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Everything posted by Dace59
Time for my own comments on Toxxic's match I guess... Nice basic opening section, if feeling a little over described, with Maddix wrestling to compenstate for him taling Toxxic slightly in terms of speed and strenght. If Toxxic was in a Jacknife, he wouldn't be doing any briding up, but like Maddix didn't mean Full Nelson, I dont think you ment Jacknife hold, just the flipping action into the pin. But servers to how Toxxic is slightly the stronger and the quicker. Quick early counts, but all of them break out before two, so there's plant of time to build them up, even though they'll shock falls rather than falls from damage. The trade off continues, and actually looks like it might lead somewhere, with things slowly becoming a little faster, still going for the odd fast falls. Again very like NJ junior stuff, but a fuller section that Maddix used. Maddix getting arm dragged before he can stand up from the kickout then the uppercut is a lovely little spot to show Toxxic's speed edge. Could have used with the question being firmly planted that Toxxic may well start loosing to Maddix if he keeps for the mat apporoach. But the Arm Dragon Screw is a fair smooth shift into Toxxic's control, and his offence. And shockingly, this does feel like Toxxic, picking a game and going for it at full speed. Nice counter, Maddix being able to out think Toxxic, and a move that's more a pyschological attack than a physical one. And again, very NJ like, with a few quick spots, short trade offs that done do very much before a nice dive to the outside. And Maddix is set as using his cheating ways from near the outside. If that's a point that's going to ome up again. Arm work is brought back, so there's a clear idea of what's being targeted (like a huge sign in your face clear) and Maddix again works on out thinking Toxxic. If that's a thread that carries on, it will be a good one. Maybe a bit early to break into the sig move trade off spots, but at least it shows Maddix again out thinking Toxxic. But it's very back and forth at this point, rather than having one focus. Could work against the match in the long run. Still keeping the covers short though, keep the room for builds up to close falls. Turn about is fair play and all with Maddix going after Toxxic's arm as well, but he just had a flurry of move's that targed Toxxic's head, good set up for the LON, which should have been touched on. Or the fact that Maddix is seeking to disable Toxxic somewhat as well, take the edge off and open up more ways of out thinking him. Seems a bit early for Maddix to be getting careless with risks, as if you're going to play Maddix as out thinking Toxxic to be an extra threat to him, he can't make such mistakes. The breif armwork plays off, allowing Maddix to counter the Discus Clothesline, only to be re-countered. It starts to looks like Toxxic is in control, but the Maddix fight's back again, meaning the match still hasn't settled down from being back and forth, but stretches are slowly getting longer. But it's another re-counter and Toxxic's speed advantage pays off for him again as he takes Maddix down and starts to move onto the big bombs. Toxxic doesn't look to be playing that smart either though, as his own high risk works again him, but it seems a little early for it. As well as not following the earlier arm work to soften up for a submission. Interesting little transistion stop, with Maddix kicking Toxxic like that while he's on that . But now it seems like Maddix is going for arm work and Toxxic for the head. Still, at least this plan carries on as Toxxic goes for the Caffeine Bomb only to get caughty ina Fujiwara. But it feels a little anti-climatic. Because there's been no real stron section from either guy, so it's like like you're begging for Maddix to make a comeback and start kicking Toxxic's ass. But the thread of Maddix using wrestling to take Toxxic down is still holding together, and certainly there's been time for his arm to before as well, though it should have been pointed out. Shown again as Toxxic goes for a section CB and can't because of his arm. An Exploder is no neckdrop boy, it's just a suplex. And there's again, a key point where the match just keeps going back and forth. If Toxxic had been kicking Maddix's ass from pillar to post for a while, with Maddix only getting in breif shots and arm holds to try and fight back, it could have been a big turning point. Of if Toxxic had countered here again, out pacing Maddix and just starting to beating him down again, showing Toxxic has the better physical skills in speed and strenght and making a good heel moment. The battle over the LON is ok, but Maddix as half been set to be out doing Toxxic on the mat, with with different build, this would have been another point to over come Toxxic and make for a near finish. Still, at least Toxxic fights out rather than wrestling out. Then again, the arm comes back into play yet again, and allows Maddix to wrestle free. But Maddix's arm has just been dropped and there's not much talk of the beating to his head. And just like Toxxic, Maddix drops his game plan and start dropping bombs to try and win, through his one pays off. Might have been better to use something that played off the arm work, and helped Maddix work it over more or set up the LON. And again, the thread of Maddix being the smart on falls apart as Toxxic