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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth: Blazenwing is online. Apostle: Random Asian Chicks > Random Other Chicks Thoth: Commence the fucking. Judge: ... Post this shit in chat, Thoth. Thoth: Posting in installments: Thoth: Ted Polak: Blazenwing. Thoth: David Blazenwing: hey Thoth: Ted Polak: I saw your post. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i figured I' Thoth: David Blazenwing: ahh Thoth: David Blazenwing: I figured I'd be hearing from you Thoth: Ted Polak: Yeah, um. Thoth: Ted Polak: I saw your post, and I couldn't help but notice. Thoth: Ted Polak: There's a match very similar to mall brawl. Judge: (SWFAmp) (Dennis Leary - The Asshole Song) (4m24s) (4.06MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) Thoth: David Blazenwing: yes Thoth: Ted Polak: This is a problem. Thoth: Ted Polak: Are you aware of the Copyright Act of 1998? Kibagami: I kinda sorta ended up with one, Judge. Kibagami: She looks like Audrey Hepburn. Thoth: David Blazenwing: um... nope Thoth: Ted Polak: In short, it states that any intellectual property is automatically copyrighted without need for paperwork. Thoth: Ted Polak: If one can prove that he or his intellectual body thought of it. Thoth: David Blazenwing: umm... sure, alright Thoth: Ted Polak: Now, if you had contatced us before you did this, I'm sure we could have worked something out. Thoth: Ted Polak: *contacted Thoth: Ted Polak: But as it is, you appropriated what was our intellectual property and used it. Thoth: Ted Polak: Yeah. Thoth: Ted Polak: This presents a problem. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i didn't know YOU guys made that... sry Thoth: Ted Polak: And I would like to avoid legal action. Thoth: David Blazenwing: LEGAL ACTION!? Thoth: Ted Polak: I said I don't WANT to do it. Judge: Where is the Mall Brawl look-alike? * Judge can't find it. Thoth: Ted Polak: I mean, I don't think either of us want to do that. Thoth: 8:00 PM Thoth: Ted Polak: So I'm going to need the details of your site. Thoth: David Blazenwing: details? why? Thoth: Ted Polak: Things like ISP, login/password. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i can just change the match, man Thoth: David Blazenwing: no biggie Thoth: Ted Polak: No, no. Thoth: Ted Polak: See, it's ALREADY happened. Thoth: Ted Polak: It's part of history. Thoth: Ted Polak: You can't UNDO history. Judge: ... Thoth: Ted Polak: I don't think you understand. Thoth: Ted Polak: This is a copyright violation. Thoth: Ted Polak: Companies sue for millions of dollars due to this stuff. Judge: Oh dear God, this must be saved. Judge: This is fucking great. Judge has voiced Thoth Apostle: this is one of the greatest things ever * Judge sheds a tear. Judge is proud to be in the SWF right now. Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude... this is for FUN Thoth: Ted Polak: I know. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I'm not making profit off this Thoth: Ted Polak: And what we do is for FUN, too. Thoth: Ted Polak: You don't need to make a PROFIT of it. Thoth: Ted Polak: Your status as a nonprofit doesn't affect anything. Thoth: Ted Polak: If a charity sells bugs bunny shirts to raise money for the sick... it's still illegal. Quiz: (Y) Thoth: Ted Polak: Now I want to AVOID legal action. Thoth: David Blazenwing: keyword: SELLS Thoth: OH MY GOD * Judge shall save this Godliness. Thoth: HE GAVE US LOGIN AND PASSWORD Judge: ... Quiz: Yes. * Judge gives Thoth a high five. Thoth: GO. Thoth: GO. Thoth: GO. Kibagami: Dude, you're the man. Evolution: !!! Evolution: Comedy Central! Evolution: Now! Evolution: This guy is awesome. Apostle: who was that guy? Thoth: GET TO HIS SITE Judge: Think of Zsasz, Rando. Judge: "OMG I'm not being appreciated! Judge: "That was my best match ever!" Evolution: I began his breakdown. Thoth: David Blazenwing: me = NO SELLS Thoth: Ted Polak: Alright. Thoth: David Blazenwing: look, just let me change the match Thoth: Ted Polak: But it already happened. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i REALLY didn't know you guys created it Thoth: Ted Polak: You can't UNDO history. Apostle: no...I meant...on Comedy Central... Evolution: Ron White, Randy. Evolution: Rando* Apostle: where is Blazenwing's site? Judge: Yeah. fuckoff (blueskies@***.ade0310.ade.iprimus.net.au) has joined the channel Crusen has quit IRC (Kill by NickServ!conference@room (GHOST command used by fuckoff)) fuckoff is now known as Crusen Crusen: lol@suing blazenwing Crusen: MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 66 leg sweeps on Evolution! [Limp Bizkit - Just Like This] [3m34s/3.28MB] Crusen: MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 22 leg sweeps on Tryst! [The Ataris - Teenage Riot] [3m1s/2.78MB] Evolution: Ron White is funny in the Blue Collar Comedy Tour movie. Crusen: Wait! Crusen just played Limp Bizkit! Since Fred Durst is a crying bitch, Crusen feels it's appropriate to perform a BABALITY! Crusen summons all the force he can muster and... POP! Evolution is now a baby. Aww, how cute. BABALITY! Judge: Ted Polack: I have unleashed my dogs of war, David. Manson ([email protected]) has joined the channel Evolution: And he's funny here, too. Crusen: MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 61 leg sweeps on Apostle! [Opeth - The Drapery Falls] [10m48s/9.96MB] Crusen: Wait! Crusen just played Opeth! This allows him to perform a FATALITY on Apostle! Crusen summons the power of the gods, sending thousands of lightning bolts down from the sky straight into the face of Apostle! FATALITY! Judge: He just posted something... Apostle: you would think I could counter that Thoth: Ted Polak: Umm... Thoth: Ted Polak: You gave us wrong information. Thoth: Ted Polak: I don't think I need to tell you that either you give us the login info, or we get them from your ISP. Thoth: Ted Polak: And if we get them from your ISP, they will probably shut down your account. Thoth: http://www.angelfire.com/ew/blazenwing Thoth: I mean ex Thoth: not ew Judge: OK, that's the last time we let you drive. Judge: Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL. Crusen: so hes not very bright then Judge: Ah, okay. Judge: The August 4th edition of Havok is up! Also, the preview for next week's Havok is up as well. We have one spot left for the Mall Brawl, so sign up now! Hurry! Judge: The fuck. Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude Thoth: David Blazenwing: come on Thoth: Ted Polak: Look, this is the EASIEST way. Thoth: Ted Polak: I don't want any trouble. Thoth: Ted Polak: But you are taking our property, that we took time and energy to think of. Thoth: David Blazenwing: so, wait. You want me to give up all my personal login info... WHY? Thoth: David Blazenwing: So you can do what? Thoth: David Blazenwing: Shut me down? Thoth: Ted Polak: So we can check and make sure you're not taking any other of our things. Thoth: Ted Polak: We won't shut you down. Thoth: Ted Polak: But we need to make sure. Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude, what you see is what you get Thoth: David Blazenwing: everything I have is on the site Thoth: Ted Polak: How do I know you're not storing it on a separate file? Thoth: David Blazenwing: unless you have the image of Rey Mysterio copyrighted Thoth: Ted Polak: The point here is fact-finding. Thoth: Ted Polak: It's a legal process. Thoth: Ted Polak: In which we can legally document and verify your claims. Apostle: you should inform him that you are contacting the WWE about the use of that Rey Rey pic Thoth: Ted Polak: Otherwise, we will go to your ISP. Thoth: Ted Polak: And I don't want to do that, I'm sorry. Thoth: He wants me to go into a chat with him. Thoth: Ted Polak: And I won't join your chat because this is a legal matter between me, the administrator of the SWF, and you, owner of the BWF. Thoth: Ted Polak: And talking to other people will legally complicate things. Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude, if you talk to me, you talk to my co-pwner Apostle has quit IRC (QUIT: The SWF Script - the edition where all the bugs were grilled alongside the flesh of christians.) Thoth: Oh god,. Thoth: I'm in a chat with his co-worker. Evolution: ... Evolution: co-pwner?!? Thoth: Co-owner Evolution: co-pwner?!? Thoth: Watch me own them both. Evolution: Baahaahaha. Judge: GO GO THOTH! Kibagami: We expect nothing less from you. Judge: This is on the verge of becoming fucking legendary. Thoth: Ted Polak: Hello. Thoth: jwtkins: hey Thoth: David Blazenwing: Alright, go ahead. Thoth: Ted Polak: I'm assuming you heard about our problem. Thoth: jwtkins: David, where did you originally come up with the concept? Thoth: Ted Polak: We want to resolve this as quickly and painlessly as possible. Thoth: Ted Polak: 2 years ago. Thoth: Ted Polak: At the first JL PPV. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, ours, anyway. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i wasn't in SJL two years aso Thoth: David Blazenwing: *ago Thoth: Ted Polak: We have archives of almost everything. Thoth: Ted Polak: Including that PPV. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I got the idea from you guys, but NO ONE ever said you guys made the match Thoth: Ted Polak: It was open to all. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well... we did. Thoth: Ted Polak: And that aside, we need to protect our property. Kibagami: This is really a beautiful thing. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Protect it from what? Thoth: David Blazenwing: An e-fed that is making NO profit? Thoth: Ted Polak: Protect it from unauthroized people appropriating it. Thoth: Ted Polak: Like I said, profit is not an issue. Thoth: Ted Polak: Consider the creativity behind it. Thoth: David Blazenwing: James? Thoth: Ted Polak: Creative thought takes mental effort. Thoth: Ted Polak: Just like work takes physical effort. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Oh alright ... a fight in a mall Thoth: jwtkins: I've heard of Mall Brawles for years Thoth: Ted Polak: To take someone's idea could be considered mentally profiting from it. Thoth: David Blazenwing: gee, no one but SJL can do those Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, that's fine, but I need written proof. Judge: Ask where. Judge: Press him on this question. Evolution: Poor Blazenwing. Judge: He's just getting owned. Thoth: jwtkins: it is done by some of the indie wrestling groups in real life and has been for years befor what you claim Thoth: 8:15 PM Thoth: Ted Polak: But indy wrestling and e wrestling are different entities. Thoth: Ted Polak: As one has physical body and one doesn't. Thoth: Ted Polak: And the nature of the brawls is different. Thoth: Ted Polak: As in writing, there are no limits. Judge: And what Indy Wrestling groups do this? Judge: Who the fuck has the money two? Thoth: Ted Polak: So they would legally be considered different thing. Thoth: Ted Polak: *things Thoth: David Blazenwing: so why can't I just CHANG THE F"N MATCH?! Thoth: Ted Polak: As our matches involve much different angles and aims than an indy mall brawl. Thoth: Ted Polak: Because it ALREADY happened. Judge: *to? Thoth: David Blazenwing: no it didn't Thoth: David Blazenwing: the PPV is this weekend Thoth: Ted Polak: You wrote it down. Thoth: David Blazenwing: in 2 days Thoth: David Blazenwing: so? Thoth: Ted Polak: We have written record of it. Thoth: David Blazenwing: what, 10 people saw it? Thoth: jwtkins: The courts only recognize physical profit not mentla pprofit Thoth: Ted Polak: 10 people who's intellectual property we belong to. Thoth: Ted Polak: Incorrect. Thoth: Ted Polak: I'm sure you heard of the Segway? Thoth: David Blazenwing: no Thoth: Ted Polak: The Segway was a tricky thing. Thoth: Ted Polak: And there was a legal battle over who owned the idea behind it. Thoth: Ted Polak: Before a prototype was ever made. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I never said I owned the idea though Thoth: Ted Polak: I know. Thoth: Ted Polak: We claim to own the idea. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I've even said I saw you guys do it first Thoth: Ted Polak: Which means either dispute our claims in court. Thoth: Ted Polak: Or settle this out of court. Judge: Muzz, don't take offense to this but... Thoth: David Blazenwing: by giving you full access to my website Thoth: Ted Polak: But we did make it first. Thoth: Ted Polak: Ignorance is no excuse. Thoth: Ted Polak: We won't change anything. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I'LL CHANGE THE MATCH Thoth: David Blazenwing: GOD Thoth: Ted Polak: We just need to browse your files and make sure nothing else is of ours. Thoth: jwtkins: hold on Judge: Thoth, did I ever tell you your my hero? Kibagami: jwtkins: I've heard of Mall Brawles for years Kibagami: This dude is full of shit. Judge: No... Judge: Height: 5'8" Judge: Weight: 245 lbs Kibagami: I know. Thoth: David Blazenwing: And what happens if there is? Thoth: David Blazenwing: There isn'y=t Thoth: David Blazenwing: I just want to know Thoth: Ted Polak: Then we will take legal action. Thoth: Ted Polak: We can't trust your word. Thoth: David Blazenwing: oh... great Thoth: Ted Polak: We need written proof. Thoth: David Blazenwing: thanks Thoth Thoth: Ted Polak: I'm sorry, this is HOW it works. Thoth: jwtkins: If we find proof that mall brawles happened before your event then there is no case Kibagami: He's a fat fuck. Judge: Blazenwing is full of shit. Literally. Thoth: David Blazenwing: man... I fucking TRUSTED YOU Thoth: David Blazenwing: James... go for it Thoth: Ted Polak: Can you provide proof? Thoth: jwtkins: we are searching * Judge crosses his fingers... Thoth: Side note: ROFLMAO Thoth: He won't find shit. Quiz: I know, dude. Quiz: David Blazenwing: man... I fucking TRUSTED YOU Quiz: ...? Quiz: What? Judge: How the fuck could an Indy do a MALL BRAWL? Thoth: Ted Polak: I would need proof that it happened, and if it was an indy fed, pictures that it happened. Thoth: Ted Polak: If an e-fed, written would suffice. Thoth: Ted Polak: And a date. Thoth: I dunno. Evolution: Zotan of Gribblfritz Ken War Mall Brawl: When Janitors Collide III (Asylum) 08/31/02 11/24/02 Crusen: MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 38 roundhouse kicks on Thoth! [The Living End - Pictures In The Mirror] [3m17s/3.77MB] Judge: Christ, this rocks so much. Evolution: Janitor Seven Janitor Eleven Mall Brawl: When Janitors Collide I 08/25/00 10/29/00 Judge: Bwuahahahaha Crusen: In EWR: When a wrestler injured and they lose stat points, do they ever gain them back? Judge: Dunno. Send them to OVW and wait a litle while. Thoth: David Blazenwing: http://members.tripod.com/~trentb22/AllBrawl1.html Thoth: David Blazenwing: go there Thoth: jwtkins: Since you rely on your internet records as proof then we will find internet records from pre 2001 to show that it has already been thought of Thoth: David Blazenwing: about halfway down the page Thoth: Ted Polak: What date was this? Thoth: Ted Polak: And also, this is a different mall brawl. Thoth: Ted Polak: OUr brawls are to find an object. Thoth: Ted Polak: This is just a last man standing match in a mall. Thoth: David Blazenwing: my brawls are first to pin wins Thoth: Ted Polak: Our matches use the creativity of the mall to it's fullest. Thoth: David Blazenwing: HA! Thoth: David Blazenwing: Different match! Thoth: David Blazenwing: I have the damn thing already written if you want to read it Thoth: Ted Polak: Even so, how do we know you don't have anything else? Thoth: David Blazenwing: to prive this Thoth: David Blazenwing: *prove Crusen: i got yelled at when that happened Thoth: David Blazenwing: You have to trust me Thoth: David Blazenwing: which apparently, you can't do Thoth: Ted Polak: We can't, without our own written proof. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, in that case, I will find where you live, due to IP tracking. Thoth: Ted Polak: And I will call your local court. Thoth: Ted Polak: And file a subpoena. Thoth: Ted Polak: And you will be shut down. Thoth: Ted Polak: And then we will find your files that way. Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude Thoth: David Blazenwing: WTF!? Thoth: Ted Polak: To see if you are telling the truth. Thoth: David Blazenwing: JAMES?! Thoth: Ted Polak: Like I said before, I DON'T want to do that. Thoth: jwtkins: Thurston has located a record from 2000 Thoth: David Blazenwing: Help me! Thoth: Ted Polak: Now it doesn't matter. Thoth: Ted Polak: Since we have due siuspicion you may have taken other SWF ideas. Thoth: Ted Polak: *suspicion Apostle ([email protected]) has joined the channel Thoth: This is just brutal. Crusen: MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 58 roundhouse kicks on Evolution! [in Flames - Egonomic] [2m38s/2.42MB] Manson: And hilarious. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I HAVE NOTHING Thoth: jwtkins: This guy is just trying to con you dave Thoth: Ted Polak: How do I know?! Thoth: David Blazenwing: Yeah Thoth: Ted Polak: I don't know. Evolution: Thoth, you are the height of just toomuchery. Judge: Manson, you missed a bunch of it. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, consider this. Thoth: Ted Polak: If I call your local court, your parents will find out. Thoth: David Blazenwing: What else of yours would I have? Thoth: Ted Polak: And they will be very upset. Thoth: Ted Polak: And possibly ground you. Quiz: bahahahaha Evolution: Like Mark Kinxx' parents? Thoth: Ted Polak: We just want to check. Thoth: Ted Polak: That's ALL. Thoth: David Blazenwing: So now you're threatening me Thoth: Ted Polak: We won't mess with ANYTHING. Thoth: David Blazenwing: great Apostle: "and possibly ground you" Thoth: David Blazenwing: That's REAL nice Thoth: Ted Polak: I'm just stating a POSSIBILITY. Thoth: 8:25 PM Thoth: Ted Polak: Because we will take legal action if you do not cooperate. Thoth: jwtkins: research takes time and this guy is just trying to pressure you to get your server info Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude, I should fucking take YOU to court for trying to blackmail me Thoth: Ted Polak: This isn't blackmail. Thoth: David Blazenwing: then what is it? Thoth: David Blazenwing: huh? Thoth: Ted Polak: If your parents find out, you might get in trouble with them. Thoth: jwtkins: if he was a real rep for these guys he would allow you to rebut Thoth: Ted Polak: It's protecting OUR interests. Thoth: Ted Polak: You can rebut, but it would be in a court of law. Thoth: David Blazenwing: YOUR INTERESTS?!?! Thoth: David Blazenwing: OMFG Thoth: Ted Polak: Our intellectual property. Thoth: jwtkins: No, he wont Evolution: http://www.superiorwrestling.net/Saturday/july20.html Kibagami: This is the best shit I've seen in years. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Yes, god forbid someone should take an idea from your gay little e-fed Thoth: Ted Polak: If I file a subpoena, you would be legally required to appear. Thoth: Ted Polak: Failure to appear would result in a guilty verdict. Thoth: David Blazenwing: appear where? Thoth: Ted Polak: And might result in fines. Thoth: Ted Polak: At your local court. Thoth: David Blazenwing: ah Thoth: David Blazenwing: OMFG Kibagami: Actually, his e-fed is the gay one. Kibagami: Just a point of interest, that. Quiz: He called us gay Quiz: That's a slur. Thoth: Ted Polak: Probably only court fees, though. Thoth: Ted Polak: $500-$1000. Quiz: We are an e-fed with homosexuals and take offense, dammit! Judge: Where are Strangler and Annie? Judge: They must rebuke him here. Thoth: jwtkins: we have records that MLW, Main Event Wrestling among others in the real world have used this concept. Are you sueing them? as they have made profit from it? Thoth: David Blazenwing: yeah Thoth: Ted Polak: The point is, we found out YOU were doing it. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Not to mention that MY MATCH IS DIFFERENT Thoth: jwtkins: WCW has even done mall brawls, so you have no case against a Free E-fed like BWF Thoth: Ted Polak: And so we're coming to you. Thoth: Ted Polak: We're greatful you're telling us this. Thoth: Ted Polak: We know who else to go after. Thoth: Ted Polak: But. Thoth: Ted Polak: That is not the issue. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Yeah, sue WCW Thoth: Ted Polak: We need proof you are not stealing anything from us. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I'm NOT Thoth: jwtkins: Yeah right, Go play in reality for a while Thoth: David Blazenwing: James... what should I do? Thoth: Ted Polak: Okay, in reality I will file a court docket. Thoth: Oh, a side note: Thoth: David Blazenwing: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Public Law 105-304 (199, added a new Chapter 12 to title 17 United States Code, which among other things prohibits circumvention of access control technologies employed by copyright owners to protect their works. Specifically, section 1201 provides that "No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title." This prohibition on circumvention became effective on October 28, 2000. Thoth: David Blazenwing: sry, had to post it here Thoth: David Blazenwing: too big for chat Thoth: Ted Polak: That doesn't have anything to do with this. Thoth: Ted Polak: That is basically to prevent piracy of music. Thoth: Ted Polak: In fact, under this act, YOU'D be guilty. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I can't risk being taken to court Thoth: David Blazenwing: just b/c this guy has a stick up his ass Thoth: jwtkins: We need proof that we did steal from you Thoth: Ted Polak: We have proof. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Ok, apparently we stole the name Thoth: Ted Polak: Your match. Thoth: David Blazenwing: That's it Thoth: David Blazenwing: you said it yourself, it isn;t the same match Thoth: Ted Polak: That's enough for us to need to do fact-finding. Crusen: MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 27 leg sweeps on Muzz! [Agalloch - The Hawthorne Passage] [11m12s/10.33MB] Apostle: i find this great is that the only reason you are doing this is because he is a fucking tool Quiz: Thoth, claim they stole the singles match concept from us. Thoth: Ted Polak: We have suspicion. Thoth: Ted Polak: Now, that's not enough for us to attack you. Thoth: Ted Polak: But enough to file in court. Thoth: jwtkins: The inaugral episode of WCW Monday nitro was proadcast from Mall of America in 1995 Thoth: Ted Polak: You allowing us access would skip the legal process altogether. Thoth: Ted Polak: jwtkins: That was a location, not a match. Thoth: David Blazenwing: and give you full access to all my work Thoth: Ted Polak: We WON'T touch anything. Thoth: jwtkins: DameDeedlit: http://www.1wrestling.com/columns/topstory...eid=3419&page=2 Thoth: OMG Thoth: Another person just joined the chat. Manson: Judge: I got the gist of it. But I hope someone has been logging this SWF chat since i left earlier. Thoth: David Blazenwing: how do I KNOW that? Thoth: jwtkins: proof, dont give him anything Dave Thoth: David Blazenwing: How do I know you won't touch anything? Quiz: Invite me, Thoth! Evolution: I log everything, so... Quiz: I'll be your backup. Me and Judge Thoth: No, MVS. Thoth: Sorry. Thoth: But I need to stay on a specific course. Judge: Invite Kibs, Thoth. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, if we do, then we would be guilty. Thoth: Ted Polak: Of tampering with secure material. Thoth: jwtkins: they can't do shit to you david Quiz: Okay, dude. Quiz: Go for the gold. Judge: INVITE KIBS. Thoth: I'm sorry... I need to do this alone. Thoth: Unless Kibs can play along. Thoth: Wait. Thoth: jwtkins: Otherwise if they do they would also be liable for damages to other companies Thoth: Ted Polak: Okay, if you have three people. Thoth: Ted Polak: I'd like to have a representative too. Quiz: C'mon, Thoth, pick me. Thoth: Kibs. Thoth: Join the chat. Quiz: I won't even say anything. Judge: Kibs. Judge: Kibs. Judge: Good. Kibagami: What am I doing here? Thoth: jwtkins: just block this idiot dave Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami has joined this chat. Thoth: David Blazenwing: dude... I know this guy Thoth: Ted Polak: If you block me, we will file in court. Thoth: David Blazenwing: he's DEAD serious Thoth: Ted Polak: And blocking me would be admissible evidence in cuort. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Ryan Thoth: David Blazenwing: ? Judge: BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Judge: BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Judge: BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thoth: David Blazenwing: What do you think about this? Thoth: Ted Polak: *court Judge: BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Judge: This is fucking awesome! Apostle: i love this. Thoth: OMFG. Judge: (11:34pm) (+Thoth) David Blazenwing: dude... I know this guy Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Just for reference, Thoth *is* a representative of the SWF. He's acting on our behalf. Thoth: amanwoaclu: me? im still reading up on the act Thoth: jwtkins: This idea is not your property Thoth: David Blazenwing: I know Thoth: Ted Polak: I do legally own the SWF. Thoth: Ted Polak: So it IS my property. Judge: (11:34pm) (+Thoth) David Blazenwing: he's DEAD serious Judge: BEST. QUOTE. EVER. Thoth: David Blazenwing: but not the Mall Brawl Thoth: Ted Polak: I ownt he SWF and all related properties. Thoth: Ted Polak: *own Thoth: David Blazenwing: We didn't make an SWF match Thoth: Ted Polak: A while ago, we were trying to get an animated TV show running. Thoth: David Blazenwing: We didn't parade a man named Thoth around in a nightie Thoth: jwtkins: we have shown you documented proof that this Idea was around 8 years ago, 6 years befor you used it Thoth: Ted Polak: Irrelevant. Thoth: 8:35 PM Thoth: Ted Polak: Again, you might have taken other things from us., Thoth: David Blazenwing: Irrelevant my ASS Thoth: Ted Polak: We need proof you didn't. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I DIDNT Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Broadcasting a show from a mall is totally seperate from this match. Apostle: no.... SWF: The Animated Series ... well... that would own. Thoth: No, we DID almost have an SWF anime. Thoth: Seriously. Thoth: And we filed legal papers. Kibagami: Yeah, I remember that. Quiz: I still don't believe that, dude. Why I don't know. Judge: Thoth, this is your finest hour. Kibagami: Because you don't pay attention. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Yes, Vandal, we've established that Thoth: David Blazenwing: but thank you Thoth: jwtkins: there is no proof in might haves Thoth: David Blazenwing: yes Thoth: Ted Polak: Exactly. Thoth: Ted Polak: We need to know FOR SURE. Muzz: Wait, what's going on? Thoth: David Blazenwing: Ok, like, what would you consider yours that I may have? Thoth: Ted Polak: Which is why we want to look through your files instead of the court doing it. Thoth: Ted Polak: Characters, match ideas. Thoth: David Blazenwing: We did an Inferno match Thoth: Ted Polak: Matches are stroies, in essence. Thoth: Ted Polak: *stories Thoth: David Blazenwing: and I get all my match ideas from Zeus pro Thoth: Ted Polak: And stories are copyrighted. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i have the gimmick files Apostle: paging Bob Vila, Paging Bob Vila....we have found one of your tools. Evolution: Zeus Pro. Evolution: LMAO. Thoth: jwtkins: and you stole this match from WCW so go to hell or we will inform Turner Enterprises Thoth: Ted Polak: Doing so would be a further exacerbation of the situation. Thoth: Ted Polak: I would file a legal docket, and note that. Quiz: Exacerbation. Evolution: Exacerbation. Quiz: Thoth, you kick ass. Apostle: Exacerbation... god... * Apostle has an ENMITY flashback Thoth: David Blazenwing: next thing I know, you're gonna be telling us you guys created the Inferno match Thoth: David Blazenwing: or the Tag Team match Thoth: Ted Polak: We didn't. Thoth: Ted Polak: But this conversation itself could be considered evidence. Thoth: David Blazenwing: & you didn't make the mall brawl either Thoth: David Blazenwing: so go to hell Thoth: Ted Polak: So I wouldn't go making accusations. Judge: They are getting their asses handed to them. Muzz: Uhm, yeah, so what's going on? Kibagami: Do we get to just tell them off at any point? Kibagami: I'm getting bored. Judge: KIbs, you our witness to the conversation. Muzz: TELL ME OF I'LL KICK YOU ALL Kibagami: Oh yeah. Thoth: David Blazenwing: THATS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS ENTIRE CONVERSATION!!! Thoth: warwolf243 has joined this chat. Thoth: warwolf243: Yo! Thoth: jwtkins: Marc Thoth: David Blazenwing: hEY wOLF Thoth: Ted Polak: But we are doing this straight forward. Thoth: David Blazenwing: oops Thoth: Ted Polak: We have a concern. Thoth: Ted Polak: And we want to avoid turning this into a large conflagration. Thoth: Someone explain. Quiz: We get another one, dude. Thoth: I'm busy keeping this up. Quiz: Pick me this time. Thoth: jwtkins: we have some people here claiming intellectual property over iddeas stolen by them from wcw Kibagami: Thoth is schooling all four of them. Thoth: Ted Polak: That's not the issue anymore. Thoth: warwolf243: I heard. Who out there is stupid enough to sue someone who creates a text fantasy wrestling promotion that was DONE by WCW in 1995!? Thoth: Ted Polak: We need to know if you have anything of ours. Thoth: David Blazenwing: and threatening ME w/ legal action Thoth: jwtkins: we need an expert on wrestling Thoth: Ted Polak: So we JUST want to CHECK. Apostle: this guy....doesn't seem to get the idea that he says at ONE POINT that we didn't steal from WCW and then that we did Muzz: Oh for fucks sake. Muzz: You all suck. Quiz: It wasn't done by WCW Thoth: David Blazenwing: and ruin my website Thoth: Ted Polak: Either we do that in or out of court. Thoth: Ted Polak: We won't mess with anythinfg! Thoth: jwtkins: and you have no rights to do so Thoth: Ted Polak: We promise! Thoth: David Blazenwing: I used the name "Over the Edge" for a PPV Thoth: David Blazenwing: WWE did it first Thoth: Ted Polak: We don't have rights, unless the court grants us those rights. Thoth: Ted Polak: Or you did. Thoth: David Blazenwing: so they could sue me Quiz: Make that point, Thoth, for the love of God Judge: Muzz: Blazenwing is getting told by Thoth he'll be sued for using the Mall Brawl. Apostle: but he says "I know it wasn't done by WCW" then turns around and says we stole the idea Muzz: YAY. Judge: They could! Muzz has banned "*!*@69-24-10-204.dial.ncia.net" from the channel Judge: Tell him that! Quiz has been kicked off the channel by Muzz (I HATE YOU) Thoth: David Blazenwing: but they won't Thoth: 8:40 PM Thoth: David Blazenwing: b/c I'm not making $$ off of this Thoth: Ted Polak: They will, even if you're not at fault. Thoth: warwolf243: Okay, chill out a sec. Someone, give me the exact situation, from the top so that I know what the hell is going on. Thoth: Ted Polak: It's part of a fact finding process. Kibagami: ...? Thoth: warwolf243: YO! Cut the arguing, and just give me the bare facts Thoth: Ted Polak: And a nonprofit can still break copyright law. Thoth: David Blazenwing: ok, bare facts Thoth: I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Thoth: I need another person. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I used mall brawl for a match Thoth: David Blazenwing: Thoth says that the SJL used it first Thoth: David Blazenwing: which is a lie Thoth: jwtkins: they claim they need access to his server to serch it for ideas that he supposedly stole from them so they can sue Thoth: Ted Polak: If you have stuff, we will sue. Thoth: Ted Polak: But it not, no harm done. Thoth: David Blazenwing: hell, you could pull something out of your ass and say you did it first and sue me Muzz: (1:09pm) (+Thoth) David Blazenwing: Thoth says that the SJL used it first Muzz: Well, they did. Thoth: David Blazenwing: how do I know you're not just looking for money? Thoth: jwtkins: We have proven that others used it befor them but they call our proof irrelevant Thoth: warwolf243: HOLD IT! Thoth: Ted Polak: Like YOU said, this isn't for profit. Thoth: Ted Polak: But theft of ideas is just as painful. Manson: If only Tom was here to get in on it. Muzz has unbanned "*!*@69-24-10-204.dial.ncia.net" from the channel Quiz ([email protected]) has joined the channel Apostle: hey now...