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Everything posted by Dace59

  1. Dace59

    Wrestling moves...

    It's also a case of how tight they get locked on. You slap someone in a Jujigatame and crank back on it, they'll scream for real. But you could but someone in a Headlock and have they feel nothing at all.
  2. Dace59

    12/5 SWF "Lockdown" HOLT Report

    ROFLMFAO! That was fucking golden. Completely golden.
  3. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Of course an NLB is going to be like a Suplex as its a second sub form of a suplex. Suplex -> Brainbuster -> Northern Lights Bomb.
  4. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

  5. Right, firstly sorry for the shockingly short main even, but school coursework called, so it was thrown together. Anyhow. Janus vs Duran: Nice and fast pace, very hard hitting and a great way to open the the show. I drop you, you drop me, it's all even. I love the counter to the post match beatdown and the build this adds to well, you'll have to guess. Janus Promo: Dace is shamless, what's new? Hehe Strangler vs Grappler: Another hoss match of doom~! I like the in jokes like the no selling the argument and the use of old school submissions. Nice build and "near falls" as it where. And the Sleeper is back in action as a deadly move. Deadly to the fans, mwahahah! Taylor Promo: More interesting goings on with Stranglers fraglie mind. Very interesting indeed. Stryke vs Ejiro: Very fast paced and frantic match, with the poor ref having to do some work after almost every spot. The trade off of underhand moves is always good to see. Not to found on the Juji-gatame use but I'm one of these people that sees it as a death hold. Nice ending spot, made me think it was Ejiro's match at first. Thugg vs Mak: Thugg big, Thugg mad, Thugg crush. Thugg can fly? I think Mr Newton would have a few things to say about that one! Nice false finish with going for the chokeslam with the weak arm. So yer, let's have more people.
  6. Dace59

    Lockdown Card!

    That's King being ill. The due date says Monday 5th December too.
  7. Dace59

    How many of you have played...

    Fire Pro A 1 and 2 for the GBA. SFPWXP from the SNES SFP Queen's Special for the SNES.
  8. I've already spoken to Tom about his match. I had a little problem with the selling of his table bumps and I agree with him about the finish being a bit suddent. But over all, it kicked ass. Some of the spots where great, like X's Splits to spread Tom's legs and the Baseball Slide Headscissors. Then ending was great and nasty too. A good bump and a slighty different end to a table's match. I loved Ejiro's match and just the sheer evilness in it. Certainly some of the best stuff around. Makes me worry if I win the ICTV title, my first defenese will be against him. I like WC's return to his old style as well and the opeing spotting was a nice little touch which caughty my eye. Linchpin is... interesting to say the least. Fun to read.
  9. Dace59

    Promo - Dr Doomswaddle

    And you all wonder why he's a psychotic hardcore motherfucker? Great stuff as ever man. And I love the hawg!
  10. Dace59

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy Birthday Will. Try not to be too stoned, hehe (Y)
  11. Dace59

    SWF Smarkdown Card

    Cough .. Main Event ... w00t!
  12. It is Z's fault then. For saying the show would be the 25th, a Tuesday?
  13. Dace59

    SWF Chat Thread!

    So long no post.
  14. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Northern Lughts Bomb and Nothern Lights Suplex have nothing to do with each other. The NBL is a Scoop Brainbuster. It's just another gimmick name that has come into common use. Just like Northern Lights Suplex. And the EF is a version of the Northern Lights Bomb anyway.
  15. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    It comes from that Japanese that ment something like Emerald Waterfall I think. Nothing to do with Frozen Erossion as has been thought before. It basiclly just doesn't translate very well and is heard under a Japanese accent. Emerald Frusion I use.
  16. Dace59

    Storm feedback feed... thread!

    *Drags himself up to comment* Plans are afoot here. Kicking show, I really liked the end to the hardcore match and the Handcuff match.
  17. Oh great, feel the lack of Triple Threat love coming from me. But anyway, that can be worked out and stuff.
  18. Shouldn't Annie vs Ejior be for the No 2. Contendership? As I won the No 1. at A2A Or is there a triple threat in my future? Apart from that, the card is kicking. The tag match is just going to be a war!
  19. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Actually it's an Inverted Fisherman's Buster (Witchcraft to some Joshi star) The Cradle EF was the one Hayabusa used to do. Scoop them up as a normal EF, but instead of wrapping an arm around their body, it goes for their legs. Oh, and added you to AIM Corey.
  20. Dace59

    I'm Number Three!

    Go WC Go!
  21. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Glad you think so. It's a big ouch. Sounds a good idea. With that and music, we wouldn't have a shortage of stuff to chat about. Or you can hit my up on AIM
  22. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Yep, High Angle/Implant DDT are the same thing. I do like the Crucifix Power to Seated Necbkreaker, but but big death finisher is a Vertical Sheer Drop Thunder Fire Powerbomb. In other words, lift them over one shoulder and drive them completely vertical onto their head.
  23. Dace59

    Buy these cool T-Shirts

    I need a credit card. Stuff the shipping costs to the UK, I'll pay them. I want the Team Horrorcore one. It's my shirt after all. And you have to own a JnR because it rocks harder than almost anything.
  24. Dace59

    If you're into e-wrestling...

    Lol, feel flattered then. Now, go get your AIM addy so we can pimp to you in private.