More complex matches have been spat out over the years, but still, this match is just so exceptionally great it's timeless. The way they battle for every single hold, behaving as if every move is a matter of death is something that I've never seen reproduced. Very close: Ohtani vs. Sammy 1/96 -Would love to give it *****, but it's obviously not at the same level as the other singles matches I've done mentioned. Toyota/Yamada vs. Kansai/Ozaki 11/92 -Some would give it *****, but I feel the All Japan men's tags are slightly superior. Kong vs. Toyota 11/94 -see 1/96. Lyger vs. Sammy 4/92 -If only Sammy came off as a more credible threat to Lyger. Still the storytelling and Lyger's performance are nearly second to none.
  17. Coffin Surfer

    Lockdown Comments

    Now that's more like it. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like I was in need of an ego stroking or something, it just felt odd to see a World Title change only get four comments. Thanks everybody.
  18. Coffin Surfer

    Lockdown Comments

    Thanks to everyone who congratulated me on my Title win..........Dace, Janus, and Chuck. This is honestly something that I never thought I would be able to do. Afterall, I don't the know the first thing about writing, yet I'm surrounded by a bunch extremely talented writers that appear to have done way better in English than I did. Considering that I've actually won something with my writing for the first time since like first grade, really does mean alot ot me. Yeah it's just a wrestling e fed, but still, I feel honored. Time is another issue that has crippled my writing here, since I never seem to have any. Still, I will try to find the time to defend the Title as much as possible. Once again, thanks everyone......Dace, Janus, Chuck.
  19. Coffin Surfer

    Flair/Funk I quit

    The I Quit match isn't a ***** match by any stretch of the imagination, since there so many better NWA Flair matches. Flair/Windham 86 and 87, all three Flair/Steamboat matches, and even Flair/Funk Bash 89. I've argued this forever, and it's nice to see more and more people look at the match in a more realistic light(except for the guy who's taking off stars because of "weak" moves and leg work). Funk's also been in a shit load of better matches, including Funk/Jumbo from 76 which is a real all time classic that stands the test of time. As far the moves looking weak, fuck that! That's the same as those dumbasses that mark off Taue matches, because they don't think a Chokeslam is a credible finisher in the All Japan enviroment. I'm not even gonna bother with bullshit arguments like that. The I Quit match for the most part is a glorified squash, with Flair doing alot less selling than usual. Sure his selling is solid, but it's below standard for Flair, and the Piledriver should have been put over more effectively. Compare it to the Bash 89 match, where they treated the Piledriver so much better. Sure the I Quit match is an out of control brawl, but you can still sell, and build a match in that setting(see Hansen vs. Kawada 2/93). Besides, the Bash match is just as intense with the mean spirited revenge spots, and whatnot. I will give I Quit match credit where it's deserved. Funk was very good in the match, way better than he was at Bash where he was all goofy and everything. And Flair/Vader is shit on a stick anyway you cut it. Compare it to the super smart Vader/Sting matches which could hold it's own with almost any singles heavyweight match world wide in their respective years of 92 and 93.
  20. Coffin Surfer

    Bands That Have Improved As They Went

    At the Drive In comes to mind. They put out consistently good albums throughout most of the 90s, and their second to last lp, "In/Casino/Out" is arugably their best album. Though it was slightly over produced, "Relationship of Command" was also a fine farewell lp that could be considered one of their best. Depending on who you talk too, you could make a good case for AFI(as of right now anyway), since they've evolved with just about every album without a drop off in quality.
  21. Coffin Surfer

    Lockdown Predictions

    Xstasy vs Va'aiga -Va'aiga, because he beat me once. Stryke vs Michael Craven -Stryke's back....I'll go with him, becaue he beat me once. HARDCORE MATCH "The Superior One" Tom Flesher vs Crow -I'll go with Flesher, because he beat me more than once. TITLE FOR TITLE, ICTV vs UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Linchpin© vs Charlie "Grappler" Matthews© -Who the hell is Linchpin? TORNADO TAG TEAM MATCH, NO-DQ Dace Night & Terry "Janus" Bailey vs Wild & Dangerous -Dace and Janus, but I really like Wild and Dangerous. Mike Van Siclen vs The HVille Thugg -Thugg. WORLD TITLE MATCH Danny Williams vs Ejiro Fasaki© -I've been looking forward to this one, for a long time. I use to have difficulty in writing Ejiro's character for whatever reason, but after our last match which was the best I've written in the past six months or so, I now think he and my character mesh really well together. Should be very fun.
  22. Coffin Surfer

    What are you watching?

