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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    Storm Comments.

    Enziguri sounds cooler than 'kick'. There's my explination.
  2. muzz

    Storm Comments.

    Thanks for the comments, agree with all of 'em. It was a rushed match, which isn't a good idea for a contest focusing purely on psych and such. I used Comet has a supporter of mine for the first few weeks to get used to writing a character, so whenever I was confused as to what to right for him, I'd go back to that, then have Bobby get annoyed etc etc. Thanks again.
  3. muzz

    No more Jerry Lawler matches

    Chuck Palumbo throws a good punch. Probably the best in the WWE currently. Didn't Scott Hudson comment on the power of Palumbo's punch during his WCW tenure in 2000? I'm positive he was fishing for compliments and could only come up with the fact he threw a decent right. Ah, WCW. UYI I remember that as well, and I could see myself it was, though couldn't see much else in Chucky boy. I think people could throw a better right hand, but really, they wouldn't care how it looked.
  4. muzz

    Birthday Salutations

    Happy Birfdays to Magnificoooooooo and Adamoooooooo.
  5. I was hoping they would put Big Show on SNL after Rock's first appearance... And Austin was quite enjoyable on Nash Bridges, quite enjoyable show all round really.
  6. muzz

    Storm Comments.

    If anyone has the time, I'd like a few little, teeny weeny comments on my match...
  7. *20 minute long, boring ass match.* *Goldberg lines up for the spear, then... stops?* *Goldberg shakes hands with Triple H* JR: "OMGZ! GOLDBERG BAH GAWD JOINED EVOLUTIONZOR!" It'll happen people.
  8. muzz

    What is this crap?

    OMGZ lets turn to anarchyzor
  9. muzz

    NEEDED: Picture of Elimination Chamber

    Same for people who post often on internet forums. Edited your sentence so it made sense.
  10. Hunched over the desk, a bitter and spiteful expression written in his eyes and in his lips as they twitch, clasping his hand tightly around the glass in his hand, the Suicide King mutters to himself... "They can't do this to me... they can't, and I won't let them..." Only sharp rays of light pierce through the blinds, lighting the room only slightly. We see papers scatted across his mahogany desk, contracts marked with an 'X'. King takes each in his hand, reciting their names over and over again, until he comes across a photo of the HVille Thugg, standing tall, the SWF belt wraped around his broad waistline. The muttering continues. "He's a god damn cripple, and he thinks he can triffle with me? The best there ever was, and ever will be? I rule this damn federation, why must he stick his nose in MY business!? This is MY federation!" His hand crushes the paper into a ball, and he flings it across the room, fists still clenched, he pulls himself up from his directors chair and walks to the window, peering through the gaps and out amongst the city. Without turning around, he remarks, "... So, you invited yourself here today, claiming you could help me... so, speak up man, what did you have in mind?" From the other side of the room, a figure walks out from the shadows, hands clasped behind his back. His upright posture and perfect step indicate his nobility and sophistication. Stopping in front of the desk, the man replies... "Oh, don't you worry about that Mr. Applewhite. You will see in time, but trust me, I will not dissapoint." A smile breaks over the face of Andrew Blackwell, as King turns around and nods approvingly. Andrew peers into his eyes and says, "All you have to do is give me the names." ... "...Give me the names...."
  11. muzz

    WWE Hires New "Talent" or "Host"

    That's all well and good, but is she hot?
  12. muzz

    Happy Birthday to Me

    A very Happy Birthday to you. I know what you mean about birthdays, it's always nice to have someone remember you on the day. I wish you happy times ahead.
  13. I think this is one case where Vince McMahon is actually catering to the average fan.
  14. It's plainly obvious, Bob Holly has taken creative control.
  15. muzz

    Smarkdown Comments!

    No showing = I. Sad and lonely = I. But life goes on, and so does the tournament. Very impressed am I with the quality of the work being produced. I love tournament time. But Tarakanov = Dead.
  16. muzz

    All the WFers.

  17. muzz

    SWF Smarkdown Card!!

    This is not fair, not fair at all... I finally got the new computer I ordered around my birthday, but now it has some issues I need to deal with, so I'm taking it to my brothers place tongiht in the hopes he can fix it. If he can, I'll have a match in, but there's a chance I won't... *cries*
  18. muzz

    Birthday Salutations

    A very Happy Birthday to Zed, the most intelligent and wittiest man alive.
  19. muzz

    Contendership Matches

    Where have they gone exactly? Why go through endless feuds with far out angles and have something keep the course that's straight and true, and build a feud around a heel champion attacking the number one contender, or a face champion being on the receiving end of some nefarious acts.
  20. Link to mine is in my sig.
  21. muzz

    Promo: The Start of Something New

    Annie's comes back and in fine fashion, welcome m'lady. And I just noticed, you have a VANESSA avatar. You rule.
  22. muzz

    Promo: Retirement

    I loved this promo, if had such a Sim City 2000 vibe to it, beautiful.
  23. muzz

    Birthday Salutations

    Indeed, happy birthday man.
  24. I couldn't make a concious decision without seeing them both in person. Say, if one were pleasant to me, and one was a bitch, I doubt I could view them in the same light.
  25. This was the first SWF card thread I showed my mother, not knowing the fate in store for her... You bastards. You cold bastards.