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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    Posting problems

    Since we are on posting problems, I've gone to hit preview and after it reloads, I've ended up in the thread and everything I've meant to post is gone; it's not even posted. It's only a recent thing, so I'm not sure if it was like a few times thing or something big.
  2. Lightning Flik

    Looking for date of Juventud Guerrera's dark match

    Didn't also Shannon Moore end up in the dog house as he followed suit of Juvy's lead? I'm quite sure Moore ended up getting smacked for it as well.
  3. Lightning Flik

    I Hate Today...

    Firstly, thanks Sass... I worry about my father, since Patient was really his girl, and it hit him quite hard as she passed away. Then again, I've always thought of her like a second mother to me, so I'm feeling it pretty good as well. Um....? As I told Kotz one night via AIM, every cat or dog I ever owned was basically sent packing within a few months. Thus I can't get close to animals in that kind of sense, so I can't really understand how you're feeling. However I hope you get a new cat or something, I dunno. I tried to be comforting, key word being tried I was kinda expecting one these responses. So no worries FS. I understand that some people might not know how someone can be so attatched to a pet, but to me, as I said, she was the one constant in my life. If I needed her to be there for me, she was. And I'm not lying on her following me if I need someone to watch me to the local store in town (at the time when I was younger, I lived in a town of about 2000) she'd walk all the way to there with me and back. She was always there when I was sick in bed and in need of companion. ...and all I've got of her now is those memories. A lot of good ones so that's always something I can hang onto. She was one of the people to raise me into who I am, so maybe that's why this hurts so bad. Like, I expect her to be home when I return from any place, I expect her name to be called out as we lock up the cats to let out the birds, and I'll probably expect her then the next time I get sick... To put it into words, she is family to me. I don't care if she is a cat, she was to me, a part of my family...
  4. Lightning Flik

    Possible major changes to NFL in 2006

    Ok, bps, no offense, but I'll enjoy WHAT football I please. So to you. Why bring up Montreal? The fans have there were always screwed over by management and then a freaking owner who jumps ship to the Florida Marlins. You think that they are going to give the team any love? It would take a commitment the size of winning a World Series and not being owned by the league, and that's the only way you'll get the fans to be behind them. As for the Blue Jays, they've been uncontenders for so long, they've begun to fall into the Montreal-Syndrome. However, I think that if they get contentful soon (which they are doing, slowly), they'll get back to where it is a little difficult to get those front row tickets.
  5. Yeah. Chretien was a disgrace as Prime Minister. As proof when we find out we've got a huge ass scandal on our hands and he's like "oh, it's not my problem, go bother Martin." I'm so convinced the asshole did that just to let Martin take the downfall. Geezus, how the hell did those two have anything to do with the same party is beyond me. Personally, I don't really care about the Presidental Elections of the US. Now, don't get me wrong, I DO mind who is president, but I don't really want Kerry or Bush as my next door neighbouring leader.
  6. Lightning Flik

    PWG Takes Off At ''88 Miles Per Hour!'' On March 7

    They are hilarious indeed. They are just pure good stuff. I wish I could see PWG cause it sounds like a hell of a good fed.
  7. Lightning Flik

    Are you a Sensei?

    Give me an RPG and I get most of the way through it in, oh, 20 hours no breaks. Give me 30 and I'm most likely at the final boss. That's about the best thing I've got. I'm an RPGuru.
  8. Lightning Flik

    I Hate Today...

    Thanks guys... I appreciate it. I know it's pretty stupid to mention this, but I'd rather say it, in case I go absolutely a-wall over something and people wonder why. At least, she's with her mate now, so I'm happy about that. Knowing she's with Snootz (her mate) and quite content, makes me feel better. Not much, but at least good enough.
  9. Lightning Flik

    Lockdown Comments

    *obligatory spelling nazi correction* "Pronounce" Thank you. You have no idea how much it was pissing me off that I couldn't spell "pronounce". I'm a spelling freak, so I must have my spelling correct at all times. ...my grammer is a different story.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Smarkdown Predictamundo

    Dood... I didn't need to know that. Ya lucky bastard. I need a girlfriend. And I don't mean girl that is "just friends" with me. *sighs* Anyways, yah, nicy show.
  11. Lightning Flik

    Smarkdown Predictamundo

    ...wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... ...I made sense??? *skips around in joy at making sense to someone for once in a long time*
  12. Lightning Flik

