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Everything posted by Dace59

  1. Dace59

    How much is your soul worth?

    My Soul is worth.... £6907. 89% of people are purer than me. \m/ Good thing I'm an Atheist.
  2. Dace59

    Smarkdizzown Commizzents

    I will unfortunatly admit to liking putting in the odd bit of no selling here and there for small moves. I just need to work on the description a bit to hide the fact it's no selling. As for the littel bit at the start Ejiro talked about. It did turn out like an ECW style opening spot, but that's just my writing. This was not the sort of match or opponents when an indy applause stance was going to get used. Dace Yakuza Kicking Flesher comes from us both using it as big strikes, and him making a run in with a Yakuza Kick on TBS earlier in the match.
  3. Dace59


    You drugged my damn breakfast, I don't remember agreeing this this. Seriously, great little promo man. Gotta love the mad fun.
  4. Dace59

    How old be you?

    17, since march.
  5. Dace59


    I'm so glad I've got my website site with all it's space and bandwidth, the fed needs it. The ad shall go up and stay up.
  6. Dace59

    Birthday Salutations

    Tarankanov was Logan? I never knew that. Man, I still remember my second match in the JL, against him, but he's just left at that time. Happy Birthday Man!
  7. Dace59

    Smarkdown! Wrap Sheet

    Opening Promo - Micheal Craven Riley Singles Match CIA v. Crow Crow. SFC pride \m/ No-DQ Singles Match "The Sinner" John Duran v. Annie Eclectic Annie. Non-Title Challenge Match Mak "The Franchise" Francis v. Johnny "The Barracuda" Dangerous Mak Hardcore Title Match WildChild © v. Xcalibur WC Six Man Tag Match "The Superior One" Tom Flesher, Quiz & Show v. Dace Night, Va'aiga and The Boston Strangler No comment. G4 Tournament (Loser's Bracket) Semi-Final (Non-Title) "Judge Mental" William Hearford III v. Ejiro Fasaki Fans.
  8. Dace59

    SWF Smarkdown Card

    An Edwin Marked Six Man Tag, Shocking. (Y) Is that the sound of HOSS POWER! I hear coming from my team?
  9. Dace59

    Full card of the SD show in Birmingham, England

    WWE show in my home town. I han't heard. I doubt i'll go though.I
  10. Dace59

    Lockdown Comments

    Hugg and King has me gripped. Thank you Card for carring my crappy writing this time around. Flesher vs JD was great. That false finish with the foot on the ropes was excellent. The fish hooking spot was just plain nasty. Main Event was good. Makes everything very interesting. Might be back with more comments later.
  11. Dace59

    The SWF Awards Show

    I look forward to it. Be the first time I'm around for them, and the old process sounds great to me. Roll em on.
  12. Dace59

    Tajiri v.s Steve Corino

    Oddly enough, nope. Not that I can see on the VHS version.
  13. Dace59

    Sod's F**king Law

  14. Dace59

    Sod's F**king Law

    You will get a half a match tomorrow then man. Saves me craming it. Thank god.
  15. Dace59

    Thugg, you're fucking DEAD.

    Yep, the JL er, Conklin, not Williams.
  16. Dace59

    Tajiri v.s Steve Corino

    It's the same on the UK VHS version.
  17. Dace59

    SWF Lockdown Card!

    Edwin marks the straight tag match. What a shock. Go Edwin and booking!
  18. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    The move from the Misawa Kawada match was Planned. Kawada had told Misawa at some point he was doing it. It was a one off spot, and was NEVER called the Ganso bomb, it was called by it's technical name: Jumping Kneeling Vertical Sheer Drop Powerbomb. Thesz's Ganso Bomb was the Original Powerbomb (Ganso meaning Original) It's as Ace309 described, a Throwing Piledriver. As for the Misawa Kawada spot, you'll notice Misawa's head isnt that far off the group, and he uses his arms to take some of the impact. Still nasty, but not that brutal. It also didn not end the match. Not even close.
  19. Dace59

    Birthday Salutations

    Happy Birthday Dude. Have a good one.
  20. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Ace himself did a several versions as well.
  21. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Deflin, out side of him, can't remember off the top of my head.
  22. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Not that I recall. It used a load of moves at the start of the Invasion run, but that wasn't one of them.
  23. Dace59

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Nice to see with this thread rolling along so nicely.
  24. Dace59

    Birthday Salutations

    Happy Birthday Z, don't go to wild.