    Kawada/Taue vs. Steven Williams/Big Boss Man 12/1/93 Kawada's leg is hanging by a thread, and the gagins don't hesitate to attack it without mercy. The injury also gives Williams and Bossman a focused offense during the body of the match, allowing them to use their time effectively. Of course, Kawada's offense is fantastic as usual. Williams carries the load for his team, and while he isn't obviously as good as the other three, Bossman is still rather solid with selling. At this time he was better than Johnny Ace(Williams' future partner), so one can only ponder how good he could have got if he stayed in the All Japan setting. Taue is also good here, doing a good job of leading the Bossman through it, while putting over his punches. Unlike 12/3/93, Kawada is able to make the tag, and Taue is able to survive long enough to buy him enough time to recover on the apron. Kawada is great during this segment, being very loud and vocal on the ring apron. Though Kawada is in too much pain to win the match, he is able to give Taue the opportunities he needs to pull off the victory. As with most All Japan tags, there's a ton of hot credible nearfalls down the final stretch. After the match, Kawada gingerly limps away with a worried look on his face, setting up the main storyline for their upcoming match against Misawa/Kobashi, where he and Taue won't be as lucky. Not only does the match foreshadow the impending doom of the classic 12/3/93 tag match, it is also excellent in it's self. ****1/4
  23. Coffin Surfer

    What would you recommend?

    All Japan stuff: All Japan Strong Style Tradition-What matches are on this tape? 3 day Giant Series perhaps-If so, never got around to watching it. However, I've never really heard of any of the matches being pimped or acclaimed. All Japan Real World Tag Team Tourney Finals 1995-eh...12/9/95 really isn't bad or anything, just not a stand out match. 6/9/95 and 10/15/95 were their great matches that year. All Japan Giant Series 1995-Total waste of time. Nothing really essential, great, excellent, or even very good. Kawada/Kobashi draw is a borefest, well below their better matches: 4/93, 10/93, 95 Carnies, 97 Carines, 6/98. All Japan Giant Series 1997-Is this the New Years? Misawa/Kobashi is obviously an all time classic, though I wouldn't rank it as high as others. I also remember the Taue/Akiyama match being rather fun, nothing great though. All Japan Super Power Series 99-Eh..Misawa and Kobashi's days of great matches were pretty long gone by this point. Brace yourself for a sluggish pace, inconsistent selling, and meaningless head dropping. As far as the 6/4/99 tag match goes, the magic was gone. All Japan TV Show May 1999-Not sure which matches are on this. Still, the company hasn't had a great match since 6/98. ll Japan Champions Carnival 1997-Misawa/Kobashi draw is great. Kawada/Misawa is possibly one of the biggest "Fuck Yous" a company has ever given it's fans. A total disappointment. But the Kobashi/Kawada match is very good. All Japan Super Excite Series 2000-Oh god, just seeing the title makes me cringe. Vadar has some so not great it's not even funny matches with Kawada and Kobashi. The Misawa and Akiyama match is only 20 minutes long, yet it feels twice as long as the Kobashi/Kawada 96 draw snoozefest. See Akiyama work the neck, work the neck some more, work the neck some more, oh look he's working the neck. Misawa is a fucking zombie, who doesn't do shit, unless you count laying around on the mat as doing something. It's solid psychology, but it's fucking boring. Eh. With the exception of Kobashi/Misawa 1/97, and the 97 Carnies, everything else is either underwhelming, average, or total shit.
  24. Coffin Surfer

    Dream Matches

    Flesher-In a 70s style 2/3 falls match. It would be like Jumbo/Robinson all over again, but with the possibility of even more advanced mat work and striking. Though Billy's stuff blows away most modern mat work. Thugg-I really like to write matches with powerful brawlers, so why not the best? Frost-Another wrestler, I could work very well with. Nice moveset with the Tiger Driver, Chokeslam...etc. Moves that can be teased and build around rather easily. Also a big emphasis on striking with his punches and Lariats that could make for some intresting exchanges. We went at in the SJL once or twice, but both of us has advanced so much since than. Dace-Duh. But y'all are gonna have to weight a little more longer. Wildchild-Love the flowing rapid fire move set, which makes very fun, smooth matches. I've wrote against him before, but I wouldn't mind doing it again.