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Everything posted by HVilleThugg

  1. HVilleThugg

    SWF Storm Card!

    I agree with that Danny, but I think that the 1500 is just too small. Personally, 9 times out of 10, my entrances come in at just under 1000 words...which leaves a bit more than 500 for a match. That's just not enough for even an opening card match that would be like 5 minutes long. However, the concept...I think, is there...we just need to fine tune it to find the approrpiate word limits for the different types of matches. Da "will write anyway" H
  2. HVilleThugg

    SWF Storm Card!

    Z, I have deleted our posts in order to take this conversation to a more private forum. Da "politically correct" H
  3. HVilleThugg

    SWF Football League Inside...

    Dude, I already sent you a trade offer!! Da "c'mon...hook me up" H
  4. HVilleThugg

    Smarkdown Comments

    OK....uhhhh... Well, it looks like either Taylor or Strangler (probably Strangler) threw together something for our match at the last second. For that, I thank you. I was sure that Taylor was going to write, but I wasn't able to check with him...but I did tell both Strangler and Raynor (my marker). Basically, the only day I was able to write was Sunday. However, something came up and I had to work all from 1pm to 11pm on Sunday at the office because of a goddamned client who wanted to be a dick. Therefore, I had absolutely zero time to write. Since, at the time, I didn't know how long I'd have to be at work, I didn't tell Raynor and Strangler I was no showing until Monday. I did the best I could to let them know, and I appreciate whoever it was throwing that together. I am, however, a bit pissed off about the Storm card, but I'll comment on that over on that thread. Da "very annoyed" H
  5. HVilleThugg

    Advertising update

    Sweet...done. Thank you much Tom. Da "and now maybe I can get some effing work done" H
  6. HVilleThugg

    Advertising update

    Website updated for the ad...but I need someone to make me an image for the Ashes 2 Ashes PPV...or tell me where it is if one already exists. Da "should probably do the champions page too" H
  7. HVilleThugg

    Lockdown Comments

    Dammit... I think that it just became obvious that I skimmed the matches and didn't read them through... Da "sue me, I'm very busy" H
  8. HVilleThugg

    Lockdown Comments

    Decent show... Some good plot developments with Erek really getting into the head of Strangler... ::wonders how this will play into his match with Taylor on Smarkdown:: ...more progression with WC and Johnny...which I like. Wild & Dangerous making a comeback? Xstasy winning his first gold since returning...and even though it wasn't a great match...it was entertaining I thought. Or maybe that's because I was in it, but whatever... And of course Tom winning...and the Walk Off at the end. What is it with eveyrone using the Walk Off in their matches now...apparently Mark has the greatest finisher ever. Da "short enough that I had time to read it" H
  9. HVilleThugg

    Wanna miss deadline?

    OMG!!! That game is awesome!!! So addictive... Da "didn't do nearly as well as 'Cast" H
  10. HVilleThugg

    Knock Knock

    It's a codpiece. Da "spoiler" H
  11. HVilleThugg

    The Lockdown Winning Locks (aka Predict-O-Rama)

    Not really Z...I think the only two main eventers are TBS and Flesher. We have a good amount of people as upper midcarders (Sacred, X, Craven, probably Fasaki), but that's only 3 or 4. Da "it's not really that bad...cause of course, I am a jobber so you at least have that going for you" H
  12. HVilleThugg

    Advertising update

    I think we already have the banner hosted on our own site. Da "thanks for offering though...what was your question?" H
  13. HVilleThugg

    Advertising update

    Da Ying Yang Twins in dis bee-ah-itch. Da "full of useful knowledge" H
  14. HVilleThugg

    SWF Lockdown Card, October 22nd!