    Smarkdown Predictamundo

    The boards just erased my whole fucking post. GR~! Ok. Let me try this again and hopefully no post killing by the boards. What I mean is, it might help Coy out in the sense that he'll have "toys" to use to his "advantage". I slated you to still win so why you complaining? Hell, I know you like hardcore matches, but I figured to at least make it sound like that I think Coy has a chance, and not let him perceive me thinking he doesn't. Besides, I haven't read a show in a while, I just started looking around here and I don't know how you asked for the stip. I'm still learning what is new around here.
  13. Lightning Flik

    Smarkdown Predictamundo

    *laughs* SUE ME~! I only read TWO shows, ok, I skimmed one and fully read the last show. Like I know anything really. ...like I know much either.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Smarkdown Predictamundo

    Singles Match Toxxic v. Jimmy "The Demon" Liston ~ I've seen Toxxic's stuff. Haven't seen Liston's. However, Toxxic is good stuff. And frankly, I'm not too sure if he can be stopped legitimately. Probably can, but since I don't know much about Liston, I can't say. Winner: Toxxic. Hardcore Match Dace Night v. "Coyote" Coy West ~ ALRIGHT~! Ejiro vs. DACE~! This should be a great match up! Has... Oh, oh, oh. Wait. It's "Coyote" vs. Dace. Foraminute there, I thought it was Ejiro... Could've... Oh well. This should be an interesting match up. I remember Dace and I know he likes to beat away at people easily. Coy is coming off a loss that really was a bad showing (I mean, going for your finisher instead of trying to beat your opponent via mat stuff or that? Ugh) so I could see Dace walking away with the win here. Althought with hardcore stipulations, this might help Coyote out. It'll be a close one, but I still like Dace's chances more than Coy's. Winner: Dace SWF Legends Match (non-title) Sacred v. Jay Dawg ~ OMG~! OMG~! OMG~! LEGENDS MATCH~! WEE~! ...ahem. Now then, it's Sacred, it's Jay Dawg... It's a fucking match between two guys whom I watched and observed in my days of SJL, and probably two guys who are going to do nothing less than excite. Should be a close match, so close, I'm flipping a freaking coin. ...heads. That would be Sacred. Winner: Sacred Singles Match for the SWF Cruiserweight Title WildChild © v. Alan Clark ~ After coming off of another big time win, Alan Clark will finally get to face off against WildChild in a showdown like no other. With the Cruiserweight title on the line, I predict there to be insane high spots, lots of blood, and I think that with Alan Clark holding the belt when it is all said and done. The guy's got a lot of momentum on his side and I think he'll use it to his advantage. But don't get me wrong! WildChild isn't someone you just waltz all over as proven with his victory last week, but there's just something about Alan Clark that makes me say "Future SWF World Champion"... Maybe it's me. Winner: Alan Clark and NEW Cruiserweight Champion Tag Team Match Janus & Charlie "The Grappler" Matthews v. The Unnamed (John "Notorious One" Duran and Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix) ~ The Unnamed. A force of magnitude. A force unlike no other. The fact that they got John "Notorious One" Duran and fucking Landon "La Curcaracha" Maddix makes me think that "oh, they got it made. Problem is, it's Charlie "The Grappler" Matthews, the USJL Champion. He's a freaking brickwall and will likely prove up for the challenge. Then... We've got Janus. The Hell Machine RETURNETH~! so fuck, he's an equalizer all in himself. If both teams show up, this will be a slobberknocker and deserving of the phrase. I could see Unnamed pull it out thought because well, Duran and Landon probably want to make up for the embaressing stuff that happened when Janus, the Hell Machine, cleaned up house. Winner: The Unnamed! Fatal Four Way Match for the #1 Contender to the SWF Intercontinental-Television Championship Ann "Ichiban" Onita v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins v. Mike Van Siclen v. Insane Luchador ~ And for our MAIN EVENTER~! We've got Annie "Ichiban" Onita, the Hardcore Queen, taking on "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins for the #1 Contender of the SWF Intercontinental-Television Championship! But wait! Mike Van Siclen and Insane Luchador are not only going to be there as well, but they will be taking on Annie and Spike Jenkins as well! And with the rumor of Annie on a purpetual war wraith to regain prestige after her loss last show, I'm putting my money on her. Winner: ICHIBAN~! I-CHI-BAN-CHAN~! ...the suffix, -chan, is usually added to a name for a female or person whom you love, if my Japanese is up to stuff.
  15. Lightning Flik

    Lockdown Comments

    Blame? Did I say I was blaming anyone? No. Just saying how it was prounounce (I CAN'T SPELL~! GR~!). That's all. It's not a big deal really. Just found it odd and thought to go out of my way to show the right way. Hell for all I know it could've been Annie. And I dare not refute Annie's call, because frankly, it's freaking Annie. She'd go hardcore all over my ass and I'd frankly be a dead man. I'd like to live for now, thanks.
  16. Lightning Flik

