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Everything posted by WrestlingDeacon

  1. WrestlingDeacon

    Most overrated films of all time

    I was asking MideonMark, Bruiser, not you to name me three films. He said he would add some more films if asked, so I was asking. If you want to toss up some ideas please do. I know I'm not a majority of the board, that's what I was kind of pointing out. I'm a huge film buff and it kind of ticks me off when I see something like "Greatest of All-Time" and it's all stuff from the past ten years. People have no sense of history and there is so much great stuff out there that these people don't even know exist. I'm happy that there a few others, like yourself Bruiser, on here who do have sense of what else is out there. Go back through the threads and find a post from awhile back of mine on the 100 films I think everyone should see. That should tell you where I'm coming from.
  2. WrestlingDeacon

    Most overrated films of all time

    Ok, I'll ask you. Give me 3 films before 1990 that you think are overrated with at least three distinct points as to why. I will then give you my opinion tit for tat. Trust me, anything you come up with, I've seen. By the way, I'm 24, but a huge film buff and I could probably make a list of 200 films, just American post-silent era mind you, that would leave the punks on this board scratching their head and looking at me like I had a machete sticking out of my head.
  3. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who BOBBY HEENAN managed at the time.
  4. WrestlingDeacon

    Most overrated films of all time

    You know I can't take anything you say seriously when the title of this thread is "The Most Overrated Films of All-Time" and you only go back five years. I think I'll start a thread called "The Worst Actors of All-Time Named Keanu."
  5. WrestlingDeacon

    TSM Comic Books Team Tornement

    My bad, thanks. I have one issue of Avengers Spotlight starring Dr. Druid. Whatever happened to that guy?
  6. WrestlingDeacon

    Best before they were stars cameo?

    William H. Macy in "Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon" for all of 5 seconds as a t.v. producer. If you look real hard you can see Bruce Willis sitting way in the back in several court room scenes in "The Verdict." Kevin Costner as a frat boy picking up hookers in "Night Shift," (which I have on DVD) I love seeing Jack Nicholson popping up in old Roger Corman flicks, especially if he's opposite Boris Karloff. Harrison Ford as a bell hop in "Dead Heat on a Merry Go-Round" with Lee Marvin. John Travolta as an eyeless discpile of goat headed Ernest Borgnine in "The Devil's Reign." Tom Hanks as a random dork in "He Knows Your Alone" and in Happy Days karate kicking Fonzie through a window.
  7. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who used a full nelson as a finisher like BILLY JACK HAYNES
  8. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    and his joining of the rednecks made SCOTT NORTON the last official member of the nWo in WCW.
  9. WrestlingDeacon

    Vanilla Pepsi

    There's an ice cream parlor in town where you can get any flavor coke you can think of. Vanilla, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, rasberry, butterscotch, you name it. I've dug the vanilla Coke since Pulp Fiction, but vanilla Pepsi ain't on Jack Rabbit Slim's menu.
  10. WrestlingDeacon

    TSM Comic Books Team Tornement

    Unless you are being facetious, you should know that WCA stands for West Coast Avengers. Although they were the Avengers West Coast upon their debut. Now, the Great Lakes Avengers were the team that could kick the ass of everyone else on here.
  11. WrestlingDeacon

    Managerial Rosters

    I said that above. The invasion also included Cornette managing Dan Severn, Barry Windham and the new Midnight express of Bombastic Bart Gunn and Bodacious Bob Holly.
  12. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who squashed VIRGIL at Survivor Series '92.
  13. But he got the action, he got the motion. Yeah, the boy can play. Wait...damn....that's the wrong friggin' song.
  14. WrestlingDeacon

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Nah, I say you're screwed. I was playing a 1986 scenario with 3.0 shortly before the new version came out. I had Hennig as my AWA champ and he wouldn't renogiate with me no matter what. His morale bottomed out when I made him feud with Sgt. Slaughter when he didn't want to. I eventually got his morale back up to 92% in putting him over in feuds he did want to do with fellow young turks Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero, but he was still pissed over the Slaughter thing and would not renogiatiate. Odd are, I'm guessing a similar thing here were Jericho is going to leave no matter what.
  15. WrestlingDeacon

    WCW's Worst Gimmick of 1993/1994

    The Shockmaster is the patron saint of Wrestlecrap. Also let me name drop Chetum the Evil Midget for he is justice and rule.
  16. WrestlingDeacon

    TSM Comic Books Team Tornement

    And Batman went over Wolverine and Joker went over Magneto. So my guess is it will come down to the Uncanny X-Men vs. the JLA Mag 7 unless your random bracketing makes that matchup before then. If you haven't read it, go pick up back issues of the current JSA series. It's the last comic I regulary collected and a damn good read for those into DC history and continuity.
  17. WrestlingDeacon

    The Beach Boys

    Glen Campbell did a lot of session work for the Monkees too and is good friends with Mike Nesmith. He was considered "the fifth Monkee" for a brief period. You failed to mention that John Stamos worked with the Beack Boys in the late '80's as a drummer, particulary around the time of their resurrgence with Kokomo.
  18. I highly recommend checking out Guitar George. He knows all the chords.
  19. WrestlingDeacon

    It is finished!

    I haven't played the scenario much, because I'M WRITING A MATCH FOR A PPV! So, should the rest of you, chop chop. Play time later.
  20. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who got the pleasure of being HURRICANE'S random tag partner of the week awhile back.
  21. WrestlingDeacon

    TSM Comic Book Team Tornement

    The All-New, All-Different X-Men The Outsiders The ‘Original’ Avengers The Defenders Justice League International-sue me Fantastic Four The Original X-Men The Teen Titans
  22. WrestlingDeacon

    TSM Comic Books Team Tornement

    I'm actually quite torqued off about those three upsets and I think most knowledgable comic fans on this board should be too. Both JSA representative's are out in the first round? The Legion jobs to a second rate Avengers led by a guy with a bow and arrow? I can understand the upsets though. There are a whole lot more Marvel punks on this board than DC and you pretty much have to be in DC to really have ever read or be totally aware of the Legion. The JSA, even the new incarnation, is a little old school for the younger crowd and this being a popularity contest there's no way they beat out a group of the most popular villains ever. However, that was just such a thrown together team that had no real chemistry or reason for being outside of selling a few issues. They even had a random white martian on the team just so Martian Manhunter would somebody to fight. That's ghey.
  23. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who wound up taking DROZ in as a member (I want to say I heard that Sytch and Candido finally broke up. Not sure.)
  24. WrestlingDeacon

    Wrestling Link Game....

    and it was TERRY FUNK'S advice for Foley to start on top of the cell in his match with 'Taker.
  25. Hey, it worked for the Earl of Sandwich. And the Duke of Earl, but I guess that was two titles so he was doubly over with the fans. Frost-"The Ayatollah of Rock 'n Rolla"