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Unless they change it before Tuesday, yeah. They announced it as being elimination earlier in the show.
Awesome, awesome video. Goddamn Eddie/Rey's gonna be fanastic.
I realize that, but having them come out in work clothes riding a lawnmower is NOT the best way to put that point across. Coming out in somewhat respectable clothing would have done much more to help their gimmick. You can't expect the audience to keep up when they're propagating the stereotype one second and separating themselves from it the next. Especially considering that you could barely understand what they were saying.
"I don't even know what down means!" Hahaha. This segment gets better by the second.
Yes, that segment is as offensive as I thought it would be.
So I spent 15 hours floating in the Pacific Ocean
devo replied to TheBostonStrangler's topic in Community/General
http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/...1/ln/ln16p.html That site features a pic of Strangler and one of a woman pointing at a chart. Very nice. Yeah, TBS doesn't look a thing like I pictured. That's not to say he isn't a handsome fellow, though. -
Haha, you're like the third person to bring that up since I've been back. I'm sorry for any confusion I might have caused in the past, but Mags has never and will never wear a mask. I edited my stats to make that point clear. =) Thanks for the feedback.
SWF Smarkdown Card for Monday, June 27, 2005!
devo replied to Ace309's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
Agreed. Loaded to say the least. Both the Main Event and Tag Title match are going to be fantastic. Man...if I'm still in the game, this'll be the match that proves it. -
There was a problem: • This league is not registered in this game. (Error #272) • This league is from the free game. (Error #271) That's what I get when I try to join. >_>
So I spent 15 hours floating in the Pacific Ocean
devo replied to TheBostonStrangler's topic in Community/General
Ahahaha. When does that show start? -
So, um...I'm slightly more convinced now that Ghost Machine is a gimmick character. Very good promo from Toxxic. I greatly enjoyed his explanation of the ending of his match at 13th Hour, and King's commentary in particular was really funny. BOBBY MATCH COMMENTS TO BE EDITED IN Cool promo from Maddix, too. In character, his reasoning for his anger is perfect. His outburst at the end was great, but I'd like to have seen what happened after his mic got cut off. The Johnson/IL match featured the best vinegar spots I've ever seen! Well done! Seriously, the spots in this match were really imaginative and entertaining. Really fun read. I'm afraid I'm not completely familiar with the Tom/Ejiro storyline so far, but the bit with the cell phone was great. You could feel the dagger twisting while that message was being played. FLESHER/DANGEROUS MATCH COMMENTS TO BE EDITED IN. PROMO TOO. And...some washed-up old bastard made his return, I dunno. =)
Hahaha. NTD.
I felt that the Dangerous/Flesher match was extremely well-written and told a great story. The final bit at the end about Dangerous "beating the best ever with finesse" initially seems like overkill, but when you think about it, makes perfect sense considering the storyline surrounding the match and the match itself. You guys did a great job. Also, I laughed out loud at "he must have stopped for gelato". And who isn't looking forward to Toxxic/Danny? I'm not sure what the motivation is to make said match, but like Toxxic said, it's one for the history books before it even starts. I'm sure it'll be a fantastic read.
Bases Loaded for the NES. No MLB teams, atrocious graphics (even for the time), and mostly unbearable gameplay. But for some reason, I loved the game as a kid and still play it from time to time. Eternal Champions for the Genesis. The most broken fighting game you'll ever play, but still fun as hell. The stage-exclusive fatalities were always fun to try and get. I bet no one can beat me with Xavier. Fuggin' cheating alchemist. And Larcen was badass.
If you start one, I'll join it. I'm hesitant to make one myself since I've never even partcipated in one before.
Great. Now I'm never going to be able to play Pac-Man again, because I'll be laughing too hard.