*I* invented pulling things out of my ass... sue! Thoth: warwolf243: First off, who the hell is thoth2020? Thoth: Ted Polak: I am the owner of the SWF. Thoth: David Blazenwing: but you're trying to turn it into profit for you Thoth: Ted Polak: How do I profit? Thoth: David Blazenwing: by suing me Thoth: Ted Polak: Any fees you MIGHT pay in court would go back to the court! Thoth: warwolf243: Okay, both of you. shut up and listen Thoth: David Blazenwing: ok Quiz: Took long enough, what'd I miss? Thoth: warwolf243: Understand this. Evolution: Bahahaha. Thoth: warwolf243: thoth, you do NOT have the right to sue Blazenwing over having a match or matches in a mall. Apostle: Wolf is getting pissy... Quiz: Oooh boy. Thoth: warwolf243: WCW did it in real life Thoth: Ted Polak: No they didn't. Thoth: Ted Polak: But that's not the point. Superstation ([email protected]) has joined the channel Apostle: TBS~! Superstation is now known as Strangler Judge: TBS. Thoth: warwolf243: YES TGEY DID asshole Thoth: warwolf243: Monday Nitro Thoth: Ted Polak: They had matches IN a mall. Thoth: warwolf243: Mall of America Thoth: Ted Polak: Not a Mall Brawl. Thoth: warwolf243: 1995 Thoth: Ted Polak: Where the object is to find an object in a mall. Thoth: Ted Polak: And interact with the mall in many ways. Judge: You are missing the greatest rib ever. Thoth: David Blazenwing: my Mall Brawl is pinning someone to win a belt ChanServ has opped Strangler Strangler is now known as El_Luchadore_Stranglifico Thoth: warwolf243: And you dare to complain why? Thoth: David Blazenwing: the match just HAPPENS to take place in a mall Thoth: Ted Polak: Right, but we have suspicion you might have taken our ideas. Thoth: warwolf243: Wargames is being used by a fed in florida Thoth: David Blazenwing: it's a GIMMICK Thoth: Ted Polak: Your short stay in the JL... Thoth: warwolf243: WWE NOW OWNS WARGAMES Thoth: Ted Polak: How do we know you didn't just steal stuff? Thoth: warwolf243: Notice WWE doesn't sue the florida fed? Thoth: David Blazenwing: b/c I DIDNT Manson: Say the name "Mall Brawl" is trademarked by us anyway, Thoth. Thoth: David Blazenwing: what would I steal? Thoth: Ted Polak: How do we know? Thoth: Ted Polak: How do I know you're not lying to me? Thoth: warwolf243: How do we know YOU aren't lying? Thoth: David Blazenwing: and how do I know you're not trying to screw me over? Thoth: Ted Polak: Where is the visual and written proof? Apostle: Blazenwing hasn't been fucked over this bad since boy scouts, i bet Quiz: David Blazenwing: and how do I know you're not trying to screw me over? Quiz: I'm shocked he doesn't. Thoth: Ted Polak: And we've also trademarked Mall Brawl. Thoth: warwolf243: Bullshit Thoth: 8:45 PM Thoth: David Blazenwing: where is your proof that I have anything of yours Thoth: Ted Polak: Even if someone else thought of it first, we hold legal trademark to the idea. Thoth: Ted Polak: I have none, David. Thoth: Ted Polak: But I have suspicion. Thoth: warwolf243: Okay. That does it. That fycking DOES it. Thoth: Ted Polak: So either you give us access, or I file a subpoena. Thoth: jwtkins: we gave you visual proof and you said it was irrellevant Judge: Okay so who wants to post this? Thoth: Ted Polak: What visual proof? Thoth: David Blazenwing: alright fine... i'll give you the damn access Magnifico ([email protected]) has joined the channel Thoth: AHAHAHAHAHAH Muzz: There's ALOT of it, Judge. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i have to go soon Apostle: YES! Quiz: YES! Thoth: warwolf243: Dave, no. Thoth: David Blazenwing: i guess I have no choice Thoth: warwolf243: Do NOT give them the access Thoth: I WON Thoth: I FUCKING BEAT 3 PEOPLE Judge: FUCK YES. Evolution: It's all logged on my computer, I do believe. * Quiz dances. Thoth: warwolf243: If you do they can take anything you have and claim they did it first even if they didn't Evolution: I'll edit out stray comments. Quiz: It's logged on mine too, Evo. Magnifico: Hiya...Judge, Kibagamia, Muzz, Thoth, Apostle, Crusen, Evo, Manson, Quiz, and Tryst... Evolution: Or you can, Q. Apostle: This is the greatest night in the history of our great fed Judge: (SWFAmp) (Sweet Victory) (2m10s) (1.99MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 6 Times) Thoth: jwtkins: the url for the WCW match Thoth: Ted Polak: Just watch my log. Thoth: Ted Polak: And see what I look att. Thoth: Ted Polak: Server logs. El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: What just happened? Judge: Indeed, Ranod. Indeed. Muzz: As if you can say that Apostle. Evolution: I forget you have Trillian, Q. The greatest program ever made. Apostle: Sweet Victory~! Quiz: Indeed. Judge: *Rando. Thoth: warwolf243: I'm talking about the REAL WCW James * Magnifico raises an eyebrow at Strangler. Quiz: Shall I post it now, or wait til Thoth finishes? El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: Yankees Suck Amp - Guns 'n' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle - 4m32s - 17 donuts eaten by Roger Clemens Kibagami: Wait 'till it's done. Thoth: I WOM Thoth: *I WON Kibagami: I don't want to chance them seeing it on the boards. El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: You know you like the nick, Mags Thoth: I MADE DAVID BLAZENWING MY BITCH Magnifico: Damn straight. Thoth: No, he changed his mind. El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: And what is Thoth going on and on and on about? El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: Yankees Suck Amp - Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole - 4m58s - 18 donuts eaten by Roger Clemens El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: Yankees Suck Amp - Linkin Park - In The End - 3m35s - 21 donuts eaten by Roger Clemens Thoth: I'm pulling the trigger on this. El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: Yankees Suck Amp - Foo Fighters - Big Me - 2m12s - 14 donuts eaten by Roger Clemens Judge: C/p it. Apostle: Linkin PARK?~! Thoth: We lost. Quiz: ...wha? Kibagami: We didn't lose anything. Thoth: jwtkins: David has already said it was also a falls count anywhere match not a find the prize and win match. that alters the idea enough to make it his not the same as yours Thoth: David Blazenwing: I told my parents Thoth: David Blazenwing: my dad will hire a lawyer and SUE YOUR ASS!! Thoth: David Blazenwing: You want to threaten me? Thoth: David Blazenwing: Just Thoth: David Blazenwing: Bring Thoth: David Blazenwing: It! Evolution: ... Quiz: ... Kibagami: We just fucked with them all for about half an hour. Judge: Omg. Evolution: That's the best part. Quiz: That owns. Evolution: That's the best part of this whole thing. Judge: You have to post it now. Evolution: That's the best part of anything like this. Muzz: I told my parents! NYAH! Judge: I swear to God, you have to post it. Evolution: The part where they mention the lawyers. Thoth: Ted Polak: ROFLMAO Thoth: jwtkins: So was I Marc, the url T gave me Thoth: warwolf243: Now Thoth, I am telling you right now, names and even objects can look fucking the same, but not be the same. WCW Created Thundercage. WWE riupped it off and called it Hell in a Cell. Thoth: Ted Polak: You dumb fuck. Thoth: Ted Polak: You fell for this for an hour. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Thoth: Ted Polak: You're the stupidest son of a bitch EVER. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: I am definitely impressed, Thoth. Thoth: David Blazenwing: you're.... JOKING?! Apostle: Just Bring It... bwahahahahahahahahaha.... he should've said "I have two words for ya" Judge: YES! Judge: THIS IS AWESOME Muzz: lol El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT? Evolution: Blazenwing should've never become such an enormous tool. Apostle: "you're....JOKING?!" is going in my sig * El_Luchadore_Stranglifico demands retribution, dammit Evolution: You mean we have to write a match? Magnifico: Don't sweat it. Muzz: Heeeehhheeeeee! Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: That was quality. Thoth: David Blazenwing: OMG Thoth: Ted Polak: We saved the chat log. Thoth: Ted Polak: You look like a complete fucking turd. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: I dub you "Black and Decker". Thoth: Ted Polak: Thank you, Kibs. Thoth: warwolf243: He could sue you for that, Thoth. Thoth: Ted Polak: LOL. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: And I could sue you for that. Thoth: Ted Polak: How? Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Whatever that is. Thoth: jwtkins: I told you you should block the fucker Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Let's all sue each other. Thoth: Ted Polak: No judge would ever BOTHER TO HEAR THE CASE. Thoth: David Blazenwing: ok Thoth: David Blazenwing: great... Thoth: Ted Polak: He'd laugh at you and give you a fucking lollipop. Thoth: warwolf243: I'm not joking. He could sue you for harrassment over falsified claims of trademark infrinegement for one. Evolution: Tryst needs to sue K for him using the "Black And Decker" Thoth: David Blazenwing: now my dad's pissed at ME Thoth: David Blazenwing: b/c i got him all worked up Thoth: David Blazenwing: Evolution: That'd be an awesome judge. Thoth: Then he made a crying face. Muzz: lol @ ruining his like Evolution: :'-( Evolution: That face. Muzz: life* Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Let me get a lollipop here, too. I was the silent witness, damn it. Thoth: Ted Polak: OMFG Evolution: OMG SILENT * Apostle falls off computer chair Evolution: Silent was silent OMGWTFWWJD * Magnifico shrugs. Judge: TBS: Thoth IMed Blazenwing, claiming that Blazenwing stole the Mall Brawl and it was intellectual property of the SWF. Thoth: jwtkins: and he has witnesses that you did harass him Thoth: Ted Polak: What? Thoth: David Blazenwing: alright, I really have to go Thoth: Ted Polak: I insulted you over the internet? Thoth: Ted Polak: IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Apparently they've never read 665. Judge: It's been going on for an hour. El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: Yankees Suck Amp - green day. nice guys finish last - 2m47s - 1 donuts eaten by Roger Clemens Thoth: Ted Polak: Yeah. Thoth: warwolf243: Later Dave Thoth: David Blazenwing: and now my dad thinks I have no clue over what I'm doing Thoth: Ted Polak: It's been done MILLIONS OF TIMES. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: You don't have a clue. Thoth: Ted Polak: YOU RETARDS. Judge: It's been great. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Read the last hour of this chat. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: No clue. Anywhere. Thoth: David Blazenwing: great... my dad thinks I shold shut down the BWF Apostle: still...i have dibs to "You're....JOKING?!" Thoth: David Blazenwing: hell no Quiz: bahahahaha. Thoth: David Blazenwing: :-D Evolution: ... Evolution: His dad... Quiz: David Blazenwing: great... my dad thinks I shold shut down the BWF Evolution: ... Quiz: His dad's pretty smart. Muzz: lol, I bet Thoth will actually get us in some sort of legal trouble in the future. Muzz: It'd still be hilarious. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, whatever. Thoth: David Blazenwing: Alright... good job, Thoth, for the biggest scare of my life Thoth: Ted Polak: This is the greatest prank ever. Thoth: David Blazenwing: I guess I have to give you props for that Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Maybe not the greatest, but top five, easy. Evolution: If we ever do get an SWF animated show, Blazenwing should be drawn as a big power drill. Thoth: David Blazenwing: later Thoth: Ted Polak: Seeya. Thoth: David Blazenwing: *wipes sweat off of face* Muzz: lol Evolution: ... Evolution: Pfft. Apostle: no... he should be drawn as a nail.... cause he got hammered * Evolution wipes sweat off his balls and flicks it as Blazenwing. Judge: Evo: Post this under the heading "Tool Time" Apostle: ...or a screw Quiz: Thoth should post it. Quiz: His chat. Thoth: warwolf243: Thoth, if you make untrue claims and threaten to sue, he can then sue you for harassment, falsified charges, and potential mental stress induction. Thoth: Ted Polak: HOW? Thoth: Ted Polak: BAHAHAHA Thoth: Ted Polak: MENTAL STRESS? Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: He says this like it'll happen. Thoth: Ted Polak: I CALLED HIM A FUCKTARD. Thoth: Ted Polak: Jesys. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: I want a dollar if anybody sues anybody. Thoth: jwtkins: Children Thoth: Ted Polak: No judge in his right mind would waste 5 minutes on this shit. Evolution: Well, SOMEONE post it. Judge: Indeed. Quiz: Use the AIM chat log. Thoth: Post it, I have trouble logging. Evolution: Harassment. Evolution: Sexual harassment. Evolution: Panda. Thoth: I posted EVERYTHING said in chat. Quiz: Okay then. Quiz: But you're getting our shit too, so... Quiz: yeah. Quiz: You finished? Judge: Hey, that makes it better. Thoth: Ted Polak: Well, if you don't have any closing words, I'm out of here. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: There's really nothing to say to this. Thoth: Ted Polak: There really isn't. Muzz: 10 bucks says Blazenwing cried. Apostle: I CALLED HIM A FUCKTARD ... also classic Thoth... Evolution: You might want to clean up the log a little bit, Q. Only add a few funny comments from us. Quiz: Ugh. Apostle: you should say "I'm a pretty hate machine" to finish Quiz: That's too much work. If an op wants to do it he can Muzz: Add the part where I banned you Quiz. * Judge is crying as well. Just laughing too hard. Evolution: Ohh yeah. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Other than *wipes sweat off of face* Thoth: Ted Polak: This isn't even my ISP, by the way. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: *retarded crying emoticon* Thoth: Ted Polak: I'm borrowing someone else's dailup. Thoth: Ted Polak: If you even TRIED to trace me, which is impossible, you'd trace it to Ventura. Thoth: Ted Polak: Which is nowhere near where I am. Evolution: Q missed part of it because Muzz banned him. Evolution: Silly bastard. Muzz: ... Quiz: Yeah. Fuck you, Muzz. Muzz: It's go time. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: They're not going to, dude. I don't think they're tools of the same variety as Blazenwing. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Close, but not THAT close. Thoth: Ted Polak: Yeah. Thoth: Ted Polak: They have intelligence. Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: I'm going to finish my match. Thoth: Ted Polak: Alright, this is beating a dead horse. Thoth: warwolf243: Oh bite my snail's gonads Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: You kids play nice with each other. Thoth: Ted Polak: Seeya. Evolution: ... Evolution: ... Thoth: Nathaniel Kibagami: Have a nice life. Evolution: ... Evolution: warwolf243: Oh bite my snail's gonads Thoth: That's it. Evolution: What the fuck? Apostle: you own a snail? Apostle: or...HE OWNS A SNAIL? Apostle: with nuts? Thoth: I left the chat. Thoth: End prank. Muzz: k Muzz has banned "*!*@69-24-10-204.dial.ncia.net" from the channel Crusen: FUCK YOU SHREDDER YOU CHEATING CUNT Quiz has been kicked off the channel by Muzz (Do that again and I'll kill you) Thoth: jwtkins: And your a royal fucktard yourself thoth Thoth: He said that JUST before I left. Thoth: So I managed to kill the BWF. Thoth: It took me about an hour. Annie_Getting_Rose ([email protected]) has joined the channel Evolution: Thoth "The Tool Killer" Annie_Getting_Rose: hey yo Thoth: Well, someone gather the log and post it. Judge: ANNIE! YOU JUST MISSED IT! Annie_Getting_Rose is now known as Annie Annie: ? Crusen: lol@annie put that in the topic Judge: THE GREATEST TOOLING OF ALL FUCKING TIME! Annie: WHAT I MISS? Thoth: We need a new topic. Thoth: To commemorate this. Thoth: The greatest moment of chat. Thoth: OF ALL TIME. Evolution: I think the "my dad just told me to shut down the BWF" works. Muzz: lol Annie: ok, i need loggage El_Luchadore_Stranglifico: No offense, but fucking around with Blazenwing isn't anything to be proud of Thoth: Post the chat log int he community board. Evolution: Well, Q missed a part of the chat. Crusen: !!!!!!!NO SELING CUNT Thoth: Yeah, but I got his parents mad at him. So ends the log, here.
  2. Thoth

