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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    PROMO: Chapter One

    Hilarious, my friend. Totally warped.
  2. muzz

    How'd THAT sign get past security?

    Oh, as if. =/
  3. muzz

    SWF Dream Tag Teams

  4. muzz

    Mordecai on Judgment Day...

    Meh, I don't mind his look. I bet they're hoping he'll get over on looks and entrance alone, though.
  5. Can't really say anything else. Wrong place, wrong time. Still, how long does it take to verify your target.
  6. muzz

    Promo - Fuck

  7. Dang. Swank Promo. Glad to have you *cough* back. ;-) I'm screwed.
  8. What do you expect him to say? I mean, shit, he's doing his job. I was unaware suffering delusions of grandeur was part of the job description. Cole: Well, the turnout is pretty dissapointing, I guess we REALLY dropped the ball with this one.
  9. What do you expect him to say? I mean, shit, he's doing his job.
  10. muzz

    USA POW Beheaded

    We also have those same chairs outside. And any link that shows Pfc. England should have a warning posted.
  11. muzz

    USA POW Beheaded

    That's not trolling. THIS is trolling. http://itscwrestling.com/si/forums/index.c...mes;read=173285 http://itscwrestling.com/si/forums/index.c...mes;read=173308 http://itscwrestling.com/si/forums/index.c...mes;read=173313 Is that photo the real thing? Yes. Should maybe post a slight warning.
  12. muzz

    RAW Battle Royal Bios

  13. muzz

    SWF Storm Comments!

    Haven't read the show in-depth yet, only having read Landon's dikish schtick making me smile, and Crowe's hardcore goodness. More comments later. But for now... *me toasts the king, Kibagami* Well done.
  14. muzz

    Upcoming Television Dates

    /me irish whips King length wise across the tanker. See you in around 10 hours.
  15. muzz

    PROMO: remote control

    SWANK~ Promo, dig the dialouge and the way both characters were shown. The replaying at the end was a great bit especially.
  16. muzz

    USA POW Beheaded

    Ah, his name's been mentioned. I seriously gave up after the third page of the thread.
  17. muzz

    USA POW Beheaded

    Anyone know the man's name yet?
  18. muzz

    -->Stats Thread!<--

  19. Dace and Tom deserve medals for great comments. Top job.
  20. muzz

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    I don't want to wait Friday to see this show, bah.
  21. muzz

    Is it true that Europeans hate Americans?

    You'll get that from people here. Most don't give a flying fuck (about anything) but some are insanely narrow minded, but I guess that's the same everywhere. (I hope)
  22. muzz

    Comments of Lockdown...

    Tom, that post went way too long. I was deeply angry, offended, and hurt by it.
  23. Awww, sweet. ;-) Likin' the promo and the direction it gives you, and your future here. I like how Cortez is a straight shooter, although I see that getting him into some whacky misadventures.
  24. muzz

    Comments of Lockdown...

    I cannot believe you're arguing about it. Oh I pray for a simpler time...