gets an easy counter. This could have been used to play up the Toxxic faster threat, by having Toxxic twist as well, so both men spin around and come right back to where they started, before Toxxic throws down the stunned Maddix and starts to beat him. Toxxic back in control with this, and at least the second plan of going for Maddix's head carries on now. And then the thread of Maddix being a little step ahead is back, with him using the same hold on trick and catching Toxxic with the superkick, Again to the thread of Toxxic being the faster man, but it would have been better to cut off the building of a bigger come back, rather than many comebacks that aren't really that small. Leaves everything sort of fragmented. Toxxic gets another big move, but again, Maddix makes a comeback that stops any flow to the match. And suddenly a Dragon Suplex and Maddix has dropped away from the arm plan all together and jsut gone for bombs like Toxxic. And again another suddent counter...with neither man really selling much of anything that's mean used, just moving form spot to spot. A false finish that doesn't mean to much because Landon's been there and he's not really coming back from any great doom it feels. If this back and forth was the break down from a match of long control, frantic counters coming out to every move, both men trying to hold onto chances off winning, it could be good. But it's not, it's the same thing as the rest of the match. And then Toxxic wins by a mat wrestling move, that he's not ment to be very good at. Hmmm.....Maddix desevered the win. Both guys tried to bring in some interesting threads, but they where badly one or just dropped completely. Maddix was wrestling the wrong person, and didn't really build any way as to how he was actually going to beat Toxxic. But this match was fragmented, neither man ever really feeling in control, never really getting behind Maddix for a big come back because there isn't one, so there's no difference between the race to the finish and the rest of the match other than the moves are more high impact. Maddix had some half solid sporty line with Toxxic being a dominate prick.
My 3.5 rules? Bah, just an easy example. You're so untr00 Toxxic, really.
*Goes back to snuggling with Janus*
This is what I get for posting as soon as I get up.
Lyger was a guy not to steal from for Toxxic really. Whe Lyger's heel he's a grummy dick that slaps around all the young Juniors because "I'm Jyushin Lyger biatch~!" *Palm Strike~!*
Comments time on the main event I guess... Slow start up it nice, but it would felt better stretched out a bit more, keeping it all slow, building to the mat work, not as an anti-climax but as a change in tactics that catches also everyone by surprised. But with this, there's the risk of looking too much like the poorer NJ juniors or just indy monkeys and using mat wrestling to open with because it looks nice without using it to build to anything or go anywhere. Nice playing off the spot used against Sacred and Toxxic not having the skills to avoid it either...though the wording makes it seem like a bit of a break between that and Maddix putting the facelock on again. Again flowing the lack of Toxxic's skills with the escape and straight into a Chinlock, but there's not much talk of the damange the facelock is doing, and even from a guy like Maddix, it's not the nicest hold to be in. And then the counter point, with Toxxic breaking out and just flooring Maddix with a speed move, showing Maddix was trying to hard to be technical without knowing enough about it. But that flow doesn't carry on as Toxxic starts to out muscle Maddix and beat him down. It's fair enough because Toxxic is stronger, but still, gotta see where it's leading. (Oh, and who the hell said I was returning anyway Maddix? ) Ahh, now I see where it's going. Maybe a little mis placed, but Toxxic is now in a strong dominate champ role, just beating Maddix about as he tries to get away and kick up or speed or out wrestle him. Not something you'd normally see from Toxxic, but so far it's working early on. The enzui-clothesline to Maddix as he tries to scale the buckles is a great spot to show it. High Angle Backdrop is brought out to early...not really time to be dropping people on their necks yet, but at least it carries on Toxxic's dominate run. Still, makes a nice flow into the Piledriver and Toxxic demanding a win by KO (or rather ref stoppage). Yes, it does make him seem like a complete heel dick. Trouble is, Toxxic's never struck me as that sort of heel dick or suffering that much from his own ego. But the I have missed a few months of stuff, so maybe it's ok. But this story, as good as it is, has run straight into another pot hole, that there's been another near fall already and Maddix (for someone much tought then Toxxic) sounds like he's half dead already. Maddix collapsing before Toxxic can even clothesline is another nice touch that adds to the story and the role of both men. (Had this been Maddix vs Flesher or a heel Williams, it would have been perfect for both men) But again, there's the risk that while it will make for a great comeback, Maddix might seem so bad by the time it happens, it wont be believeable. But again, we'll have to say. Maybe with a little longer run from Maddix at the start, getting a little more in and this would seem all the better paced out. Again the seeming slow place, with the easy dropkicks to the head and just