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Everything posted by Angel_Grace_Blue

  1. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Because I'm horribly insane, time for SFBL PTI! Or something... Whee, Pardon the Interruption! The SFBL's got a few months to go, so rather than wait until later, we're going to talk about who we think's going to make the playoffs and our choices for the end of the year awards. Wilbon, who do you like in the East-West division? Well, Seattle's always a top contender, with the big bat of R.J. Frost. Plus, they've got a big lead over the Jokers, so I'll take them to win the West. The Central is up in the air, and I just hope the team that wins it has a .500 record. The East might be closer than you think. Boston and Philly are closing the gap, and with them tied up for the Wild Card, one of those two teams should make the playoffs. I agree with you about Seattle, they'll clinch the West, because, quite frankly, I don't see any other team making a surge, though Vegas could sneak up on the Wild Card. I see Baltimore taking the Central and preventing an expansion team from making the playoffs. In the East, I'll take Boston to go on a tear while New York will stumble, putting the Freedom in the wild card unless the Jokers can make something happen. Okay, now let's talk about the North-South. I think the only real lock here is Jacksonville to win the South again. As for the North, the second place team there will take the wild card, and if Memphis can hold on, they should have the central. Folks, you better have this show recorded on your TiVo, I'm agreeing with Wilbon! I will be a little more bold, though, and say that Columbus takes the North, leaving the Clerks with the wild card spot. And I'm going to be even more bold and say that the Fraisers once again win the SFBL championship! Okay, well, if you're taking Seattle, then I'm going with the Jackoffs. They've been to the postseason countless times, and Ghandi will get another ring. Now, on to the year ending awards. In the North-South, I think Robert Henderson gets another Big Stick award, and in the East-West, I'm going with Robert Gennari. Tony? Henderson's a good choice, but I think Neall Isaacson will edge him out towards the end of the year. In the East-West, Keith Mugan will put up some numbers and. As for the Rocket Wrist, I really like Peter Kostka in the East-West. He's out for a bit with an injury, but I think he'll come back strong. As for North-South, I like Claudio Galaviz. Kostka? He's good, but doesn't have numbers like mah boy, "Err'body in da Club Gettin" Tipsy Gesner! Gesner's an ace, and he'll continue being an ace for the rest of the season. In the North-South, I like Galaviz' teammate, Eugene Viljoen. Time to see what we messed up on. Stat Boy? Kostka has a lower ERA than "Err'body in da Club Gettin" Tipsy, he's just lacking in wins. Happy Time! Happy Trails, Giant Gonazles. The Charlotte Harlots released you after you refused minor league assignments. Thoughts on the big man, Wilbon? Eh, he was a mediocre pitcher. Had a few good seasons, but probably twice as many bad ones, not to mention a boat-load of injuries. Way past his prime, though, should have retired a few years ago. I doubt any team will pick him up. Nobody's that desperate.
  2. Angel_Grace_Blue

    The truth about "Friday Night Lights"

    I could be horribly wrong about this, but I've heard (And this goes along with the active recruiting thing) that the parents of star players would be given jobs with oil companies around Odessa, and like a few months after the kid's senior year, the parent would be layed off (To make room for another recruit). And stuff. Boo-urns to Odessa.
  3. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Total Days Holding an SWF Title

    Not to mention it's his SAT score! Go Teebler, go Teebler, go Teebler.
  4. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Uh, huzzah for Gonzales ending his career as a free agent. Say, Evo, think there's any possibility for him to enter the Hall?
  5. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smarkdown Predictions

    MAIN EVENT CAPTAIN FALL TAG MATCH Revolution Zero (Toxxic © and "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins) and "The Icon" Max King v. Andrea Montgomery © and Hollywood Boulevard (Mike Van Siclen and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez) USJL TITLE MATCH David Cross© v. Danny Dagda CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Ryan Dustin © v. Austin Sly SINGLES MATCH Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix v. Stryke HARDCORE TITLE MATCH Sean Davis © v. Christian Fury USJL TITLE #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH Uncle Filthy v. Evan Wolfe NEW GUY MATCH "Blind" Ryan Klein v. Carnage
  6. Angel_Grace_Blue

    The Second Coming of Life of Brian

    I was flipping through the local entertainment supplemental in the paper and I noticed that the Life of Brian is being re-shown in theaters, starting today here in Auburn. I plan on going, and I'm curious as to who else is/if it's being re-shown where you live? From the way the tiny reviews in the tiny ad state it, it sounds like it's in other cities, but who knows with the way they do things, as the local theater here isn't showing Shaun of the Dead... BORT.
  7. Angel_Grace_Blue


    Only if we can call you "Grease Monkey".
  8. Angel_Grace_Blue


    Interesting. The lack of wacky tags is a change, not sure if it's a good one, though. I agree with Toxx about a captial letter for each new line. And this is just me nitpicking, but the sign and the name of the hospital in the 'article' don't match up! OHMYGODZY!!!!
  9. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    I'd ask to see if Gonales can go back to Seattle, the first team he was with, but I notice they've got playoff hopes, so I don't want to drag them down, nor would I imagine they'd take Gonzo anyway. Since you told me he's been released, er, I guess you can see which teams have interest in getting him, but if possible no minor-league stuff...or something.
  10. Angel_Grace_Blue

    How important is your city?

