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Everything posted by hhh6294

  1. hhh6294

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy 20th J funk~! one more year until you can legally do the things you've been doing for years.
  2. Plain Villa Title... that's the way I like it damnit. SWF Intercontinental-Television Title #1 Contenders Match Mike Van Siclen v. Dace Night Streetfight for the SWF United States Title "Coyote" Coy West © v. Alan Clark MXC HCG # 1 Contenders Match Edward James v. Aecas v. Syndicate Guest Commentators: Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship Guest Ring Announcer: Captain Tenneal Tornado Match for the SWF Tag Team Titles Wild & Dangerous © v. The House of Todd Tag Team Match Toxxic & Jimmy "The Demon" Liston v. "The Superior One" Tom Flesher & "A Partner Of His Choosing" guess away... and possibly win nothing exept the slight adoration of your fellow SWFers for cheating in some odd way.
  3. hhh6294

    SWF Smarkdown Predictions~!

    SWF Intercontinental-Television Title #1 Contenders Match Mike Van Siclen v. Dace Night ~ Dace~! Streetfight for the SWF United States Title "Coyote" Coy West © v. Alan Clark ~ Coy~! MXC HCG # 1 Contenders Match Edward James v. Aecas v. Syndicate Guest Commentators: Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship Guest Ring Announcer: Captain Tenneal ~ Aec~! Tornado Match for the SWF Tag Team Titles Wild & Dangerous © v. The House of Todd ~ W & D~! Tag Team Match Toxxic & Jimmy "The Demon" Liston v. "The Superior One" Tom Flesher & "A Partner Of His Choosing" ~ Mystery Partners are cool. Tom and the ??? dude 'fo sho~! OMG~! WTF~! PWN~!
  4. hhh6294

    Drink dew? Wanna help a couple SWFers?

    pfft... sleeping is for quitters.
  5. hhh6294

    Drink dew? Wanna help a couple SWFers?

    sure you can Annie... you can drink about 10 bottles a day. That'll get ya around 600 bottles in 2 months
  6. probably the upcoming feud with UnderFaker, and the fact that he probably wouldn't see the belt for another 8 months were the main factors. ...that and he's a whiny bitch.
  7. hhh6294

    WrestleMania XX WMOTN?

    Brock/Goldberg So much hype into that match for such a shitty match. 'twas a combination of the lack of effort by both compeditors to actually put on a decent match, and the fact that the fans were either yelling "BORING" or "THIS MATCH SUCKS" inbetween the "YOU SOLD OUT" and the goodbye chants. Lack of croud enthusiasm... lack of wrestler enthusiasm = DUD TO END ALL DUDS only high point of that match was both of the stunners and JR/Lawler trying their damndest to push the match to the home croud. That was classic. ...oh and the Evening Gown match was a CLOSE second. The half ass shot at the end kinda pushed it over the hump of complete and utter shit to garbage. (not by much though)
  8. hhh6294

    Drink dew? Wanna help a couple SWFers?

    keep the codes and get my own junk... or help someone out who's too cheap and/or lazy to get it themselves... ...nah. I'll keep 'em thanks. ...'sides... I only drink a dew per month. If that.
  9. hhh6294

    Does anyone follow the NCAA?

    meh... just the presence of you is awe enspiring enough PDS teh pipe is in... be prepared to conted with me for LAST PLACE~! OMGZWTF~!
  10. hhh6294

    The time has come again...

    Okay guys... Changed to Rotisserie style scoring... hopefull that'll attract more people to join. I would like to have at the very least 10 teams to draft by March 24th.
  11. hhh6294


    ADD my good thuggumz.. ADD. 'twas me, Snow Demon, Big Danny for the most part, with X coming into the picture at the end (dunno if he was ever a part of the stable or not) Mark: GoldenEye was the founder of the Monstars, my first (and not the last) failure of an idea. Somehow I got the idea from the movie Space Jam, and tried to bring in my freind (who was supposed to be Assassin) and my brother (who was supposed to be Falcon) but they pussied out of it and thankfully the stable died off as quietly as it began, giving way to the ADD and on days. *sigh*
  12. hhh6294


