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Everything posted by WrestlingDeacon

  1. WrestlingDeacon

    SWF Sunday Night Frost

    Wait a minute...the Sunday Heat type show before the ppv is called Frost? Is that some allusion to me or just a play off of Heat?
  2. WrestlingDeacon

    A Clockwork Orange

    I actually talk a bit about Clockwork Orange in my column this week and the use of Singing in the Rain. Got to click on the link to see.
  3. WrestlingDeacon

    New L.O.D.

    He was. If it wasn't for Luger Crush would have got the Jesus push in '93 against Yoko.
  4. WrestlingDeacon

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Heenan at Wrestlemania VIII the following March: Bobby: "What's Tito's sister doing in the ring singing the National Anthem?" Gorilla: "What?" Bobby: "Didn't you say that was Arriba McEntire?"
  5. WrestlingDeacon

    Oscar Predictions....

    This is looking to be a very week Oscar year, so I think that Return of the King and Peter Jackson have very good chances at awards. However, I don't think the academy will just hand them trophies for all three films as a whole. They've never done that with a film series. The new movie will have to stand on its own.
  6. WrestlingDeacon

    Oscar Predictions....

    No way Nicole Kidman gets nominated in the best supporting actress category after winning the best actress trophy last year.
  7. WrestlingDeacon

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    From KOTR '93 as Mr. Perfrect makes fun of Razor Ramon for losing to the 1-2-3 Kid and offering $10,000 for a rematch: "Look, for the kind of money I'm offering I could have Mr. Perfect's mother dancing naked right here on this very table."
  8. WrestlingDeacon

    I saw Junior Brown last night

    Saturday night I went to nearby Nelsonville with some friends to see Junior Brown in concert. Brown is an alternative country artist who is a cross between George Jones and Jimi Hendrix. He even closed with a cover of “Foxy Lady.” Brown is one of the most gifted guitar players in the world today, proficient on every variation of that instrument you can think of. He has a custom built guitar that he plays in shows that’s a pedal steel on the bottom and your standard six string on the top. He glides back and forth between the two with such speed and assurance. If you like good guitar work or a different sound outside the mainstream I would thoroughly recommend checking him out.
  9. WrestlingDeacon

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    From Hogan's Wrestlemania IV interview: "And when Donald Trump and all the Hulkamaniacs are out there swimming in the Atlantic ocean, just look for the Hulkster and I'll dog paddle us all to safety, brother. 'Cause what ya gonna do Andre when Hulkamania runs wild on you?" *does backstroke out of interview*
  10. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who shares a last name with GQ MONEY. I need to make a stable of these "money" guys in EWR.
  11. WrestlingDeacon

    Ashes 2 Ashes

    *sells by doing the Marty Janetty 450 flip sell and lands on Va'aiga squashing him like a bug.* Judge, the ref had to stop the match to unwrap the Eel from the ropes. That takes time. Have you ever seen the real fan man bit, he held up the match for like 20 minutes.
  12. WrestlingDeacon

    'Simpsons' Celebrate 15 Years of Laughs

    Conan was on the series from 1991-1993. I know that the Monorail episode was his baby and the point at which the Simpsons really broke into the formula they used for most of their run and got more away from being a more realistic family based sitcom.
  13. WrestlingDeacon

    Ashes 2 Ashes

    Since you all suck, I took the time to write the main event for you. It came in at 27,891 words. Of course, 12,000 of that is the Memphis Eel doing his fan man impression.
  14. WrestlingDeacon

    Identify this Anime Film

    Error on my part from the site I got the picture from. My bad for not noticing.
  15. WrestlingDeacon

    Identify this Anime Film

    Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it.
  16. WrestlingDeacon

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    This quote should give people a lot to work with. It's Kurt Angle talking to Lillian Garcia about his upcoming title defense being turned into a triple threat with both the Rock and Triple H: "I wasn't surprised at all. In fact, I thought, why stop there? Why not add the Big Show, or Chris Jericho, or the whole state of Nebraska for that matter? And don't you think a wrestling ring is a little old school, Lilian? Why not put the match in a shark tank, with real live sharks? Hungry sharks! And the only way to beat your opponent is to stuff him down a shark's throat, and pin the shark. Wouldn't that be a hoot?"
  17. WrestlingDeacon

    A2A Border Run request threadz0r

    I think we've all got what we need from Mexico, try crossing another border. I want El Santo's remains.
  18. WrestlingDeacon

    SNL Review

    I told Bob I would tape the show and review it since I was going to be out of town Saturday night. However, a power surge flicked off my elictricity and messed up my VCR's timer. I got back around 12:30, but was tired and didn't watch the end of the show. I'll do my best to watch it next week as I am very intrigued to see Al Sharpton on the program.
  19. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who feuded with RAVEN in Ring of Honor.
  20. WrestlingDeacon

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Pittsburgh native Kurt Angle on his wrestling prowess: "I'm crisp and clean with no caffeine."
  21. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who boxed MR. T
  22. WrestlingDeacon

    Coolest E-Bay Item EVAR~!

    And I don't see where shipping would be ten bucks for a pair of shorts. You can stuff them in a big manila envelope and probably send them for under three bucks.
  23. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who hosted Worldwide with another very influential announcer, BOBBY HEENAN.
  24. WrestlingDeacon

    The best four songs on the Radio

    Ok, what's the best four songs on radio right now. Let me flip around my dial and see what I can find. -NPR has a story about people getting food poisioning at a Chi-Chi's. Not a song, but worth mentioning. -The Kickin' Country station is playing "High Cotton" by Alabama. I actually don't mind Alabama, because they were like a rock band with long hair and greasy t-shirts that went to Nashville for the untapped poontang potential. -The soft pop station out of Barnesville is playing "Name." Makes you feel old that that song is considered soft pop doesn't it? -The local Oldies station is playing "Abraham, Martin and John." It a good tune, has a nice beat and a very melancholy message. Of course, that song is about something, so I doubt if most of you would dig that. -The light FM station (which is somehow different from soft pop) is playing "Broken Wings" from Mr. Mister. Doesn't get any better than that. That's the best song on radio right now.
  25. WrestlingDeacon

    Horror Movie Tourney

    The Shining Halloween