clubbing away at Maddix, such a great dickish role, but still not feeling it from Toxxic. He's a smart heel and a cocky fast fuck, not a hulking bastard. But at least the story is internally consistant so far. Maybe a few cocky falls through out this would have helped to push the point home just a little bit more, as it's part of the dickish heel role. Come back seems a little sudden, but at least it's slowl and Maddix doesn't go into superman mode, rather is weakly struggling. But it seems odd that Toxxic going to speed costs him when he's faster as well as stronger than Maddix, and he used his speed to counter Maddix at the start of the match. I doubt it would be that easy for Maddix to shake his arm free of a Double Underhook in mid lift like that, not with the state he was in. But it's a nice build, with the face struggling away and the heel just finally dropping him with a big move and making it all look like it's over. (Which always could make a nice move for a heel finish to a match) And a small comeback, rather than a huge reversal, with Maddix being cleaver to stop Toxxic and bring everything to a hault to try and recover. Toxxic seems to take while to get back to his feet as the DDT is the only real damage he's taken. He could be suffereing from the Facelock work, but that was played off as having little effect. Interesting little spot, but again it starts to look bad as Toxxic speed works against him again, going for the Role Reversal, when Maddix is just standing dazed in the middle of the ring. It's sort of odd, Maddix, not a great technical wizard, not a power house and not even as good a flier as Toxxic as suddenly been the bane of all of Toxxic's flying ablities. Still, it creates enough pause to make it believable for Maddix to hit a desperation superkick. Calling it as a firm kick out was needed as well, because it gives more room for a tention building and even Toxxic isn't weak enough to go down to a DDT and a Superkick like that. And again, the beaten down Maddix is out pacing Toxxic and making any speed tactics work against him. Ok, it is being built as part of the story of the match, but it needs to be put over a bit more. Toxxic counters again and again it's in the dominate champion roll, just slapping Maddix around. But Maddix is trying to take it to Toxxic with his speed, but it doesn't feel like he's the lesser fly trying to get luck and take the faster dominate man down as he can. Also, the idea of the mat wrestling from the start has been often, when it's something Maddix could have returned to, to give himsel more rest and to chain it into a comeback that Toxxic wouldnt see coming, like going for the LON, and just hitting a backbreaker. But anyway, the work on the outside again the dominate champ and heel work as from the rest of the match. Another mini come back that gets cut off nicely, but more and more it's seeming like it will be very hard for Maddix to win at all. And then the pothole opens under it all, Maddix kicking out at two after having his ass handed to him again and having been falling to close falls almost from the start of the match. And finally, suddenly, Toxxic's speed starts to work for him, as he's able to connect with three fists drops in a row. Would have been something very wrong if Maddix had moved in the middle of that. But at least Toxxic's every action and hit carries on the same role for him, so at lests one of the threads of the match as run un broken. And after the three fist drops, Maddix can suddenly catch Toxxic with a school boy. Would work for the gloating mega heel, but that's not Toxxic, and has much as the match as been looking that way, it hasn't gone that way. Toxxic has been working as a dominate champ and heel yes, but not a gloating mega one. If Toxxic has Maddix in a Full Nelso, going to be very hard for Maddix to push Toxxic off and fowards from that. Again with the comeback, fall just about right, but again the come back lacks being based on something maybe. But there's little need for Toxxic to be in desperation yet, Maddix hasn't mounted a massive come back. As for using the low blow...it would have been better if Toxxic was a cheater and it was a taste of his own medience payback. And now some moment builds, something to get behind Maddix's come back and give him speed to start pulling things off in his beaten state. Toxxic showing he hasn't take enough to go now and makes a nice heel cut off, but then the weaker and beaten Maddix starts to out fight him, when the whole match as been Toxxic being dominating over Maddix and Maddix making little comebacks where he can. Not the best flow. And then after Toxxic in a dominate power role throught out the whole match, he can't overpower Maddix in the end? But it makes a big tease near fall anyway. I can't see Maddix being in that much of a state to drag Toxxic from the corner like that with such a poor leverage hold. Bit of a superman. Mmmmmm. Good enough match. A few interesting threads going through it, put some where misplaced, others missed used and I dont think they tied up together in the end. Even through the end was a good oh shock face comeback return. So there you go, there's my comments.
The ME events comments will come sometime this afternoon. After I sort a few things out. *Goes back to getting his mack on*
It's been four hours. Know it's not something to complain about. But I think Toxxic was hoping to fine out before he went to bed.
