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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    Reminisce with me...

    How can you reminisnce without thinking of all the really bad (and sometimes short-lived JL gimmicks)? Hamsauce: He was a really fat, sloppy redneck. Mark Kinxx: His gimmick was he hated peanuts, and all he could say was "I love peanuts!" His parents wouldn't let him write, though. Captain Falcon: Didn't do much except boast he could... argh, he did SOMETHING to piss us all of, I can't remember what. Lucky: I'll kill that fucker T-Bone: The Steak-Sauce Covered Bastard. That's really about it. And last, and seriously fucking goddamn least: Cutthroat: Remember when he joined as Dragon? And he had that website devoted to him? And we all hated him? And then his "brother" Cutthroat joined? I mean Jesus Christ.
  2. Thoth

    Promo: Mind Of The Machines

    I challenge that notion with the concept of Ted Flink, the Five Flaming Fruits, and Ovalteen.
  3. Thoth

    Promo: Mind Of The Machines

    Yeah, Toxxic. The Clan, which I was a part of, then later led, did pretty much every strange thing ever. We were going to do a thing where John Kruger thought he had cancer in one arm, and could only wrestle with one arm, but it turns out he had a new version of the skull radio that let us beam suggestions to him like pain and disease. Not to mention doctors and surgeons paid by the Clan. Dude, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
  4. Thoth

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Vega (claw) (Street Fighter) Iori Yagami (King of Fighters) Sagat (Street Fighter) Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
  5. Thoth

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    You should have retired on your birthday, it would have been tre cool.
  6. My awesome US reign... gone... no...
  7. Thoth

    SWF Diablo 2 Crew

    I play on US West. IM me if you want to play with me when I'm on and you're on and stuff.
  8. Thoth

    "Breaking Kayfabe"

    Let's hire Axis back so he can be the Santa Claus to all the staff's kids like Freddie Blassie was in the WWF.
  9. Thoth

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    Vega (claw) (Street Fighter) Ken Masters (Street Fighter) Iori Yagami (King of Fighters) E. Honda (Street Fighter) Akuma (Street Fighter) Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury) Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear) Kibagami Genjuro (Samurai Shodown)
  10. Thoth

    Your hottie of the moment...

    I use the dorky brother picture for your icon in my iChat.
  11. Thoth

    X-Box Live/PS2 Online Names?

    Gamertag: ThothBeyond I play PGR 2, CvS 2 (I LOVE THIS), Magic Battlegrounds, MechAssault, and Outlaw Volleyball.
  12. Thanks to the complete ineptness of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Metal Slug 3 and SvC Chaos will see Xbox release in America shortly; and putting rumors to rest, SvC Chaos will in fact, support Xbox Live. What a blow to the PS2.
  13. Thoth

    SNKUSA takes it to the power of X

    Kof EX 2 came out 2 months ago or so. I've had my copy for a long time. Where were you? The story actually ties in somewhat with KoF 2003.
  14. It's been real, King. Thanks for stepping up at a time when we really needed you. I guess I'm responsible for all that badness back in the day, and you came in, along with the rest of CC, and saved our asses. I will forever be grateful. Now, former world champion Thoth... books the WF? Actually, I think my role might be policing the threads, making sure stats are good and there is no evil, but since you guys are a well-behaved lot, I think I won't be doing much. I guess I'll book cards in case of emergency.
  15. Thoth

    Explain THIS TO ME

    What the fuck? Eddie Guerrero? Dude, this isn't even FUNNY anymore. This just sucks.
  16. Thoth

    SNKUSA takes it to the power of X

    The source is Ben Herman himself, the president of SNK NEOGEO USA CONSUMER. You can e0mail him if you want, go to the website to ask. Basically, MS3 is not getting approved, and Samurai Shodown 5 looks highly doubtful.
  17. And there is a good chunk in WC's match where it appears he copied "DADDY WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SAUSAGE" several times.
  18. Thoth

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    Jin Kazama (Tekken) Rock Howard (Fatal Fury) Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) Blanka (Street Fighter) Iori Yagami (King of Fighters) Heiachi Mishima (Tekken) Kyo Kusanagi (King of Fighters) King (Tekken) Axel (Guilty Gear) Chun-Li (Street Fighter) Ryu (Street Fighter) Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury) Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear) Rugal Bernstien (King of Fighters) Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury) Kibagami Genjuro (Samurai Shodown)
  19. Thoth

    PROMO: "Credo."

  20. Thoth

    Buying an XBox soon...

    Unless you have dial-up, I seriously think you should consider Xbox Live, it is teh fun.
  21. Thoth

    Buying an XBox soon...

    Depends on if you plan to get Xbox Live or not. What genres interest you? Halo is a name that pops up, so is Knights of the Old Republic. I also recommend Project Gotham Racing 2, Capcom VS SNK 2... but if you get Live, take a look at the Live-enabled games. All of those games, sans Halo, support Live in some way. Deus Ex: Invisible War... Outlaw Volleyball is on the cheap, now, too. Soul Calibur 2, if you like shitty fighting games. AND METAL SLUG 3 IS COMING TO XBOX AND SO IS SVC CHAOS AND SO IS GUILTY GEAR XX#RELOAD OH MY FUCKING GOD AND THEY'LL BE ON LIVE I SHIT MY PANTS
  22. Thoth

    1/21 SWF Lockdown HOLT Report

    Huh, so I've been working darks this whole time? ...huh.
  23. Thoth

    Promo: Dateline!

    Okay, Crowe, then what happens in cricket? GET THE BALL THROUGH THE WICKETS? Or am I mistaken?
  24. Thoth

    1/21 SWF Lockdown HOLT Report

    Bemani Cross Wizards? What the hell? I job to a fucking backslide?
  25. Thoth

    Promo: Dateline!

    Cricket is a game where nothing happens.