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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    GENESIS (And Countdown To) Comments!

    I juse hope a mention of Magnifico is made should a bottle of Tequila be smashed over some poor schmoe's head. That's all I need.
  2. devo

    GENESIS (And Countdown To) Comments!

    Well, it worked. *editing*
  3. devo

    GENESIS (And Countdown To) Comments!

    For the first time in a long time, I miss being part of this federation. That was, without a doubt, the finest show the SWF has ever produced. The entire show just has an incredibly epic feel, one that is built by fantastic matches, remarkable promos and incredible returns (Taylor! X~! ). You guys should be very proud of yourselves. This is the culmination of months of hard work, and I don't think it could have turned out any better. Excellent, excellent job. Now get some sleep. You've done enough writing and reading to last you a month.
  4. That's not true. Konami has said pretty much the exact opposite, that DDR is still successful enough to continue producing arcade mixes. About the whole 2 DVD/600 Song thing, I dunno. But at the very least, Konami wants to make a 9th Mix, and more than likely will.
  5. Wait for Extreme. It comes out on October 9th and has one hell of a songlist, along with Oni Mode. And yes, the pads will work.
  6. Sorry, but neither version of Buttefly got in there. The rest of the songlist more than makes up for it, however.
  7. Hooray, DDR thread! I've been playing for over two years now, since I encountered a 3rd Mix machine at my local Gameworks. Since then, I've been lucky enough to play every arcade version save for Max and the Solo versions, although 4th+ is still my absolute favorite out of all of them. Extreme and 5th tie for second. Favorite Single Songs: Jam Jam Reggae, Last Message, Air, The Least 100 Seconds (though the steps are a bit annoying), Hero (Happy Grandale Mix), I Believe in Miracles, Hot Limit, If You Can Say Goodbye. Way too many too list, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.
  8. ... *adds Ejiro to list of heroes*
  9. !!! Thugg=The Fucking Epitome of Awesome.
  10. Wow. Color me extremely surprised. Thanks very much for all the nomnations...hopefully, I can keep up the award-winning streak this year. *waves tiny Mexican flags while wearing giant hat that says *VOTE FOR MAG!*
  11. devo

    For Fuck's Sake

    Why is it that Dave & Buster's had electricity when you didn't? Anyway, let's move onto the irrelevant part of the post... NO POWERZ IZ HOLDING DWN THUGG OMG~!
  12. devo

    Are all e-feds like this?

    *bypasses subtlety* JOIN THE SWF!
  13. devo

    "The Best Of The SWF"

    I don't have any show names, but a few ideas regardless... Edwin MacPhisto vs. Chris Raynor Mark Stevens Wins The Clusterfuck Tom Flesher vs. El Luchadore Magnifico-Ultimate Submission Match Wargames I haven't read many recent matches, so I appreciate you putting up with my outdated suggestions.
  14. devo

    Brits! Please torture David Blaine!

    Houdini was THE MAN. He pulled stuff off that would raise eyebrows even today. Unfortunately, the only thing people seem to ever remember about him is how he died.
  15. devo

    A Real Life Superhero!

  16. devo

    New Topic

    Heh, yup. Though to be fair, I never faced him one-on-one after he turned heel.
  17. devo

    New Topic

    I'd never want to face Thugg again. It was fun while it lasted, but if I lost again I don't think I could deal with it.
  18. devo

    The retro thread

    Go Speed Racer Gooooo!
  19. devo

    New Topic

    Hehehe, sorry. I've been lucky in that I've had the chance to face some of the SWF's legends (King, Mark, Edwin, Thugg) one on one. Also, I've competed against both Comet and Stubby, but never had the chance to face either of them one on one. So, they tie for my response.
  20. devo


    Nash: Roll, roll, roll in ze hay!
  21. devo

    SWF Awards Help

    ELM vs. Edwin MacPhisto for the World Title. Sorry to nominate myself, but I feel it's the best non-PPV match I've written so I wanted to make sure there was at least a chance I got in there.
  22. devo

    Birthday Salutations

    Thank you kindly, folks. *end of monthly post*
  23. devo

    Two Dollars for That?!

    Oh my God, Annie is teh roq. The only impressive thing I can really lay claim to is AA'ing My Summer Love on Heavy...
  24. devo

    Two Dollars for That?!

    Don't feel bad. I was REALLY bored.
  25. devo

    Two Dollars for That?!

    Oops, I almost forgot. If there's anything that makes people question my sexuality, it's me doing the routine to Hold on Me. *twirls hand* Awesome avatar, Ced.