    Who Will Win It All...

    I'm interested to see how far the JLers go. Two years ago, the JLers made some interesting headway in the tourney. Doubt we'd see any make it to the finals... but what if? That would be grounds for an insta-bump, IMO.
  3. Thoth

    How I made David Blazenwing My Bitch

    Hey Tom, could I get your opinion on this whole thing? Seeing as it has some basis in legality. The prank went well because it had some base in copyright law. Even if I was BS'ing the whole time, and that it's impossible to copyright stuff like this.
  4. Thoth

    Two Dollars for That?!

    AAA? On Maniac? WTF?!?!?!?! Are you sure it was a AAA and not an AA? That's fucking insane.
  5. Thoth

    Birthday Salutations

    He can drink legally now?! Buy me beer!
  6. Thoth

    Promo: The Start of Something New

    Holy shit. I saw something in this promo. I saw it. It being that special something that true champions wield. If you understand the power you hold, and wield it well, you're gonna be a champion.
  7. Thoth

    Two Dollars for That?!

    I also take efface to you calling it a goddamn piece of shit, for the record.
  8. Thoth

    Two Dollars for That?!

    Okay. First of all, you need to play on Basic, Light, or Beginner, depending upon the version of DDR. In the MAX series, that guarantees a free song. There WERE instructions, but they were in Japanese. These games are technically illegal in America. Anyway, when you start a song, you'll notice that there is a set of four arrows near the top of the screen. Then, you'll see arrows from the bottom scroll up. When these arrows pass the set of stationary arrows, and they overlap, you step on the proper arrow. I am the biggest DDR nut in the SWF, and I'd love to talk to you more about this. Go in chat sometime, and while you're at it, ask someone for the Adventures of DDR Boy. Starring me.
  9. Suicide King is in his office, doing stuff. Then he says to himself,"Where'd Thoth go?" Across the globe, Ted Flink, hitting a bong, says, "I have no idea." THE END.
  10. Thoth

    Promo: Retirement

    I won the title too!
  11. SJL CRIMSON CARD Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003, @ 6 PM EST Venue: Back in America! Metrapark Arena - Billings, Montana Send Promos & Marked Matches To: realitycheck OPENING PROMO: New champ Viktor Tarakanov. NEWBIE MATCH Hybrid vs. “Suicidal” Jay Freeman Description: We’ve had a drought when it comes to new applicants, so please welcome the newest addition to the Junior League. Can he put a notch in the win column at his first attempt? Rules: Standard singles match. DQ & Countout apply. Word Limit: 3000 Send To: Thoth TV TITLE CONTENDERSHIP MATCH Tommy Nguyen vs. Jay Morrison Description: I wish I could have a TV Title match on this show, but alas, it is not to be! Doesn’t mean I can’t have the next best thing. Jay Morrison has been on a tear lately, though he lost to Maddix on Wrath. If he can beat Tommy Nguyen here, he’ll get another shot at an unannounced time. Rules: Standard singles match. DQ & Countout apply. Word Limit: 3500 Send To: TheBostonStrangler NON-TITLE MATCH English Dragon vs. Tryst Description: Tryst’s back! And he lost his chance to be JL Champ to the big Russian, Viktor Tarakanov. He’ll try to climb up the ladder here, but English Dragon is the mutha’ fuckin’ phenom, if you get my spin. He’ll be looking to boost his career as well. Rules: Standard singles match. DQ & Countout apply. Word Limit: 5000 Send To: realitycheck MAIN EVENT BEST FUCKING MATCH EVER SPECIAL CALVINBALL MATCH Manson vs Dominic Korgath vs Jimmy “The Demon” Liston vs Danny Conklin vs Craig McClennan vs The Apostle Description: One day, I wanted to think of a stipulation to end all stipulations. Then Tom Flesher said something about Calvinball AND THIS MATCH WAS BORN. For those of you unfamilair with Calvinball, the rules are anything you want. Anyone can change the rules at any time, and these rules could potentially include how to win the match. That’s right, you decide how the match is won. If you are familiar with Calvinball, you know the idea here. Rules: ANYTHING YOU WANT. Matches will be graded on creativity as well as all the other factors. Word Limit: 6000 Send To: Thoth
  12. Thoth

    Promo: Retirement

    I'm serious about this challenge match thing, BTW. I'd prefer it if the length of time we had to write a match was a week instead of 4 days, I could deal with that.
  13. Thoth

    Promo: Retirement

    Beezel v Thoth special challenge match? I'm interested. PM me with details.
  14. Thoth

    Promo: Retirement

    You couldn't tap this with a hammer, boyo.
  15. Thoth

    My name is Tim

    Yeah, Clark is a hoss. Justin Baisden is sending me a copy for Dreamcast, and I couldn't be happier. I wanna practice with Billy and K9999, and Orochi Chris... and all the rest! Muwahahaha.
  16. Thoth

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Opening match has new marker.
  17. Thoth

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    They're in the main event due to the following: About 12 days ago, I swore upon everything I would book a Calvinball match. I booked a Calvinball match. It's such an awesome stip it should be the main event. In closing, I would like to say LOL2003~
  18. Thoth

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    The Apostle added to Calvinball match.
  19. Thoth

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Do you want to be in the Volleyball match? It's not too late, I can add you. It's weird, you didn't show up on the booking sheet we use. I blame Zed for that.
  20. Thoth

    SJL Wrath

    Good stuff, good stuff. English Dragon gets a special mention, apparently, for whooping ass.
  21. Thoth

