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Hey, the Scum Gale was cool.
Ahahaha, wow. That's pretty much the last franchise I expected them to tap.
Before you settled on the character you're writing as, did you have a bunch of other ideas for avatars that just didn't pan out? Conversely, have you thought of a few characters while active that you'd like to use some day, if you get the chance? For the former...my original character was going to be called Atmosphere and be completely based around high-flying moves. Fun-loving, adrenaline-seeking face and all that. I don't think I thought of any details beyond that. Thankfully, I realized that it was a terrible idea and thought of ELM shortly afterwards. For the latter, I've got two, both dreamed up while listening to the Samurai Champloo OST. The first is a guy called "The Golden Boy" Graham Brighton, a fresh-out-of-the-wrestling-school idealistic youngster. Cocky and self-centered, but also charismatic and charming. About the size of a Randy Orton, decent strength and speed but below average vitality. Grew up in an upscale family. Comes out to Tsutchie's "sincerely". The other was a fellow named Josiah Williams. Josiah is peaceful and quiet, but craves physical competition and strives to keep his well-toned body in prime condition. Those factors override his distaste for violence to bring him to pro wrestling. Tall and muscular. Not particularly experienced, but his overpowering strength and relatively good speed make up for it. Comes out to Nujabes' "aruarian dance". If I ever get tired writing ELM (unlikely) but want to continue regardless, it'll probably be with one of those two.
I think it's a really good idea. If it had been kept a straight promo show, it would have been two posts long. Plus, it makes the most daunting of shows more accessible to newbies or people who just don't have a lot of time on their hands. That's a very good thing.
Happy birthday, JayJayJay!
I'm pretty sure the promos were due yesterday (i.e., a few hours ago).
Well, I somehow managed to unintentionally delete my detailed comments, so here, with great frustration, are my abridged thoughts. Wes Davenport vs. Matt Myers Yeah, so, I didn't know Muzz was Wes until Raynor said something about it in that thread I made it community. Anyway, the pre-match is terrifically entertaining, particularly Myers' thinking of how his entrance should have gone. Cool to see Wes slowly get into what he's doing; not just reacting instinictually, but also soaking in the response of the crowd. I'm really looking forward to see what Davenport's going to be doing from now on. Four-Way Elimination Match The eliminations were very well done, in particular the Flying Clothesline/Rollup Combo from Akira and Candace. Candace wins after squirming out of a Backslide from Akira, and ends up winning the match basically by outsmarting everyone else. Promising start for Candace in a good if short match. Bruce Blank vs. Janus Honestly, this is pretty much exactly what I expected; tons of (sometimes unrealistic) violence with a minimum of wrestling and an emphasis on the depiction of pain and suffering. Not that that's a bad thing. I must say, the church was used very well. I have a bit of a problem with Blank getting the shit beat out of him and still being Hardcore Champion (since it does at least a little damage to his Ultraviolent reputation), but that's a minor quibble. This match makes me wish Janus were still around. Marcus Ward and Johnny Dangerous vs. Wildchild and Todd Cortez Really fun back-and-forth match with a visible emphasis on double-teaming from both sides. There were a few terrific spots here, including the Military Press/Top Rope Diamond Cutter Combo from Ward and Dangerous. Inventive and beautifully described. The obligatory clusterfuck at the end flowed a lot better than I expected it to, though the ending did kinda come out of nowhere, as WC and Johnny might as well have been brawling on the outside the entire time while Ward and Cortez duked it out. Otherwise, a very good, very entertaining contest. Stryke vs. JJ Johnson Nice bit with Funyon being translated by a Japanese announcer. I considered doing that too, but then I remembered that I know like twenty words of Japanese. In any case, I thought this match might not have turned out very well, since both Stryke and JJJ seemed to have trouble writing. This match is kinda short, but like Ward said, told a very good story. Even I'm kinda pissed at JJJ eeking out a win despite Stryke beating from pillar-to-post during the rest of the contest. Again, this match could have been a lot more, but as it is, it's still really good. Ladyhawke vs. TKO Man, what the hell did TKO do the become Japan's most hated wrestlers? Yeesh. As expected, this match was a glorious spotfest, about as beautifully ridiculous as one would expect. There wasn't one big spot in particular that blew everything else out of the water (which was actually kinda refreshing) but rather, a non-stop array of violence from both sides. I was really surprised to see Blazenwing make an appearance; I don't think anyone's used him as more than a one-off character in long time. Terrific show, but as far as I can tell, not a single promo. That's partially my fault too, but oh well. Shoulda thought about that beforehand.
Grrrrrr. Thanks for the rest, though. Full comments in a little bit.
Whoops, sorry I missed yours, Janus. Hope you had a happy one. "Hey, the Amazing Rando! Watch Rando the Great construct a set with his very mind!" "Excuse me, Magic Film & Video, but Rando will do all the magic on this film!" "Eastman. He came out of the East to do battle with the AMAZING RANDO!" Okay, I'm done.
The Main Event - SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match El Luchadore Magnifico © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins Yeah! -=-=-=- SWF Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match Cucaracha Internacional (Landon Maddix © and Jay Hawke ©©) vs. TKO (TORU Takahara and KOJI Kitano) Eh...gotta go with TORU. -=-=-=- SWF Cruiserweight Championship Match JJ Johnson © vs. Stryke JJJ. -=-=-=- Wildchild and Todd Cortez vs. Johnny Dangerous and Marcus Ward The black horse of the card. This match is going to be surprisingly great, I think. That being said, WC/Cortez. -=-=-=- Dust to Dust Match (Non-title) Bruce Blank ©vs. Janus Janus' match. -=-=-=- Mandatory "Book All The Storyless Riffraff" PPV Fatal Fourway Manson vs. Candace “The Joshi Dragon” Okimura vs. "The Rage" Jason Von Dierch vs. "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu Akira. -=-=-=- Opening Bout Wes Davenport vs. ??? If it's who I think ??? is, ???.
Hm? It's been built to since shortly after Genesis. I'm not sure what you mean.
11490 and in.
I thought Boondocks was pretty good, even if the episode kinda just petered out with no real conclusion. Of course, the white people are so stereotypically evil that they should all be twirling a handlebar mustache around their finger and cackling menacingly at all times, but I expected that. By the same token, 12 Ounce Mouse is one of the worst shows in the history of television.
7001. I should have about 12k when I'm finished.
Plus Pittsburgh, for some reason.
Oh shit, it's Thugg's birthday! ... Job to me!
Listen, if he wanted a Latino closer, he'd have to go after Ugueth Urbina or Jose Mesa. Minaya's got more sense in his head than that. I think.
Thanks for the news, Roy. - Meh...I wouldn't be opposed to a one-year deal for a solid first baseman while Jacobs is still learning the position, but anything more than that is just asking to be screwed. - Cool.
Agreed. Hell, even get Orlando Bloom to play Link.
That makes sense. My mistake, sorry about that.
Quick notes... - The ladder match is going to be amazing. - So will the hardcore title match. - Not to nitpick, but I beat Cortez in our match.
I was mistaken, but I'm not that far off. Vaughn received a $2 million buyout this year to put an end to his contract.
What I'm most amazed with is that people are scouting kids at the age of thirteen. Jeez.