    It was stated (However this could be horribly wrong) in the book Microserfs that you could determine how important your city was 'circa 1950s' based solely upon area code. Simply add up the numbers (A zero counts as ten) to see how you stack up. The basis for this is that NYC has the lowest area code (212), and that was easiest to dial on a rotary phone. LA with 213 follows, so we know that those cities are important, but what of others? I've gone from 915 (El Paso, TX), a 15, to 601 (Petal, MS), a 17, to now 334 (Auburn, AL), a 10. I guess I'm doing well.
  11. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Not necessarily, as evidenced by Giant Gonzales still playing despite sucking. Badly. Yay for two wins!
  12. Angel_Grace_Blue

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 10-4-04!

    But Raynor might job you for doing that. Or maybe he won't. BORT
  13. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smarkdown Predictions

    MAIN EVENT CAPTAIN FALL TAG MATCH Revolution Zero (Toxxic © and "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins) and "The Icon" Max King v. Andrea Montgomery © and Hollywood Boulevard (Mike Van Siclen and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez) Zombie John Steinbeck. USJL TITLE MATCH David Cross© v. Danny Dagda IL smells, so Cross CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Ryan Dustin © v. Austin Sly Sly, because he's writing to spite everyone. SPITE! SINGLES MATCH Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix v. Stryke Erm...Strykage. For no real reason... HARDCORE TITLE MATCH Sean Davis © v. Christian Fury Well, I predict hurricane Raoul will hit Jackie's house, so Fury. USJL TITLE #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH Uncle Filthy v. Evan Wolfe Bort...Wolfe, or not...who knows? NEW GUY MATCH "Blind" Ryan Klein v. Carnage I'm not sure...
  14. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Total Days Holding an SWF Title

    Hmm, I knew that Annie wrote as Beezel, but I didn't know that the person under the mask was Annie. Or something. Bort.
  15. Angel_Grace_Blue

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 10-4-04!

    Awesome, no word limits... Oh, and...OHMYGODZY! I AMZ CAPTAIN? WHERE TENILLE? LOL!!!11!!
  16. Angel_Grace_Blue


    Blarg, that's my fault, as I mis-read the amount as 25000. Still doesn't explain why I couldn't max everything out (Or maybe it does, but I wouldn't know...) I might go back with a new character to gain more than one style. And I'll also know to save my money on chains and the like, as I bought crappy pieces early on. Side note: Blaze/Meth wears an ice pick? I thought it was a heroin needle or something...without a plunger...bort.
  17. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Go Ben! Gave up the first homerun to the first Hall of Famer! Darn Harlots! *blames it all on Onita* Lost twice as many games as Gonzo. Get it together! I don't care that Gonzo pitches fifth and Onita pitches third and thus has gotten more starts, or the fact that 'Beanball' is winless...
  18. Angel_Grace_Blue


    I've gone through the game, but haven't managed to max out every stat or learn a new style and there are no more locations for me to go to. Granted, this character is only lacking in upper and lower strength, but still, I'd like to have more styles. And there's also the part about not having everyone (Jacob, Jervis, Starks and a few others) no unlocked, but I can always do that manually. Or just wait and see if something opens up...
  19. Angel_Grace_Blue


    Maybe it's just me, but would anyone else appreciate subtitles for when Sean Paul and Elephant Man speak? I might catch a word out of the whole thing. I swear, I'm more likely to understand Masa than those guys. I mean, Solo's got the Jamacian thing going, but I can tell what he says. Damn my white-ness! But, good game.
  20. Angel_Grace_Blue

    The Day before Lockdown

    Now that is dedication, folks. Two different pens, one blue, one black, not to mention the effort it must take to make sure certain words are italicized or bolded. Were I to have a diary, I wouldn't put that much effort into it. Then again, I'm not as insane as Carnage. Or am I? Zed, what do you think? Who's crazier? GOdrizzle or Carnazzle?
  21. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Countdown to Genesis and HOLT Report

    King, isn't that what he does in all aspects of life?
  22. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Uh...take that, Jacksonville!! Go Vancouver, I guess. Yay for a N-S champ...
  23. Angel_Grace_Blue

    Give me your phone number

    Who the fuck is Nelson you stupid whore? Neilsen, damn it!!
  24. Angel_Grace_Blue

    SWF Lockdown Card September 29

    Sure, why not. Hence my use of "or whatever" as I didn't bother to check thoroughly. Silly head.
  25. Angel_Grace_Blue

    SWF Lockdown Card September 29

    Most likely not, Fury. As the arena list on the community board states that two Compaq Centers exist, same as two American Airlines arenas or whatever. Silly head.