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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    Sunday Night Frost

    Did the USJL title match not happen or what?
  2. Thank Duran for that avatar. *hugs King and runs away crying*
  3. I just... don't drink.
  4. muzz

    PROMO: Welcome, Part 3 of 3

    Promo: "You know what, H- V - T? You should treat people with some respect, like me, I deserve respect!" The Sacred One throws Sexton Hardcastle at Thugg, then throws him off a 20 story balcony onto a open bed truck full of mouse traps. "BIO RULES!" End Promo
  5. Are you were worried you wouldn't have enough. I was so tired I finished at around 8300, and I didn't do enough. My fauly for only starting yesterday.
  6. I don't think Orton's a horrible wrestler by any means, but I'm more impressed by Adam West who pulled out a Monkey Flip on the Joker's henchmen
  7. Screw you. That's my problem, not yours.
  8. Hey, I'm actually writing. Words are appearing on the screen. And I echo Manson's sentiments, it's sad to see you go, Stryke.
  9. muzz

    Orton's slip edited from UK Raw

    I was watching RAW last night down here in Oz and was waiting for Orton's botch. But I went out to make a cup of tea and missed it. It was funny trying to here JR and Lawler cover it up, after putting over how technically perfect everything he did before hand was.
  10. muzz

    Request: Banner

  11. Oh, I'm not saying you're not, god no. I was just thinking about how long I've been here...
  12. muzz

    No Way Out

    It's nice, but it sucks. And it is nice. And I am happy now.
  13. Jesus Christ, if you're a veteran by now, that makes me a sad, sad person.
  14. Trust me, I'll be on 0 until at least 2 hours before the deadline.
  15. muzz

    Benoit can win the World title.

    Just as a refresher, how does Triple Haitch feel about Benoit? Are they on relatively good terms? If so, I'd have to stay positive and hope Trips does 'The Right Thing.'
  16. muzz

    William Regal close to returning

    I always enjoyed Regal as commissioner, he seemed to pull off the part better than some. I'm more interested to see his in-ring return, though. He's ok in my book.
  17. muzz

    Shawn Michaels Contract ????

    Hmmm, when did Show sign that contract?
  18. muzz

    Benoit can win the World title.

    I was wondering if the WWE would want Goldberg in the Main Event or not.
  19. muzz

    The best manip I've ever done

    I'd say the one with the wings completed, which I like much better.
  20. GET A JOB YOU HIPPY. Wait, I don't have one either... ... Good work.
  21. muzz

    The Smark Double Standard

    Those don't seem as bad as completely missing a move, then repeating it. Plus, they could improvise with the last botch, and say that Eddie is such a cheating bastard, he bought off a ref to help him.
  22. muzz

    PROMO: Welcome, Part 1 of 5

    You're such a gigantic tool.
  23. Like what? 2100 K is almost a minimum as far as I'm concerned (750 words ~ two minutes * 28 entries) and if you've gotten that far... hell, might as well go as long as you feel like. 2100 K? Wouldn't that be, like, 2.1 million words? Craven's been hard at work since last year's 'Fuck.