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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    If everything else bombed for the second month, then yes. I agree with you that the first month is a fluke.
  2. Lightning Flik

    I Hate Smarks SOOOOOO Much!!!

    I don't know about anyone else, but was I the only one that thought Orton that was having a hard time speaking was getting more freaking emotion in his promo? I thought he did. Oh and I gotta say, Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H was definitely a mark out moment. It was made even better by the fact that Benjamin looked like he knew he could do this, which sold me even more so on the match. Definitely a markish moment and hopefully big things ahead for Benjamin!
  3. Lightning Flik

    SWF Lockdown Card, March 31st

    Toxxic apparently didn't see in the thread topic, March 31st, and hence, didn't realize it was tomorrow that this is due, and hence, cannot defend his Hardcore title.
  4. Lightning Flik

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Actually, just by this season alone (not overall careers): James > DeSantis > Hunter I say this because if James is putting up the rest of his stats, he's probably the most all-around hitter out there. Seriously GO JAMES GO~!
  5. Lightning Flik

    SWF Lockdown Card, March 31st

    So IL just won the Hardcore Title off of Toxxic??? Are you two just trading titles on purpose here? (<-semi joke)
  6. Lightning Flik

    Storm Comments!

    Tough luck, Toxxic. Gotta reap what you sow. Meaning people pay more attention to your matches when you are in ME class. If I was in better spirits, I probably would've talked about the other stuff in more detail, so don't think I went on ME just because. Next time, I'm busting out the reply that takes me like 6 hours to write up. The arm work wasn't bad, Toxxic. Just a little questionable in how it was handled. Nothing really wrong with that, and with time, you'll do better at it. No problems on the forefront Toxxic, these things sorta happen when you want to write your (writer's) style. Just depends on how you wish to set up what you write. Story telling is a sense of taking every little detail you write, every little plot piece you set in motion, and combine them together that tells a story that has a determined sequence of events that comes off as something "realistic" to the reader. So don't worry if your selling or transitions aren't as polished as they can be, because as long as the story draws its readers into it, it has done that, regardless of its faults. ^ that had better sound like it meant something. I'm running without sleep for 48 hours now, so I'm trying to make sure I'm not pulling out lingo and I'm wrong here. Promo - I'm thinking Janus might've been the guy who wrote that up.
  7. Lightning Flik

    Storm Comments!

    Ok... Got me there. Maybe I'll give him credit for that. Guess I'm little jiffed at my own no-selling earlier in my match and got a little jaded here. (Edit: I don't mind the no-selling, but I've only got a Vital of 6, I don't think I should be no-selling that much) As for the "self-confident, cocky, arrogant" self, I thought that if Toxxic wanted to put it over better, he probably should've made Dace seem a little over himself at the beginning, just so that when Toxxic knocks Dace around a little bit, it'll be a refresher for him and he'll go for those moves quickly to just show Toxxic not to mess with you. I mean, we pretty much classify Toxxic's run up until he beat you, a Cinderella run, no? So give it a little flare. Nothing wrong with that (besides slight deviation of character). Fine, sorry. I've been other this with Toxxic and talked about it. Yes the comment comes from, bah I don't like the way that happen. But I did point out a little more backing up of actions would make things like that work fine. No biggy. I'm more sorry for not explaning myself better (I probably should've added the kittysmile), and making a semi-flippiant response. It was Toxxic, and he showed he has the skill to step up to bigger things. He did a better job that I would have done in his position. Dace I was giving props to both you guys; as you probably handed in hell of good matches for this one. I just started with Toxxic and segued into praise for both of you.
  8. Lightning Flik

    MVP Baseball 2004

    Meh... I could list my bad luck, but then I might have people fear me, and frankly, I don't feel like that. And probably what was worst, was on such a good roll too. I'd probably start it up now (MVP), and I'd lose 10 straight. That's the type of tough luck I get.
  9. Lightning Flik

    Storm Comments!

