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Everything posted by hhh6294

  1. hhh6294

    Lockdown Comments

    I felt in the deepest places of my heart that ELK and THE needed some more exposure, so there you go. Shoulda had Drake/MVS explode via some odd ocurrance, but I needed to get to bed so meh. I promise you this... the next one will be more creative in both the brutality and the combatants involved
  2. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2006

    Either of those dates works just fine for me. I can get both of 'em off, so no probs here.
  3. hhh6294

    Hey! You! The guy who wants to mark!

    I'm still very able and willing to mark up to 3 matches per show as needed. Work has lightened up considerably, giving me more time for family and hobbies, so use me liberally as a marker when needed. ~h
  4. hhh6294


    Muzz, you know raynor... He's too lazy to actually edit the markers in.
  5. hhh6294


    If anyone it would be Matthew Kivell.
  6. hhh6294

    PROMO: "We Quit"

    wild guess, but uh... Janus?
  7. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2006

    It really doesn't matter to me when the draft is, I just need to know it at least 2 weeks in advance so I can make the schedule with me having that day off from work. Is it going to be in chat or somewhere else?
  8. hhh6294


    I would shit bricks of Angel showed up and actually won the World Title. Seriously. that would be the highlight of the fucking year.
  9. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2006

    You know I've gotta be in... I gotta make up for the lackluster performance last year... >_< I'm also wondering when/where the draft will be
  10. hhh6294

    SWF Storm 7-14-2006

    Yo... you should fix your times Chirs... there are only 4 time zones in the states, so there shouldn't be 4 hrs difference between the two coasts... so it would be either 6pm Pacific, 9 PM Eastern, or 7pm Pacific, 10pm eastern. there's only two time zones between the coasts, not 3. just a helpful hint.
  11. hhh6294

    SWF Smarkdown Card 7-10-2006

    dude... screw the serious gimmicks. Just go for the fucking gold and make everyone happy. Calvinball. Book it.
  12. hhh6294

    SWF Smarkdown Card 7-10-2006

    mmm... sloppy seconds... yummy.
  13. hhh6294

    Global Combat fun!

    Ah... the memories. He was totally gay for sly BTW. We shoudl play GC some more so we can get another tooling in. you know... liven this place up a bit.
  14. hhh6294


    Congrats to you and Syd pete! watch out for them random flying pipes~! EDIT: It's kinda funny that it takes you two pregnancies to do what my wife and I did in one! BOOYAH! just kidding. Congrats still.
  15. hhh6294

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    pfft... Trepanier would have given Nigel a good run for his money if he wasn't a year short of being created.
  16. hhh6294


    God damnit furby get the fuck back here so we can argue about baseball some more.
  17. hhh6294

    Best twist/swerve in a video game?

    GTA:SA ~ actually I didn't see that one coming... it sort of pissed me off too. Getting Ryder didn't irk me too much since he was an asshole and I wanted to kill him from the moment he said a word, but Big Smoke was a pretty cool guy IMO and really didn't deserve to die. Also what surprised me was that Torino survived through the game. I figured he would have gotten on CJ's bad side somehow and he would have gotten a shell implanted into his brain.
  18. hhh6294

    Merry Christmas!

    Holy crap it's Sarah! We should play GC some time for old time's sake. maybe get sly in there if he stops cheating n' all.
  19. hhh6294

    Smarkdown Discussion

    whoa... NBK... that's a blast from the past (pre-Smarks move).
  20. hhh6294

    Christmas PPV Thread

    Not to contradict the greatness that is Zed, but the offifical name of our first Christmas PPV was called Corporate Christmas. Wreck the Halls was just a fun holiday show which inclided people from both the IGNWF and IGNJL that Spike (Old Spike, not new one, IDMT13 was his board name) put on, which by the way did feature the first ever Mall Brawl I believe, but other than that had little to no participation in it. (It did have a rather amusing match between Mr G and Exploding Chicken on it though) I don't think we ever used Season's Beatings... sounds too serious for the SWF... especially back in the days. I think we used Corporate Christmas until Jayson took off, then we started naming the Christmas PPV's, like No Sells Christmas, etc. I may be wrong on the Corporate Christmas timeline, but I do believe we have never used Season's Beatings.
  21. hhh6294

    New Guy

    hm... Payne... interesting dude. He had an odd way of writing matches, I'll give him that... He got way too wrapped up in RP feds though. ...and I think he bitched out someone big (maybe Crusen or someone else) causing his eviction from the IGNJL if I remember correctly. Fun times... anyways, welcome new dude... don't drop the soap...
  22. hhh6294

    The New Chat Thread

    *Kicks everyone that's not in chat in the balls* get in here you ingrates. I know you all have no lives... quit trying to deny it.
  23. hhh6294

    Not a very good impression on newer users . . .

    pfft... quit lying Maddix.
  24. hhh6294

    MLB- MVP, Cy Young, RotY

    AL MVP: I'd take Ortiz over A-Rod any day. AL Cy Young: Tough to say... Halladay going down threw a big wrench into the system. I pray Santana wins it though. AL Rookie: Tadahito Iguchi NL MVP: Derrek Lee NL Cy-Young: Carpenter NL Rookie: Willy Taveras
  25. hhh6294


    It's that time again... Fantasy Football is up on Yahoo. Anyone have plans on making a league for me to dominate again? if not I can come up with one.