Should have tried the mass vote again man.
The main event will certinly get it. The rest...hmmm. Well, if I cover the ME in detail, leaves everyone else to cover the rest if they want.
Apart from him suddenly wrestling Sly at a few points in his match, yes.
Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.
Dace59 replied to DangerousDamon's topic in General Wrestling
You gotta worry that Steiner used to do a standing backflip fall away slam. And even managed to do it to Sid. Heh, the old days. -
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
Hmmm, I wonder if there's any of risk of my matches coming in early. -
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
Thank you Z. -
Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.
Dace59 replied to DangerousDamon's topic in General Wrestling
Ahhh, haven't heard that one but I doubt it as well. Maybe if there was a vid like Brocks one. -
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
Using Ebony? -
Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.
Dace59 replied to DangerousDamon's topic in General Wrestling
I remember one of the first times (I think) Benoit used his top of cage diving headbutt, against Malenko in a US Title tourny match (I think) sorry I dont know the date. The fact Benoit just paused at the top of the cage for several seconds then dived off. The fact he actually hit Malenko as well....damn. I'd really worry if Mark Henry was busting out an SSP. Sure you're not mixing it with the famed Brock one? -
Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.
Dace59 replied to DangerousDamon's topic in General Wrestling
You mean SUWA/Dragon Kid with the Dragonrana, reversed to Powerbomb, re-reversed into a rana than reversed again into a Sunset Flip? Just a case of both guys being fast. But yes, it's a surprising little spot. -
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
*Pens his double no show slot which has both men being made prison bitches* -
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
Errr, no I didnt. Bugger -
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
His net's down. He had to text me just to find out what his match was. I need to see him as well. He was gonna talk to be about stuff. -
Heh, at least you made a joke out of the dates and stuff. Nice brooding build up stuff here. I look forward to it being an un-readable spotfest.
Prefer to be given only finish and call everything else in the ring ? Lay the entire match out beforehand ? As has been said, a mix. Plan out the big or complex stuff mostly and work everything else in the ring with the right people and when I had the skill. Before that, be more planning based. Like to have your promo's scripted ? Or just be given a couple of bullet points, and wing the rest ? Bullet points and ad lib, gotta learn you own stuff, and sometimes there are great things you think of you just need to say. Blade often ? Only on occasion ? Would you rather never blade at all ? On occasion, for drama, when it's needed. No sense ending up Corino, but a good blade job can add something to a match. What style would you like to wrestle ? Why would you prefer to employ that particular style over others ? A hopefully sensible form of Strong Style. Not what the Indie kids break out, but the same sort of focused set around strikes and simple yet over bombs, while mixing it with simple but useful mat work. Mainly because it's brilliant when done well and can be used against almost anyone you'd face. And maybe I'd like the chellenge. Refuse to take certain moves ? Only take them when working with certain wrestlers ? I'd rather not take the needless headdrops. Headdrops in finite are ok, but not on mass. Are there any match types you'd like to wrestle in a lot ? Some match types you'd rather never have to work in ? Rather stick to just straight singles and two team tag matches. Multi men I wouldnt want to do as they often end up being horrible. What style of normal match would you like to do the most ? Would you prefer to sell or to dominate ? Would you like to do long matches ? As I'm souding like a complete strong style wannabe anyway, I might as well carry on. Start off being the underdog that's selling up the yin yang, growing into a grumpy old vet that dominates all the time. Long matches definatly, if I had the skill to make the interesting and meaningful. Would you like to have a manager or valet to work spots with, or would you rather just do it all yourself ? Rather just be on my own. Are there some types of angles that you would refuse to do ? Some types of angles that you'd love to do ? Stay away from the TnA angles, battling over valets and stuff. Ones about fighting pride, hatred grown between fighters I'd like to do. What promotion would you like to work for the most ? What promotion would you hate to work for ? As it stands right now? Probably RoH. Definatly wouldnt want to work for the WWE. Any wrestlers today that you'd like to work against ? Any you would avoid working against at all costs ? Benoit and Samoa Joe. Dont think I could stand having to work against Hogan and hardcore brawlers. What wrestlers from the past would you like to work against ? What wrestlers from the past would you not want to work against ? Love to take on the AJPW 3 in their prime. Heh, all this sounds far to much like my e-fed stuff.
Hmmm, if I wasn't a pure student, I might drag myself up from my uni hole in Reading to see this. Hmmm.
Dace59 replied to Chuck Woolery's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
I'm loving my match. It could be rather need to mark.