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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Pineapple Glazed Chicken Breasts Pros: My favorite food. Cons: I usually stuff myself with as many breasts as I possibly can. Hence getting sick in the process from an upset stomach.
  2. Lightning Flik

    The race to 20,000~!

    you have no life do you He's married. Maybe Choken and his wife take turns posting has Choken One. But then they'd be so fucking alike, because I wouldn't tell Mr. Choken one from Mrs. Choken One. Could you?
  3. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    You do know there is a consolation tourney? Right? And that by being 7th, you have a chance at winning that.
  4. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Let me state, that I know how bad the league needs to crack down more on bullshit stuff that happens. Yet, can you please tell me what is so acceptable about Moore being hunted down on a "bounty", hounded, and finally given a hell of a sucker punch? Considering the severity of the injury that Moore has suffered, anything less than a year suspension will make any cred the league has for suspension giving die out.
  5. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    The blow to the back of the head, and then him getting smashed into the ice CAN cause that. And really, it doesn't matter if it didn't outright cause it, Bertuzzi still sucker punched him into the ice. Moore is absolutely helpless to whatever happens. Please explain to me how exactly this is defendable? Hell I thought it was Jeffy of the Rangers again. Except Moore playing to part of Jeffy (I never spell his last name right, you know who I'm talking about). I stated that to reaffirm my points. If you have nothing more to say about it then a snipping comment that does nothing to disagree with that fact, don't bother whipping up a lame, utterly silly response. I think it was the starting point of it, yes. I do believe that his neck probably did suffer cracking in the vertebre the moment I saw him get smashed into the ground. I repeat, when he smashed into the ground. I'm not saying Bertuzzi's punch caused it all, I'm saying him hitting the ground as a result of Bertuzzi's punch probably cause his neck to be messed up. I mean, that just didn't look right the way he fell and frankly I don't doubt something was messed up when he hit the ground. It probably was mashed up further by everyone who decided to get things in "order". And you wanna hear the outcry if that does and consequences that will happen if he gets nothing less than this season and his next? It basically will portray that if you obtain "superstar" status, you are immune to what should be the "reality". I'm not saying I want Bertuzzi to miss the next season. I didn't think McSorley did enough to warrant a year suspension. I'm just saying that precident has been set. The NHL doesn't follow through with precident, and they'll be screwed. Did he mean it like that? No, probably not, but that's what he went out and did. We'll see what happens, but I'm quite sure that this will end up with Bertuzzi suspended for next season. Since this IS the same city that had been asking for the same of Marty.
  6. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Instead of doing the what ifs like the above paragraph. Why don't we stick with facts. Fact is, Bertuzzi suckered punched Moore and the end result is Moore has a broken neck. Fact is, Bertuzzi is a repeat offender and this injury that was suffered is worse than what McSorley caused. Fact is, the precident was set with McSorley and there will be backlash if Bertuzzi gets nothing less than McSorley did. Fact is, Bertuzzi will not be returning for the 2004-05 season (assuming we have a season).
  7. Lightning Flik


    I think the problem is, people are used to Ejiro. Literially, I saw your thing in the Stats and I went "What The...?" It's different and unusual and that takes time to adjust to. Then again, I find it kind of a refreshing take.
  8. Lightning Flik

    Favorite Genre of Games?

    It's not your fault. Most new RPGs just suck. I can't really name a lot of good "new school games". Sadly a lot of the good games are built on the "old school" format and just minisculy change it.
  9. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Bertuzzi will be not only gone for this season, but also the next season as well. If McSorley's love tap got him a season suspension, you better believe that Bertuzzi's breaking Moore's vertebre will definitely kiss his next season goodbye.
  10. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Um... No. It'll be Ty Conklin. He proved that with Salo out for good portion of the season, he was definitely our starter. Otherwise, I could guess it is a toss up between the two, but I still think it would be Ty.
  11. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Ok... We just traded Tommi Salo and a 6th Round Draft Pick in 2005 for Tom Gilbert? ...seriously, wtf?
  12. Lightning Flik

    The OAO TEW OFFICIAL Screenshot Thead~!

