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Everything posted by hhh6294

  1. hhh6294

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Cobin's now a backup on Denver's Major lineup? What... did someone get injured or are they just taking pity on him?
  2. hhh6294


    All in all, it's a pretty enjoyable game, save for a few select things. 1. I had a Streetfighter-Martial Arts-Submissions CAW that had the Tombstone Piledriver as a hard grapple. Cool huh? No. The move does absolutely NOTHING at all. No damage, no spirit boost, NOTHING. It's rather annoying that I have one completely useless move in my 4 move repertoire. 2. Kickboxing hybrids are virtually unbeatable. I have a small guy that has Martial Arts-Streetfighter-Kickboxing as his moves, and I have amassed a 185-3 record against Opponents (Hard AI's and Humans) His combo move is just impossible to break out of when your health is down below 60%, and it just devastates you to the point where I had my mild mannered freind (who is a very accomplished fighter in his own right) actually throwing his controller across the room in disgust after his 20th straight loss to my fighter. 3. My freind has a Wrestling-Kickboxing-Streetfighting fighter (who is just as unbeatable with the Kickboxing-strong grapples as I am with the Kick-Street combo) but what's dumb is that he only has ONE submission (back grapple) to use, basically nullifying the 3rd style completely. He is still pretty tough to beat though, but with my fighter's better speed (due to the fact that my guy is 5'7 178 lbs, compared to my freind's 6'7 250) I always beat him to the punch (no pun intended). 4. The height-weight restriction in this game is idiotic. If you want to make a big man, he should be at least 6'9, 300lbs... not the moronic 6'7 250 restriction the game puts on your CAW's. 5. For such an awesome array of purchaseable items, the selectable facial characteristics are rather lacking. This is only a minor detail though that I can live with. Granted, that might look like a prime list for me to sell this game back to EB, but overall I absolutely love this game and will be keeping it for years to come. It would be better though with Online play, but meh... that's what DJ3 is for.
  3. hhh6294


    if you sent it before 4:51 pacific, then no he did not get it. It's simple reasoning, Birdman.
  4. hhh6294

    OAO Genesis Word Count Thread

    you make the fed cry, Sly.
  5. hhh6294

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    *heart melts* awwww..... ...oh yeah... fuck you frisco.
  6. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2K5

    I get 'cast and his team of unproven awesomeness. rawk.
  7. hhh6294

    Smarkdown Comments!

    Yay! Johnny sucessfully defends his world title! Nice matches by all who showed. I can't write tags to save my life. arg. Sorry Manson.
  8. hhh6294

    SWF Storm Card - September 3rd!

    This is the highest I've been up on a WF card so far. Time to impress. rock.
  9. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2K5

    I look forward to topping both leagues, since it's proven that y'all won't stand a chance against the PIPE~!!!!
  10. hhh6294

    Storm Booking Thread

    I don't care who I face, but if I could request that it not be a tag match please. I just can't seem to write them very well at all. Outside of Tags, I'm pretty much open to anything. EDIT~ Actually... if it's cool with everyone that matters, I can take on Duran. I'd like the challenge of seeing if I come even close to matching up with him.
  11. hhh6294

    Who has a fantasy football team?

    Here's two teams that just got done drafting this past week. I think they're both potential winners, but any feedback would be appreciated. Starters for both teams are in bold. Both leagues have 15 player max for teams, normal scoring. 10 Man League -- 4th overall pick QB~ D. Culpepper, T. Brady WR~ C. Johnson, S. Moss, P. Warrick, Q. Morgan RB~ C. Portis, S. Jackson, TJ Duckett TE~ B. Williams, B. Franks K~ M. Stover, J. Hanson DEF~ New England, Tennessee Waivers ~ K. McCardell for Q. Morgan (Sept 2nd) 8 Man League -- 1st overall pick QB~ B. Favre, T. Brady WR~ T. Holt, S. Moss, A. Boldin, K. Johnson (DAL) RB~ P. Holmes, S. Jackson, TJ Duckett, C. Martin TE~ T. Gonzalez, J. Kleinsasser K~ J. Elam DEF~ New England, St. Louis Yeah, as you can see I've got hard ons for certain players, but meh... if they produce I'll be a happy man.
  12. hhh6294

    Lockdown Comments~

    lmao... Toxxic layin' down the LAW~!
  13. hhh6294

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    damn... try saying that 5 times fast. *steals the last piece and gobbles it down* mmm... old cake... Happy Bleated b-day Zeddumz.
  14. hhh6294

    The New Chat Thread

  15. hhh6294

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy B-day Duran-man!
  16. hhh6294

    2 SWF Questions

    Historically, anyone who won a bigger title usually gave up the smaller one. (THugg gave up the ICTV once he won world, as did Charlie) The only time I really remember anyone holding more than one title for a while was way back in JL history when Xstacy held all three JL titles at one time, and defended them all. That was frowned upon though, so historically anyone who has won a 'larger' title when holding a 'smaller' one gave up the smaller one. as for refs, the only clear ones (that everyone uses) I know of are Earl Hebner, Mathew Kivell, and Sexton Hardcastle. A lot of people just use a nameless referee in their matches though.
  17. hhh6294

    Storm Comments

    Let me be the first to give Johnny a huge congratulations on finally winning the big one! Premo match my man!
  18. hhh6294

    Wait, what the hell?

    You don't mean us, do you? No Tod... I mean the SWF: Revolution site.
  19. hhh6294

    The New Chat Thread

    look who's talking bird bitch. ...chat plzumz.
  20. hhh6294

    Wait, what the hell?

    It'll never catch on. It's based off of EWR for christ sakes. On another note... should we consider advertising on that site, just to see if it will bring in new members to the fold? Out stint on the last e-fedding advertising site (I can't remmeber the name) went pretty well... so should we try to advertise again, or do we have enough members right now?
  21. hhh6294

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    So Evo... is there any chance of Corbin getting signed to a team this season? Hell... I'd settle for him being in the minors at this point.
  22. hhh6294

    Heads up!

    I'd go down there and buy you both a round, but I'm too much of a cheap bastard to make an evening out of it.
  23. hhh6294

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Goddamnit... now Corbin doesn't even have a team. fkn hell.
  24. Show's still going up, but I gotta get something off my chest. Frisco... I guess you missed the part where I said Sasha doesn't get involved in the match at all.
  25. hhh6294

    The New Chat Thread

    Chat. Now.