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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    Orange Box

    I'll be picking up the actual, physical Orange Box in time. Really looking forward to TF2 and Episode 2.
  2. muzz

    Who here

  3. muzz

    THE (kinda) *NEW* SWF!

    What do I get?
  4. muzz

    WWE Folder sucks dick

  5. muzz

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    Love that sell.
  6. muzz

    THE (kinda) *NEW* SWF!

    I'll say Knights of the Old Republic.
  7. muzz

    The Office: Season 4

    I've found him to come across that way previously. That might be a good thing, I don't know.
  8. muzz

    THE (kinda) *NEW* SWF!

    I can mark one a show if need be.
  9. muzz


    I should probably turn on my Wii once in a while so it feels like it's getting used. I think I should start playing some games online to spark my interest.
  10. muzz

    I think i'm addicted to eBay.

    I'm addicted to online shopping in general... well, sort of. There's sometimes a day or two when I go on a spree.
  11. muzz


    Is this the last ever show, or are we having another go around?
  12. muzz

    Genesis is Under Construction

    I gave the match to Tom about an hour after the show was posted, and now he's vanished.
  13. muzz


    Never watch MadTV.
  14. Does anyone not like Back to the Future? And I don't mean the series as a whole, but the first movie in particular. I love it, and I can't remember hearing anyone say they really dislike it or hate it.
  15. muzz

    Power Supply

    I have an Antec Smartpower 450W which has served me well, having a lower range Core 2 Duo.
  16. muzz

    Call Of Duty 4

    I should have upgraded my computer by the time this comes out, hopefully. Looking forward to Multiplayer how how all these perks etc. work.
  17. muzz


    I haven't. I usually enjoy shooters too.
  18. muzz

    SWF Storm Card - 9-26-2007

    I've autojobbed you both already I'm afraid, tee hee.
  19. muzz

    Graphic card or RAM?

    Both really need to be upgraded ASAP. I got a 8600GTS PCI-E pretty cheap, and if you look around the RAM should be fairly cheap as well. But yeah, they need to match your processor which is pretty good.
  20. muzz

    The Office, Season 3

    Since I only watched the whole series a few days ago, I'll just say now that the scene with Michael looking at Pam's art and saying how proud he is really got me. And I'm going to enjoy Ryan's character more now that he's a successful prick.
  21. muzz

    The Office, Season 3

    I like Melora's enthusiasm in the commentaries, and also hate it. Jenna: Listen to this great line coming up. Melora: Rabblerabblerabblerabble.
  22. muzz

    Pictures I Like

    The Stone Cold pics really are terrible.
  23. muzz

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I couldn't compare the two. I usually dislike console FPS'ers, but GoldenEye was just so much fun and so involving. For that fact I'll always love it, but Quake multiplayer really startedf me on PC shooters.
  24. muzz

    People's Lawns...

    Anyone watering their lawn every day in South Australia can expect a government van to pull up and take them away, that's how high the restrictions are.