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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz


    I'd say it was the draw distance, if it were 12 years ago and it was Carmageddon.
  2. muzz

    Movies you like...

    Agree wholeheartedly, and I have nothing to add.
  3. Cornette isn't about to hurt Carelli, but it'd be different the other way around. I don't think he'd get much kudos from the boys if he snapped and mangled Cornette.
  4. Maybe he liked having a job.
  5. muzz

    Movies you like...

    Starship Troopers.
  6. muzz

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eai5ypVSGJE Hogan leg dropping Savage again and again was classic.
  7. muzz

    The OaO Raw SPOILER-FREE thread.

    I want to see him try it again, unless he kills somebody.
  8. muzz

    Where's Waldo?

    I sooooo care about your problems.
  9. muzz

    The Youtube Thread

    Uncensored '97: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtiMmPsnthM...ted&search= He's pointin' at us man!
  10. muzz

    Where's Waldo?

  11. Argh, I never got set 9, only 1 - 8 and 10. GSi is definitely one of my favourites. Actually, 10 is almost my favourite set.
  12. muzz

    TNA Impact Spoilers (First Hour Spoilers now up)

    I don't watch much TNA, but the Abyss beatdown was pretty good. Tenay and West are just plain annoying though. I don't mind when Ross goes absolutely nuts, but they just sound ridiculous.
  13. muzz

    The Dark Knight

    That zoomed in pic is freaking me out.
  14. I could imagine someone hitting me hard for wearing the worst of those shirts.
  15. muzz

    oAo Monday Night Raw thread- 4/16/07

    I love random title changes.
  16. muzz

    So, um yeah....

    I thought MVP was 30+? Well, unless you mean wrestling career wise. I forgot he only started in 2003.
  17. muzz

    Skull Radio~!

    Sounds like an hour of dead air.
  18. muzz

    SWF Storm Card - 4-18-2007

    I'm hoping for a battle of the Haiku's between Manson and DubCee.
  19. Cena 'carrying' anyone is a crock. That word is thrown around too much.
  20. muzz

    Storm Comentzzzzzz

  21. muzz

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    I tend to zone out and ignore if it's really bad.
  22. muzz


    I've found every SOAD song has a rich vein of stupid comments.
  23. muzz

    Storm Comentzzzzzz

    Zzzz's are no match for the K.
  24. We'll have it if you don't want it.