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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    Mega Man X Collection

    Off to EB to get it right now. From what I've heard, all the games are there in their full, original glory, but the collection is fairly bare bones otherwise. Not that I care. I'm getting it for the X series, not extras.
  2. Ah, my mistake. Hell, while I'm here... "Honey, is that a gay man on the Johnsons' roof?" "Should we get a gay man for our roof, honey?" ------------------------------------------------------- "You're absolutely right, he couldn't agree with you more, he's working on it right now!" "So shut up!" ------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, it works!" "Sure, for a tuneless sort of thing."
  3. Aw, c'mon. I defy you to tell me that the Chicken of Tomorrow is funnier than Once Upon a Honeymoon.
  4. devo

    SWF Smarkdown!

    Really good card. I call opening promo.
  5. devo


    "I learned about awkward social situations from a little show called Three's Company." I'm very glad that there's even a possibility of Futurama making a return. Bless you, Adult Swim.
  6. devo


    I saw the first episode and found it to be okay, nothing to write home about. Maybe I'll give it a shot later, there's other stuff I want to download and watch first. Actually, Special K brings up a good point. It'd be easier to read the manga first...
  7. devo

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=mlb&id=2280531 That's their solution for the second base problem? Yeesh. Every day, it's looking more and more likely that Matsui will be starting at 2B on opening day. Not that that's terrible or anything, but finding someone better than him (or Bret Boone, for that matter) to fill that position should have been a priority. Maybe they should just throw Keppinger out there and see what happens. Also, I like the trade to the Dodgers. I'm sad to see Seo go, but, as it's been said in this thread, he'll probably never pitch as good as he did last year again, and the Mets get two fairly good relievers to bolster their bullpen.
  8. devo

    Mario Kart DS

    It's a real problem. In a one-on-one race, I had someone disconnect on me half a second before the finish line, apparently just to deprive me of a win. It's hard to believe that there are people that petty and bitter out there.
  9. devo

    Mario Kart DS

    Name: Devo 180450 923897 Added everyone in the thread.
  10. devo

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    Happy birthday! Melt someone's head in celebration.
  11. devo

    Arcade Style Baseball?

    So, I've played various baseball sims and enjoyed them for a short while, but always grow tired of them after a couple of weeks. I've never finished a season in any halfway-realistic baseball game. Then I come across Mario Superstar Baseball, which, while extremely fun, would be a lot better if it featured actual people and more than one field that wasn't insanely annoying. What I'm saying is, I'm looking for an Arcade Style Baseball game. I don't think there's been anything released in America recently along these lines, but I've heard that Arcade Style Baseball is all the rage in Japan. Luckily, I've got a Japanese PS2, so I can import something...but I have no idea what to look for. Can anyone recommend a game or series that's particularly good?
  12. devo

    PS2 Game Reccomendations

    As far as RPGs go, you really can't go wrong with anything Atlus released for the system. Disgaea, Phantom Brave and La Pucelle are all fantastic tactical RPGs. Also, Dragon Quest VIII is great, but kinda expensive at the moment.
  13. devo

    Mario Kart DS

    What's snaking? Basically using a drift to get the power boost during a straightaway.
  14. devo

    Mario Kart DS

    Have you tried Nintendo's website? That's the only place it's being sold at the moment.
  15. devo

    Mario Kart DS

    Just got this today. Loving it so far. I should be online within a couple days. Has anyone else bothered to make a decal thus far? This is the one I've made... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/dev...konohadecal.jpg The shape of the one I made was a little off (but it looks alright regardless) and it's completely black. Fairly simple for now, because I don't need to make a flashy one until other people can see it. Here are some others I had in mind... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/dev...redeyedecal.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/dev...ontogodecal.jpg
  16. devo

    Mega Man X Collection

    Release date's January tenth. Been waiting for this one a looooooooooooong time. It's gonna be great.
  17. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=74600 If anything, it'll be entertaining in a car wreck sort of way.
  18. Or Sexton Hardcastle.
  19. devo

    PROMO: A Maddix Christmas Carol

    Fanfuckingtastic. Wonderful stuff, Landon.
  20. devo

    Merry Christmas!

    Mistress! Happy Holidays.
  21. devo

    Best/Favorite Games of 2005

    5. New York Mets def. Arizona Diamondbacks - August (?) - The game where the Mets beat up on the Diamondbacks 16-4. Nothing really special about it, just liked seeing the Mets continue to tack on runs and former prospect Mike Jacobs continue to have one of the best starts in rookie history. 4. Columbus Blue Jackets def. Minnesota Wild - Couple months ago - Basically the same as below, except I saw it televised. Didn't carry quite the same weight. 3. Columbus Blue Jackets def. New York Islanders - Couple weeks ago - Saw this one live. The best hockey game I've ever seen. Jackets took it in an unbelievably exciting shootout. 2. New York Mets def. Anaheim Angels - July (?) - One of the best baseball games I've ever seen televised. I was literally jumping out of my seat and cheering when Marlon Anderson hit is inside the park home run, and did so once again when Floyd hit the walk-off homer to end the game. 1. New York Jets def. San Diego - AFC Wild Card Playoffs - Just an amazing game from start to finish. I could have killed the Jets lineman who roughed up Drew Brees to extend the game, and I was on the edge of my seat when SD missed the field goal that would have won them the game.
  22. devo

    Promo: Obsession.