    Edwin is 100% right Jake's first appearance on IGNJL TV was the card in which Thugg captured his IGNJL World Title. (Was a match -VS- The Unknown Warrior - Freind of Payne who was a dick and I challenged. Goldy was taken out before the match started, and Jake made his debuit in his place. My first match in the fed was early November (I think) and it was a 4 way match... Axis (who had just joined as well ) vs me, vs Joe Bruiser (No-showed, never heard from again) and Daemon (also no-showed, and never heard from again.) and I got my ass stomped into the floor, because I didn't know jack shit about matchwriting, and Cru got a lesson from Sacred on the whole deal. sigh... the memories...
  13. hhh6294

    From the Fire predictions!

    MAIN EVENT TWO STRAIGHT FALLS MATCH, WORLD TITLE Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs Va'aiga ~ I think Graps will come out with the biggest "W" of his career to date. Dace Night vs ??? ~???~! PWN 4 ???'s~! GRUDGE MATCH STREET FIGHT HVille Thugg vs Alan Clark ~Thuggumz. no stopping no-selling angry wreck-yo-shit men. HARDCORE TITLE 200 LIGHT TUBES MATCH Aecas vs Toxxic ~Aec CAGE MATCH John Duran vs Janus ~*Bows eternally to Janus* STAIRWAY TO HELL MATCH Ann "Ichiban" Onita vs Jamie "Jay Dawg" Drazon ~Teh HARDCOOOR QUEEN~! USJL TITLE MATCH Sacred vs "Coyote" Coy West ~Coy 4 Shoy. TAG TEAM TITLES Wild and Dangerous vs The House of Todd WILD~! DANGEROUS~! ICTV TITLE MATCH Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs Insane Luchador ~gawd... IL as ICTV champ... *shudders*
  14. hhh6294


    hm... 1st generation SWFer... rock 4 mee. \m/ >_< \m/ That looks to be apretty accurate representation of the Generations Z. Rock 4 j00 2~!
  15. hhh6294

    The time has come again...

    Oh come on guys... where's the damn fed pride? we've only got 4 ppl signed up... and there could be much more. SIGN UP DAMNIT. Would you all rather it be like last year, Rotisserie style than H2H? because I can change it back.
  16. hhh6294


    *Swipes Ced's pills and sells them on the black market* Mwahahahaha...
  17. hhh6294

    The New Chat Thread

    DO AS YOU SAY BIRD BITCH. Chat is still empty. Cry.
  18. hhh6294

    Lockdown Comments

    Thugg, King, Mark, and all the rest of the kliq just get paid in sacks of peanuts anyways.
  19. hhh6294

    Lockdown Comments

    hmph... Toxxic, I no-shoed that match, but it was a good match anyways. On a slightly related topic... I'll be on hiatus for a month or two until my situation with work cools down some. earning money = teh bitch (but has to be done) >_<
  20. hhh6294

    The New Chat Thread

    chat is empty. Cry.
  21. hhh6294

    SWF Lockdown Card February 25

    hm... just noticed this... is it 5 Pacific, or 7 Eastern... because you're missing a Time Zone in there. 5 Pacific is 8 Eastern, and 7 Eastern is 4 Pacific. So Thoth... which one is it?
  22. hhh6294

    The time has come again...

    It's pretty arbitrary for me... but I'm thinking of somewhere between March 21-24, so that we have a good idea of what the season will shape up to be, and we still have time to fuck around with the rosters before the actual Season starts.
  23. hhh6294

    The time has come again...

    Yes, It'll be offline as in chat. That's fine if you can't make the draft... you can simply send me or someone a list of 50 or so players you'd like in the draft order, and I'll go from that list. or you could have Z dror someone draft for you.
  24. hhh6294

    SWF Lockdown Card February 25

    Crap... I was kinda hopin for the show off... but meh... I guess I can skip work on Tuesday to write. since it is a contendership match and all...
  25. hhh6294

    Reminisce with me...

    that's about the jist of it, Stryke. That show would have been ten times better if more than 3 people showed up for it, myself included.