    It is so early in the match though. I don't care if you try to put him away with so few moves. And might I add, if you are complaining about being a vet for 9 years, you obviously know that you aren't going to win against anyone just hitting a "few" moves. Hitting a few moves? The guy's been a fabulous phenom for the last, what? Practically all of his matches? A trained vet would know that you don't go pulling out all the stops right off the bat because you'd get confident, cocky and full of yourself. I wouldn't be picky about it, IF Dace actually seemed like that during the match. Well, no, I certainly didn't see it last night (although, I might be half asleep, I haven't slept in two days now). Nope, we both turn in Sasuke and have almost zero selling of any moves during the transition. No, no it doesn't. A 9 year vet goes and makes a high risk move with his injured arm when it's been seen before he can use his other arm for elbows just as well. You obviously missed the sarcasm. Next time, I'll add a kittysmile to show it (<-joke). Yes, I was nitpicking, I'm just in a very foul mood and wasn't about to rip that apart like I feel like doing now. No, the arm work from early pays off, with Dace's arm being weaken, and so being the only reason Toxxic is able to escape the move. Just wasn't put over as such. ...and the arm work would be the reason that this happened. But as you might've noticed, I had also felt it wasn't that great. Match besides the flaws was excellently done. Toxxic has been all about that from everything I've seen him do. So I know either he or you had to have pulled out the stops for this one, and it didn't disappoint. Much.
  10. Lightning Flik

    I Hate Smarks SOOOOOO Much!!!

    Your Answer Is The Truth That Is Told In This Comic: http://rpgworldcomic.com/d/20030907.html It Applies To Almost All Fans Who Bitch. *shrugs* You asked.
  11. Lightning Flik

    RPG Hero Tourney: Round One

    Oh. Okay then. I'm just in a fool mood lately. So I might be a little offensive in my posts. Personal life issues... Oh and people! TWO DAYS LEFT BEFORE ROUND ONE OF HERO TOURNEY ENDS~!!!
  12. Lightning Flik

    MVP Baseball 2004

    Here's What Happened: #1 - Brand new but was one of the very first ones that were supposed to crash immediately. Worked fine till I rented four wrecked copies of FF9 on it from Blockbusters (fuckers never fix'em). Pissed me off because I worked there. #2 - I paid $120 to Sony to "replace" my PS2. I gave #2 (after it crapped out) to the Microplay guys, but apparently I didn't pay too much attention nor had they (Microplay), as afterwards we both realized they probably just sent the damn thing back, as they were screwing everyone out of money back then. #3 - I was still leary of buying a used PS2, so I went and bought one off of Blockbusters. It was from Blockbusters, so if I had problems, I should be able to send it to Sony for free, right? Stupid fucking seal was off the machine. So low and behold, I was screwed because if there is no seal, I cant send it back. We thought it was just dust, but no, the lens was officially broken. #4 - I bought it used. Returned it in the 6th month period that is given for used machines (at least at Microplay), due to a faulty laser. #5 - Not sure if it is dead, but with my luck, it probably will be. And most likely I missed the 6th month period window. Although this is my fault, as I kinda have let my room get to an absolute disaster area. Plus, I moved and frankly, it may've gotten broken in the move (doubtful since my Cube is alright). To keep this related though: Didn't have DNR till MVP though. I think it crapped out now, just to piss me off, since I just bought a brand new game and hadn't used the system in a good long while.
  13. Lightning Flik

    MVP Baseball 2004

    Well, I gotta say, that if I had my fifth PS2 that I've owned has gone up and broke a whole week ago (stupid fucking piece of shitty Sony products), I now can't play MVP. However, I might as well ask something fun: How you guys doing in your dynasty's so far? Good, special? Anything extra ordinary? Really bad? SPILL~!
  14. Lightning Flik

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy 22nd B-Day to Ichiban.
  15. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    You know, I'm pissed because I brought any questions or complaints a whole month before we started to shut down. I'm a little pissed that this was brought up a whole month and a half later. And please don't give me the excuse the en masse firing of people is something new. It isn't. Everyone has been doing it all season, and it was never a problem then. I probably should've just locked the "drop players" in the playoffs. But I hadn't, so yes, my bad on that part. ...meh, your right. I am being an ass. Sorry about that. Got a lot on my mind and kinda letting it spill over to where it doesn't belong. That being here. Anyways onto what you were talking about. If you wish to do the weekly thing, all I'd have to do to change it, is instead of having a bench is: have those bench spots as utilities, or more specific roster slots. That's all there is to it. If we wish to give it day to day, I could even limit the amount of players you can pick up. All there is to it really. Not really much to discuss, we just need to figure out which route we wish to go, and that be that.
  16. Lightning Flik

    SWF Lockdown Card, March 31st

    ...I suck. That's why I need a miracle. So I don't produce something sucky and turn in something half-decent with a shot at winning.
  17. Lightning Flik

    RPG Baddie Nominations~!

