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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    Arcade Style Baseball?

    If you're talking about Super Baseball 2020 for the Genesis (that's the only thing that springs to mind), yes, and I loved it. But the team that was virtually all robots was so much stronger than the other ones that it became pretty tedious to play. Your choices were basically to always win as the robot team or always lose as another one.
  2. devo

    2006 Baseball Games

    That does sound pretty cool, but it'd probably be a PR disaster. Someone would inevitably claim that whatever company made the game was profiting from the struggles the Negro League's players went through. It'd be complete nonsense, of course, but I think it's a touchy enough issue that no company would risk making the game. Come to think of it, does MLB own the rights to Negro League interests? If so, does Sega have exclusive rights to those as well?
  3. devo

    Ramadomination Word Count thread

    10,104 and done.
  4. devo

    Ramadomination Word Count thread

    8000ish. I'll probably end up with about 10k.
  5. devo

    Dragon Warrior VIII

    Just got this yesterday. Really amazing game. It's very hard for me to get into turn-based RPGs, so this was a really pleasant surprise. Honestly, the best part about DQVIII might just be the music. Wherever you go in the world, the beautiful orchestral scores are there to greatly enhance the experience. I think I'm gonna track down the OST.
  6. devo

    SWF News and Notes

    I love this stuff. Very nicely done, Toxx.
  7. devo

    John Spencer... RIP

    Well, shit. This is pretty disappointing, as Spencer was one of the best parts of The West Wing, engaging and funny while not getting preachy and overblown as some characters on the show tend to do. Very sorry to see him go.
  8. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm not sure what the total is, but the number for the launch sales I keep seeing is 123,000.
  9. devo

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    Happy birthday, Zack! Happy birthday, Goldeneye/Jacob Helmsley/whoever else I'm forgetting!
  10. I'd like to go on the record as saying this guy is a complete idiot if he thinks that premise is in any way remarkable or extraordinary. Also, Trey and Matt are funnier on their worst day then the Farrelys are on their best.
  11. devo

    Old video game TV show...

    Nick Arcade? The last bit about the shopping spree doesn't sound familiar, but the rest is dead on.
  12. devo

    G4 cancels G4TV.com and Filter

    Even though it shows that G4 is straying further and further away from the network's original programming, I really don't mind these cancellations at all. Neither show was particularly entertaining and both could be downright annoying at times. So long as they leave X-Play (and to a lesser extent, AotS and Cinematech) alone, I don't really care what happens with G4. I would love to see Judgement Day cancelled. Tommy Tallarico is one of the most infuriating people on television, and that's saying a LOT.
  13. devo

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    You're right. She's a sweetheart.
  14. devo

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Ay. I'd have reservations about a Beltran for Ramirez trade. Giving up Benson as well would not make me happy.
  15. devo

    Media Play Closing Down

    I can't say I'm surprised. The store near me was always in constant disarray;there was merchandise stacked haphazardly in every corner of the store and it was always difficult to find a particular item. I always avoided going there if I could help it.
  16. devo

    What are your Keychains?

    Figures of Kirby, Link, Homestar Runner, and Naruto. Yes, I'm a huge nerd.
  17. devo

    PROMO: Owning the Hired Help

    Cool. I really like your enthusiasm, and am definitely looking forward to reading your match.
  18. Currently watching The Brain That Wouldn't Die. Notable for being the first Mike episode, sure, but it's also damn funny. "You're not my dad! You're Hitler!" ---------------------------------------- "Doesn't she need lungs?" "No, she's got neck juice!" ---------------------------------------- "Oh, so that's why you had me kill my girlfriend, so I could SEE THE CLOSET?!" --------------------------------------- "Oh, there are ways...there are ways..." "Lots of...ways...many ways...did I mention there are ways?"
  19. devo

    SWF Ramadomination Predictions

    The Main Event - SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match El Luchadore Magnifico © vs. "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez - Yeah! -=-=-=-=-=- Loser Leaves the Fed I Quit Match Wild vs. Dangerous - For whatever reason, I sense a co-write. In any case, I imagine Johnny's winning here. -=-=-=-=-=- Cold Front Classic Finals: 2/3 Falls JJ Johnson © vs. TORU Takahara © - JJJ. -=-=-=-=-=- SWF International Championship Match Jay Hawke © vs. Wes Davenport - Wes. -=-=-=-=-=- Landon Maddix vs. "The Icon" Max King - Landon. -=-=-=-=-=- SWF Ultraviolent Championship Match - Dog Collar Chain Match Bruce Blank © vs. "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu - Blank. -=-=-=-=-=- Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Zyon - Spike. -=-=-=-=-=- Opening Boout Kevin Coyote vs. Ced Ordonez - Thoth. -=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=- BONUS ATTRACTION! SWF FROST David Blazenwing vs David Blazenwing - Who wins? All of us.
  20. "She's the kind of girl you bring home to mom...if mom's a cigarette-y retired hooker." --------------------------------------------------------- "Did you see that? The hose outacted them." --------------------------------------------------------- "Let's hope it was a coitus-free van ride over to Club Scum." --------------------------------------------------------- "I'll also tell you about my problematic urethra, if you'll follow me." --------------------------------------------------------- "Well, he's already got Loverboy beat as a live act." --------------------------------------------------------- "Paint my muscle car PRUNE colored, please!"
  21. devo

    Storm Discussion

    I gotta be honest, the Christmas PPV was looking kinda lackluster earlier in the week. The show helped a LOT.
  22. *shrug* I still cling to the dream of being in possession of every MST3K episode made available to the public. I have about 95% of Mike's episodes but only about a dozen of Joel's. Still a ways off, but I'll get around to it someday.
  23. devo

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    The Mets signed Julio Franco to a 2-year, $2 million-ish deal. *slaps forehead* I can't find the story in print, but Dan Patrick announced it on his radio show earlier in the day.
  24. devo

    Rights to Acclaim Games up for auction due to bankruptcy

    My God. For every halfway-decent game on that list, there's twenty complete pieces of crap. No wonder they went bankrupt.