    The reason is because Canada doesn't have any major indy feds. Now hold up to any indy fan that might be offended, but other than ones started up by former wrestlers/promoters, how many do you really know of? ...none. That's why North America refers to Canada and the States. To incorperate what few Canadian feds there are (although, there IS a whole bunch, the more popular ones is what I mean). Where as in Mexico, wrestling is a way of life. At least that's what I assume, Adam did it for. Don't hold him accountable for my words of assumption.
  13. Lightning Flik

    AL/NL TSM Yahoo (5x5 Roto) league

    I think this might've been the one where I actually did an auto draft of picks. That might've been why Sheffield was picked first. Although, I'm kinda suprised. As I had someone else slated as my first overall draft pick. Sheffield wasn't my first true choice (actually about fourth). About the only thing I don't like is the fact that I don't have a strong SS (by strong, I mean like the top 5). But those are pretty much hard to find.
  14. Lightning Flik

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Been there, done that. All I gotta say is, there is going to be a LOT of bad blood in the playoffs as everyone is trying to kill the other team. I'm still hoping for a Calgary - Edmonton Semi-Final of the Playoffs. Big wish, I know, but as long as both teams stay near the bottom four seeds, they can face each other. That would just be a kick ass semi-final in my opinion. Then again, I am bias.
  15. Lightning Flik

    The OAO TEW OFFICIAL Screenshot Thead~!

    Oh and the answers to some questions you might have concerning the new screen shots: 1) No locations can be added or removed, although you can definitely change characteristics about cities. Regions can be turned on or off for a game. Yes, MMA can be clicked on or off like the regions. 2) For languages, each city can have a box clicked (must have at least one). Some cities might even have two (partically Canadian cities, except Calgary of course, doesn't). 3) The percentages for the individual % of what fans like must equal the exact amount that the non-casual (smark) fans watch. The reason it doesn't need to equal 100% is because the % represents which category the smarks like most. So if it's 48% undecided, then that means they like every single one and are "dedicated fans" (if I read what Adam said correct). 4) The Seperate Set option was taken out of the game due to redundency. So please don't go looking for it, expecting it in (for those of you who know what that is). 5) Also, since there are 50 some odd states, the United States are done by the States (not sure if exact). NOT the city. Cities only apply for Canada, UK, Japan, and Australiasia (how it is spelt in the game) from what I've been told. Since there are 50 some odd states, instead of Adam plugging in over 400 cities, he decided to go with just the States (hence, how he was saying the US would be represented by 'regions'). Apparently there are only 9 regions. 6) Although you see "World Overness" there is also a drop down bar for "Area Overness" in a worker's stats. So don't go panicing if you can't find it. Just hit the drop down bar and all will be good. 7) I think I conned my dad out of $50 to get the game. WOO~! Go me!
  16. Lightning Flik

    I have just been scouted!

    Dude, you make it in ACW, and I'll definitely want to see the highlights. Too bad I don't live anywhere near there. I'd like to see ya live.
  17. Lightning Flik

    Sunday Night Frost

    I've gotta admit, WC. I hope you can still do these after show things even if you are gone, because they are definitely a fun read.
  18. Lightning Flik

    AL/NL TSM Yahoo (5x5 Roto) league

    Wow! I miss the draft due to my computer is busted and my team isn't half bad. Awesome.
  19. Lightning Flik

    The OAO TEW OFFICIAL Screenshot Thead~!

    Bastard, you stole my thunder yet AGAIN~! ...then again, my computer busted, so I'll let you get away with it this time.
  20. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    Ok... Slight problem with that. My computer (I dub it "Bastard") has officially decided to piss me off. Had wipe it clean, reboot and everything. Hence why I haven't replied sooner. When I get it up, we'll definitely talk. That must've been harsh. Those two would've brought you some awesome stats when healthy.
  21. Lightning Flik

    Oh, you motherfucker.

    Nah... Mine just stop reading disks. And I can't play Disgaea now... I miss it dood...
  22. Lightning Flik

    TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

    Pitcher you say? I'll trade you a pitcher. If I get what I want.
  23. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    HarleyQuinn isn't dead. HarleyQuinn can't access the account in the NBA thread for some reason.
  24. Lightning Flik

    Oh, you motherfucker.

    Really, nothing. I only dropped #1. That's it. And I dropped it in it's freaking "super fucked up" case that isn't fuckable that I picked up. Yah, right. Not fuckable... So not true.
  25. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Can't. Mathematically eliminated. It's why I have to go 14-2. No chance for him. No chance for me.