    Only 33 baddie spots left people. Come on. We need more baddies. They should be easy to list.
  18. Lightning Flik

    RPG Hero Tourney: Round One

    I know, but I was actually repeating it, in case someone missed, Sov. Sorry if it came off otherwise. That and I got to not shamefully bump the thread.
  19. Lightning Flik

    AL/NL TSM Yahoo (5x5 Roto) league

    I'd laugh my ass off if that was the actual like Roto League Champion of Champions thingy. Just because, I'm there. That's a bucket of laughs there. I doubt I get better than last in any of these leagues.
  20. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    ... *shaking of head* May I please have some indication of WHY you people suddenly don't agree with what I had put forth and WAS PASSED OVER FOR THE MAJORITY OF IT~! Yes, somethings were changed. Like I only wished to know if you were keeping instead of WHO it was. Yes, the draft format has changed, just because people finished differently and no one wanted draft picks changed. But for the majority, it stayed the same. And wasn't really objected. So please inform me, why oh freaking why are we back at square one in trying to fix things a whole month and a half later? For info, this wasn't touched even a whole day later. I actually checked myself on this.
  21. Lightning Flik

    SWF Lockdown Card, March 31st

    ...He's right, Zed. Did you even take that into account?? It's downright painful. Meaning my match with MVS will probably be the least lethalist of the list. Say that last bit 5 times fast. Dare ya... ...sighs... It's 2:39am and I really need to pull off a miracle... Ugh...
  22. Lightning Flik

    Storm Comments!

