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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth


  2. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    While I am on the topic of routers, Linksys issued new firmware for the WRT54G version 5. GET THIS IMMEDIATELY if you have this router, it fixes pretty much everything. Once you upgrade, power cycle your router; there's a hilarious glitch in which it will forget all your port forwarding information because it drops your PC from the DHCP client table. Power cycle fixes this, or failing that, holding the reset button. But power cycle takes all of ten seconds and doesn't require re-entering config information.
  3. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Can you be more specific? Pretty much everyone has a router between the PC and the Intarweb. What exactly, are your issues? Post your router and the firmware you're using with it. Also, the way you connect to the Internet (DHCP, Static IP, etc) and any other relevant information. The more you tell me, the better I can help.
  4. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Welcome to online gaming. Droppers and cheaters everywhere. Every game has its assholes; shame that DS almost lets them get away with it. I believe you get the win if they disconnect.
  5. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    By the way, some people who have put their codes in this list have not added me yet, I believe. My code's in the thread!
  6. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Bad news/good news: Bad news: my router doesn't allow me to connect to friends, so I returned it. Good news: my neighbors ain't that smart. You can still find me online from time to time.
  7. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    I'm worried that my router won't allow P2P connections through the DS, and thus my DS would give me an 86420 when connecting with friends. Would love to test this out.
  8. Thoth

    Best twist/swerve in a video game?

    Everything in Phoenix Wright was basically a great swerve.
  9. Thoth

    Promo: Tying up loose ends

    As soon as I whip up another Thoth report, someday, that will change.
  10. Thoth

    Promo: Tying up loose ends

    No, that's the promo. Where did he go? And the answer, is I don't know.
  11. Thoth

    Total Days Holding an SWF Title as of 12/21/05

    Top 10. Wow. I STILL kick ass.
  12. Thoth

    Huge list of $10 clearance games at Toys R Us

    I got Feel the Magic, everything else was sold out.
  13. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Added you, Ced. Ced and claydude14 both need to add me back.
  14. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    I added you, Downhome.
  15. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Alright, I've got MKDS for real now. Friend code: 433853 030540
  16. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    No web browsers. Kill your friend for fibbing.
  17. Thoth


    Some of the matches on this card make me question whether Bill Fillmaff truly was a waste of time.
  18. Thoth

    Animal Crossing DS...

    I'm debating picking this up, though it hitches on whether I can find a community of people with which we can share experiences on WiFi. I guess I'll meet up with you guys.
  19. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Friend code has changed, see Page 2.
  20. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    I was gonna buy a wireless router. But everyone in the apartment complex where I live is kind of dumb.
  21. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Maybe it's a little late, but you don't need a PSP to get Jake the Snake.
  22. Thoth

    Nintendo DS $99 at Target sometime in December

    Thanks for your e-mail about The Nintenedo [sic] Dual Screen in the 2005 Holiday Catalog. The ad is a misprint, as the price in the system should be $129.99. However, Target is honoring the ad price of $99.99 if you are able to bring in a copy of the catalog. If you have any trouble at the store, have them call us at (800) 440-0680 and we will be able to assist you then. Keep in mind the catalog price expires on December 12th, 2005. We always welcome your questions, so if we can assist you in the future, please contact our Target Guest Relations team at (800) 440-0680. You can also speak with a team member at the Guest Services Desk at your local Target store, or visit us on Target.com. Either way, we’re here to help! Thanks for shopping with us. I hope we’ll see you again soon at Target. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> God damn it. If that's the official word, then whatever.
  23. Thoth

    Nintendo DS $99 at Target sometime in December

    I work at a Target, and the $99 thing is indeed a typo. If you walk into my store, it's going to be a fun time if you try to get a DS for that price.
  24. Thoth

    Mario Kart DS

    Hey Ced. I got the game! Well, I will next month, for Christmas. We should play sometime.