    Edge Injured At OVW

    ...shit. Still though, I think The Game's hunger would need to be satisfied quickly, and not wait for the long time needed.... Wait, this might get Triple H to nicely saute his fresh "main eventer" and we get feuds that last for a couple of months! Which could be a good thing.
  17. Lightning Flik

    Edge Injured At OVW

    I think this might change the plans with where Edge goes. Healthy, he probably would've been heading to RAW, so I'm kinda figuring he'll be staying on Smackdown for now. But this probably means Triple H gets someone else to sedate his hunger to squash someone else though.
  18. Lightning Flik

    2/20 SWF Storm HOLT Report

    Well, that's what I was striving for, but I hadn't had any sleep in 24 hours, so I couldn't explain it like you did. So thank you. And yes, your heelness is awesome! So there. You got praise by the former RVD wannabe of the SJL. ...no I don't. I just started reading up on the SWF again. So that might be why I don't know.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Lockdown Comments

    Oh... Ichiban... Well then, someone added an unneccessary T to it. If it would've been I-CHI-BAN, then I would've gotten it easily then. Well Flikster, it's spelt Ichiban, but pronounced Itchiban...I guess you could say there's a silent 'T'. The - marks in the chant are for the seperate sylablles, which is why the T is added...so it isn't pronounced 'Eyechiban'. And the stip was thought up by Thoth. Believe me, that was a tame stip by his standards. I'm a little late responding to this, but since I actually saw this now, I'll respond in kind now. It's pronounced "e-chi-ban" (like e-fed, where the e is voiced). Not "it-chi-ban". Spending three years learning Japanese (basic, I'm like a two - three year old talking) and taught pronouncation (I can't spell today) of it, I'm quite sure that's how it is pronounced. And since I was never corrected by the Japanese exchange students (who went out of their way to correct anything we made errors on), I think I should know. Then again, I should know this. Might be off, but with my experience in the subject, I think I know. But I might be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. Ah, Thoth brought it up. That explains a lot. That was quite tame for him. I was expecting something more to it, that makes more sense.
  20. Lightning Flik

    theswf.net is offline

    Sure thing. Will do. *puts on to do list, "talk to one Johnny D", right after "end one part of my life"* So like, yah. Easy to do.
  21. Lightning Flik

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak

    As for the Angle promo, he said to the effect that at any given point Eddie could fall off the wagon and become that addict again. Sure, he might be clean now, but there is always that temptation to fall back into the abyss. Makes perfect sense. Good report JHawk. And I hate JMA for not only explaning it better, but doing a different take on it that I missed. Damn him to HADES~!
  22. Lightning Flik

    Lockdown Comments

    Just saying that I'm of the ol' school psychology, so it probably just was me that had those two moves just sort of "uh, ok, out there in left field". I understand that they had to be there, don't get me wrong, but it did detract me from the match at times. Glad I read it. Was enjoyable and fun to read. Can't wait for the next one.
  23. Lightning Flik

    Lockdown Comments

    Oh... Ichiban... Well then, someone added an unneccessary T to it. If it would've been I-CHI-BAN, then I would've gotten it easily then. Coy is Ejiro? Really? ...oookay... I wouldn't have been able to guess that. Now is this like a different side of Ejiro, or is Ejiro "gone" and Coy is here to take his place?
  24. Lightning Flik

