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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    I think this is so awesome. I *really* don't like Stephen Harper. I think it's comical as hell to see that he pushed the other parties far enough that they basically said "Dude, you're a minority, fuck you." Not that I'm super-keen on the idea of the NDP/Liberals running the joint, but I'm kinda glad they had the balls to go through with it.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    If by "playing the card", you mean registering a new account as his "wife" to tell us all that he had "died", then yes, yes he did. That said, I have a sneaking suspicion that when she "dies", Dr. Tom will pop back in here to tell us that we were all SWERVED~! or something, and it's actually been him the whole time fucking with us. Also, how would TSM exist today if Paul bought it with intent to delete it? I think you meant he intended to buy it. Seriously though, wasn't he the guy who went buck-wild and spammed every folder on like, 3 separate occasions?
  3. The Metal Maniac

    List Things That Bother You

    The sound of other people eating. Not everyone, but certain people. For example, my roomie, who closes his mouth only about 40% of the time when he's chewing. My dad was horrible for it too, but I couldn't figure it out, because he didn't chew with his mouth open. I just could not stand the sound that man made when he ate. I've seriously gotten up and left a room because I see him coming with food in his hand. Also, people who keep butter in the fridge until you need it. I cannot stand cold butter; spreading it generally turns my once perfect roll into an ungodly mess of torn-apart bread stuck together (barely) but chunks of butter.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Tell them you don't want any salt on your fries. Since most fast-food places put salt on their fries as soon as they come out of the fryer, in order for them to give you fries without salt, they have to fry up a new batch.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    UFC 91: Couture vs Lesnar

    I can see why some would think the hammerfists didn't look like much - Brock really wasn't pulling back much on them. Of course, with hands that size, it's not like he needs to. That said, it sorta looked to me like Brock was just hitting as fast as he could, showing the ref that Randy wasn't defending and it had to be stopped.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Here we can talk about technical bullshit

    That's just you becoming old and bewildered. It's actually not, that really happens. Commercials tend to use all the available sound they can, unlike TV shows, which have quiet parts, and loud parts - if everything was turned up to loud there'd be no quiet parts, and commercials don't WANT quiet parts, so there you go.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    Are there any WWE Wrestl....Entertainers you'd change up?

    Somehow, I don't think Brock's face-first SSP at WMXIX made Kidman look bad.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Are there any WWE Wrestl....Entertainers you'd change up?

    That's true, but it bugged me most with Rhyno, because of those guys you listed, he was the only one to use it as his primary finisher, and he did it (in my opinion) better then anyone else.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    The War on Christmas: 2K8

    They've been playing it at the Wal-Mart I work at since about then too. I don't understand why, seriously. I've never, ever, heard anyone say "I'm so glad they're playing Christmas music this early!", but I have heard a great many people bitch about it. I think the only purpose it serves is pissing off employees who have to listen to it for 2 straight months.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Prison Break

    I'm glad that Bellick went out the way he did - you had to know he was gonna die sooner or later, and that was a decent way to do it. That said, watching that episode, I was dying to know how the fuck their ARC WELDER ran out of gas, considering they run on electricity. And I gotta agree with the comments that this show is losing my interest. I mean, I clicked on some Youtube link up there to see the final moments of Season 2, and it reminded me how incredibly fucking pumped I was watching that season. Now, I'm really just waiting for it to hurry up and end.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    Are there any WWE Wrestl....Entertainers you'd change up?

    Edge has needed to stop using the Spear for years. It just doesn't look effective from a guy with his build. Plus, I never fucking understood why he used the spear when Rhyno was in the company. Made no sense to me.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    Pictures I Like

    Wrong. The correct answer is, "Because they never took E."
  13. The Metal Maniac

    Golden-age cartoons as a kid.

    Roadrunner also got run the fuck over in Tiny Toon's "How I Spent My Summer Vacation". See? And yes, I remembered that right off the top of my head. I nearly shit a brick when I first saw that.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Golden-age cartoons as a kid.