    Yes, the moveset for James is pretty... Well, fucked up. Since there are probably a little too many power based moves there. However, I'm not that great with knowing how or what power wrestling based characters use. I do with small cruiserweights, because that's what I am. Being 160lbs, I can't really lift up a lot of stuff (at least like heavyweights do). So I'm little, um... Shall we say, imparied on the power based side of wrestling moves? ...so if anyone can figure out some ... fixes to my moveset for James, please inform me. As I'd like to fix that. ASAP (at least after my match with MVS). Anyways Onto A Review Of Storm Rating Scale: Excellent - [E] - Shit, what can you say? This was absolutely fabolous. Great - [G] - Nicely done. Very few things to improve. Average - [A] - Alright, somethings to improve on though. Poor - [P] - You can do better than this. Not bad, but definitely not expected. Bad - - Two year olds write better than this. Opening Segment: A scene of things to come? Shit, I don't know what to make of that. Gotta admit, the Coleman bit was kinda funny. A nice set up to the show. [A] The Second Segment (Toxxic Got SHAFTED): Nice opening from Toxxic. I felt his hatred towards Stevens and he definitely made sure to give reasons that tonight won't be his downfall, but his future. [G] First Match: Yo, Brimstone/Johnny Dangerous, the Agent... Thanks for two things. One, making my character seem decent and two, for putting on a good match. Thanks a lot. Really nice psychology and a couple neat spots, however I think you probably should've have made me like, not so godly in the no-selling department. Yes, I do have better than awesome strength, but I still get hit up pretty good. [A] Fourth Segment: I liked this. Although, the point across was good, but it felt like it needed a little more prounounced explanation and setting. It was kinda just filler. Not that this is bad, but it didn't really advance anything. When I mean prounounced, I mean, give us the whole she-bang, but then again, this probably is to save up for what Maddix has in store. [P] Fifth Segment: Ok, now THIS works. It makes relevance to the plot line and doesn't give off that "filler feel". I really like the fact that Flesher is over by just 5lbs, and make the Cruiser stip important enough to make sure that it is actually checked over. Nicely done. [G] Second Match: I like how the segment plays into the match. I kinda feel bad that the stip was taken away (Title Match), but gotta admit, that the spin on Flesher wanting to win so bad doesn't matter is awfully neat. Nice having Flesher seemingly regain his head of steam in the match up, the killer instinct. His usage of holds was pretty good, and I gotta admit a good finish. [A] Seventh Segment: The Anti-Heel Machine makes a hell of a lot of menace on Toxxic, as he makes his presence felt by the subtle talk. Toxxic, of course, is his cocky-confident self that brags about how he beat Aecas for the title and will go on to defend his ICTV title successfully. Oh, it was the other way around for the order of what came first btw. [G] Third Match: Power vs. Speed in tag team action. Ok, I've never seen Unholy Trinty in action, but I've gotta admit, I like their style of bashing the hell out of people. Couple of cool spots, like the YAAAAAAKUUUUUUUZZZZAAAAAAA KIIIIICCCCKKK~!!!! and of course the german to the outside. I gotta admit, that this was a thorough horse whipping by the power boys and was played out well, as the speed boys took their shots when they could, but clearly were outclassed. [G] Ninth Segment: And the filler actually was useful, because shit, did this ever do many things right. Play up to the fact that Maddix fears Clark. Clark wanting to do hurtful things to him. It was set up well as you could feel the build getting better and better as it went on. Wondeful work, as I definitely want to see more of this. [G] Tenth Segment: This filler, whilst short, earns a step above P, because frankly, it actually teases the fact of Ann and Grappler dueling it out and sets up the next match nicely. [A] Fourth Match: We start with Ann vs. Duran after Duran rids us of Coy. Then we get Ann and Coy double teaming Duran. Then, the betrayal. Then we proceed into a triple threat match. Good action, all the pauses and one on ones work, even the double teaming does. Nice focus on the neck of the semi-injuried Duran near the end of it, good psychology by Coy with airplane spin on it (I can't believe I actually understood WHY he did that). I like how the match ended as well, because it still gave the "hey, it might not end here, but it will" feel. [G] Twelveth Segment: Decently enough, Duran challenges Stevens to respond to the challenge of putting someone greater than Onita in his way. Standard heel stuff. [A] Main Event: Nice way to start of the main event, good ol' fashioned heel ways (or just common sense). Um... Ok, Reverse DVD was a little much off the start. Sure, nice spot, but not something you'd do off the bat. Kinda takes a little bit of the flow out of the match. Ok, what's a Grman Suplex (yes, that was sad humor, shut up)? Definitely nice transition of offense from Dace to Toxxic, where in we see that Toxxic isn't about to be able to fight Dace as well as he could with the beating he took. Commentary has been solid so far, and gotta say has played to the match well. The little bit between Terrance and Toxxic is well played out and definitely interesting (however, someone clearly did not know about the Seventh Segment, as Janus and Toxxic got into a confrontation then, first). Nice bit to have Dace screw up his arm on the Elbow Suicida, because, ... well, it makes sense (). And it seems Toxxic just is a little short of getting it done, as the Toxxic Shock Sydrome couldn't put Dace away. Of course, we get him complete distracted with the ref, and wow... He gets put down with a DDT. I did not see that coming. Honestly... No really. Ok, shut up, I'm making sure my sarcasm is known. Well, we get to see Toxxic reach even deeper and pull out the almighty FINISHER THAT YOU JUST DON'T GET YOUR ASS OUT OF~! Thought Dace had the match won. My mistake. Congrats to Toxxic on the retaining. Oh great. Another "hooded-man" segment that will likely drag out for awhile... Ok, I spoke too soon. He isn't ma-WTF??? LISTON??? There had BETTER be an explanation for that. That's all I gotta say. [E] Hopefully, that's a good enough review. Or at least insight to how I felt about reading this stuff, seeing as I'm no good to doing reviews. P.S. And yes, if you ARE wondering why I'm up this freaking late, I'll let ya know. It is due to the fact that a) I can't sleep (a lot on my mind lately) and b) I really want to finally get something written up (at least this time, I'm just going to have fun and not try to make it so that it is a must-be-perfect-because-I-suck). And this took about two hours to do... Wonderful.
  23. Lightning Flik

    The SWF Storm HOLT Report...

    It was fine, C. You did a good job with this one, and as long as they live up to this, that'll do just fine.
  24. Lightning Flik

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    I was just meaning that he didn't get a great increase in pay from Arbitration. Not in himself actually, but just the arbitration ruling. Although, I'm wondering what Eddy did. Managed to actually hit more than 20HRs? That would be nice.
  25. Lightning Flik

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Actually there IS SNK fanboys. They are just hiding in a certain unnamed folder that will remain unnamed by myself.