    Even though it wasn't changed on the roster, I was supposed to be back for this show. Oh well...no biggie...just thought I'd make it publically known. Da "should have X's ICTV shot" H
  15. HVilleThugg

    Breaking Kayfabe - 10/20/2003

    ::dances:: Mark rocks the party...another swell Behind the Lines...err...I mean Breaking Kayfabe....lol. Although, I think there should have been more mention of the OOC arguements between Mark and myself as to how things were going to go on a show to show basis regarding the commissionership angle. Boy...we quite a few differences of opinion...lol. But Mark is still my dogg...but I thought it would have been cool add that in there as to say that it wasn't hard for Thugg and Mark to pretend to be fed up with one another because of the arguments that were taking place in the creative sessions. I like how Mark explained the Bases Loaded thing...that was well done. Let's see...what else... I think a part two should come to explain how things happened OOC after the angle started...how Edwin got involved...how Silent came on board...how the 3 competitors for the match were decided upon and how the match itself was changed from the singles to the three way, and what thought processes were involved with that. Things have slowed down a bit here...and I know I haven't been around much even though I'm technically back in action. It'll pick up though...Then again, this would be good grounds for a final King/Mark showdown...since the fed has slowed since Mark took over as commissioner...lol...yeah, I"m smoking too much crack. Da "should write a promo or something" H
  16. HVilleThugg

    SWF Fantasy Basketball

    *cough* Thugg has to DJ on Saturday nights!! *cough* For someone who knows me in real life, you're pretty fuckin' stupid yo. If we do it on Friday night, I can be a part of it...otherwise, no. Da "will soon be murdering all his clients due to their stupidity" H
  17. HVilleThugg

    SWF Fantasy Basketball

    Yo man...I can't be there at 7...and there is no freaking way I (or anyone else) can come up with a draft list on such short notice. Perhaps tomorrow? Da "you've gotta be kidding me" H
  18. HVilleThugg

    SWF Fantasy Basketball

    Dude, that one's not even hard. Kurt Rambis was actually the coach of the Lakers for like a year a little while back. He sucked tough. Byron Scott, he's a head coach somewhere....I'm trying to remember where...oh, that's right....New Jersey. Da "duh" H
  19. HVilleThugg

    SWF Fantasy Basketball

    ::laughs his ass off at the amount of geek-ness in this room:: Frost, you are a funny guy. Da "football is the real sport, but I still whip X's ass in bball all the time" H
  20. HVilleThugg

    SWF Fantasy Basketball

    You know da Thugg is dizzown on da bball...for real. I mean...uhhhh...now that I have a freaking computer at home...I'm down for some fantast basketball. Da "can whip all you bastards at ball" H
  21. HVilleThugg

    What I miss...