    You say "most likely" as if there's somehow some sort of doubt. There's a bunch of Warner crap they can't show anymore because it's offensive as all hell. Especially the cartoons made during the war - they're just plain mean. Also, I agree with Jingus on the Roadrunner bit - the one with the catapult makes me die laughing to this day.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    Halloween Candy

    Americans are crazy.
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Halloween Candy

    Yes, Smarties are small candy-coated chocolates. In Canada. What they're talking about are what you'd know as Rockets, Kahran. They don't have actual Smarties there.
  17. The Metal Maniac

    First "CD" you ever bought

    I think the first CD I ever bought was Metallica's S&M. I refused to switch over to CD's for a long time, because I liked tapes for some reason. I think it was because you could beat the shit out of a tape and it'd still work. And because all the music I had was on tape, either because I bought it that way to save money, or it was one of my brother's old tapes (my brother had similar musical tastes as me, so I took all his old tapes when he moved out). That was pretty excellent, now that I think about it. Got a bunch of shit from him, old Metallica, Pantera, even Suicidal Tendencies, which I doubt I ever would've heard of otherwise.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Brutus Beefcake knocks up super model?

    I love how, in what appears to be a casual picture of him sitting on his couch at home, Beefcake is doing a fucking wrestling pose.
  19. The Metal Maniac

    Help Me Expand My Wrestling Repertoire

    Did I miss something, or did no one mention the Canadian Stampede 10-man tag match? Fucking unreal in terms of the heat generated during the match, and it was a big part of the whole Hart Foundation vs USA/Stone Cold angle that was so killer. Really, anything you can see from that time period (97ish?) that involves Austin and any members of the Hart Foundation is good. The matches with Bret are fucking classics, and the whole Austin vs Bret angle was just fantastic.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Best Hell In A Cell Match?

    HBK/Taker. I put that one above Mankind/Taker, because it's the better match. Mankind/Taker, while a crazy spectacle, was basically three bumps spread over 15 minutes. There's not much storytelling going on in there, and at some points in the match I really wonder what's going on. I mean like, when Mankind breaks up the Old School, it's like, the first bump Undertaker takes in the match, and he lays around like he's as hurt as Mankind is. I mean, I understand the actual reasoning (they had to buy time) but it looks odd when watched. HBK/Taker has a killer story running through it, with Taker finally getting his revenge on the fucking dickhole who cost him the world title. He beats HBK so fucking bad that HBK resorts to taking out a cameraman and heading for the door when they come to get the cameraman. And even that doesn't work, as Undertaker beats him up outside the cage forcing HBK to try and escape up, and then Taker follows him up there and CONTINUES to kick his ass, knocks him down through the table as he tries to escape again, and KEEPS COMING like the motherfucking terminator. I find it odd that some people say that HBK/Taker doesn't hold up well after repeated viewings, cuz that's how I feel about Mankind/Taker. Once you've seen those bumps, what else is there to that match?
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    The problem here though, is that if you vote for an MP strictly because of what he says he's going to do for your riding, you still HAVE to consider what the overall party's opinion on that issue is. If, for example, your local NDP MP promises to build more roads in your area, but the NDP's stance was that they weren't gonna build new roads for a few years...well, who do you think the MP is gonna side with when he's in parliament? So while I agree that you should pay attention to what your local MP says he wants to do, you simply can't ignore the party's overall stances on things, because 99% of the time, your MP is going to tow the party line.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    15 bucks says at least 75% of celebrities who's kids have dumb names thought exactly this to themselves.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    My name is...Adult Swim Thread

    Those two two-part Metalocalypse episodes they did this season fucking ruled the school. Given that extra time to build to jokes really helped those episodes, which are prolly some of the best they've ever done. That show really should be 22 minutes long; They can sustain it, easily.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    Well, I voted. Kinda tricky cuz I wasn't registered to vote, but my landlord came and swore for me, so it's all good. Now to wait for the numbers to roll in. Is it true that all polls across Canada are closing at the same time, and that's when they're gonna start counting?
  25. The Metal Maniac

    My name is...Adult Swim Thread

    One night, me and my roomie were just sorta randomly watching TV when Tim & Eric came on. We watched the whole episode, in the same sort of way that someone rubbernecks when they drive by a car crash. I literally don't think either of us laughed once. We didn't even see anything that seemed like it was supposed to be a joke. It was just a bunch of stuff happening that didn't seem to make any sense. We came to the conclusion that the joke for the show must be on the people who actually air it. I think those guys giggle themselves silly that someone actually pays them money to do that. That said, Venture Bros and Metalocalypse are the best shows they show on there currently, in my eyes. Home Movies was fucking stellar as well.