    It’s well past midnight at the Savvis Center; SWF Storm ended a couple hours ago, and as such, nearly everyone involved with the company has left the building. In fact, the only people left are the road crew, who have just finished packing up the last of the traveling equipment. One member of the crew strides quickly through a hallway in the basement of the Savvis Center, before stopping at a door and opening it. “Hey, Frank, are you ready to go or - ” the crew member shouts as he throws the door open. He immediately shuts up when he sees that the room is completely dark save for the flickering light of a television, and said light is illuminating the expressionless face of one El Luchadore Magnifico. ELM slowly turns towards the crew member, an incensed snarl coming across his face as he does so. “Get out.” Not daring to make a sound, he slowly backs out of the room, closing the door as he does so. Magnifico stares at the spot the annoyance occupied for a moment before turning his attention back to the television. Playing on the screen is footage of the Six-Man Tag Match from SWF Smarkdownoween, where Magnifico... Magnifico turns it around on TORU and comes at him, ramming an elbow into the side of his face. He brings TORU down into a front facelock, but before he can execute whatever he has planned, TORU shoves him backwards…AND INTO THE WAITING ARMS OF CORTEZ, WHO APPLIES A DRAGON SLEEPER AND FALLS TO THE CANVAS! “STREET DREAMS~! Todd Cortez has the World Champion trapped in his trademark submission!” Magnifico squirms like a fish out of water, desperately trying to free himself from the clutches of the famed former Hardcore Champion. It’s to no avail, however, as the two men are down in the middle of the ring, with the ropes not even close to where ELM is caught. ”He won’t tap out, he’s the World Champion, and World Champions don’t tap out!” Cortez pulls back on Magnifico’s head, and keeps the left arm hooked, pulling back on that as well. Magnifico kicks his legs, trying to spin their bodies towards the ropes so that he can break, but Cortez manages to keep himself anchored, and doesn’t move as much as Magnifico needs. Everyone else has been disposed of, and there’s no one left to save Magnifico from his fate tonight. MAGNIFICO IS TAPPING OUT! “You were saying?” chuckles LDP. “I, I…ah whatever!” Magnifico scowls at the screen. *VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* “STREET DREAMS~! Todd Cortez has the World Champion trapped in his trademark submission!” ELM rewinds the tape and watches his defeat once more. Ever since that night, it’s been on his mind. Whenever he's had a free waking moment, he's studied this tape. “Why?” *VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* “What did I do wrong?” *VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* “What did he do that no one else could?” *VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* The same scene plays before his eyes dozens of times. Cortez traps him in the Street Dreams. The crowd roars. He squirms and writhes in pain. Cortez clamps down on his body, preventing him from escaping. He taps out. “GOD DAMN IT!” ELM stands up and throws the remote across the room. It crashes into a wall and breaks into a dozen pieces, falling to the ground as Magnifico begins to pace around his chair, completely furious. “Why...why can’t I think of a counter to that damned move?!” He mutters to himself. “Nobody else...no one else had gotten a fall on me in months. What am I not seeing...” Having not been rewound, the tape’s now playing Cortez’s celebration with TORU and KOJI. He climbs the turnbuckles and plays to the fans. He unashamedly soaks in their adoration. Magnifico watches him with palpable disgust, barely able to believe that this was the man that made him submit. With newfound determination, ELM calms down, walks up to the VCR, and rewinds it manually. “I’m going to find a way.” *VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* “I’ll be damned if I allow a fan-worshipping son of a bitch like you beat me again.” The scene plays once more. TORU pushes Magnifico into Cortez. Cortez locks in the Dragon Sleeper and pulls ELM down to the mat. Cortez wraps his legs around Magnifico’s body and his arm around the luchadore’s shoulder. ELM leans towards the screen, his brow furrowed in intense concentration. Cortez clamps down on Magnifico’s neck and yanks back on his arms. The luchadore’s eyes suddenly widen. Magnifico taps out. The image suddenly goes to black, as ELM turns the TV off and slowly stands up. His head hangs, but an unmistakable grin comes across his face as he stands in the darkness. “Hahaha...not this time, you bastard.” “You won’t get me this time.”
  23. devo

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    It's going to be bizarre seeing Damon in pinstripes. How clean cut do you guys think Damon will have to be to meet Yankee standards?
  24. devo

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Well, Jones at least has a career OBP higher than .300, something which Patterson cannot claim to have.
  25. devo

    RAW Thread 12/19/05

    I wish they'd stop saying 'slice of Americana' as though it meant something.