    Lockdown Comments

    Former SJL Wrestler, SJL Television Champion and Member of Red Storm Rising chipping in with his own "comments". *will now read again, just to make sure I actually comment "correctly"* Firstly, Alan Clark... That was just a deep and dramaticly cutting promo you did to open Lockdown. I mean, really now. That's quite damn good. Makes me really want to see Thugg vs. Clark. That and it got me to read the SWF stuff again. I was just wanting to look, see what was up, then split, but no. You had to cut a hell of a promo about you wanting revenge upon Thugg and it was downright awesome. Good stuff!!! Can I just say whoever the hell made Comet a commentator should be commended, because I was enjoying the flow of the cuts inbetween each part of the matches. What the...? Ced's a (bleep)ing ref? Since when? *because it was added, I'll add it here* Duran vs. Janus. The return of the old Janus and we get a double DQ for that. Nice how he just murdered everyone to get his hands on Duran. Hell Machine he may be, but it was a good buildup. However, match wise, meh. Rating: Meh (segment was good stuff though, match wise wasn't too good, but story was definitely nice) Toxxic vs. Helmsly was pretty good match. A bit of humor, some good spots and a good story within it. A little bit excessive with the "Calgary/Canadian" stuff, but I think that's probably gimmick related, if I remember Helmsly correctly so probably just not used to seeing it. Description of this match was pretty good I'd say. Nice finishing spot, Caffiene Bomb through the chair. Rating: Good Spike Jenkins vs. Johnny Dangerous. This was an interesting turn of events. Was expecting a match, but if Jenkins can't go, this was a nice way to play fair. Definitely makes me think that if Johnny Dangerous wins the USJL Title (United States Junior League Title, that's a mouth full), it'll be fun figuring out whether the current (but would be former) Champion wold get the first crack, or would Jenkins? Or would we get one of those triple threat matches that I hated so much writing when I was still around? House of Todd? ...a cult religious thingy? Oh look, insult trading, building up the main event for tonight, setting the stage for FROM THE FIRE, and damn well just having fun with it. ...can you tell I liked this segment? You so know I did. I'll stop my tangent there. Rating: Ugh. (My thoughts on the segment as a whole, GREAT!) Aecas vs. Sacred. Great spots and definitely good description all-around. My only problem is a couple of "big" moves (I consider them that) where hit a little early in the match, specifically, the Evenflow Brainbuster, the German Suplex, and a Superplex into the guardrail (nice spot though, I have to admit). Then again, I'm sort of the ol' school mentality, so that might just be that creeping out on me. Good back and forth action as neither man had a clear advantage (till near the end), and for a "hardcore match" it wasn't like really "hardcore". Don't get me wrong, it was a hardcore, but I was expecting more out of it. Although, the piledriver through the barbed wire table was a nice image to finish things out. Rating: Good Todd Royal vs. Wildchild. I was so wishing Riley actually had the Book Of Todd, no rhyme or reason. Just saying. I liked the spot with the knee bruising by Wildchild to set up the fact that, yah, you try those high risk moves and you can get (bleep)ed up every now and then. The psychology following that is pretty damn good, and worthy of the attention and detail given to it. I stand corrected on the Riley parts, I missed him quoting it, thus I don't mind him not actually having the book now. Wildchild really built up on Megan's outside interference well and helped with the flow of the heel using every tactic in the book to get the victory (but didn't get the v). The finish I like as even though Wildchild couldn't fullout use his speed to his advantage, he could use it in limited fashion against Todd's spear and make it his downfall (so in other words, Todd played right into Wildchild's strength, speed). Rating: Great Annie vs. Landon. Can someone please tell me what the hell IT-CHI-BAN stands for? Please? Thanks. Spots were good, well-timed and some of the stuff was just lovely in description. Near perfect moonsault especially. I'm dying from the whole "Citizen Bukkake", that's just great stuff there. Nice "fear" aspect done by Landon as it brings out how much he doesn't really want to face off against Annie and is quite worried about getting out of this match with the win. I also liked how Landon kept on beating on Annie (now don't that sound wrong) and she kept getting up, thus retaining her "Hardcore Queen" image. ...Mouse In The Trap Stip? WTF? ...ook. That was an interesting finish. Gotta admit, Landon sure is a willy one, as I probably couldn't come up with that for a finish. But seriously, who in the bloody hades thought this up, because that was just weird... All out weird. Good match, but weird. Rating: Good. And so, that's what I comment on. Yah, not that great, but for a guy hitting 24 hours of straight being up, I'll give you what I can give with my fuddled mind. *realizes I missed the MAIN EVENT, and start cursing myself for my sleepy mishap; I also finally realize that Dace is probably going "wtf is he doing here and WHY is he still in this thread"* Chris Matthews vs. Coy West. Good match, pretty decent psychology, but I don't understand why Coy would suddenly give up going for the leg, to do a move that has no possible chance of actually working. That doesn't make sense unless Coy is a rookie, or that Coy has little to no skill in the mat based style of wrestling. I thought the match was alright, but really average at best. Don't get me wrong, it is a good match, but Main Event it wasn't. Now I don't mean that as a slap to Matthews, I'm just saying, it lacked something to it. If I was more awake maybe I could figure out why I believe so. Rating: Average. As for why the hell I commented, I read it didn't I? I gotta have at least the common courtesy to comment on it.
  25. Lightning Flik

    2/20 SWF Storm HOLT Report

    Dummy, I know that. I'm just saying that the match played out that I feel Aecas didn't "gain" anything from facing Duran, but the match itself gain Aecas his wealth of "good heat". Get what I mean? It's 2:15am down here in Aussieland, gimme a break. And yeah, I get it. It's 8:42 am (as of now) so I won't give you a break. Since I certainly can't get a break in life, you don't either. Anyways, I wasn't too sure if you would since I'm going on like 24 hours of no sleep and that just didn't seem right for some reason.