Board Name: El Luchadore Magnifico Wrestler Name: El Luchadore Magnifico Height: 5'11 Weight: 210 Hometown: Mexico City Age: 28 Heel Stable: Escort: Prefers to go out alone. Weapon: Mexican Flag (will usually smack an opponent with the broad side, but isn’t above pulling a Genesis II and pinning someone’s hand to the mat with the uber-sharp tip if they really piss him off.) Quote: "Bien, tu estupido gringo.” Appearance: Magnifico’s skin is tan, his eyes a dark brown, and his hair long and black. It flows down to his shoulders when untied, which is whenever he’s not in a match. His tights are a black with a blood red, snaking pattern running down each leg to a pair of plain black boots. Wrestles shirtless. Entrance: With no warning, the lights suddenly cut out, leaving the arena in darkness. A few fans, knowing what’s coming next, already begin to boo as they sit in shadow... “HEY HEY!” *BOOM!* So goes the intro to Atake FDD’s “Tu Final”, which is shouted as a burst of red, white and green sparks explode upwards from the stage! As the smoke clears, the fans catch a clear sight of El Luchadore Magnifico, who strides out from behind the curtain, illuminated by a single spotlight. His head bobbing to the thumping bass and his trademark Mexican flag in his hands, Magnifico quickly makes his way down the entrance ramp, keeping his eyes focused on the ring (or his opponent) and nothing else. Funyon’s spiel goes here. Magnifico reaches the ring, rolls beneath its bottom rope, and pops to his feet. He steps into the middle of the ring and thrusts his flag high into the air, doing so as the lights are reignited throughout the arena. Scowling at the booing audience, Magnifico hands his flag to the ref and executes a few cursory stretches, staring coldly at his opponent (if he’s already in the ring) as he does so. Stats Strength: 4 (Can Suplex anyone up to, say, two hundred and sixty pounds. That limit is flexible, however.) Speed: 6 (Just because he shies away from aerial moves doesn’t mean he’s not fast. Magnifico can still counter with the best of ‘em, and is still capable of busting out an acrobative move every now and then.) Vitality: 5 (Can work tough matches, but isn’t the kind of guy to kick out of finishers. His resistance to submissions is average.) Charisma: 5 (Doesn’t speak quite as well as during his face days, but can still cut a great promo when he needs to.) Style: Technical/High-Flying Signature Moves Sangria Stretch (Magnifico hits a drop toe hold on his opponent, but grabs him around the face like a Crossface on the way down. Magnifico keeps the hold on the ankles and pulls back on the face. Preferred finisher if a submission is required. Will use a Tree of Woe variation (feet held behind top turnbuckle with one hand, neck wrenched back with the other) if the match is no-DQ.) Montezuma's Revenge (Chicken Wing Jawbreaker. Magnifico twists his opponent's arm into a Chicken Wing while standing face to face with them, wraps his arm around his opponent's neck, and then falls to his knees, driving his opponent's chin into his shoulder. Preferred finisher set-up move.) Estiramiento Vicioso (Standing Figure Four. The victim is on their back, the attacker grabs one leg and bends it sideways behind one of the attacker's own legs and on top of the victim's other leg, forming a "4" with the victim's legs. Magnifico holds the victim's straight leg, he pins their legs into place, instead of falling back to apply the standard figure four leg lock, ELM remains standing and applies pressure.) Tequila Sunrise (Second rope Sunset Flip Powerbomb) Barrio Buster (Fisherman Buster) Rio Grande Slam (Sambo Suplex) Cancun Crunch (Double Underhook Brainbuster) La Bomba Fantastica (Blue Thunder Powerbomb. Back Drop Suplex into a Sitting Powerbomb) Uncommon moves Knife-Edge Chops Superkick Snap Suplex Backslide Guillotine Front Suplex Capture Suplex (Head and Arm) Hurricanrana