    SJL Wrath

    There is no opening match. Move along. (Edited in later)
  22. Thoth

    SJL Wrath

    The electric crowd in the Winnipeg Arena are on their feet and other people’s as well as they hear Wrath theme music pumping through the speakers, signaling the end of the commercial break. They wave signs and cups of beer in the air as the crowd passes over them, getting one last sweeping look at the crowd before the main event. The raucous crowd finally calms down and settles in for what is promised to be an incredible match. Annie: Alright wrestling fans, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for! The main event of SJL Wrath, featuring that damn commie Viktor Tarakanov fighting that bastard John Duran for his World Title. With Duran’s recent hiring to the SWF, it leaves Viktor Tarakanov as the number one contender to the strap, and the most likely person to take a hold of it when Duran leaves. However, SJL Commissioner Chris Raynor, has decided to make Viktor’s shot at the belt just a liiiiiitle more difficult... Judge: I believe Raynor’s exact words were “I’d rather have some random Joe off the street take Duran’s belt than that communist piece of shit.” Ejiro: Yeah, something like that. So, being the wonderful human being that he is, Raynor gave a mystery opponent a chance to take on Duran and Tarakanov to get the belt. Annie: This mystery man is SO secret in fact, that even the internet wrestling community is unaware as to who he or she is. Judge: That’s quite a feat these days. Anyways, you’ve got to wonder what “The Sinner’s” mind-frame is, coming into this match. On one hand, he’s got a bright future in the SWF ahead of him. On the other, he’s got a title in the SJL that is still technically his, and it very well might be the last piece of gold he has for a long time. Ejiro: You’re supposed to just drop the belt when you’re getting bumped. That’s what everyone does. Annie: Well, that might not be how Duran looks at things. You’ve got to remember that he’s an egomaniacal bastard and any win is still glory for him. It’s the factor of the mystery man that is going to really decide this match. Ejiro: I swear, if it’s friggin’ Jenkins... Funyon steps into the center of the ring, dressed to kill (I don’t know what) in his dazzlingly lime-green crushed velvet suit. The near legendary ring announcer raises the mic to his face and commands a small pop from his cult-like following scattered amongst the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen! This is tonight’s MAIN EVENT!! This bout is scheduled for ONE fall and is for the Smarks Junior League’s World Heavyweight Championship!! Introducing first...” Funyon is cut off by the onslaught that is “Sinner” by Drowning Pool. The crowd recognizes the theme music instantly and fills the arena with a hatred so thick it rivals the oatmeal at the local county jail. The World champion then steps through the curtain and the crowd’s hatred redoubles. Pissed off as usual, Duran walks down the ramp with a purpose this evening, as his golden World belt glistens in the light of the Winnipeg Arena. John Duran nears the ring as a small chant of “JOHN DURAN SUCKS!!” breaks out amongst the crowd. The big man rolls into the ring quickly and proudly holds up his belt, causing the crowd to boo the gloating champion even louder than before. Annie: Yeah, Big Cunt certainly hasn’t attracted many fans over the course of his SJL tenure. Judge: He never wrestled to gain the popularity of the crowd. Ejiro: Don’t say that word. You make it sound dirty. Annie: At least I’ve seen one... besides my own. Ejiro: Yeah, well... HEY!! *pause as Ejiro gets the second part of the insult* HEY!! Funyon begins to announce again “He weighs in tonight at--” but he is cut off by Duran who grabs the mic away from Funyon and rudely signals for him to leave the ring. Duran himself now speaks, in a manner most agitated. “There’s no need to announce me, these people know who I am. Alright scumbags, I’m gonna make this quick because I’ve got a REAL match in about a half hour. *boos* I’ve got a couple things to say before I get started tonight. First things first: I hate you all. Since day one all you people have done is shit on me and my career for no good reason. I guess that’d make anyone a little bit bitter, huh? Maybe even a bit angry. So, fuck you.” The curtness of Duran’s last bit catches the fans off guard and delays their booing. “Secondly,” the World champ continues “concerning my title. Now, I know better than anyone that I’m leaving this place and that I cant take my belt with me. I’ve grown to accept that. But what I do not accept is the prerequisite that I should just drop the belt to the number one contender.” The crowd grows quiet upon hearing this. “Look at the number one contender to my belt. He might be the one person in this fed that you people hate more than me. I don’t know who this ‘Mystery Man’ might be, and frankly I could give a rat’s ass. But what I do know, is that I am NOT about to job my belt to that Communist piece of shit!” Ejiro: At least he’s honest. This last comment catches the crowd off guard and they are unsure how to react. He continues, now weaving a bit of a story for the crowd. “You see, I got a little sentimental last night, seeing as how it was my last night with the company, so Raynor and the boys of Urban Decay threw me a little party in Raynor’s office. We were having a hell of a time, tearful goodbyes aside, and I decided to have a little fun by deciding to officially display the end of my SJL career by tearing my contract in half. The boys all raised their glass to me and just before I was going to tear it up... I noticed something. Right towards the bottom of my contract, which had been updated when I became champ, was a little clause pertaining to what was gonna happen to my belt when I left.” “I stopped and read that last part over, and saw something that made my day. It said that for the last match, here, if I were to win the match... then the belt would go up for a tournament for the strap. I liked that idea a lot. Because anything I can do to slow that Russian bastard from becoming champ sounds good to me. So NO, I’m not going to half ass this match just because I’ve got another later on tonight. I’m gonna do everything within my power to see that that son of a bitch NEVER gets that title!” And with that, Duran drops the mic and walks back to the corner, tossing his belt outside the ring to the timekeeper. Judge: Powerful words from John Duran, who seems damn adamant about not allowing Viktor Tarakanov anywhere near the belt. Annie: I like the part about not letting Vik get the belt, but I think John Duran is SERIOUSLY underestimating the influence that the mystery man is going to have. Ejiro: Bah, the mystery man is just gonna be Cutthroat. Judge: Or Spike Jenkins. Ejiro: ... Is there a difference? ... All: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *KABOOM!!* *TAAAAAA!!* The merrymaking of the announcing team at Spike Jenkins’ expense is abruptly cut short by a massive explosion of pyro and the blaring opening chord of the Soviet National Anthem. The entrance confuses no one as they instantly recognize the arrival of the man who may just be more hated than John Duran. The boos, hisses, and garbage are directed at the ring even before the wrestler himself steps through the curtain. But as he does, the hatred of the crowd showers down upon the stage like rain on the savanna. Viktor Tarakanov also acts as a desert, absorbing all of the dislike from the crowd and channeling it into his focus. The proud Soviet marches down the ramp coolly and refuses to acknowledge the presence of the fans that rain their hate upon him. “And his opponent...” Funyon announces “he weighs in at two hundred and eighty pounds... fighting out of Astrakhan, Russia... he is ‘The Red Rage’ VIKTOR TARAKAAAANOOOOV!!” As he approaches the ring, Tarakanov sneers at several taunting fans and swears at them in Russian before tightening his wrist tape and ascending the steel steps. Viktor quickly wipes off his boots before stepping into the ring quickly, never allowing John Duran to see his back. Viktor quickly walks over to the corner opposite Duran and uses the ropes to stretch lightly, the two men’s glaring eyes never leaving each other. “The Sinner” does much the same thing at his corner, either taking a cue from Tarakanov and stretching before what promises to be an arduous match, or mocking his opponent, playing some sort of mind games with his focused opposition. Annie: These two do not take kindly to each other in the least. These two have faced off five times with Tarakanov holding most of the victories out of that series. Judge: In fact, Tarakanov had his first SJL match against John Duran where he came out victorious with a single punch. Ejiro: One has to wonder if “The Red Rage” intends to end this match and win the title in a similar fashion. Annie: Well, it really doesn’t matter what Viktor intends, his plans may be thwarted by the next wrestler. The crowd is brought down to a silence, still crackling with electricity as the fans eagerly await to find out who the mystery wrestler is. The arena is almost completely still as the house lights are brought down slowly like in a movie theater. The heartbeats of the fans are nearly audible as there isn’t a sound being made in the entire place. No rustling of clothes, no sipping of nearly empty drinks, no crunching of popcorn. Nothing. Until... A green spotlight cuts through the darkness and splashes the stage with color. The SmarkTron fades up to the view of someone running through a forest. The rampant footsteps can be heard as leaves and twigs crackle and snap. In the distance, a man can be seen standing, but his person is not recognizable. Suddenly the camera stops some distance from the man as he can now be seen more clearly... Pulling back a bow... The crowd recognizes the entrance just as the bow is released and shot directly at the camera. As the fans literally LEAP to their feet, a giant green explosion erupts from the back wall and the crowd explodes in cheers for The Sherwood Fable. “Forest” by System of a Down hits the speakers and Tryst steps into the spotlight on the stage, posing with his bow and arrows. The tremendous reaction in the crowd causes Tryst to jog to the ring with a huge smile on his face, slapping the hands of many fans as he makes his way to the ring, accompanied by the incredible response of the crowd. As he reaches the ring, Tryst hops up to the ring apron and then hops over the top rope and into the ring. The man’s charming grin showcases how pleased he is to be back in the SJL. Funyon speaks with great enthusiasm as he announces the returning wrestler. “And the MYSTERY OPPONENT!! He weighs in at two hundred and eighteen pounds... hailing from Bairnsdale, Britain... please welcome back to the SJL... TRRRRYYYYSSSST!!” As he stands in the ring, he quickly removes an arrow from his quiver and shoots it to the ceiling as the song accompanies with a symbol crash. As the arrow hits the ceiling, a shower of green pyro explodes and rains down on the ring and Tryst, who holds out his arms wide as the crowd continues to praise The Sherwood Fable. The pyro stops and Tryst walks around the ring, waving with his hands for the crowd to make more noise, a request which seems impossible to grant, but the crowd make their best effort to do so. The crowd begins to chant “SHERWOOD FABLE!!” as Tryst removes his bow and arrow quiver and hands them to someone on the outside. Annie: WHOA!! TRYST IS BACK!! Judge: He looks to be in terrific shape, here’s hoping he will still be able to wrestle like he did before he left. Ejiro: I remember this guy. He’s a nut-job. Thinks he’s Robin Hood! That’s no sort of way to conduct business by allowing a mental-case into your company. Annie: Well, crazy or not, Tryst certainly looks like he’s ready to compete tonight. What a mystery opponent! I never thought that Tryst would be the mystery contender for the belt. “Forest” fades and Tryst stands in the ring wearing a dark green dress shirt, left open to show off his small but chiseled frame. He waves his opponents who are standing on either side of the ring, to enter and fight. Either tremendously valiant or tremendously stupid, Tryst seems to fear nothing as the two much larger fighters enter the ring. The two big men simultaneously approach Tryst, who throws several forearms and chops at his opponents, but their sheer size and strength muscles Tryst over. The two whip The Sherwood Fable into the ropes and nail him to the mat with a double clothesline. Perhaps being in so many tag matches as of late has the two men thinking like a tag team tonight. Either way, they shake off any thought of being friendly with one another directly afterward and show this by smacking each other with hard punches. They then lock up and Duran pushes Viktor back into the corner, still grappling. The referee then approaches and orders Duran to let go of the grapple. Slowly... Duran complies. As he backs off with his hands raised in the air in the classic “I didn’t do anything wrong” position, Tarakanov is quick to take control with a kick to Duran’s gut. As “The Sinner” attempts to double over from the attack, Viktor Tarakanov quickly grabs Duran by his “SIN TO WIN” t-shirt and muscles him into the turnbuckle. Judge: Turnbuckle exchange by the big men. Oddly enough, both men seemed to be on the same wavelength, using a tag maneuver with an opponent to take down another opponent. Ejiro: Yeah, we saw Tarakanov do that last week with Manson, and we could expect that from John Duran, seeing as how he’s used to teaming up with members of Urban Decay. Annie: Odd though, that they’d do that with each other. We heard what Duran had to say about Tarakanov earlier, and Vik never seems to like anybody, really... Viktor gives Duran a quick body shot and pauses. He then hits another with his left hand. Then another with his right, and another with his left, and another with his right, slowly gaining speed with each shot. His body shots begin to stray and become headshots as his punches begin to rapidly increase their speed until his arms are nearly a blur. Viktor stops suddenly and catches his breath for a beat, before slapping Duran’s face mockingly, trying to see if he’s “awake.” Viktor Tarakanov turns around and looks out at the crowd with his arms outstretched, saying “There is your champion!” referring to the now beaten Duran. The crowd boos the arrogant man, as if they weren’t already booing. Suddenly though the crowd pops with cheers and Tarakanov, knowing enough about the wrestling business to know that that isn’t a good sign, whirls around. Tryst is now perched on the top turnbuckle over Duran and leaps off onto Tarakanov, grabbing him around the neck with his arm and twirling him to the ground with a Tornado DDT. The crowd cheers wildly as Tryst shoots up from the ground and waves his arms in a fired up manner. He then moves over to Duran and throws a couple forearms to his chest to stun him before using all of his might to whip Duran into the opposite turnbuckle. Tryst succeeds, for about six feet until Duran turns around and reverses the whip by bringing Tryst’s gut into his knee. Judge: Viktor pummels Duran in the corner with hard shots until Tryst gets to the top and takes Viktor down with a Tornado DDT. It’s almost hard to imagine Mr. Whitt as a threat in this match against opponents that are so much larger than himself, but he is holding his own surprisingly well. Annie: Hey, size doesn’t matter for anything, guys. I mean, I’m a lesbian and I’m more than satisfied. That and I’m a woman wrestler who can more than hold her own against the men-folk. Ejiro: It doesn’t?! SWEET!! I mean... umm... damn lesbians... Duran grins as the much smaller man is now safely incapacitated and at his mercy. “The Sinner” lifts up Tryst and locks on a quick full nelson. The crowd erupts in boos as they realize that John Duran is about to go for the Break Point. Duran holds Tryst in the position for a good long moment, turning around to show all of the crowd exactly what he caught and foreshadowing the carnage to come. Suddenly, Tryst becomes aware enough to bring up his left foot and kicks Duran square in the face, causing him to release the hold. Tryst falls but catches himself as Duran stumbles back, holding his face. The eager Tryst readies himself for Duran to move into position and when he staggers into the middle of the ring, Tryst shoots himself into the ropes. As he bounces back, he flings himself into the air and catches Duran across the face with the heel of his boot, which is quite a feat as Duran is nearly seven feet. The crowd goes wild as they see Duran hit the mat hard and Tryst roll back to his feet, with his arms held out for the crowd, proudly displaying how easily he can topple a giant. The crowd’s excitement shifts over to a warning for Tryst, but as he catches their noise a second too late. Not given the time to even turn around, Tryst feels two massive arms wrapped around his midsection and knows what to expect. Judge: Looks like Tarakanov is going for a German suplex. Tarakanov is going for a German suplex, but has something else in store as well. As Viktor lifts his much smaller opponent up over his head he releases him. But instead of being slammed on his head and neck on the mat, he is flung with extra force... outside the ring. The crowd watches and gasps in horror as Tryst goes sailing over the top rope and lands on the outside in a sickening position. Several EMTs rush over to him to check if he is even alive. The referee is about to start counting Tryst out but is distracted by Viktor pinning Duran. ~1~ . . ~KICKOUT!!