    He still does those you twit...they are just not as often due to his recent writing responsibilities in the angle we did, as well as his duties as a booker. But he's right Mark...when should we expect a new entry! They are always such fun to read. Da "should smack X for thinking his can post on these boards without my permission" H
  22. Va'aiga...Bastion has a new entrance theme. I will update his stats in a bit, and if not, I will update it tonight when I get back from work. Da "sorry for the delay" H
  23. THE 3RD ANNUAL SMARTMARKS FEDERATION AWARDS!! Brought to you by Frost Brand Cigars Here we go folks. After many delays, here are your 2003 Award Winners. First... THE SJL The Cyclone Comet Memoial Trophy - For Wrestler Of The Year Crow Comments - He almost dethroned HVT for the longest reign as SJL Champion, and produced a match with Sean Atlas and Christian Blackwell that was unfortunately left off the ballot for SJL Match of the Year. The Chris Storm Memorial Trophy - For Match Of The Year Dace Night vs Spike Jenkins (D@mnation In A Box, SJL Malice in Wonderland, 03-01-26) Comments - Spike wrote a gazillion word bloodbath that was probably his best match ever… and that was the LOSING match. One hell of a brutal match, with a killer stip. This is wear Dace Night first showed to us all just how fucking hardcore he was. He doesn’t curse as much as Neilsen, but still, the guy’s really brutal! Ejiro Fasaki vs Fugue (Caged Ladder Match, SJL World Title, SJL Wrath, 02-12-22) Comments - All I can say is...what a match! The El Luchadore Magnifico Mexican Pride Award - For Feud Of The Year Award Wildchild vs. Ejiro Fasaki Comments - easiest call on the JL ballot. This has been superbly booked and executed, though the best was yet to come. - I don’t follow the JL as much as I should, but I just remember a series of VERY awesome matches from these two, even for WF standards. So good – in fact – that I actually bothered to read them. The Ash Ketchum Pokeball Award - For Most Improved Wrestler Mike Van Siclen Comments - Snow Demon's in the WF. Who would've thought. - Whodathunkit? MVS has gone from mediocreness in the SJL, and now he's a former SWF Tag Team Champion. The Grimedogg Memorial Trophy - For Booker of the Year Alex Zenon Comments - Z's been fantastic with the JL, keeping the cards from getting stagant even when his roster thins like the JL does now and again. - Easily my favourite booker, always did good cards and provided excellent feedback. I tried my hardest to always write the matches he set for me. The HVT Thugg Passion Award - For Best World Champion Crow Comments - the bird was dominant during his reign, taking on all comers and narrowly missing Thugg's record. - 52 days, six defenses. Come on. The Frost Memorial Early Winter Trophy - For the European Champion of the Year Ejiro Fasaki Comments - Though he never jobbed the World to a girl to keep this belt, he certainly did a hell of a lot to elevate it. - Ejiro was just so badass when he had the European strap. How can I vote against the guy? The TV Champion of the Year Award Charlie "Grappler" Matthews Comments - the man's consistent. Made the TV belt matter when it could've been passed around week after week instead. - He was too good for this title. He actually jobbed it off so that he could run roughshod through the SJL. How cool is that? The Clan Memorial Stable of the Year Award Magnificent Seven (JL Division) Comments - This is a no-brainer. Some of the best writers currently in the SWF were in the Mag 7, and those in the JL are now thriving in the SWF. - Judge Mental, Ejiro Fasaki, Fugue, Janus. It reads like a who’s who of successful 2002-2003 bumpees, as well as one with promise who just never panned out. What more can you ask for? The Tom Flesher Heel of the Year Award Ejiro Fasaki Comments - He played to roll so well, you could help by hate him. In fact, IRL, I just hated him! I hate him right now! The Joy of X Trophy - For Face of the Year Wildchild Comments - A unique background, unbelieveable offense, and dat Cajun style. Rey Mysterio hopped up on coke. Beautiful. The Eddy Mac Award - For Best Promo Writer Crow Comments - Made me appreciate a gothic character. THAT is talent. - Crow’s character – as semi-stereotypical as it was – was somehow just so compelling from the start, and boy could the guy write a good promo to make me even more interested. The Promo of the Year Award An Open Letter to Tom Flesher - Ejiro Fasaki THE SWF The Jayson Grant Memorial Trophy - For Wrestler of the Year Tom Flesher Comments - Who else. In my opinion, no one has had a run of such consistency this year as Tom. He has been in or near the main event all year and has written some of the best matches this year. - The man writes some of the best wrestling in the federation week in and week out. He's almost always reliable, and he's been the best champion we've had since Edwin Mac. The Divefire Memorial Trophy - For Comeback Wrestler of the Year "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson Comments - He won