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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    Need Help On Deciding On What Car to Get

    I'd go with the Audi, myself. It seems like you don't need the space the Cherokee offers, and even though the Cherokee would be cheaper to repair, the Audi's superior gas mileage will eventually make up for it. Especially considering gas prices these days. Plus, a 100s is much cooler than a Cherokee.
  2. devo

    Al's Mid-Season Baseball Report

    Christ, man. You know your baseball. Consider me a regular reader.
  3. devo

    Get $1 if you don't laugh at Pauly Shore

    A dollar? Fuck that. The stamp and envelope and paper cost fifty cents. It's a clever way to get people to watch, though, I'll give 'em that.
  4. devo

    SWF Lockdown Comments

    Excellent opening promo. That's how you promote a match. Ejiro vs. Wildchild should be fantastic. If it ends up being Wild vs. Dangerous at Ground Zero, I can only imagine how great a story that'd be. The tag match was really good, but I'd be lying if I said that the following passage didn't catch my attention more than any other. Eww. Anyway, the bit with King desperately drinking his way through the match was great, and I can't believe you guys actually stole that one guy's signature as an illustration for the ending. Well done. =) BEST OUT OF FIVE~! The first matches between Toxxic and Pretzler have been amazing, and I'd imagine the remainder of the five will be just as good. Terrific promo. So, Martial Law's gone. I see a trend of former partners turning against one another in this show. Anyway, cool promo, and it's gonna be great when these two meet. Aw. I was looking forward to that Maddix/Buck match. =( Mag's emo. Film at eleven. Cruisercore, huh? I like it. Unfortunately, we don't have a champion like that yet, since Pretzler won with an excellent match. Extremely well written. I greatly enjoyed the bit in the middle with the two exchanging pinning moves. Very good ending that keeps Zyon strong while making Pretzler look even more like a complete dick. Main event's co-written. See if you can tell which parts are Toxxic and which are mine. =)
  5. It's worth noting that I lost to Toxxic, and therefore don't have a win going into the match with Williams. Otherwise, card looks great.
  6. devo

    Sega Ages/Treasure

    Hell, if Alien Soldier and Dynamite Headdy are half as good as Gunstar Heroes (still one of my favorite games ever), I'll definitely be buying that pack.
  7. devo

    This week in baseball

    I can buy that. But up until this point, they've been unbelievably hard to beat in close games at home. If this marks the end of that trend and the end of their luck, I welcome it with upon arms.
  8. devo

    This week in baseball

    Hell yes. Mets beat the Nationals in the 11th inning, 3-2, and win the series 3-1. I never dreamed that they'd take 3 in Washington.
  9. I can't tell quite how sarcastic that is, but I'm guessing extremely.
  10. Good to see all your planning paid off. Sure would be nice to read Lockdown, though. >_>
  11. devo

    So I'm In NYC for 2 Weeks

    Yeah, but the lady at the desk gives you a mean look if you don't throw something in the jar. >_>
  12. devo

    So I'm In NYC for 2 Weeks

    Seriously. Even if you're broke, you can just wander around Chinatown for an afternoon and have a delicious bowl of four dollar noodles. There's stuff to do for everyone. Take the train if you don't like paying for parking. Oh yeah, pizza. There's this great place by St. John's University, in Jamaica. Can't remember the name exactly, but it's on the corner of Utopia Parkway and Union Turnpike.
  13. devo

    This week in baseball

    Whoo. The Mets' bullpen does a fantastic job, throwing 3 1/3 innings of shutout ball. Mets win 5-3. Glavine with the win, Hernandez with the loss (first time in 11 starts).
  14. devo

    This week in baseball

    Mets commit two stupid baserunning mistakes, ending their three-run rally in the sixth. Score's 4-3, Mets.
  15. devo


    MST3K. The version used for seasons eight and nine is my favorite. Honorable mentions for Family Guy, Blow Out (not original, but still a great song), and Futurama.
  16. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That might explain why we've been waiting so long for the game. It's taken years to be produced for some reason.
  17. devo

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    Happy birthday. Thanks for letting me break your leg in that one ladder match.
  18. devo

    This week in baseball

    Yeesh. The Yankees are just taking batting practice on this Lopez guy. 6-0 in the third. Probably doesn't help that the Orioles have committed three errors so far.
  19. devo

    This week in baseball

    Holy shit. The Mets beat the Nationals at home, 5-2. If they can win in Washington with Ishii starting, this series is gonna go a lot better than I expected.
  20. devo

    The Hardest Game You Ever Played

    Ikaruga. I have trouble even getting past the second level on the default difficulty.
  21. devo

    Promo - "Finding Yourself"

    Sorry to see you're abandoning this character, I think he had a lot of potential. But damn if you didn't go out in a funny way. This promo's hilarious. Best of luck with things and such.
  22. devo

    SWF Storm Comments

    Whoops. That's an awful mistake. >_>
  23. devo

    SWF Storm Comments

    Har dee har har.