~ Duran isn’t about to be taken out by a pinfall and quickly kicks out of the pinning attempt. Not satisfied with Duran’s determination, Tarakanov quickly smashes his face with his elbow. Now, with Duran a bit more preoccupied with his pain, Viktor again makes a pinning attempt. ~1~ . . ~2~ ~KICKOUT!!~ Annie: Kick-out by Duran. Did you SEE that German suplex on Tryst? It’s a wonder that that man is even alive. Ejiro: The ref is too distracted by Viktor’s constant pinning attempts to count Tryst out though. Judge: It’s a lucky thing that Tarakanov is so stubborn, or else tryst would have been counted out by now. Now even more frustrated than before, Viktor Tarakanov stands and drags Duran up with him. Viktor nails Duran with several quick punches to the face, trying to stagger Duran even more to set up a move. But Duran quickly snaps to, and begins to fight Viktor back. They exchange blows until Duran begins to catch Tarakanov’s shots, and respond with ultra hard right hands. Now Tarakanov looks staggered after only four of such shots, and allows Duran to whip the Russian into the ropes. As he comes back, Duran catches Viktor, lifts him up and slams him back to the mat with unbelievable force. Duran nails Tarakanov with a spinebuster and then instantly moves over to the ropes and begins to respond to some particularly vicious shouts from the crowd. With the crowd now roaring with boos at Duran, they neglect to notice that “The Red Rage” has essentially ignored the spinebuster and shrugged off it’s effects extremely fast. Viktor crouches down and holds his right wrist, signifying that this next punch is to be the big one. The match ender. Duran tires of the crowd and turns around just in time to see the a big Russian fist heading towards him. With his arm flexed to the max and his face red from struggle, Tarakanov nails Duran to the mat with a BIG punch. The young referee, trying to talk to the EMTs on the outside, wondering if he should count Tryst out or call him dead, hasn’t seen at all what just transpired. Viktor grabs him and whirls him around, ordering him to count to ten and herald Viktor’s victory. Judge: Viktor Tarakanov just NAILED Duran with a big punch, and is now waiting for the referee to call the knockout. Annie: That’s how he beat Duran in his first match. Lets see if history can repeat itself tonight. Ejiro: Get up Duran! That’s no way to lose your title! “ONE!!” The referee shouts again: “TWO!!” Tarakanov cracks a smile on his experienced face and walks slowly to the corner and leans against it cockily, resting himself. “THREE!!” The body of John Duran remains motionless, not even holding his own face “FOUR!!” Annie: What a hell of a way to win a title! Beating the man you beat in your first match in his last match with the same move you used then! Ejiro: I cant believe this is going to end like this... “FIVE!!” A twitch. “SIX!!” “The Sinner” starts to move, slowly at first, but soon speeding up. “SEVEN!!” John Duran is now up to one of his knees, holding his face in one hand. “EIGHT!!” Duran is almost to his feet, struggling to lift himself off of that one knee. Tarakanov’s face hasn’t changed, still cool and confident. “NINE!!” Duran is almost up, he is clearly off both knees now and struggling to stand... ... But the referee is yanked off his feet by Tryst who has recovered enough to see what was happening in the match and to formulate a plan to stop it! The toll of the match is taken on John Duran and he crumples to the mat in an exhausted heap. Ejiro: WHAT?! Annie: YES!! Judge: Tryst is now miraculously on his feet and back into the swing of things by the looks of it! Annie: Alright! That crazy bastard isn’t dead! Tryst is up and looking to kick some ass! Tryst runs to the other side of the ring quickly before the referee can see who tripped him and instantly leaps up to the top turnbuckle. A boiling mad Viktor Tarakanov charges the corner with Tryst upon it, but the lightweight quickly leaps off and flips forward and around in mid-air! The crowd goes NUTS as they recognize the move as Tryst finisher The Arrow’s Path! Tryst completes the flips and nails Vik square in the chest with a dropkick, sending him flying back and crashing to the mat. After hitting such a big time aerial move, Tryst is forced to lie on the mat for a moment to recover. The fans again start to chant “SHERWOOD FABLE!!” to get Tryst fired up enough to make the cover. As their chant grows louder and louder, Tryst finally flings his arm up and flops it down on Tarakanov’s chest, making the cover. The fans chant along with the referee’s count as they rejoice in their new champion. ~1~ . . ~2~ . . ~3-NO!!~ The count is broken up by a vicious boot to the back by John Duran. The crowd is crushed upon seeing Duran’s treacherous act. Annie: AWW HORSESHIT!! Tryst was SO CLOSE!! Ejiro: No way! Duran had him spotted a mile away. He just wanted to get up Tryst’s hopes and piss off the fans. Judge: That sounds accurate. After all of Tryst’s efforts, Duran stops him short of achieving the title. “The Sinner” cant help but smile to himself, as he sees the look on Tryst’s face. Now pissed as hell, Tristan Whitt springs to his feet and begins to lay in heavy chops to Duran’s chest, staggering the champion back. The crowd’s energy builds behind Tryst as he chops his way through the big tree that is John Duran, until he backs the champ into the corner. Tryst then leaps up over Duran and lands himself on the top rope, but the big man is not to be denied his final SJL win and prevents Tryst from trying anything by grabbing him off the top rope and setting the smaller man on his shoulders, staring at the ceiling. Duran gets a grin on his face before walking forward and flinging Tryst’s feet backward and falling back forcing The Sherwood Fable to fall on the mat. With his head still on Duran’s shoulder, the TKO-like maneuver called Blunt Force Trauma nearly snaps Tryst’s neck. The crowd boos for the slaying of their impromptu hero but the fans hatred doesn’t distract Duran. Instead he looks up before attempting a pin attempt, not wanting the same thing he did to Tryst to happen to him, and sure enough, there is Viktor Tarakanov leaning against the corner, waiting for Duran to make his move. Annie: That Blunt Force Trauma has an accurate name! It looks like Tryst is about done! Judge: That it does. Now it seems to be down to Viktor Tarakanov and John Duran. Ejiro: The two men best suited for the job! Duran gets to his feet and meets Viktor Tarakanov half way and the two start to exchange blows. Both men are near exhaustion at this point, and their once strong blows now barely seem effective. Both men are grasping at straws to find out what will finally put the other down. Tarakanov suddenly gets some of his wind back and his punches now regain their previous force as Duran stops trying to throw punches and staggers back. Finally, with one last mighty blow, Viktor nails Duran square in the nose, even getting a small bit of blood out of it. The action in the ring stops as Duran staggers back, severely disoriented, not sure of where he is or of the license plate number on the truck that just hit him. Everything is calm... still... until Duran suddenly falls backward into the middle of the ring. Having fought Duran many times and having thrown his signature finishing punch earlier in the match, Viktor Tarakanov knows what Duran can do and what he is capable of. He knows that if his finishing punch couldn’t take out John Duran, then the Bolshevik Revolution might not get the job done either on this highly determined man. Instead, Tarakanov decides to try something he’s never done before. Something that he’s never even honestly considered trying before. Viktor Tarakanov is about to go to the top rope. Judge: WHAT?! Annie: Viktor Tarakanov is walking over to the corner... there’s no WAY he’d be able to hit something from the top rope... Ejiro: Why the hell not? Just because he’s forty one, doesn’t mean that he cant get to the top rope. Annie: No, that’s not it. It’s the fact that he’s never done it before. He might not have the slightest clue what to do when he’s up there. Ejiro: Here’s a clue: JUMP!! Viktor climbs the turnbuckles hesitantly, not sure exactly how this is going to work. With shaky knees he climbs the turnbuckles, not used to the amount that they give when he steps on them. The crowd is now half booing and half gasping in anticipation. What’s he going to do? A splash? A leg drop? An elbow drop? Those are amongst the popular guesses in the crowd. But the reality of the situation is a thousand times more deadly, and more unpredictable. Viktor gets to the top rope and his knees are no longer shaky; he has no fear as he stares out at the crowd, with his back to the ring. The reality of the situation hits the crowd like a ton of bricks. Viktor Tarakanov is going to attempt a moonsault. Annie: WHAT THE FUCK IS HE THINKING?! Ejiro: There’s no WAY he can do this! Judge: No, no there isn’t. But I’ll be damned if that Russian bastard isn’t going to try! The crowd literally gasps as the two hundred and eighty pound Russian leaps backwards off the top rope and brings his legs up in the air. John Duran is now conscious but still relatively incapacitated as he yells in fear “HOLY SHIT!!” The crowd’s reaction is much the same, but the look on Viktor’s face says otherwise. With a tremendous crash, the big Russian lands on his stomach on the champion, John Duran. Duran is now out, half from the pain of a two hundred and eighty pound man landing on him, half from exhaustion, and half from the shock that Tarakanov even tried a moonsault. The crowd begins to chant the words “HOLY SHIT!!” and a more accurate expression for the moment couldn’t be used. Annie: HOLY SHIT!! Ejiro: Wow. He did it... Judge: I cannot believe it! Viktor Tarakanov, the Russian shoot fighter, the man who still isn’t completely adjusted to American style wrestling... JUST HIT A FUCKING MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP ROPE!! Annie and Ejiro stare in shock at Judge Mental. With John Duran clearly incapacitated, Viktor Tarakanov hooks John Duran’s leg while lying on his back across his chest. The shocked referee makes the pinfall as the crowd boos like mad. Tryst attempts to crawl toward the pinfall but he stops every so often to hold his neck in pain. ~1~ Annie: No... fucking... way... . Tryst crawls closer to Viktor and John... . He stops and holds his neck in pain... ~2~ Ejiro: YES WAY!! . His fingers graze Tarakanov’s side... . But he is in too much pain to prevent the pinfall. . You cannot stop the inevitable. . ~3~ DING!! DING!! DING!! Judge: WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!! The crowd explodes in boos as the Soviet National Anthem starts up. Tarakanov is not yet ready to stand up after hitting such a huge move, and he remains pinning John Duran as his music and the crowd’s hatred blare around him. Finally, Viktor reaches his feet and holds up his hands in celebration, mocking the fans belief that they could have a perfect champion. It isn’t about how much the fans like you, in the end it comes down to sheer unadulterated power. And in the end, “The Red Rage” swept through all opposition and took control. In the end, there is only one. Funyon looks almost dejected outside the ring, but has no choice but to sound as enthusiastic as possible as he officially announces the dreadful news to the masses. “Here is your winner... and... NEW SMARKS JUNIOR LEAGUES WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... ‘THE RED RAGE’ VIKTOR TARAKAAAANOOOOV!!” At the sound of the name Tarakanov, all of the numerous flags and banners that hang around the ceiling of the arena, announcing the involvement of many countries in the arena and the many victories of those sports teams, are replaced... by red. The red flag of the Soviet Union falls down upon every one, blocking out any memory of any other country besides the mighty Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The fans boo now louder than ever at the sight that they see all around the arena. But the grand finale hasn’t yet arrived. For as Viktor, with his new belt, has his hand raised proudly in the ring by the referee a gigantic red pyro, even larger than the one in his entrance, explodes on the entrance ramp. And down in front of the SmarkTron... Falls a giant Soviet flag... Annie: Well of all the arrogant things one could do for a celebration... Ejiro: Well, he deserves it. He worked hard to get that belt. Judge: I’m sure that most other people feel otherwise, Ejiro. Anyway, thanks for watching SJL Wrath! Now switch over to your local Pay Per View provider and tune in to SWF Ground Zero! Goodnight! The fans boo like never before as the arena is bathed in the Hammer and Sickle. Their new champion exists the ring, walking backwards up the ramp with his hands held high. In one of those hands is the glistening SJL World Championship belt. The arena covered in the flag of his country makes Viktor Tarakanov feel complete, as he exits the stage with a smile. *fade out on a close-up view of the Hammer and Sickle over the SmarkTron* *Copyright 2003 SJL Productions*
  23. Thoth