German Suplex (Release or Bridged) Brainbuster DDT (All variations...Regular, Reverse, Tornado, Top Rope, blah blah blah. Has a great affinity for the Armbreaker DDT, especially when he’s trying to work over an opponent’s arm.) Lowly Heel Tactics (Eye Rakes, Low Blows, Hair Pulling, Standing On Ropes, etc.) Rare moves Spanish Conquestor (Flipping Dropkick into a chair into a face. Will use it whenever nobody is looking or when an opponent makes him angry enough.) The Fall of the Aztecs (Super Hurricanrana. Will avoid using this whenever possible, as Magnifico despises the positive reaction he receives for the high-flying maneuver.) Mexican Pride Press (Shooting Star Press. Still finisher strength, falls under the same situation as the Fall of the Aztecs. Before using, will usually turn to his Mexican Flag and salute it proudly.) Furia del Maestro (Reverse Fire Thunder Driver/Sit-Out Sheer Drop Thunder Fire Powerbomb. Extremely rare. Used only when EVERYTHING else has failed, or for serious blood feuds.) Finishers Dia de los Muertos (Fire Thunder Driver. Scoop Slam into a sitting Tombstone. Preferred finisher, as it’s quicker and much easier to use. Not quite as deadly as the Baja California Crusher, though.) Baja California Crusher (Grab opponent as if for a backslide, then run up the ropes and flip over opponent's head, driving their head into the mat with a Pedigree-like maneuver, minus the head scissoring.) Notes Magnifico is PISSED. Pissed at the fans, at his opponents, whoever. He blames everyone but himself for his failures, and feels that the fans have turned on him. During matches, he is concentrated and determined and tries his best to keep in control of his emotions. Of course, at times he’ll lose control and just go nuts on his opponent, which is where he’s the most dangerous but also makes the most mistakes. Magnifico has greatly toned down the high-flying offense, instead opting to use a more Suplex-based attack. That being said, he’ll still bust out a Splash or a Moonsault every once in a while, but not more than once a match, and even then, it’s with a good bit of trepidation. Unfortunately, his relatively low weight and strength causes ELM to revert to an aerial offense against larger opponents, which annoys Magnifico to no end. Because of this, he’ll automatically despise any and all large opponents he may go up against. Receiving any cheers for anything he does will infuriate ELM and cause him to be distracted from his opponent for a few moments. Also, since his heel turn ELM has gained an affinity for the Elbow Strike. They don't have any special names like Rolling Elbow or what have you, but know that it's his favorite way to escape certain holds like the Rear Waistlock or simply wear down his opponents when they're in similar holds. It's also worth mentioning that Magnifico doesn't cheat just for the sake of cheating. If the match is fairly even or he's winning, ELM will rarely cheat. It's only when his back is up against the wall that Magnifico will resort to cheating, and then he'll admittedly do it as often as he can get away with it. Bio Too long at this point. If you’re really interested (and I can’t see why on Earth you would be) PM me and I’ll be happy to recount the tale.
Shine on, you crazy German.
8/10. Beautiful film, but like in Spirited Away, certain explanations are glossed over or simply left out in favor of telling as fantastic a tale as possible. And Billy Crystal did a much better job of voicing Calcifier than I expected.
I demand a larger and more offensive hat.
Yesterday... 7/10. A great, inherently charming story, but a poorly crafted film. The director spends too much time on certain things and not enough on others. Plus, the ending's the most abrupt I've ever seen. Today on Spike... 10/10. One of my favorite movies.
I'm guessing he was drinking soda (or more likely beer) while reading that. 'Cause they're hilarious.