the 'Fuck over Frost, he ended ELM's reign...there isn't a whole lot he didn't do in that span of time. TNT truly is a pimp in every sense of the word. The Pay Per View Match of the Year Award Edwin MacPhisto vs Chris Raynor (Last Man Standing Match, Genesis III, 02-09-30) Comments - No other match this year has told a story like this one. No other match had the pathos, had the background or had the superb writers this one had. No contest in my opinion. - I wish he hadn't retired immediately after this, because in this match he showed everyone that he had what it took to be one of the absolute best. I won't ever forget him saying "So...what do you think about big glass letters for the Genesis set?" And neither should you. The Non-PPV Match of the Year Award Sacred vs El Luchadore Magnifico (World Title Match, SWF Storm, 02-10-11) Comments - A sentimental favorite and the perfect Sacred match: weird spots, good humor, and amazing catharsis. These two did a ton of good stuff last fall and too much of it went unnoticed. - Sacred fuckin' owns you. The Feud of the Year Award Frost vs. Tom Flesher Comments - Second in command turns face after much abuse, tag partners break up, brutal blood feud - this had all the classic elements, and in truth, it lasted for almost a year of beautiful slow burn. All the little sidebars along the way - the King's road getting in the way of the tag titles, Frost's quest to get his fire back with help from LDP - paid off in a series of epic matches and one of the best blow-offs of the year, Window Pain 2k3. - Mind games ahoy, that led to one of the best matches that has been produced this year. The Jay Dawg Improvement Award - For Most Improved Wrestler Michael Craven Comments - From a joke mired in the HC / US Title division to a legitimate ME? How can you beat that? - It took a while, but he made the transformation away from Ash Ketchum, cut off the chaff, refined his writing style, pulled a string of "upsets" and made it to the tourney finals...and now he's second from the top of the card at Genesis. When he wins, it's not an upset anymore. The Axis Memorial Trophy - For Most Under-appreciated Wrestler Michael Craven Comments - Most notable when I think zero people predicted him to beat Kibs, Judge, AND Muzz at Ground Zero, and he proceeded to grind them all into paste. Wildchild Comments - The bizarre, high-flying man from the Bahamas hasn't gotten the respect he deserves despite a title reign and some great, great angles. The Stubby P. McWeed Trophy - For Booker of the Year Suicide King Comments - Because he'll murder me if I say otherwise, the goddamn autocrat! Booker gets involved with stories all year long, keeps stuff interesting...A1 vote from me. - King’s done one hell of a job booking our asses, despite the temper. Heh, I’m kidding about the temper, of course… sort of. The Rane Memorial Trophy - For Most Impressive Career El Luchadore Magnifico Comments - Can there be any doubt this man is one of the greatest in the Fed? Hell no. - Has anyone had as many title reigns as him? Won world titles a year apart, which is pretty much unprecedent, and is the number one name anyone thinks of when it comes to cruiserweights. Did it heel, did it face, pretty much did it all. Oh, and he always whooped King, too. Suckaaa! The Hville Thugg & Edwin MacPhisto Cup of Champions - For Best World Champion Tom Flesher Comments - The World Title meant more when he dropped it than when he won it. 'Nuff said. - tied the Suicide King for most defenses. Wrote lots of badass matches. Would like me to remind you that he IS better than you. The Fallout ICTV Champion of the Year Award Danny Williams Comments - Did more to elevate the belt than most, specifically his matches with Mak Francis. Good stuff. - Very tough call, but his ICTV matches were unmistakably great, day in, day out. I think he could have held this thing all summer if he really wanted to, but he did a lot to give the belt some serious legitimacy. The US Champion of the Year Award Ejiro Fasaki Comments - Changing his entrance and tweaking his gimmick to fit with the title is brilliance. - He was one of the best tag characters, and now he's one of the best singles characters. The US title revitalized Ejiro, and he does everything well: hilarious entrance, browbeating of Wildchild, great piss-off-the-fans promos, all of which make him a great champ and a glorious heel. The Grimedogg Hardcore Champion of the Year Award Judge Mental Comments - "Cleaned up" the HC division and made the belt seem important. What else could you ask? - The hardcore scene was surprisingly spare this year, but Judge did the most interesting stuff with it, as the anti-hardcore hardcore champ. Figure four is HARDCORE! The Light-Heavyweight Champion of the Year Award El Luchadore Magnifico Comments - Just name the award the El Luchadore Magnifico Trophy and be done with it. the best LHW in the SWF ever. - Uh, ELM? Sure, it was only around for two months, but he IS that belt. The Fallen Tag Team Trophy - For Tag Team of the Year Justice & Rule ("The Judge" William Hearford & Ejiro Fasaki) Comments - Nobody dominated any division this year like JnR. Even now while they are racking up singles victories, the thought of facing JnR in a tag match makes good teams tremble. - Helped kickstart a tag division that would become one of the most well-concieved, if not THE most well-concieved highlight of the federation. The Pay Per View of the Year Award From the Fire 2003 Comments - A new era begins as ELM's reign comes to an end, and no one no-showed the PPV! Who could ask for anything more? - Neilsen’s glorious return, a very nice Tom Flesher match, and that one explosive guy winning the World Title in one epic mofo of a match. And that’s just off the top of my head. The Stable of the Year Award Magnificent Seven Comments - The Fed revolved around these guys most of the year. - You know, when the first new line-up of M7 guys started replacing the older ones – Mercury, Mak, J&R, Janus, Atlas, etc… I’ll admit that I was pretty disappointed at first. But – and I don’t know when exactly – suddenly M7 ruled the entire fucking fed. Janus was the most powerful midcarder around, J&R killed everyone in the tag team division, and Tom (and Frost too, for a while) could destroy most any opposition. It was crazy go nuts, and it still is for all I can tell. Props to everyone in the stable throughout this year for keeping it on top after that little minifeud last year with that Carnival thing putting it there. The Ace of Clubs Trophy - For Heel of the Year Tom Flesher Comments - Nobody, but nobody, played the heel better than this guy in the last year. - This category is dominated by Magnificent Seven members, but Flesher sticks out in my mind. He's superior (pun intended). The Grand Slam Trophy - For Face of the Year Frost Comments - The charismatic big guy that everyone can get behind, and did get behind for several months. Not many people can slam someone through a pane of glass and still be the good guy. Frost can. - It's a close call, but Frost was just a big guy you could fall in love with. Or something like that. The Cyclone Comet Trophy - For Best Promo Writer Nathaniel "Silent" Kibagami Comments - The drama, the desire, and a quantity unmatched. As far as flat-out creative writing goes I don't think there's anyone better in the fed these days. The Rookie Of The Year Award "The Judge" William Hearford Comments - One year ago, he main evented Countdown to Genesis for the JL World title. This year, he main events Genesis for the SWF World title. A pretty clear choice. - He's main eventing Genesis, man! How great is that? The Promo of the Year Award The Luvin' Spoonful - Alex Zenon Comments - I spend all fucking year pimping “In the Fade” for best promo of all time, and then I go and switch around at the last minute! SWERVE~! I don’t know. Zenon’s promo was just so fun, and so epic, and so A-Team-esque… there was nothing not to love. Bazillions of laughs, though it wasn’t just a comedy promo – it was a promo with a point, and it really got it across. Also, I do believe that this was the last great Carnie prank, and we hadn’t had one in such a long time… Zenon, though you never showed as a match-writer, hats off to you for my new favorite promo of all time. Huzzah. GENERAL The Mayor McCheese Comedic Moment of the Year Award Judge vs Ejiro - Judge Mental & Ejiro Fasaki (Ping Pong Challange, SWF Lockdown, 03-05-28) Comments - This made me die with my leg in the air. The Munich Jackass Trophy - For ”Tool” of the Year Blazenwing Comments - Who cares if Thoth won a world title--THIS will be his greatest achievement, the TRULY legendary thing. - There is no fuckin' question that this guy is a tool. He is the stupidest, the worst and the most fuckin' annoying person I've had the unfortunate 'pleasure' to speak to. Black & Decker, kill him now. Da "I'm very sorry for the lateness and the...uhhhh...not showy-ness" H
  24. HVilleThugg

    SWF Website Thread

    Ok....forget everything I said. Johnny...How long until you finish what you have? It sounds good, and I think we've got enough functionality to roll out with. Don't add any more functionality...just finish what you've got. What do you need help with? There's not sense in going backwards with this if you have this much done...I thought you were slacking and still had very little done. So, here's what we'll do. Johnny will finish what he has. Then, we will evaluate what functionality is there, and then what functionality we want to add. Also, Johnny, get with Outcast about layout designs. From what I've talked to him, he knows what he's doing when it comes to that. Outcast...don't try to overdo it with the layout. Simple is better.... Just as soon as I can find the goddamn SQL Drivers, I will whip something up to use right now to post cards on the site...that is, unless Johnny intends to be finished in the next week or so. Da "how about that?" H PS - And hell...I guess I'll finish the archives.
  25. HERE IT IS!! Da "now to find a SQL 7 Driver so I can make tables for the website" H