    SJL Wrath

    Returning from another patented SJL commercial break puts the arena into a virtual frenzy of screams and various chanting that could warm your heart if you could really hear them. Fans can be seen running from the concession stands and souvenir stands, trying to get to their seats. An instrumental remix of “Time” by Taproot begins to play as the arena lights dim… …down from the ceiling descends the fifteen foot high steel cage that will try to contain the next match. As it continues to drop, the camera swings around to the announce position. Annie: Welcome back everyone…up next is going to be a brutal steel cage match…as the former European Champion Apostle takes on Manson in what will most likely turn into a match in who can cause more pain to the other. Judge: Now that loopy bastard doesn’t have the title anymore…and I’m sure he isn’t too happy about that. I am also sure he is happy that Craig McLennan can’t interfere in this match… Ejiro: …yeah…Bloodshed…or whatever…has been on the losing end of a lot of McLennan’s antics as of late, and maybe today he’ll get back on the winning track. The cage finally locks in place, as some of the ring-crew work to secure the cage down. Funyon stands outside of the ring, holding his handy dandy microphone. The lights stay faded down and the music fades out as a spotlight appears on Funyon as he announces the first competitor. Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen…the following contest will take place…inside a STEEL CAGE~! The crowd explodes at the very mention of those two words…as if those words control their souls and the very essence of their lives. …the winner will be the person that exits the cage either through the door or by climbing to the TOP… …and over to the outside causing both feet to touch the floor! The crowd explodes again just as a voice booms over the P.A… Voice: Failure……is your ONLY option…… Heavenly lights fall to the entranceway as The Apostle slowly makes his way out…but as his figure enters the lights they begin to flicker out and die…only to be replaced by flames shooting down each side of the entranceway. A close-up shows the former European Champion’s face with a smile as he makes his way toward the cage. Funyon: Introducing first……from Las Vegas, Nevada…the man that claims to know The Answer and the one that just may show us all the way…. …THE APOSSSSSSSSTLE~! The Apostle gets to the ring and reaches for the door, but stops as his hand rubs against the steel. For a moment he stands there, his right hand pressed against the door, his fingers rolling through the chain-link structure. The flames flicker out for a moment, but a close-up of the Apostle shows a smile on his face once more as his head shots up and looks toward Funyon. Judge: What is he looking at him for! Ejiro: This could get ugly… Flames burst up the entranceway again as The Apostle walks towards Funyon, but goes right past him, grabbing two chairs and walking back toward the door. Apostle tosses the chairs into the cage and then goes under the ring, pulling out more chairs and tossing them in… The fans watch in awe as soon a dozen or so chairs litter the ring. Again the Apostle eyes Funyon, walking toward him and grabbing his microphone. Apostle smiles and rubs Funyon’s head a bit, then he climbs into the ring, unfolding a chair and disrobing, sitting down in the chair and looking toward the entranceway and out toward the crowd. Apostle: What this match needed…was a bit…more…METAL~! The fans pop at finally learning the method to his madness. Apostle: Now Manson…I’ve seen you all week and I’ve seen you in the previous weeks…and you always act the same way. Who cares how bad your childhood was…who cares how much shit you had to put up with? These people don’t! All they want to see is a FIGHT…and tonight we are going to give them just that. …but the thing is…Manson…is that there can only be ONE WINNER. I am that winner…and you will once again fail. You are doomed to fail, Manson. You are not even paying attention to my voice right now…as you are too busy thinking about how much you are going to fail! Judge: Holy….. Ejiro: …God… Annie: Yes? Ejiro: …………… Apostle: Failure is your only option…so just get out here so we can get this over with and at least entertain all of these people for as long as it takes me to destroy you and leave you knowing one more of The Answers… Apostle tosses the mic up over the top of the cage behind his head…and Funyon can be seen chasing it down as “Hate Song” by the Haunted begins to blare out through the arena. The lights completely drop out once more and a barrage of red strobe takes over the senses…leaving Funyon stumbling his introduction… Funyon: And his….his…his opponent…from Denver, Colorado…he calls himself Hate Personified… …he is…..MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNSSSSSOOOOOOON~! Manson appears in the entranceway and looks to the center of the cage, where the Apostle still sits, his head bowed in apparent prayer. Manson wastes no time shedding his jacket at the top of the entranceway and takes off running, crawling into the ring and shutting the door on the way. An official can be seen locking the door as Manson walks up to the still praying Apostle. Judge: What the… The lights return to normal, putting Manson only inches away from his opponent. Ejiro: Is he praying? Annie: I don’t know why he does that…I still won’t go out with him… Judge: ...lord… Annie: That’s a good start, Judge…but the answer is still no… Judge: … Manson seems confused at these actions, and looks over at the official momentarily, who simply shrugs and signals for the bell… *DING DING DING* Before Manson can even think twice about the bell, The Apostle launches from his chair and tackles him down, dropping his wrist across his neck and starting things off inside the cage with a vicious choke. Judge: He was playing possum… Ejiro: …or Mantis… Judge: And who better than Mantis? Annie: I think you mean Mortis, Judge… Judge/Ejiro: …who? Annie: Nevermind… Being caught off guard, Manson takes a moment to regain his composure and is able to get free after a hard punch right to side of the Apostle’s head…and another separates the two men and gives them a little breathing room inside the confines of the shiny metal structure around them. The Apostle smiles and grabs two chairs, holding them in the air and tossing one of them to Manson, who catches it and looks confused. Judge: What’s going on now? Ejiro: What an idiot… Annie: At least he’s being fair… Ejiro: Fair? What’s that? Judge: A place with monkeys, tigers, games, rides, and possibly Ash Ketchum… Ejiro: …oh… Apostle: Let’s Duel, boy! Manson smiles at the invitation and runs in swinging…flailing almost wildly and trying to connect on Apostle, but Apostle instead dodges out of the way and drops Manson in a toehold, sending him and the chair down to the canvas, where they obviously bounce off each other. The sudden daze gives Apostle his first swing, slamming Manson’s head between both chairs. Ejiro: That was ALMOST a veteran move…almost… Annie: Give the devil…or the Apostle in this case…his due…that was sweet! Apostle drops the chair and heads for the door. A camera on the outside shows the referee hunting for his key, but it cannot be found. Judge: That moron can’t find his key! Apostle shakes the cage in anger upon this realization, but calms down quickly enough to begin scaling the side wall just as Manson reaches his feet. Manson notices the rapidly escaping Apostle and yanks him down, dropping him to his back on the canvas. Manson holds the top rope with his hands and springboards up to the second rope, dropping back with an elbow on his fallen opponent. Manson stands quickly and he too heads for the door, but the ref is still keyless. Manson also voices his disapproval before trying his hand at cage climbing. Before he can get too high up, however, the Apostle is back up and is wielding a chair, connecting to an unsuspecting Manson’s back, dropping him down as well. Apostle laughs and points towards the entranceway as flames burst up, showing the Apostle’s power. Judge: HOLY SHIT! Ejiro: I thought you were gonna say “Todd Damn!” Judge: Shut up! Annie: I wish I could do that…it would make going to the supermarket easier. Judge and Ejiro can be heard stifling laughter as the flames continue to burn up the entranceway and the Apostle starts laying in boots to Manson, causing him to roll under the ropes toward the cage wall. Apostle steps back a moment before running away and off the opposite ropes…rushing in quickly and baseball sliding right into Manson’s head, sandwiching it between his feet and the chain-link cage. Judge: Ouch! Ejiro: That’ll either cure or cause a massive headache there… Apostle stands and pins his feet against Manson’s head once more, holding onto to the top rope and pushing hard, putting pressure all over Manson’s head. The crowd seems to be getting into the pain inflicted as a close-up sees Apostle’s eyes concentrating on the flames he created. After a moment the ref can be seen on the outside yelling to the Apostle to let off, and only after a few more seconds of Manson’s flailing does the Apostle finally relent and begin to scale the cage himself…staring at the flames the whole way. As the Apostle climbs, Manson can be seen making his way to his feet below, and before Apostle can even get both hands on the top, Manson has grabbed both of the Apostle’s feet. Manson pulls outward hard, but the Apostle’s hands seem glued to the top. Only after a seriously hard pull does the Apostle’s body come crashing down from twelve feet to the canvas, his head missing the top rope by a foot or so. Ejiro: Wow…and Apostle’s still moving. That’s amazing! Judge: He’ll get up from anything to win… A replay off the Apostle’s fall plays in the corner as Manson sends a few kicks into the Apostle’s head as a bit of payback from earlier. The crowd is chanting almost in rhythmic sound, not exactly chanting or even saying a word…but more of an operatic echo burning through the arena as the flames begin to die down with each shot to the Apostle’s head. Judge: The flames are dying! Ejiro: …and so are the Apostle’s chances at winning this match, Judge… Annie: Oh come on…probably just ran out of gasoline… Ejiro: …. Annie: What…it can happen! Manson pulls the Apostle up and wipes him towards the ropes, catching him with a picture perfect tilt a whirl backbreaker as he comes back around. The Apostle’s body almost bounces off Manson’s knee before slumping to the canvas, leaving Manson to try his hand at escaping once more. Judge: The ref still doesn’t have that key! Manson grabs the cage wall again and begins his climb, his fingers entwining themselves into the fence in case the Apostle awakens. Behind his back, the Apostle has made it up to his knees and is just noticing his opponent’s escape attempt. Apostle is up and grabs onto Manson’s body, giving it a tug…but Manson does not budge, trying instead to kick his assailant away. Apostle tries once more but the same result occurs, and Manson moves closer to escape. Just as he is to reach the top, however, a springboarding and chair-welding Apostle jumps into frame and swings his chair, connecting right into Manson’s knuckles, causing him to scream in pain and fall from the cage wall, hitting the canvas hard on his back. The Apostle also falls and stumbles into the ropes, his body being held up by the top rope as he drops the chair. Annie: What a counter to Manson’s almost foolproof plan Ejiro: Apostle’s just too much of a fool for Manson’s plan I guess… Judge: He could’ve broken his fingers! Annie: Calm down, Judge. Manson is indeed clutching his hands as he tries to get back to his feet, wincing in pain momentarily before being attacked by Apostle once more. A hard knee to the guy sends Manson reeling backwards…almost tripping over his own feet. A clothesline from the Apostle sends Manson down on his back once more, and the Apostle instinctively goes for Manson’s hands, grabbing them and squeezing them, making Manson almost beg for mercy. Annie: If the Apostle can injure Manson’s hands… Judge: …it might make it a bit harder for Manson to climb at all… Ejiro: Yeah…but if the ref gets a spare key Manson could just walk out during the Apostle’s elaborate exit… Annie: good point. Ejiro: Oh…I know. The smile on the Apostle’s face grows as he tightens his grip on Manson’s hands, pulling him up to his feet. The Apostle walks over to the corner and sits on the top turnbuckle, holding Manson’s hands out in front of him. With a big leap, Apostle flies over Manson’s head and down, landing in a legdrop position behind him…but holding onto his opponent’s hands brings Manson crashing back with him, and a small shift in Apostle’s weight brings Manson’s back right across the Apostle’s shoulder, causing another moan of pain. Judge: What a move there by the Apostle… Ejiro: I honestly don’t think I’ve seen that before Annie: I have you guys…it’s called a Whiplash Backbreaker…very orgasmic… Ejiro/Judge: ……… Manson rolls to the ground, but the Apostle took a hard hit to his lower back and shoulder during the move, and he too rolls over a bit and tries to regain his composure. Ejiro: HA! How’s your orgasmic move now! Annie: Hunny…I can do things that would rock your world… Ejiro: …… The crowd seems stuck in a state of anticipation as to what the two men will do next inside the cage, as both men reach their feet at about the same time, but with the Apostle getting a bit of an advantage and rushing in for the attack…only to be lifted him and dropped face first into the side of the cage. Apostle’s body falls and hits the rope, sending him backwards to the canvas. As the camera moves in for a close-up it can be seen that the cage shot busted him open. Judge: Apostle goes….well….Bloodshed…or something! Ejiro: You didn’t think he lose all the blood just because his name changed did you? Judge: …… Annie/Ejiro: HA! But the blood seems to not affect the Apostle, as he is quick to get back to his feet…surprising the crowd and Manson himself, who simply attacks his bloody opponent once more. The Apostle tries to fight back with punches, but Manson’s a bit quicker on the exchange and his able to get him off the ground once more, slamming him hard with a scoop and following up with a quick elbow right into the Apostle’s face. The Apostle rolls toward the ropes instinctively, but Manson decides that eye for an eye would be a good policy, and repeats the Apostle’s move from earlier, baseball sliding the Apostle’s bloody face right into the side of the cage, no doubt causing more bloodshed to occur. Judge: Manson just isn’t relenting right here… Ejiro: He wants to win this match… Annie: …well DUH. Manson stands and looks up the entranceway…finally noticing that the Apostle’s fire has died out…symbolically showing the Apostle’s pain. Manson laughs to himself and goes for the cage door once more, but the still shrugging referee causes Manson to start his climb. Annie: Manson is trying to climb, but his hands are just in too much pain. Judge: He can still make it! Quite slowly Manson works his way up the side as the Apostle can be seen climbing up the ropes to his feet. The Apostle notices the escape quickly and tries to catch him, with his uninjured hands helping him to catch Manson just as he reaches the top. The Apostle hangs on with one hand and sends a hard right into Manson’s kidney that stops him in his tracks and almost makes him fall, but the Apostle has other ideas. Judge: What is he doing? Apostle drops down, balancing himself on the top rope, pulling Manson down with him and hooking his right arm around his waist. With a lift and a jump both men go flying backwards towards the middle of the ring, with Manson landing hard on his upper back! Annie: Springboard Back Suplex! Judge: And both men are HURT! Both men roll away from each other…and the crowd can only watch on to see who will get to their feet first. Apostle gets to his knees and begins almost crawling toward Manson, who has made his way to the opposite ropes and is slowly climbing up to his feet. Just as Manson makes it to his feet and looks out into the crowd, a close-up camera shows a nasty look of pain cross his face as he drops out of frame and to the ground next to Apostle. Judge: I can’t believe that! Ejiro: I saw it! Annie: What…what’d I miss? A replay from the other side of the ring shows the Apostle dive in and low blow Manson just as he gets to his feet, dropping him down to his knees and to his back in pain. Annie: Now that’s a veteran cage move… Judge: That’s cheating! Annie: You would have done it too Judge: But I’m allowed! I’m the Judge! Apostle gets back to his feet, as a camera catches the flames begin to burn once again up the entranceway. A stunning image as the Apostle looks down on the body of Manson before jumping up and springboarding back with a legdrop to the dazed Manson, his leg dropping down right across his throat. Manson rolls away in agony, but the Apostle stops him and lifts him up, hooking in a front facelock and picking him up high for a suplex…but instead of falling backwards he tosses Manson forward and into the side of the cage upside down. As Manson rolls away from the cage it can be seen that he too has been busted open. The crowd cheers at the bloodspill and continues to cheer momentarily as the Apostle continues his attack on Manson’s face, busting him open just as Manson had done to him earlier in the match. Annie: Blood for blood! This is great! The Apostle allows Manson to get back to his feet, but only for a moment before grabbing his wrist and whipping him off the ropes, jumping high and catching him with a release rana that sends Manson flying across the ring and into the ropes and the cage wall once more. Just as Manson hits the cage the flames shoot high, returning to ‘normal’ as the Apostle gets back to his feet and continues to attack, bringing the boots to Manson for a moment before lifting him up once more. But now the blood seems to be helping Manson, as he pushes the Apostle’s hands away and grabs his wrist, trying to whip him into the cage wall, but the Apostle is prepared and jumps up, his feet catching the chain-link and running up the wall before coming back down and springboarding off the top rope and spinning down, bringing an axe handle chop across the elbow of Manson. Judge: Holy SHIT! Ejiro: …matrix-y… Annie: Well that’s one way to get out of hold… The crowd is stunned at the athletic display of the Apostle as he dizzily spins out of control for a moment before dropping to his knees in a silent prayer. The flames flicker out and the heavenly lights drop down upon his figure. He stays in this position as Manson makes it back to his feet and rushes him, but again he can’t connect as the Apostle ducks out of the prayer position and somersaults forward and up to his feet as the lights die out. Manson is quick to turn however, and he rushes back at the Apostle and both men connect with vicious flying clotheslines that put them both down once more. Judge: They are bloody, beaten, and battered right now… Ejiro: …and possibly whomever can make it to their feet first could win this! Manson is up to his feet first after a moment, and he finally remembers all the chairs scattered throughout the ring. Manson grabs a chair and swings at the Apostle, who has made it to his knees, and the shot connects right to his back, dropping him down and causing a small moan of agony as the flames flicker out once more. Manson smiles and attacks the back once more with the chair, hitting two more hard shots before heading up the side of the cage again. His hands are still in pain though, so the climb is still very slow. As he is about to make it to the top of the cage the cameraman catches a recovered Apostle following him up the same side, carrying a car at his side. Just as Manson gets to the top and throws a leg over, his other leg is hit by a hard shot, and when he looks down and grabs his leg he gets another hard shot to the head, bringing forth more blood. Judge: If Apostle isn’t careful he could knock Manson off the top to the outside…and Manson would win…but at quite the price… Annie: I think Apostle just wants to hurt him…he doesn’t care about the match anymore…he’s lost his belt and I know he is mad about that… Ejiro: How? Annie: Were you mad when you lost your belts? Ejiro: ….yes… Annie: Exactly, chump… The Apostle uses Manson’s down time to also get to the top of the cage…straddling the top and trying not to injure any needed organs. Manson looks up at the Apostle just in time to catch another chair to the face that sends him falling toward the ring, but his leg gets STUCK! Judge: Oh no! He could get himself killed thanks to the Apostle! Manson hangs loosely for a second, not really sure where he is. The Apostle simply smiles and lifts Manson’s leg out of it’s predicament and pushes Manson down, causing him to flip and land on his back hard near the center of the ring. Annie: The Apostle could win if he just climbs down! The Apostle stands up on the top of the cage and looks down toward the floor and the ref, but before he can climb down he looks up to the sky, and the heavenly lights burn down. A smile again appears on his face as he shows his now dented chair to the crowd and holds it against his chest…facing out towards them… Judge: Is he going to… Ejiro: No fucking way… Annie: ???? Apostle looks down toward the ring and the fallen Manson…before leaping backwards and flipping over in the air, falling and holding the chair against himself as he lands almost perfectly across Manson’s body, sandwiching the chair between both of them. Ejiro/Annie/Judge/Everyone: MY GOD~! The Apostle rolls off the chair, looking to be knocked out as well. Manson hasn’t moved an inch since his fall. The crowd is in shock and even the referee is flipping out on the outside. He begins to signal for EMTs… …but the Apostle nips up! Judge: HOLY SHIT! CHOIR BOY NIPPED UP! The Apostle shots off his back and lands on his feet, spinning around momentarily and looking in all directions before noticing the destruction his dive has caused…the body of Manson laying there…with barely any motion. The Apostle signals to go up and over and out…and as he climbs the camera and the crowd can see Manson begin to move, looking up and over at the ref…who has finally gotten a key. Annie: How’d he get that key!? A replay of the moments before the dive has a camera catching a ring crew member handing the referee a key before rushing backstage. Annie: My God…both men have a chance if Manson can hurry! The Apostle again straddles the top of the cage and looks down, seeing the referee unlocking the cage for a weary Manson, who is inching closer to the door. The Apostle FREAKS OUT as flames fly high up the entranceway. He begins his climb down the other side and is hanging from the top of the cage as Manson’s begins to exit… Apostle: I DON’T THINK SO!! With a loud scream the Apostle swings toward the door and lets go of the cage, falling in seemingly slow motion before kicking the door shut right on the head of Manson and falling TO THE FLOOR! Manson rolls back into the ring in pain as the Apostle lays hurt on the outside, the ref looking down in awe. *DING DING DING* Funyon: Here is your winner……THE APOOOOOOOOOOOOOSTLE~! The ref helps the bloody winner up and again calls for EMTs, but they seem to be having trouble getting past the flaming entranceway. Apostle simply smiles as the flames die out and the EMTs rush the cage as it begins to raise up and allow them to get at Manson, but the Apostle shrugs off medical attention and slowly works his way backstage, holding his hand up high as he goes. The crowd cheers the performance of both men…as whether they are hated or loved…they put their lives on the line for the crowd tonight. Judge: Amazing…I don’t know how he did it…he nipped up after almost killing himself… Ejiro: I don’t know Judge… Annie: If he can take that much of a beating and still get up that quick…Craig better watch out…or he very well just might know The Answer… SJL Wrath fades to commercial after showing various replays from the match, including the insane ending sequence that left The Apostle the victor and Manson with a severe headache.
  24. Thoth