(`·._ (`·._.:The New SWF Stats Thread:._.·`) _.·`)
devo replied to the.weej's topic in Brandon Truitt
Board Name: El Luchadore Magnifico Wrestler Name: El Luchadore Magnifico Height: 5'11 Weight: 210 Hometown: Mexico City Age: 28 Face Stable: Escort: Prefers to go out alone. Weapon: Mexican Flag (Smacks his opponent with the pole.) Quote: "Bien, tu estupido gringo.” Appearance: Magnifico’s skin is tan, his eyes a dark brown, and his hair long and black. It flows down to his shoulders when untied, which is whenever he’s not in a match. His tights are a brick red with a black, snaking pattern running down each leg to a pair of plain black boots. Wrestles shirtless. Entrance: Without any warning, a Mexican voice comes over the speakers, shouting “UNO! DOS! TRES! CUATRO!” as a burst of pyro shoots upwards from each turnbuckle in conjunction with each shouted word. The fans immediately burst into cheers, nearly drowning out “Mission Trip to Mexico” by Bunch of Believers as it pounds over the speakers. El Luchadore Magnifico bursts out from behind the curtain a second later, waving his Mexican Flag proudly as he does so. Grinning wildly, Magnifico pauses at the top of the ramp, posing with the flag and creating a photo opportunity that many fans take advantage of. Funyon's spiel goes right here. Upon hearing his name, Magnifico breaks from his pose and quickly heads down the ramp, slapping fans’ hands as he goes. As he approaches the ring, ELM breaks into a sprint, sliding beneath the bottom rope and gliding into the ring on his belly. Magnifico pops back to his feet, hops onto the nearby second turnbuckle, and begins waving his Mexican Flag proudly, squeezing a little more heat from the capacity crowd. Stats Strength: 4 Speed: 6 Vitality: 4 Charisma: 6 Style: Technical/High-Flying Signature Moves Sangria Stretch (Magnifico hits a drop toe hold on his opponent, but grabs him around the face like a Crossface on the way down. Magnifico keeps the hold on the ankles and pulls back on the face. Preferred finisher if a submission is required.) Montezuma's Revenge (Chicken Wing Jawbreaker - Magnifico twists his opponent's arm into a Chicken Wing while standing face to face with them, wraps his arm around his opponent's neck, and then falls to his knees, driving his opponent's chin into his shoulder.) Tequila Sunrise (Second rope Sunset Flip Powerbomb) Barrio Buster (Fisherman Buster) Rio Grande Slam (Sambo Suplex) Cancun Crunch (Underhook Brainbuster) La Bomba Fantastica (Blue Thunder Powerbomb - Back Drop Suplex into a Sitting Powerbomb) Uncommon moves Knife-Edge Chops Superkick Snap Suplex Backslide Front Suplex Capture Suplex (Head and Arm) Hurricanrana Brainbuster German Suplex Bridge Pin DDT (All variations...Regular, Reverse, Tornado, Top Rope, blah blah blah...) Rare moves Tree of Woe Sangria Stretch (With opponent in Tree of Woe position, Magnifico holds their feet with one hand and wrenches back on their neck with the other. Only used in no-DQ matches.) Guillotine Frogsplash Moonsault Spanish Conquestor (Standing Dropkick into a chair into a face. Will usually only use it in no-DQ matches.) The Fall of the Aztecs (Super Hurricanrana. Doesn't use this as much anymore due to his shift towards a suplex-based offense.) Mexican Pride Press (Shooting Star Press. Still finisher strength, falls under the same situation as the Fall of the Aztecs.) Finishers Dia De Los Muertos (Fire Thunder Driver. Scoop Slam into a sitting Tombstone. Preferred finisher, as it’s quicker and much easier to use. Not quite as deadly as the Baja California Crusher, though.) The Baja California Crusher (Grab opponent as if for a backslide, then run up the ropes and flip over opponent's head, driving their head into the mat with a Pedigree-like maneuver, minus the head scissoring.) Notes: Magnifico has greatly toned down the high-flying offense, instead opting to use a more Suplex-based attack. That being said, he’ll still regularly bust out a Splash or a Moonsault, but usually not more than once a match, and even then, it’s with a good bit of trepidation. Unfortunately, his relatively low weight and strength causes ELM to revert to an aerial offense against larger opponents. In this case, he'll try to work a submission out of his opponent, but if this doesn't work, he'll use his stronger aerial moves as a last resort. Bio: Too long at this point. If you’re really interested (and I can’t see why on Earth you would be) PM me and I’ll be happy to recount the tale. -
=( I enjoyed the style of this promo very much, even if I'm kinda miffed that you killed yourself off. Your character's more sympathetic and likeable than ever. Bye, IL.