    SJL Wrath

    We come back from the break and briefly take in the enthusiastic crowd packing out the Winnipeg Arena, before panning around to take in our now established trio of commentators. Judge: Welcome back to SJL Wrath…the atmosphere here is electric as we await our huge main event for our world title. Ejiro: I can’t wait to see BEEP walk away with the belt! BEEP is great! Annie: Why the hell are you saying “BEEP”? Ejiro: So I don’t give away the mystery man, of course! Annie: You just don’t know who it is, do you? Ejiro: Of course I do- it’s BEEP! Judge: As entertaining as this is, up next we have our new European Champion, the English Dragon, taking on the Aecas, in a non-title match. Annie: At last, Dragon will finally get what’s coming to him. Ejiro: Some kind of medal and a crown? Annie: I was thinking more along the lines of a merciless beating. Judge: A tough test for Dragon, it’s true…but Aecas also needs a win to keep his quest for the World title on track…let’s get to it! FUNYON: Ladies and Gentleman….the following contest is set for one fall and is a non-title match… “Land of Hope and Glory” strikes up, and red and white streamers begin to drop from the ceiling. The English Dragon strides out, proudly pointing to the European Title belt strapped around his waist. FUNYON: Introducing first…from London, England, weighing in at 223lbs, he is the SJL European Champion, the English Draaaaaaagooooooooooon! Dragon walks through the falling streamers, himself wearing red and white mask and tights. Dragon is closely followed by his loyal butler, Robertson, immaculately turned out in a sharp suit. The Englishman steps into the ring and holds up his belt in one hand, waving to the crowd with the other. The fans are seemingly unimpressed with Dragon’s celebrations, and boo him happily. Judge: Last Tuesday on Crimson Dragon pinned the Apostle to take the European title… Ejiro: And what a great victory, what a great champion he will be. Could there be a better representative of Europe in the SJL? Annie: Yes, how about- Ejiro: Save it! I’m not going to let your wisecracks spoil this moment. Dragon shakes hands with referee Sexton Hardcastle as his music suddenly cuts out. Dragon turns to the entrance sharply, as the lights drop. The crowd waits in darkness for a moment, as a graveyard bell begins to chime out, its deep tones reverberating across the arena. Aecas’ video starts to play on the SmarkTron as a deep voice intones: ”Are you scared?” The voice echoes into… “He’s here….” Emperor’s “Curse You All Men” explodes out as red lights flash out across the arena. A E C A S flashes on the SmarkTron amidst shots of vicious action, as thick smoke pours out from the entranceway. A red spotlight settles on the Black Angel, Aecas, as he appears in the smoke, drawing a huge cheer from the crowd. Aecas raises his ever present scythe, snapping the blade out, and begins to walk purposefully to the ring. FUNYON: Aaaaaaaaaaaand his opponent…from Shrewsbury, England, weighing 315lbs…..”The Black Angel”, AECAS~! Ejiro: At last! I was about to fall asleep his entrance takes so long. Annie: I’d have thought you’d be grateful- its another few minutes you can still pretend Dragon has a chance. Aecas reaches the ring and steps in, as Dragon backs away into one corner. The music cuts out as the lights go back up, and Aecas stares at Dragon, a small smile playing on his white lips. Sexton Hardcastle takes the Scythe, staggering under its weight, and drags it out of the ring. Aecas walks over to Dragon, who flinches as Aecas sticks out a hand, inducing laughs from the fans. Annie: Dragon is clearly intimidated by Aecas- and that’s probably the smartest thing you can credit him with. Ejiro: He’s not intimidated! Aecas was going to cheap shot him! Aecas keeps the hand out until Dragon slowly extends his own, and we get a clean shake! Sexton Hardcastle, panting after the exertion of removing the scythe, attempts to explain the rules, but gives up from a lack of breath and just waves the two men to get it on. DING DING DING Dragon walks away, wringing out his wrists and rolling his shoulders. The Black Angel merely turns and watches. EngDrag, seemingly making a decision, steps forward quickly. Aecas moves forward to meet him, and they snap their arms across each others shoulders, going into a tie up. Dragon bends his back, trying to shift his opponent, but Aecas easily pushes Dragon back into the nearest corner. Sexton makes the count to break, and Aecas backs away cleanly. Dragon holds his shoulder and rolls them again, seemingly already feeling the effect of Aecas’ brutal strength. Judge: Aecas has over a foot in height and nearly 100lbs in weight on Dragon. There’s no way he can attempt to match power with him. Ejiro: He doesn’t need to. Dragon is to Aecas as Einstein is to…well, Annie for example. Dragon can outthink the big lump, use tactics. Annie: It’ll be interesting to see what tactics Dragon employs when he has no teeth left. Dragon shakes his head, and charges Aecas! They go into another lock up, and again Aecas just overpowers Dragon and pushes him back into a corner. Before Sexton can come over, Dragon uses his free arm to pat Aecas quickly on his back. With the Black Angel facing the other way, he assumes the touch is Sexton calling for the break, and steps away from Dragon. EngDrag takes advantage by poking Aecas square in the eye. Hardcastle, standing behind Aecas, doesn’t see the gouge and merely watches as Dragon begins to fire right hands into the jaw of Aecas. One, two, three, four punches, and EngDrag grabs his opponent’s arm. Dragon whips Aecas off the ropes, but Aecas is in full control of his movement and as he comes back drives his shoulder into the body of Dragon, knocking him hard to the mat to a cheer from the crowd. Judge: Dragon can’t put himself in positions like that…he needs to be moving, not Aecas. Annie: It really doesn’t matter. C’mon William, do you honestly think Dragon has a chance here? Judge: Well- Ejiro: Of course he does! Dragon is just toying with Aecas! Meanwhile, Dragon has sprung straight back from the knockdown, and runs to the ropes. Dragon bounces off quickly and ducks under Aecas’ swinging arm. The Londoner rebounds from the ropes on the other side and drops down into a slide, going through the legs of the Black Angel. Dragon springs to his feet as Aecas turns, and leaps into the air, extending his legs out in front of him and driving his boots forward so the soles connect with the jaw of Aecas with a SNAP! Dragon falls down to the mat and looks up…to see Aecas still standing! The European Champion scuttles to his feet once more, as Aecas grabs for him. Dragon spins to one side and fires a couple of European forearms way up to the head of Aecas. Dragon follows up with a couple of hard chops, driving the edge of his hand into Aecas massive chest. EngDrag jumps up in front of his opponent, grabbing Aecas’ head in both hands and pulling down, so that Aecas’ jaw is slammed into the top of Dragon’s skull. Ejiro: Beautiful jaw breaker! Aecas is STUNNED! Aecas is bent over, holding his jaw, as Dragon steps out of the ring and quickly climbs to the top rope. Judge: It could be too early for this though… Aecas turns to the corner, and EngDrag leaps off, extending his body horizontally and looking to connect with a flying cross-body. Aecas is far too aware however, and, virtually all in one movement, catches Dragon and swings him over, POWERING him into the canvas with a hard powerslam! Dragon bounces off the mat with the impact, but Aecas is on top and presses him down for a cover: ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Annie: Stupid…one jaw breaker isn’t going to slow Aecas down enough to be prey to a simple cross body. Ejiro: Aecas just got lucky! He slipped on the mat and bumped into Dragon! Annie: Sure. Just like he’s going to slip right now? Aecas picks Dragon up with one massive hand and places his head between his legs, grabbing the Londoner around the waist. Annie: The Executioner. It’s over. A squash. Ejiro: He’s not allowed to do that already! Aecas pulls Dragon up, but his fellow Englishman fights back and is able to slip out of Aecas’ grip and land on his feet. Dragon backs away as Aecas comes straight back after him, and retreats so far that he eventually hits the ropes and tumbles out under the top to the floor. Aecas gives another small smile and slides out of the ring after his opponent. Dragon runs around the ring to the other side and Aecas follows, to a big pop from the crowd. Dragon slides back into the ring and stands. Aecas comes right in after him, but as he goes under the bottom rope is left exposed to stomps and kicks from his opponent. Dragon drives his boot repeatedly into the body of Aecas. The ferocity of the assault has Aecas at last temporarily subdued, and Dragon takes the opportunity to place Aecas’ left leg on the bottom rope. EngDrag takes a couple of steps back and jump forward, bending his right leg back and coming down with his knee onto Aecas’ leg. Ejiro: Here we go. Dragon is going to pick apart Aecas piece by piece. Annie: I don’t know why you don’t like Aecas. He’s big, he’s violent. Ejiro: Yeah, but violence by the rules just isn’t the same. Judge: This is Dragon’s best chance, If he can take out that leg he’ll hamper Aecas’ ability to hit big power moves and also give himself a chance of a submission with the figure four. Dragon gets up and kicks Aecas’ leg hard off the rope, before attempting to pull Aecas up. The Black Angel comes up, but it seems more his own effort than Dragon’s. EngDrag attempts to whip Aecas to the ropes, but Aecas shifts his weight and stops himself. The Shrewsbury native pulls around, reversing the whip so that Dragon is sent flying to the ropes. EngDrag comes back in control of his motion, and leaps forward, diving low, feet outstretched in front of him. Dragon sends his boots into the left knee of Aecas with a basement dropkick, and the impact is enough to knock the leg out and send Aecas down onto his face. Dragon, with a huge effort, rolls Aecas onto his back and hooks a huge leg: ONE! Aecas THROWS Dragon off him! The European champion is propelled high into the air and hits the mat hard as the crowd roar in appreciation. Aecas quickly gets back to his feet, briefly putting extra weight on his left leg to check any damage. Dragon is up, and Aecas swings a punch at him, but EngDrag ducks it and scoots around behind the Black Angel, wrapping his arms around the waist of his opponent. Dragon struggles to move Aecas, who merely stands still and smiles. Aecas moves forwards quickly onto the ropes and holds onto the top rope. The sudden change in momentum bounces Dragon off Aecas, and he rolls backwards back to his feet. Dragon charges in at the back of Aecas, who calmly turns and SLAMS his arm forward into the neck of Dragon, nearly decapitating him with a lariat! Annie: That has got to hurt… Ejiro: It’s ok, Dragon knows how to take pain. Judge: That was just brutal. Here’s the cover: ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Dragon manages to break the cover, but is helpless to prevent Aecas grabbing him to his feet once more. Aecas sends Dragon to the ropes and ducks down, looking to back drop his opponent, but as EngDrag flies back he vaults over the Black Angel, coming down behind him and continuing to the other side of the ring. Dragon bounces back but Aecas has turned and is ready for him. Aecas gets his right arm underneath Dragon’s body, grabbing him up high and then spinning around and slamming Dragon down to the mat. Aecas takes Dragon’s arm and pulls him into the nearest corner. Judge: Huge side slam from Aecas…and he’s going up top! Annie: It’s an awesome sight when Aecas takes to the air. Ejiro: Bah…stop it with the sycophancy. The amount of ass kissing you’re doing anyone would think Aecas was female. Although he does have hair like a girl. Aecas steps out onto the apron and slowly climbs to the top rope. Dragon is lying prone in front of him, and Aecas balances himself…but suddenly falls down onto the top turnbuckle as Robertson pulls his legs out from under him! Robertson quickly moves away. To add insult to injury, Sexton’s eyes were on Dragon and he missed the interference. Annie: That fool…that’s twice he’s missed blatant cheating already! Ejiro: Excellent officiating. He was checking Dragon hadn’t been hurt by the unnecessarily stiff slam. Dragon becomes aware that Aecas has been knocked down and winded, and gets to his feet as quickly as he can. Dragon climbs up to the second rope and fires a few quick forearm shots to the head of his opponent. Dragon wraps his right arm around the head of Aecas and steps up to the top rope, drawing Aecas with him. EngDrag grabs the top of Aecas’ leather pants and attempts to pull him back and over…but Aecas resists, and his weight is too much for Dragon to move! Aecas fights out of the headlock, but Dragon drops down to the second rope and hits him with another couple of punches. Dragon slowly turns away from Aecas, and gets his right arm around the head of the Black Angel. Judge: What does Dragon have planned here? Annie: He couldn’t suplex Aecas, even from the top, so he’s just going to try and drag him off! Indeed, Dragon leaps forward off the second rope, getting distance and pulling Aecas with him. As they crash to the mat Aecas’ head and neck is SMASHED into Dragon’s shoulder! The fans let out a cry of surprise as both men lie on the mat. Ejiro: Beautiful! Dragon pulling Aecas down with a neckbreaker off the top! Brilliant improvisation! Judge: Dragon using gravity and his own weight rather than pure strength, and it could turn the tide for him here. Aecas holds his head as Dragon gets to his feet. The Londoner grabs Aecas’ long left leg and begins to kick, driving the toe of his boot into the joint. EngDrag holds the leg on the mat and drives his knee into it, once, twice, three times. Dragon keeps his knee in place after the third strike and grinds it in, pulling back hard on Aecas’ lower leg. The Black Angel starts to fight back, shifting onto his back from his side and sitting up. Dragon, his knee still in place, chops the chest of Aecas, who shakes his head and just smiles. Dragon chops again, to no effect. A third chop also bounces off, and Dragon releases the leg to unleash more blows, but Aecas is ready and just grabs Dragon around the throat in his huge right hand. Annie: Here we go! So much for Dragon’s “intelligence”, Ej. He got frustrated at the ineffectiveness of his chops and abandoned the attack on the leg too quickly. Ejiro: That’s a blatant choke! C’mon Sexton, do your job! Aecas, still gripping Dragon, rises to his feet, and Dragon has no choice but to follow. The Black Angel tenses, and hoists Dragon off the mat by the throat! Dragon dangles in the air, legs kicking, before Aecas DRIVES him down to the canvas hard with the chokeslam! Dragon bounces away from Aecas, who goes to move after him, but is slightly slowed by a limp that appears to have developed in his left leg. Aecas gets down for the cover: ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEE-KICKOUT! Judge: Dragon escapes with just inches to spare! Aecas is back in total control. Look at him posing, disgusting! Ejiro: The kickout there should prove that Aecas CANNOT pin Dragon. Aecas gets to his feet, and draws Dragon into his grasp. Aecas has Dragon facing him, and grabs him with one arm across his stomach and the other around his back. Aecas pulls up, twisting Dragon into the air and positioning him for a shoulder breaker. Dragon wriggles in Aecas’ clutches however, and pushes on Aecas’ body with his hands, slowly propelling himself up his giant opponent’s body! Dragon manages to move himself high enough to drop back over Aecas’ shoulder, and as he does so he wraps his right arm around Aecas’ neck and pulls his head back into a Dragon sleeper! Dragon gets his legs around Aecas’ midriff and wrenches back on the sleeper whilst on his opponent’s back. Judge: Yes! Dragon Sleeper, and Aecas is in trouble. Ejiro: What a counter from Dragon! Let’s see how long Aecas can last before he taps! Annie: Has either of you EVER seen Aecas tap? Let alone to a runt like Dragon? Aecas staggers, waving his right arm and tries to throw Dragon off by spinning around, but Dragon holds tight. After a few seconds, Aecas’ left leg drops and the Black Angel falls down to one knee, enabling Dragon to get his feet on the mat. EngDrag pulls back on the sleeper as the crowd encourages Aecas to escape. Dragon nods his head in approval, but Aecas is still fighting. The giant has to use all his strength to push up with his left leg, and, as he does so, Aecas swiftly spins around breaking the sleeper. Aecas grabs Dragon’s head under his left arm and drops back, smashing EngDrag’s head into the mat with a DDT! Dragon is down and looks to have been stunned by the blow. Aecas stays down too, feeling the effects of the sleeper. Judge: A desperation move from Aecas to escape, and both men are down. Ejiro: That’s where Dragon needs to keep him. Everyone’s the same height on the mat. Annie: That would be Dragon’s best chance to win…if he had any chance at all. Dragon starts to crawl away and up. Aecas also stands, favouring his right leg. Dragon turns and runs in, but Aecas just swats him down to the mat with a back elbow. Dragon rolls back to his feet and goes to the ropes, springing off and attempting to attack with greater velocity, but Aecas is ready and lifts his right leg horizontally into the air, thrusting his boot forward and SMASHING it into Dragon’s face! Dragon crashes to the mat, but Aecas stumbles, having put all his weight on his damaged left leg. However, the pain in his leg doesn’t register on the big man’s face as he flips Dragon onto his back and sits next to him. The crowd pops as Aecas takes a hold of Dragon’s wrists, one in each hand, and locks his legs around Dragon’s arms and necks in a full nelson position. Aecas pulls back on the arms hard, locking in- Annie: The Wings Of Fire! A deadly submission hold! Ejiro: Dragon won’t tap! Dragon never taps! The Londoner is shaking his head as Sexton asks if he wants to give it up, but his shouts of pain seem to belie his assertions that he’s fine. Aecas grins in sadistic pleasure as he bends the arms back even more….but Dragon manages to move and shift his body position enough to extend his right leg fully so that it’s just brushing the bottom rope. Sexton counts the break, and Aecas gets up reluctantly. Dragon pulls himself up using the ropes and rests there. Aecas sizes up his opponent, helplessly spread across the top rope, and walks to the ropes directly opposite him, looking to bounce off and charge at the European Champion. As he reaches the ropes however, an unnoticed Robertson SLAMS a punch into the back of his left knee! There’s a glint of brass knuckles as Robertson serenely moves away. Sexton was unsighted by the massive bulk of Aecas and only watches as Aecas falls forward to the mat, rolling onto his back and clutching his leg in pain. Ejiro: His leg gave out! Dragon’s assault pays off! Annie: It didn’t give out- that damn butler punched it with knucks! Ejiro: Knucks? What are knucks? Judge: This is it! What an upset for Dragon! The Londoner staggers forward off the ropes and stands over the Black Angel. Dragon nods and waves to the crowd, receiving a torrent of abuse for his troubles. EngDrag grabs the left leg of Aecas, bending it around his own leg, and spins around. Dragon is picking up Aecas’ right leg when the big man kicks hard with it, propelling Dragon off and down to the mat. The crowd cheers this escape but resumes booing again as Dragon gets to his feet behind Aecas, gesturing for his opponent to get up, crouched ready to attack. Aecas obliges, picking himself from the mat and standing slowly on one leg…only for Dragon to dive forwards and drive his shoulder into the back of the left knee, clipping the leg out from under Aecas and sending him down once more! Dragon kicks Aecas over onto his back and, grabbing both legs, pull him into the centre of the ring. Dragon steps in, hooking Aecas’ left leg around and spinning around. This time Dragon gets a hold of the right leg and is able to drop back and cinch in the Cross of St George figure four before Aecas can kick him off! Dragon drops back, pulling hard on the right leg and shouting in triumph. Aecas grimaces in pain as the crowd chants for him to escape…and…Aecas’ hand rises! Ejiro: He’s going to tap! A huge win for Dragon! Judge: The Cross of St George beats the Wings Of Fire! Annie: Ah…I don’t see him tapping… And Aecas’ hand doesn’t tap! He plants his elbow down into the mat and uses it to try and turn himself over. Dragon shakes his head in panic and tries to hold on, but Aecas’ strength is irresistible, and Aecas slowly, slowly turns the figure four over! Dragon struggles in panic and pain in the reversed figure four, and drags himself forwards to grab the bottom rope. The break, and our competitors extract themselves. Dragon gets to his feet first and lets loose a torrent of abuse at Aecas, who lies on his back, recovering from the effort of reversing Dragon’s hold. EngDrag moves to the corner and climbs up, his back to the ring, but Aecas is up too! The Black Angel limps over as Dragon is waving to the crowd and slams a HARD forearm shot into his back. Dragon is almost knocked out of the ring, but Aecas has a hold on his tights. Aecas stands facing the ring and puts his right hand under Dragon’s left arm, doing the same on the other side. Judge: Aecas looks pissed! Annie: He’s put up with Dragon and his goon’s cheating all match, and now it’s pay back time! Aecas lifts up with his arms, and Dragon is raised onto this back! Aecas steps out of the corner shakily, and starts to run forward! Judge: My God, running powerbomb attempt! Ejiro: Gouge his eyes! Low blow! Anything! As Aecas moves forward however his left leg buckles under the weight! Aecas and Dragon tumble down to the mat, and with the sudden change in direction Dragon crashes into Sexton Hardcastle, who can’t get out of the way in time! Hardcastle is bumped down to the mat and holds his head! Dragon took more of the fall, and Aecas is up, focusing on EngDrag and seemingly not noticing the fallen referee. Aecas picks Dragon up and wraps his arms around his waist, rapidly hoisting him up and letting Dragon hang down his body. A jump and a spin, and Aecas POWERS Dragon’s head into the matt with the Executioner! Aecas crosses Dragon’s arms and the crowd counts the pin: 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! Frustrated, Aecas releases the hold and goes over to Hardcastle, attempting to revive him. As he does so, there’s a THUNK as Robertson tosses a steel chair into the ring. Aecas is too preoccupied with Sexton to notice, but slowly Dragon crawls over to it. EngDrag picks himself up, standing unsteadily and grabs the chair, Annie: No…this is disgusting! Turn around Aecas! Ejiro: Shut up woman! Don’t interfere in the match! Dragon staggers towards Aecas…who turns around! The big man shakes his head and smiles tightly. Dragon takes a step forward…and throws the chair towards Aecas! The Black Angel catches the chair and looks at it, a quizzical look on his face. The crowd encourages Aecas to use the chair, but before Aecas can do anything, Dragon drops back onto the mat, clutching his head! The fall is perfectly timed, as at that moment Sexton shakes his head clear and surveys the match scene! The crowd boos heartily…and Sexton looks at the fallen Dragon and the still chair wielding Aecas! Annie: Oh no…Sexton, please don’t be a fool… Ejiro: Think, Sexton! You can see what happened here! Aecas grabs Sexton by his shirt and shakes his head angrily…but this only serves as encouragement for Hardcastle to call for the bell! DING DING DING Aecas shoves Sexton down to the mat, who slides out of the ring and speaks to Funyon. FUNYON: The winner of the match….as a result of a disqualification….the English DRAAAAAAAGOOOOOOOOOOOOON! “BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!” comes the chant from the fans, as Aecas stands, furious. EngDrag is getting to his feet, “selling” the chair shot for all he’s worth. Aecas looks at him and grins, the chair still in his huge left hand. One swing and CRACK, and Dragon is back on the mat to huge cheers from the crowd. Aecas lands three more hard chair shots to the body of Dragon before Robertson grabs his employer’s leg and pulls him out of the ring. Judge: A huge win for English Dragon! Annie: That’s disgusting, total screw job. We need some better referees in the SJL. For God’s sake, that was just---I’m speechless. Ejiro: We can all be thankful for that. Aecas got what he deserved- using that chair was a sick and cowardly act. Annie: Dragon couldn’t beat Aecas. He couldn’t get a pin, a tap, nothing, so he resorted to this. Judge: A win is a win, and Dragon continues on a roll! We’ll be back with so much more after these messages.